Change the 5APS way.
Shulky - Heavens Tear wrote: »If I recall right, PW China attempted to change this and half their player base / cash shoppers rage quit. Which I would suspect MANY would here too. APS costs a boat load of money to get. And then to have it taken away with no money refund would be outrageously stupid. PWI would have so many people quit, they'd go broke. All Sins, most BMs, maybe some archers and heck even barbs are getting into APS.
Dont forget venos and clerics b:bye0 -
Sarrafeline - Sanctuary wrote: »A 'soft cap' is the intentional limitation, IE, where the devs set the cap. And by devs, I mean the US Devs. This is simply a value in the code that can be easily changed through a file edit.
A 'hard cap' would be a limitation that cannot be changed without extensive modification to the game code, IE, the game actually breaks (server crashes or client crashes) if you modify the files to adjust the soft cap past the hard cap.
Example would be, if the hard cap is 10 aps, and a dev set the value to 20 aps, and someone got gear allowing 15 aps, then went out and quadruple demon sparked and got to 15 APS, the server/client would go 'wtfpwned' and crash.
would be epic to say something like: "i fap SO fast i brought the servers down to its knees!" >;D[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero~0 -
Lu$t - Sanctuary wrote: »would be epic to say something like: "i fap SO fast i brought the servers down to its knees!" >;D
I'm sure all of sanc. knows that you cant control yourself watching your toons rear end bounce around on screen lust, so it would be no surprise coming from you :P0 -
If you can't beat em, join em b:surrender0
Ill just say this GET THE F**K OVER IT GMs cant change stuff cause they want people to be happy if your unhappy go to a dang p server if you hate it there UNINSTALL PWI the pserver and throw your pc/laptop out the window and play chess.This is what I do when I play PWI >>>>[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
Gaara_Cleric - Lost City wrote: »Ill just say this GET THE F**K OVER IT GMs cant change stuff cause they want people to be happy if your unhappy go to a dang p server if you hate it there UNINSTALL PWI the pserver and throw your pc/laptop out the window and play chess.
Hai Gaara b:pleased[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
CptMaggots 101 sage R8/NV Seeker
LovesTragedy 100 demon R8 Cleric
~Finally quit this god forsaken game~
Enjoy the rest of the downward spiral. See you in SWtOR b:bye0 -
Gaara_Cleric - Lost City wrote: »Ill just say this GET THE F**K OVER IT GMs cant change stuff cause they want people to be happy if your unhappy go to a dang p server if you hate it there UNINSTALL PWI the pserver and throw your pc/laptop out the window and play chess.LovesTragedy - Lost City wrote: »Hai Gaara b:pleased
Hi gaara, hi Rain b:pleasedAhira is a spyb:cryb:cryb:cry0 -
Shulky - Heavens Tear wrote: »even barbs are getting into APS.
Don't remind me. It's rather disheartening to have so many brush off traditional ax barbs as useless. No one even gives advice on that live of thinking anymore. "Claw barb FTW." Drives me nuts.
A true DD I will never be, I know that. But when I'm holding aggro from a sin 11 lv's above me, after he demon sparks, don't you tell me I'm useless. And while my damage isn't epic, I work hard to ensure it's at least decent."Impatience walks with disaster." My own phrase.
"Let the winds of winter come. I fear not famine, nor blizzard, nor an army of predators. For I am wolf. My power is matched by the many that stand beside me. Come what may. I have faced it before, and it has yet to touch me." *The Alpha's Warning*0 -
There will be massive QQ if they change 5 aps
There will be massive QQ if they don't change 5 aps
You know its true b:laugh0 -
some people must think its so damn cheap to get 5aps..ITS NOT! if it was then yeah it would be a prob..but most of the damn QQr's are the jealous ones who can even make a slither of plz do us a favor you scummy low aps cry babies..UNINSTAL IF U HAVE A PROBLEM.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
LiVe ThE NigHTmaRe0 -
KAZMOENEEK - Heavens Tear wrote: »some people must think its so damn cheap to get 5aps..ITS NOT! if it was then yeah it would be a prob..but most of the damn QQr's are the jealous ones who can even make a slither of plz do us a favor you scummy low aps cry babies..UNINSTAL IF U HAVE A PROBLEM.
