Assassin Genie Skills

Mike_Hawke - Lost City
Mike_Hawke - Lost City Posts: 4 Arc User
edited June 2011 in Assassin
So I'm trying to get a jumpstart on my new assassin's genie. I'm trying to figure out which skills will be best for an all around/pvp genie. I'm thinking at least Extreme Poison, to maximize damage; Holy Path, for the quick getaway or run down; then I'm pretty much lost.

Please post your ideas of good genie skills for assassin and what attribute they are based on (i.e. str., dex., vit.)

Some maybes are as follows:

Thunderstorm: To make up for lack of elemental assassin attacks for HA.
Impact: damage and lowers defense.
Wind Shield: Increase attack speed.
Tangling Mire: debuffs.
Second Wind: good heal for low vit characters.
Post edited by Mike_Hawke - Lost City on


  • Mike_Hawke - Lost City
    Mike_Hawke - Lost City Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Bump... b:sad
  • Shardyn - Harshlands
    Shardyn - Harshlands Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Extreme Poison - Perfect for the theme of 'lots of damage in a small time frame' that Assassins have.

    Holy Path - Personal choice, I find it useful in many situations. Chasing someone down, or just trying to get to an npc faster.

    Frenzy - Dangerous, but if used right can be devastating for whatever (whoever) you are attacking.

    Tree of Protection - Speaks for its self.

    Hope this helped.
  • Piliener - Lost City
    Piliener - Lost City Posts: 589 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Again this is preferance

    I hardly use Extreme Poison so I was thinking of trying Wind Prision

    Same with Holy Path since sin's are already fast maybe I'll try Relentless Courage

    Frenzy I don't feel safe using that close lol

    Tree will most likely stay til I'm not a pot machine

    I haven't quite figured out what I want the other one or two skills to be. I'm hoping that the tideborn get their genie skills soon so I don't have to :)
    Spoons you will forever be missed in this community
  • ArkToNE - Harshlands
    ArkToNE - Harshlands Posts: 73 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Zeal (For Energy recovery rate, extra spells, and a natural pulling skill)

    Metal 5, Water 5, Earth 1, Wood 1

    Earthflame at genie level 1 - Used to pull monsters individually, useful if without a veno.

    Leaf Dance at genie level 60 - +2% Crit Rate for 60 seconds (20 second cooldown)

    Weakness at genie level 76 - Level 7: A weakening curse that reduces the target's attack speed by 100% for 5 seconds.

    Second Wind at genie level 55 - Recover 800 HP instantly. Less attributes required than Tree of Protection, less stamina needed, and slightly less energy consumed.

    Impact at genie level 15~30 - Level 1: more damage, little energy cost, little stamina cost, good cooldown.
  • Lusca - Sanctuary
    Lusca - Sanctuary Posts: 754 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    personally i'm just building a genie with thunderstorm so give me a chance of beating BMs lol will prob make an all purpose one another time
  • Rahnyw - Sanctuary
    Rahnyw - Sanctuary Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    The ones I have on the list so far are:
    Extreme poison (20% of already ridiculous dmg can't be a bad thing)
    Second Wind (Pretty effective when in a bind)
    Relentless Courage (Uses same stat mod as SW to increase the attack speed)
    Leaf dance (Extra crit rate makes for a nice combo with Wolf Emblem)

    I'm still debating on Holy Path when Wind Push already gives a nice boost.
    Earthquake(?) is a possibility for knockback (thought this might be a nice combo with knife throw when needing a quick out).
  • HollowMartyr - Raging Tide
    HollowMartyr - Raging Tide Posts: 69 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Everyone keeps saying Extreme Poison but...

    Subsea Strike Level 1
    Range 4.5 Meters
    Mana 165.2
    Channel 0.3 seconds
    Cast 1.3 seconds
    Cooldown 30.0 seconds
    Weapon Daggers

    Requisite Cultivation Transcendent
    Instantly strikes all nearby targets.
    Deals base physical damage plus -
    to all targets within 8 meters.
    Increases all damage taken by the target by -% for 8 seconds.
    This skill works with the Heaven's Flame skill.
    This skill will cancel the Extreme Poison skill.

