What is this cancelling cast thing?

Jellytoast - Sanctuary
Jellytoast - Sanctuary Posts: 1,295 Arc User
edited June 2011 in General Discussion
I'm reading around on the forums and seeing people whine about cancelling casting. what exactly is everyone talking about?
jellytoast - Demon Cleric
Wizzypop - Demon Wizard

"We cannot solve our problems with the same
thinking we used when we created them." -Albert Einstein
Post edited by Jellytoast - Sanctuary on


  • Dakuken - Dreamweaver
    Dakuken - Dreamweaver Posts: 196 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    The abliity to start a skill then cancel it to gain the buff it gives but without consuming sparks.
  • RADD_RATT - Harshlands
    RADD_RATT - Harshlands Posts: 349 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    you must have stopped reading early on. CC is when you cancel the chanelling of a skill but still get its proc. it only worked for some skills example. powerdash for sins. hitting the skill then removing your weapon before it went off would give you the increased crit rate that the skill is intened to give you yet not take the 2 sparks that is required from the skill or cause the skill to start a cool down.
  • Jellytoast - Sanctuary
    Jellytoast - Sanctuary Posts: 1,295 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    The abliity to start a skill then cancel it to gain the buff it gives but without consuming sparks.

    Ah, so it was a glitch then. I was about to worry if no one could cancel skills ever. >.<

    Also, clerics don't have anything like that I don't think, so I had no idea about it.
    jellytoast - Demon Cleric
    Wizzypop - Demon Wizard

    "We cannot solve our problems with the same
    thinking we used when we created them." -Albert Einstein
  • Pyrostormz - Raging Tide
    Pyrostormz - Raging Tide Posts: 956 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    The abliity to start a skill then cancel it to gain the buff it gives but without consuming sparks.

    maybe i am crazy, but that sounds like a pretty bad glitch
    i can see it can make bm's angry that they can no longer do it, but i find it hard to criticize a reduction in the glitches in this game, even if their focus is in the wrong place
  • brent40
    brent40 Posts: 49
    edited June 2011
    maybe i am crazy, but that sounds like a pretty bad glitch
    i can see it can make bm's angry that they can no longer do it, but i find it hard to criticize a reduction in the glitches in this game, even if their focus is in the wrong place

    Its a glitch that has been around for YEARS and on various versions of PW. Most old school BMs built their PvP skills based on the CC ability of certain skills, to even be a viable PvP class.

    Cyclone heel wasn't game breaking to use CC on, it granted a small speed increase to auto attack, the full skill version gave some lame AoE.

    DBB, added a fire damage, the full version of the skill cost 2 sparks, and did some lame damage, nothing super special.

    Glacial gave you 100% crit proc rate for a very short duration, cost you 2 sparks to use the full version, which did an AoE with a armor damage. Most BMs hardley even use the full version in PvP.

    Some of the most skilled PvP BMs were able to do all three in one stunlock session on hard-to-kill classes like other BMs, and Barbs, but for most part not many could even pull off the first CC.
  • Pyrostormz - Raging Tide
    Pyrostormz - Raging Tide Posts: 956 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    hmm... i know some other sort of glitch with sins involving powerdash and some other skills comboed together was also nerfed, dont quite get it, but saw it on the sin forums

    they really need to put their focus on more important things then these 0.o
  • Sakubatou - Sanctuary
    Sakubatou - Sanctuary Posts: 4,001 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Ah, so it was a glitch then. I was about to worry if no one could cancel skills ever. >.<

    Also, clerics don't have anything like that I don't think, so I had no idea about it.

    Wasn't really a glitch. It was in the programming for a reason. Skills like demon Wield Thunder proc and then hit, that way when the hit lands the mob is debuffed. Demon Sunder gives you 100% crit for 5 seconds. It procs before Sunder hits so that Sunder is always 100% crit. Skills like Drakes Breath Bash proced during channeling so that when the attack landed it had fire damage added to it. Glacial Spike used to proc 50% of the time so when it landed 1/2 the time you'd get a crit Glacial Spike. Powerdash used to proc before it landed so when the attack landed it has a 25-40% higher chance of critting.