If you are using something flawed and imbalancing in a system that effectively makes other classes nearly obsolete unless they conform to this specific build, you should at least acknowledge it is an issue.
What if they nerf it and you complain, would you appreciate a response like the one you have given?0 -
KAZMOENEEK - Heavens Tear wrote: »some people must think its so damn cheap to get 5aps..ITS NOT! if it was then yeah it would be a prob..but most of the damn QQr's are the jealous ones who can even make a slither of plz do us a favor you scummy low aps cry babies..UNINSTAL IF U HAVE A PROBLEM.
With the exception of assassins. 5.0 Is ridiculously cheap nowadays. Especially on archers/assassins (with claws).
TM 69 cape - Less than 8m on the HT server, people doing the runs for 800k per run.
Rank 4 - 3-4m
Deicide - 40m
TT99 Boots and wrists - Together about ~35m
TT99 Belt and neck - Together about ~35m
70m + 40m + 4m = 104m for 5.0 on an archer/assassin and 4.0 on a BM/Barb. Add in about 120m for nirv pants (Which once you have 4.0 is incredibly easy to farm by just running nirvana 3-4 times a day, and with 4.0 you can get in to "fast" squads easily). And you've got a 5.0 BM.
The only 5.0 char that's expensive is a 5.0 dagger assassin. The weapon alone would cost close to what it costs to get 5.0 on a BM, including the nirvana pants.
And yeah, anyone that even tries to justify assassins not being OP, is either botarded or sincerely has convinced him or herself they aren't. I play a 5.0 sin and if I can roflstomp any full +12 R9 arcane through a double spark out of stealth with my n00b G13 daggers, then yeah. I believe they're OP[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Still trying to move your cursor, eh?0 -
KAZMOENEEK - Heavens Tear wrote: »some people must think its so damn cheap to get 5aps..ITS NOT! if it was then yeah it would be a prob..but most of the damn QQr's are the jealous ones who can even make a slither of plz do us a favor you scummy low aps cry babies..UNINSTAL IF U HAVE A PROBLEM.Recent Achievements
Level 90 Sin LFG
Level an Assassin to 90.
Apr.23,2011 @ 2:37 pm
im just saying...[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Oh? endless you actually made a thread that got past page 2???[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]I know what your thinking.0
I, for one, welcome our twitcher overlords0
If APS is capped at 2.5, all I'd do to my gear is get r9 belt and cube neck.
Even then, if I wear my first cast vanas, I can be 2.5 demon chilled.[SIGPIC]Octavia is best pony[/SIGPIC]
Vicious's Brony. Brohoof! - Assassin PvE/PvP Videos!0 -
KAZMOENEEK - Heavens Tear wrote: »some people must think its so damn cheap to get 5aps..ITS NOT! if it was then yeah it would be a prob..but most of the damn QQr's are the jealous ones who can even make a slither of plz do us a favor you scummy low aps cry babies..UNINSTAL IF U HAVE A PROBLEM.
The red colored side made me laugh hard b:laugh0 -
BTW...non-APS classes : " QQ i can't run nirvana QQ it's even hard to find TT!! QQQQQQQQQQQQ"
APS classes : " QQ TW guildes don't accept me cause i suck in open PvP QQ i can't join Delta runs QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ (only sins)---> QQ if i go out of stealth i get ganked-1 shotted by whoever"
Seen? Let's join the lines !!!!!
QQ moar!0 -
Krarenka - Raging Tide wrote: »BTW...non-APS classes : " QQ i can't run nirvana QQ it's even hard to find TT!! QQQQQQQQQQQQ"
APS classes : " QQ TW guildes don't accept me cause i suck in open PvP QQ i can't join Delta runs QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ (only sins)---> QQ if i go out of stealth i get ganked-1 shotted by whoever"
Seen? Let's join the lines !!!!!