    May not be a huge disadvantage but any skill that cancels another is bothersome XD
  • Lusca - Sanctuary
    Lusca - Sanctuary Posts: 754 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    yeah but that uses 2 sparks i believe
  • Athena - Raging Tide
    Athena - Raging Tide Posts: 98 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Relentless courage may not be a good idea. Assassins are actually more for spike damage with skills like wizards, not dps. And the channel times for skills on sins are pretty much irrelevant, so relentless courage wont really help much either way.
    Unless you're just lazy and like to use auto attacks. b:chuckle
  • Outlaw_Arch - Heavens Tear
    Outlaw_Arch - Heavens Tear Posts: 406 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    i think tingling mire is a big no no. it's an awesome skill so use at your own risk, but i find using an AOE for a character that is squishy to be too risky. in places like swap or wraiths this could be a death sentence. personally i would go with wind shield, leaf dance (woot 2 % increase in critratexD) and thunderstorm (an extra attack never hurt anyone, and from my experience, this skill is pretty good:P)

    extrme poison is good but personally i don't like the fact that it lasts only one second:/ and i would reather put points to my genit's str for my leaf dance and thunder storm.
  • MeiLin - Harshlands
    MeiLin - Harshlands Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I have 2nd wind and am planning on leaf dance. This will be my first character not getting holypath, since i dont envision a need for more movement skills
  • _Garra_ - Harshlands
    _Garra_ - Harshlands Posts: 389 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    personally i have played around with my genie for a freaken long time and i have not seen any skills that are really that important other then

    -Absolute Domain

    -Occult Ice

    If you re stat ur genie into a full strength genie you could fine Tangling Mire extremely helpful. Extreme Poison is nice but not very effective unless ur a magic class >.> if you want a good amp for assassin use the Sub Sea Strike.

    This is my opinion im just mentioning that Absolute Domain and Occult Ice are best for pvp and depending on how many skills ur Genie can use the rest is up to you.

    ps - with 5 aps wind push is nice to give u a base 4 aps instead if the 3.33 base ull initially have
  • Sarrafeline - Sanctuary
    Sarrafeline - Sanctuary Posts: 4,661 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Relentless courage may not be a good idea. Assassins are actually more for spike damage with skills like wizards, not dps. And the channel times for skills on sins are pretty much irrelevant, so relentless courage wont really help much either way.
    Unless you're just lazy and like to use auto attacks. b:chuckle

    Relentless Courage gets my Sin up to 2.0 APS, regardless of if I'm using Hook or other TT80 daggers. Wind Shield only gets me up to 1.87 APS, and for shorter duration, requiring me to us it more frequently to get any kind of usefulness out of it.

    Unless you're a god and can 2 or 3 shot the bosses/mobs/players you come across every single time, and APS isn't a concern for you... But, I'd love to see you 2 shot shocktrooper.
    101 Sage Sin*/Archer
    100 Demon BM*/Barb
    96 Demon Cleric/Sage Seeker
    95 Demon Wiz/
    94 Sage Veno
    85 Psy/80 Mystic
    And a handful of other alts, all 79 and under.
    *Pre RB level
  • Sakubatou - Sanctuary
    Sakubatou - Sanctuary Posts: 4,001 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    I started writing this post then realized the initial post date was a year and a half ago. Since its already been necrod by two other people, and writing my own post was a good way to organize my thoughts I decided to finish my post. GM, please close.
    Relentless courage may not be a good idea. Assassins are actually more for spike damage with skills like wizards, not dps. And the channel times for skills on sins are pretty much irrelevant, so relentless courage wont really help much either way.
    Unless you're just lazy and like to use auto attacks. b:chuckle

    Lol, what? Sins are 'The' aps class, especially with their huge base damage each aps level increases their dps more than any other class.

    So, Zeal Genie. As a sin your specialty is 1v1 and pulling will help you get there. Theres a bunch of options, actually, but try to pair up dex skills and str skills.

    Second Wind - Great for low level and very useful for saving your butt while you finish a kill but a smaller heal than ToP.
    Tree of Protection - A larger heal than Second Wind and a heal over time but takes 2 seconds to start healing and as a squishier class that two seconds could be life and death.

    I recommend SW until level 80 then replace with ToP when you have a bigger hp pool.

    Impact- The weakest physical debuff, but cheap to use, lasts 10 seconds, and cooldown is only 20 seconds so you can keep them debuffed half the time. Will only notice about a 7% dmg increase.
    Tangling Mire- Stronger physical debuff. Aoe (can be both a good thing or a bad thing if you pull mobs you don't want). Lasts 10 seconds, cd is 30 so can keep something debuffed 30% of the time. 35% phys debuff + 1% every 5 genie strength. Typically you'll notice about a 20% increase in dmg. Only effective for phys dmg squadmates.
    Extreme Posion- Not a debuff, but an amp of dmg by 20%. Causes the same effect as Subsea and they'll overwrite each other.

    Players choice here. Having EP means you don't have to take 2 seconds and 2 sparks to Subsea. Having TM means you can stack it with your Subsea. Most players have TM so EP is a nice variation and will boost the magic dealers DD too, but on a nice strength genie TM has the greater dmg boost for yourself.