    They left almost every class alone but removed it changed the programing so that BM skills no longer proc before the attack but after, essentially breaking the game. The real glitch is that our skills no longer proc until after the attack. Clerics do, Barbs do, just not BM's Sins, Seekers...

    And yes, clerics can CC their self buffs. I used to carry lvl 1 fists for building chi in duels. I found out you could channel a self buff, switch to fists and you'd get the buff. No point really except saving 1/2 of a second off your channeling time. CCing skills still used mana, but because they never attacked they never used chi.

    In my opinion they added new glitches by changing when a proc occurs on only a few skills. Nothing was broken before because things worked exactly as they were designed to, just people learned how to use that to improve their gameplay.
    Seven 100+ characters leveled the hard way. Free to play. Mystic, Psychic, and Wizard left to level. b:victory
  • RADD_RATT - Harshlands
    RADD_RATT - Harshlands Posts: 349 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    cmon now saku, its obvious these skills werent intended to be used this way. i think the real problem here is the classes simply arnt balanced and the exploit of glitching (yes i called it that i did it too with powerdash and i called it glitching then too). Sins do not need to CC, i did it becasue i could but im fine with out it. BMs and Seekers on the other hand do need it to survive and taking it away is farther unbalancing the game imo
  • Jellytoast - Sanctuary
    Jellytoast - Sanctuary Posts: 1,295 Arc User
    edited June 2011

    Okay, that actually makes more sense then. So it wasn't really that bad then I guess, just too many people taking advantage of it for their liking. Seems kind of crappy now for the people who weren't even using their skills like that.
    jellytoast - Demon Cleric
    Wizzypop - Demon Wizard

    "We cannot solve our problems with the same
    thinking we used when we created them." -Albert Einstein
  • BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur
    BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur Posts: 1,842 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    go go go - nerf everyone but wizzies!!!
    "And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."
  • RADD_RATT - Harshlands
    RADD_RATT - Harshlands Posts: 349 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Okay, that actually makes more sense then. So it wasn't really that bad then I guess, just too many people taking advantage of it for their liking. Seems kind of crappy now for the people who weren't even using their skills like that.

    lol i dont think youre graping this properly. it actually doesnt effect the people that "who werent useing thier skills that way" at all
  • Futurelord - Dreamweaver
    Futurelord - Dreamweaver Posts: 450 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    I believe the one i hated most was the sage BIDS from wizards, what was it a 40% increase to crit? Never liked them using it to boost their normal hits.

    Whats this about demon wield thunder? Never seen the target get debuffed before the wield thunder hit.
    b:scorn...We are one, We are many, We are watching you...b:scorn
  • Snoozer - Lost City
    Snoozer - Lost City Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Tested this a ton when I first got Demon Wield Thunder...in the past, the debuff has never applied to the Wield itself :( You can test it a number of ways:

    Cyclone, check damage.
    Wield, Cyclone, compare damage to previous Cyclone.


    Wield, then Wield again (it cools down just in time). 2nd wield always does more damage. Interestingly, there seems to be another glitch here where the 2nd Wield also cancels the debuff :(
  • Asterelle - Sanctuary_1381265973
    Asterelle - Sanctuary_1381265973 Posts: 7,881 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    I just went through the rather limited archer debuffs.
    Thundershock does not benefit from its own debuff (although I thought it used to).
    Sharptooth still applies its damage after the hp debuff is applied.

    Interestingly, there seems to be another glitch here where the 2nd Wield also cancels the debuff :(
    Metal debuff doesn't refresh unfortunately.
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  • Zanryu - Dreamweaver
    Zanryu - Dreamweaver Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Tested this a ton when I first got Demon Wield Thunder...in the past, the debuff has never applied to the Wield itself :( You can test it a number of ways:

    Cyclone, check damage.
    Wield, Cyclone, compare damage to previous Cyclone.