QQ moar!
this. lol. i do my share of QQing about not being able to get into delta. but hey. i knew thats what i was getting into. b:laugh[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]I don't understand whats so hard for you to understand that i cant understand why you don't understand me.0 -
_blood_rain - Sanctuary wrote: »If you are using something flawed and imbalancing in a system that effectively makes other classes nearly obsolete unless they conform to this specific build, you should at least acknowledge it is an issue.
What if they nerf it and you complain, would you appreciate a response like the one you have given?[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Reductio ad absurdum?
Nah, "QQ" is the pillar of argumentation.
Scientist: "Bla bla bla and therefore I have disproven the existence of God"
Logic master: "if ur so upset bout god y no u kill self n quit life? QQmoar"0 -
PWI put themselves in a position where the players decide what the developers can do. Its sad that this really good game got reduced to three letters, APS.
PWI developers should have had the ...... to make the nerf early, now it is definitely too late. PWI is now the ultimate feel good game. Want to feel good? Make a sin, get some -intv gear and have fun. Skill has been abolished in favor of a broken mechanic.
The only two things more broken than 5.0 aps are the cash shop (now slightly nerfed) and rubberbanding.
To be honest you guys who are still playing need to give up complaining about 5.0 aps and about the OPness of sins skills. That ship has long sailed.0 -
Ruxal - Harshlands wrote: »PWI put themselves in a position where the players decide what the developers can do. Its sad that this really good game got reduced to three letters, APS.
PWI developers should have had the ...... to make the nerf early, now it is definitely too late. PWI is now the ultimate feel good game. Want to feel good? Make a sin, get some -intv gear and have fun. Skill has been abolished in favor of a broken mechanic.
The only two things more broken than 5.0 aps are the cash shop (now slightly nerfed) and rubberbanding.
To be honest you guys who are still playing need to give up complaining about 5.0 aps and about the OPness of sins skills. That ship has long sailed.
That was very well said.
Although if they ever did nurf aps the day after would be priceless.
I can imagine all the millions of sins becoming flabbergasted as they stealth up to another class and realize they can't auto win.
Sin 1: "Hey man, I think, I think I just died!"
Sin 2: "How'd that happen!?"
Sin 1: "No idea bro!"
Sin 2: "Did you forget to equip your daggers again?"
Sin 1: "Ya man there equipped!, What's happing dude!?"
Sin 2: "I don't know man! I'm way confused here."
Sin 1: "Am I being punk'd?"YuiYuiYuiYuiYuiYuiYuiYuiYuiYui0 -
I made a sin the day they went live on the servers. By the time I hit lvl 70 I was comfortably beating 9x wizards/venoes/clerics as well as 8x barbs and bms and this was without a bit of -intv gear. I couldn't believe it and thought at first it was funny until I realized just how OP they had made sins. So I quit playing it and went to work on another bm and also a wiard.
In other games there are countermeasures to stealth e.g. classes have a skill to reveal stealthed players (not pots that you have to make) and stealth has drawbacks e.g. huge mana drain, reduced speed etc etc. In PWI stealth has almost no drawbacks, wait.... it has no drawbacks at all. In fact stealth actually has benefits e.g. chi gain and teleport stuns etc.
But so what? Does any of this matter? No! Why? because half the server if not more discovered the brokeness of sins and embraced them with absolute relish. Having invested heavily into sins now PWI rest atop its stealthed monster. They can't nerf them now or their game would fall apart. Rage quit ftw.
In any event though do you guys honestly think capping aps @ 2.5 would stop sins from pwning? lol, I don't think so.0 -
The only thing capping APS would do is **** over BMs...Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
Qui: b:dirty0 -
Quilue - Sanctuary wrote: »The only thing capping APS would do is **** over BMs...
This lol, Sins can still lol one shot people from stealthGifs are hard to make work here0
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