    Speed Boosts:
    Wind Shield - Attack speed increase is only 10% (usually 1 speed level icnrease) and cannot be boosted past 10%, but it uses less energy and has a 1 sec cooldown so is spammable as long as you have genie energy.
    Relentless Courage - More expensive energy cost but lower stamina cost. Attack speed boost can be raised using strength. Has a 30 second cooldown so its not spammable.

    People who are willing to burn genie stamina go for Wind Shield, primarily to bump 3.33->4.0 or 4.0->5.0. Below that neither skill is incredibly worth it.

    Other skills are:
    Holy Path-Increases yourself to 11.0 m/s. Very useful for keeping yourself ahead of the squad as often they'll be waiting for you to stealth to a guard. Also nice for zipping past mobs while stealthed soloing.
    Occult Ice - Cast a freeze bubble on people. Basically a 6 second stun. Mostly used for pk but can be a life saver in pvp against sac strike mobs.
    Absolute Domain - 4 seconds of invincibility.Great for pvp and pve. I like to use it when I pop into a group of mobs, kill the guardian and need to pop shadow escape. 3.5 seconds of no paint healswhile I channel and cast means I could die so I pop AD for it.
    Earthquake - Since dagger throw is your best interupt skill and somewhat slow and unreliable having an interupt skill on your genie is nice.
    Badge of Courage - A chance to breaks a stun (based on genie's dex). Very useful for pvp since as LA and typically with 5 vit base or less your survival is based on paint heals and killing them before they even have a chance to kill you and being stunned typically means its all over.
    Seven 100+ characters leveled the hard way. Free to play. Mystic, Psychic, and Wizard left to level. b:victory
  • SinfuINature - Harshlands
    SinfuINature - Harshlands Posts: 533 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    personally i have played around with my genie for a freaken long time and i have not seen any skills that are really that important other then

    -Absolute Domain

    -Occult Ice

    If you re stat ur genie into a full strength genie you could fine Tangling Mire extremely helpful. Extreme Poison is nice but not very effective unless ur a magic class >.> if you want a good amp for assassin use the Sub Sea Strike.

    This is my opinion im just mentioning that Absolute Domain and Occult Ice are best for pvp and depending on how many skills ur Genie can use the rest is up to you.

    ps - with 5 aps wind push is nice to give u a base 4 aps instead if the 3.33 base ull initially have

    ^^this... i also have gone over and over and over what skills are best for pvp and can still pve... ok so here is it...

    stat build...
    5 dex...
    max vit and mag out (untill they start counting as 2 pts for 1 genie pt...)
    then put all the others into str....

    having more vit will allow you to stack occult ice or a 2nd wind with a tangle mire or use 2 holy paths back to back... the magic will help withthe recharge... and strg will add more punch to all your skills you will have on your genie...

    Second Wind... with the extra str you will heal your self for about 1800 hp instantly if need be... i only use this in o &$& cases... mostly its crab meat...
    Tangled Mire... i use this skil more than any on my genie... with the str in your genie you will take close to 65% (with 60 genie pts into str) of a mob or players physical def... this will eat a barb,bm and seeker up... works well on fc bosses... i hit 2x harder with it...
    Holly Path.... some times you need to get away or just go fast...
    Absolute Domain... good for squad support if the tank dies for a sec on a fc pull or if you get jumped and stunned...
    Occult Ice... nice pvp skill if killing a charmed player for extra stun lock... you really done need this as a sin but its nice to have...
  • StrangeGirl - Raging Tide
    StrangeGirl - Raging Tide Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    On my genie I have

    Occult Ice
    Extreme poison
    Tangling Mire
    Holy Path
    Wind sheild
    Absolute Domain
    Second Wind

    Plan on switching second wind for frenzy once I hit 100 :D
  • Typhyse - Sanctuary
    Typhyse - Sanctuary Posts: 3,469 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Only Saku has seen the necro...lawl
    Demon_Troll: "takes on the appearance of an innocent archer but turns into a mindless idiot once you hear him speak"
  • truekossy
    truekossy Posts: 7,021 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Only Saku has seen the necro...lawl

    Pretty sure at least a few others saw but didn't feel like pointing it out.
  • Krarenka - Raging Tide
    Krarenka - Raging Tide Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Relentless courage may not be a good idea. Assassins are actually more for spike damage with skills like wizards, not dps. And the channel times for skills on sins are pretty much irrelevant, so relentless courage wont really help much either way.
    Unless you're just lazy and like to use auto attacks. b:chuckle

  • truekossy
    truekossy Posts: 7,021 Arc User
    edited June 2011

    There was a point in time long ago before the APS craze went into full swing and assassins had just came out when the class was considered a DPH/skill spam class. Especially thanks to skills like chill.