Gear checkup and questions

Khiren - Lost City
Khiren - Lost City Posts: 61 Arc User
edited June 2011 in Mystic
Hello there fellow mystics. b:thanks
I've been playing my mystic on Lost City for a while on and off (actually, playing PW on and off), and I've managed to get her to 61. Now I'm taking a break to grind out some spirit and coins and evaluate my gear and where I need to be going in the future with it.

I don't have my game open at the moment, but here's a rough calc of what I think my gear looks like at the moment. Calc
I may be missing a few addons and whatnot or get a number or so off, but the hp is roughly right, as is the pdef (self buffed; for some reason the calc has verdant shell's max level available at 74, which is wrong o.O).

Now, my thoughts have been to work on my pdef. I have a decent amount of hp for my level I think (2.1k for those who didn't check calc), as well as a protection necklace with pdef and vit adds if I know I'm going to be fighting physical classes. As of now I haven't really had any issues with any classes except for sins, which is a little obvious, and potentially seekers, as I haven't really fought any seriously yet besides to test skill damage on friends. But my real issue with sins is surviving the initial jump-from-stealth assault. If they don't have the stealth advantage I can definitely take them at my level.

My question is how to plan for the future PvP and PvE wise. I have decent funds from my other chars on LC (how I got the wraithgate cape), farm mats, etc., so higher priced gear is an option I can consider if I'll get a decent amount of use from it.

Would you guys recommend I get a TT/HH70 magicsword (most likely Grief's Breath unless I change my mind on the weapon chain I'd use) or Sakyamuni's Light at 70? I have even considered getting both, green for PvE and mold for physical opponents. Also, armor-wise, what should I be looking for soon, and should I be focusing on citrine or garnet shards for now? A mix? What sort of ratio?

As for my current gear, I plan on keeping (if not interchangeably) the -chan neck, cape, and top (until higher rank gear and I get said rank) until a better option at a decent price is available (aka no lunar glade cape for quite a while). In short, I'm looking to have a pdef gear set and a -chan set.

And in conclusion, any PvP tips for the two classes I mentioned? b:cute I'm getting Domain on my genie once I have the affinities (so far my original genie is 52/60 LP, 45 mag/vit, all other points free, and I'm quite pleased), so that could counter the initial sin attack, but I don't know much at all about seeker PvP to know how to fight them off.

Thanks for the help and input~~b:cute
Post edited by Khiren - Lost City on


  • VoItaire - Harshlands
    VoItaire - Harshlands Posts: 1,033 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    If you're going to want to have a chance of surviving against the sin's initial jump out of stealth attack without a genie you're going to have to use Salvation, simple as that. With seekers... Not too sure idk the class all that well, but maybe keep them at a distance so they can't get in attacks as often as they could at close range.

    Also something very important to note about these two classes, when they use a skill to teleport onto you, do NOT use the knockback right then because they'll be on the exact spot your char is at and won't have a direction to be knocked back into therefore the knockback will be wasted, just run a little. Also expel is also a really good skill against sins if you get stunned and seekers if they use vortex since you can still move to run out of the vortex because vortex hurts and it deals dmg every 1.5 secs so it should be avoid whenever possible.
  • Khiren - Lost City
    Khiren - Lost City Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Thanks for the tip involving teleport/knockback, I didn't know that. b:cute I'll keep that in mind.

    As for expel, the description confuses me. Would I use it on the sin or myself? (asking because target switching between myself and the sin/other player when fighting is a b*tch) Or would my PvP protections force it onto me? In what cases would you prefer expel over absolute domain?

    Now, onto my gear thoughts.
    I've been grinding foxwings for coin, and have amassed small fortunes every day or so (which I then spend on skills, molds I plan on using, etc). I have a Sakyamuni's Light I plan on refining a small bit. Should I get the TT70 magicsword as well? I'm unsure of what my future weapon plans will be. And, in your all's humble opinions, would the TT70 pants or the 70 mold pants be better for me? I've considered the TT because of the souledge, but again, I'm not sure of my future plans due to funding.
  • Mysticae - Raging Tide
    Mysticae - Raging Tide Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Definitely get Grief's Breath - at the moment I'm hitting up to 17k with it with absorb soul, and that's without any added magic attack charms b:chuckle
  • VoItaire - Harshlands
    VoItaire - Harshlands Posts: 1,033 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Thanks for the tip involving teleport/knockback, I didn't know that. b:cute I'll keep that in mind.