    Wield, then Wield again (it cools down just in time). 2nd wield always does more damage. Interestingly, there seems to be another glitch here where the 2nd Wield also cancels the debuff :(

    It doesn't cancel, it just lands as the first debuff is fading. This happens when Blademasters/Sins cancel cast Demon GS/Powerdash while the crit buff is up, the crit buff from before doesn't get overwritten, instead it finishes its duration then goes away then you have to do it again.
  • Jellytoast - Sanctuary
    Jellytoast - Sanctuary Posts: 1,295 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    BM skills no longer proc before the attack but after
    lol i dont think youre graping this properly. it actually doesnt effect the people that "who werent useing thier skills that way" at all

    That's what I was referring to. If you don't get the bonus anymore for that attack like it was before, then yeah it does affect everyone. >.<
    jellytoast - Demon Cleric
    Wizzypop - Demon Wizard

    "We cannot solve our problems with the same
    thinking we used when we created them." -Albert Einstein
  • RADD_RATT - Harshlands
    RADD_RATT - Harshlands Posts: 349 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    That's what I was referring to. If you don't get the bonus anymore for that attack like it was before, then yeah it does affect everyone. >.<

    Ahh my bad. Doesnt seem like that much of a set back. But I've never played a BM. Sorry dudes, thats a real downer and im not being sarcastic. I'm still sad that I can't get a free tele from my seeker >.> I really needed that!
  • Asterelle - Sanctuary_1381265973
    Asterelle - Sanctuary_1381265973 Posts: 7,881 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    That's what I was referring to. If you don't get the bonus anymore for that attack like it was before, then yeah it does affect everyone. >.<

    What was happening was that people would use a skill and then cancel it by switching weapons. If you do it right you are able to get the buff of the skill without using any sparks and without putting the skill into cool down.

    This now appears to be fixed and to get the buff for the skill you have to fully cast the skill and put it into cool down. People who weren't abusing the bug won't notice any difference.

    edit: NM it seems like you were talking about something else.
    Refining Simulator - aster.ohmydays.net/pw/refiningsimulator.html (don't use IE)
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  • RADD_RATT - Harshlands
    RADD_RATT - Harshlands Posts: 349 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    What was happening was that people would use a skill and then cancel it by switching weapons. If you do it right you are able to get the buff of the skill without using any sparks and without putting the skill into cool down.

    This now appears to be fixed and to get the buff for the skill you have to fully cast the skill and put it into cool down. People who weren't abusing the bug won't notice any difference.

    edit: NM it seems like you were talking about something else.

    No there is a small difference. Most likely hard to notice but for example the skill Powerdash will have the same chance to crit as the the player has before the skill and it's not untill after its used does the crit rate become increased. Not a big deal with that skill but I can imagine for some other skills it might be a huge problem. I'm guessing sage BIDs won't have th added chance to crit either.
  • I_Love_Pets - Heavens Tear
    I_Love_Pets - Heavens Tear Posts: 246 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    You do realize that is because the skill was not done properly. Your skills are ment to CD for a reason. It is an unintentional bug in the coding itself. which makes very little difference to a "skilled" player. They can overcome that and generally have. They have no true need for it. It does make it easier granted. Yet its not a ment aspect to have. Where the skill to be CC'able based but not give the buff or debuff or have a CD etc. That would be logical sense. For that to be. Since if the skill itself was an obvious unintentional aspect to it. Then it will be fixed in time. That sort of thing always is. It does just take time though. So if you base your "skills" off a bug or unintended aspect. What about the players who don't and never care to. BM's I admit have great CC based skills. This doesn't mean its still inteded. I honestly to an extent bet the other classes will be next within reason.
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    also wish they would fix the dam prob with my "join date" its way off>_>