would you desert your own faction to create a new one?

XSoultakerx - Raging Tide
XSoultakerx - Raging Tide Posts: 10 Arc User
edited June 2011 in General Discussion
Hello peeps ,
I started playing PWI in august 2010, in september 201 i got asked to join a faction.
I am with the same faction over a year now, never have left the faction ever since.

Whats happening in the faction i am with , there are some ' loyal ' people thinking about creating a new faction.

So basically what i want to ask is :

1. Have you ever considered creating your own faction?
2. Do you consider that as treason?

There is a poll aswell

Towards faction leaders, please comment on this topic :)
Post edited by XSoultakerx - Raging Tide on


  • truekossy
    truekossy Posts: 7,021 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    There's no poll. You lied to us!

    And if I'd wanted to seriously leave my faction and make a new one, I'd have already done so.
  • XSoultakerx - Raging Tide
    XSoultakerx - Raging Tide Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    something went wrong when i send the poll
  • Renza - Raging Tide
    Renza - Raging Tide Posts: 1,939 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    If you and the "loyal" members have been in that guild for a year or so, what's the reason to creating a new faction? is it because you want a new leader? do you just want a new guild name? does a bulk of you just simply want to split up from that faction for what ever reason to create the new faction simply with the bunch that want's to leave?

    Would need to know why you want to leave basically for me to get an insight to call it "Treason".
    "Kantorek: we hope to see the economy in PWI come back "down to earth" if you will."
    *One week later*
    "Frankieraye: Lucky Corals and Platinum Charms are going to be in the Boutique indefinitely."
    *few months later, PWI puts rank8/9 into the CS insanely cheap, raising gold 1mill+*
  • DaKillanator - Raging Tide
    DaKillanator - Raging Tide Posts: 2,965 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    I'm with Renza, we need some more details.

    There has to be some reason that not just one, but multiple people want to leave this fac.

    If the fac leader isn't offering you what you desire, then leave. Loyalty to a faction means something if it's own leader isn't the same.
  • XSoultakerx - Raging Tide
    XSoultakerx - Raging Tide Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Quite frankly i will stick with the faction,
    the reason why i dont want to leave the faction is I feel I am indebted for the fun the faction provided. they basically unnoobed me, b:chuckle
    What i consider treason is = when someone leaves a faction, starting a new one and pulling original members out of the faction in to the new one .
    your thoughts perhaps?

    BTW the reason why the person want to leave is according to her and I Quote : I want to have a faction of my own , although I like the faction I am in.
  • krittycat
    krittycat Posts: 4,187 Community Moderator
    edited June 2011
    Quite frankly i will stick with the faction,
    the reason why i dont want to leave the faction is I feel I am indebted for the fun the faction provided. they basically unnoobed me, b:chuckle
    What i consider treason is = when someone leaves a faction, starting a new one and pulling original members out of the faction in to the new one .
    your thoughts perhaps?

    BTW the reason why the person want to leave is according to her and I Quote : I want to have a faction of my own , although I like the faction I am in.

    So either one of two things here. The person wanting to create their own faction is doing so because: A) He/she is slightly power hungry, or B) He/she feels like, while they like the faction, they feel like they need to move on and experience the game in new ways, ie. leading a faction.
  • XSoultakerx - Raging Tide
    XSoultakerx - Raging Tide Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    basically she asked me IF she created a new faction , would i come with her aswell, i replied no, but we did talked about it.
    She wanted to feel how it is to recruit new people and starting a new faction.
    I wouldn't say power hungry , maybe curious?
    I never answered her directly on her question , do you consider this as treason?
    because quite frankly i really dont know.
  • XDracona - Heavens Tear
    XDracona - Heavens Tear Posts: 229 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    I'm not the "leading" type. b:surrender
  • Tremblewith - Heavens Tear
    Tremblewith - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,558 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    When I ran Mortal on HT for over a year, I often saw people do things like this. People would leave sometimes even in groups, saying they plan to create a faction. Within' the day, they have a level one faction. They start recruiting on world chat. Then, about a week later, they are factionless.

    Bottom line: People aren't always smart. Some people actually believe with no work, they will obtain a level three faction w/ 200 active players. I knew someone who left my faction once, made a level three faction, and within' five hours was handing the faction over to a guildy of mine. He then proceeded to beg me to allow him back in. Sadly, I don't allow people that do stupid stuff to join my faction. :P

    That was a year ago, and I'm currently not running any faction.
  • LovesTragedy - Lost City
    LovesTragedy - Lost City Posts: 474 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    First off, I wouldnt call it "treason" given its a game and not real life lol.

    But besides from that, there are many different reasons that I would agree with. If its just someone being power hungry, then thats a stupid reason imo.

    But I'll use my experience as an example. Last year I was in a decently strong TW faction for a while. I loved it, and it was great experiencing TW and PvP, and having people my own level to play with (before that, I was almost always one of the highest levels in my factions, and not by just a little either). But as much as I loved it, and was loyal to it, I left to become director of a smaller, non-pvp faction. Not for power, but because my friend needed help, and I wanted to contribute to help lower levels with quests and bosses. It was a totally differently built faction.

    And take right now for me. Ever since that faction fell apart, I've wanted to run a faction like that again, to help people. But as of yet, I dont feel like I can really lead as well as I'd like. So I have it set to the side until I feel I'm ready. Until then, my Seeker is in a TW faction, and I love it, and I love the people. But if I ever get tired of TW, or want to help people again, I have the option.

    Although, regardless of what guild is above my head, I am fiercely loyal to RedHawk. They arent really playing this game anymore, hence why my seeker is not there, but my cleric will NEVER leave that guild, and since we all still share teamspeak and play other games, I still consider myself a member, no matter what. Should our leader come back to PWI, I will drop every other guild I have to support him. So I guess thats another side of the coin.
    CptMaggots 101 sage R8/NV Seeker
    LovesTragedy 100 demon R8 Cleric

    ~Finally quit this god forsaken game~
    Enjoy the rest of the downward spiral. See you in SWtOR b:bye
  • spholof
    spholof Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    just do what makes you happy.....b:bye
  • Sybarine - Sanctuary
    Sybarine - Sanctuary Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    I wouldn't see it as treason really. But in your friend's case, if it's really just curiosity, they could create a faction on an alt and build it from scratch there. Or start it as a kind of alt faction and get people's alts into it. Or just leave but not take other members with them... If they like their current faction, pulling members from it to start their own is a bit of a kick in the pants and just not done, imo. If you like the faction, don't damage it. Building one from scratch would be more challenging than having the same core of people under a different name.

    I've been in a faction where this happened and stayed where others left to join the new one. Unless there's a good reason for it, it just makes makes me think less of the person who does it because it's like taking the easy way out instead of taking time to establish your own and grow it, damaging the original faction in the process.