    As for expel, the description confuses me. Would I use it on the sin or myself? (asking because target switching between myself and the sin/other player when fighting is a b*tch) Or would my PvP protections force it onto me? In what cases would you prefer expel over absolute domain?

    Now, onto my gear thoughts.
    I've been grinding foxwings for coin, and have amassed small fortunes every day or so (which I then spend on skills, molds I plan on using, etc). I have a Sakyamuni's Light I plan on refining a small bit. Should I get the TT70 magicsword as well? I'm unsure of what my future weapon plans will be. And, in your all's humble opinions, would the TT70 pants or the 70 mold pants be better for me? I've considered the TT because of the souledge, but again, I'm not sure of my future plans due to funding.

    Use it on yourself. Expel counts as a friendly buff and while some people may expel their target rather than themself, in open PvP you would have to have your buff filters off, and that can be dangerous for a healing class. Also, since it is a friendly target buff, it can't be used on an opponent in a duel anyway. 70 mold pants are better, DO NOT get TT70 and then go to TT80 for a number of reasons. TT80 green is ****, costs too much for the little that you get, and with FC, 8x goes by pretty fast. lol I saw on WC yesterday on my server someone said "Who even still buys gear for 8x anyway?" One of my friends even pmed me saying she agrees with her :P I got through my 8x just fine with 59 mold boots, 70 mold pants, 77 mold sleeves, and 77 mold chest. Those will all last you to 90 where you can resell them and get the money back later, after you've gotten your 90 gear.

    @Mysticae Sakyamuni's Light hits more than Grief's breath because it gets better refines. And are you vit build? I remember hitting 20K absorb soul at 6x with an arbor :o ofc there's not much improvement from TT60 to 70 but jw. Or maybe no jones?

    Edit:Whoops forgot attack lvls don't effect absorb soul.
  • Daedallus - Sanctuary
    Daedallus - Sanctuary Posts: 554 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    At lvl 68, using rank gear with garnets, TT 60 weapon (+2) and a Jones Blessing I hit Absorb Soul for 15-16k ( on non earth mobs )

    Just for comparative info :)
  • Khiren - Lost City
    Khiren - Lost City Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Here's a rough estimate of what I hope to be using at 70:
    Self buffed again, managed to push over 2k pdef by refining the belt (I'd keep a pdef neck as well, but the -chan would be kept on unless I knew I were facing a physical opponent that I needed more pdef for). I sadly couldn't really find any wrists for that level more useful than the TT70s, but I already have some sea captain wrists ready for me at 77. Seven levels can't be too bad to have the TTs on. b:shockedb:shutup

    VoItaire-- Alright. (: I had assumed I'd be using it on myself and do have buff filters on, so I was just a bit worried I'd need to turn them off if I were expected to expel my target rather than myself. For now I'll keep my genie up to level with me (more high numbers of LP would be divine) and learn expel or AD when I can.

    For you all who PvP a lot, at these levels do you find it more useful to keep your summons out or leech them? Which summons do you prefer out, which leeched? And, if I want to buff myself with salvation during a fight, do I have to select myself or would PvP buff filters make her automatically buff me even if I have the opponent targeted?
  • lizrau
    lizrau Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Untill Sins start using the anti stun skill before popping out of stealth, I like to have Devil on defend with stun hilighted ^.^ It'll stun them...even if they stun you first. But if it's a smart sin..yeah probably best to have sally out and keep yourself buffed.

    Sig credits to Myra :D
  • VoItaire - Harshlands
    VoItaire - Harshlands Posts: 1,033 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    That's fine if it's a duel, but in open pvp defend mode doesn't work, so if you have it on defend with the stun highlighted, it will use up the skill and mana, but it won't actually attack the opponent, so best to have pets in manual mode when pvping so your stun doesn't get wasted into cooldown. At 6x I used mostly chiyhu, then leaned more towards storm, but now I use salvation against fish, chiyhu against clerics, wizards, and archers, and storm for bms, barbs, and seekers. Not too sure on what to use against other mystics since I almost never see them pvping much less fight them, but I'd probably go with chiyhu to cancel a thicket if I see it coming. Leeching storm is a good way to start off a fight against a bm, leeching sally is good for psys, and if I'm against a sin and I need another shield but I don't have time to click myself or sally's out of mana because of the mana shield, which I find to be pretty useful as it has saved me a few times, I leech her. Btw if you have both of sally's shields on you, the mana one absorbs some of the dmg that the first one takes, making it last a little longer as well as providing some protection after it's gone. Don't really see a need to leech against any of the other classes unless you need a spike of dmg.