[Video]QQme vs Vicious TW



  • Spell_Caster - Raging Tide
    Spell_Caster - Raging Tide Posts: 2,216 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Yep yep, your conclusion is valid. There is no point in talking to me, I dont even know why you bothered in the first place.
    If someone hates you for no reason, then give that **** a reason!b:chuckle
  • Spell_Caster - Raging Tide
    Spell_Caster - Raging Tide Posts: 2,216 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    If someone hates you for no reason, then give that **** a reason!b:chuckle
  • Eterea - Raging Tide
    Eterea - Raging Tide Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Close this thread already, Nuff said :surrender
  • Ambition - Raging Tide
    Ambition - Raging Tide Posts: 1,152 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    so spellcaster by tht post ur trying to say that QQME is weaker then russians, levi, gs and wanted? Discuss.... Plus some 1 has to get rid of qqme >.<

    Wow, please stop posting. Every single time you post it's "omg Vicious epeen tastes so good in my throat" I'm not even in QQme and I find it annoying.
  • fuzzywuzz
    fuzzywuzz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    This thread is for sure an intersting read... b:victory

    It is something to note, to Fuzzy at least, that the vast majority posting are Vicious members who seem to be hurt that QQme has decided to no-show them. Those who posted are 100% right in that there is no honour in not showing up (and if the panda were not on holiday in the carribean he would have been there) but there is truth also to the argument that gloating pays no dividends either. All me see in this thread (aside from Spell's weak attemps to justify) is tha Vicious is hurt they can't brag about roflstomping QQme. Those posting seem not only to be sad they can't brag about a win, but are also sad they can't gloat about a roflstomp.

    Fuzzy is a VERY new member of QQme (spare the panda the **** about the past, after 2 years he wanted to be in a faction with the people who help him most) and can't presume to speak for them, but its surpising most people would assume SpellCaster's voice is that of the other 190 members.

    It appears to be very easy for most of you to flame QQme and deride them, and so be it. Perhaps QQme has earned that. However, you all seem to want to cast QQme in a bad light. That seems quite surprising. For all the talk about being the "better faction" this thread alone undermines that.
    [SIGPIC]Need to talk to Fuzzy?[/SIGPIC]
    Sig by NowItsAwn
  • Eriion - Raging Tide
    Eriion - Raging Tide Posts: 188 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Wow, please stop posting. Every single time you post it's "omg Vicious epeen tastes so good in my throat" I'm not even in QQme and I find it annoying.

    Nuuu.. don't be that mean ambi baby. I'll call ur mom. b:shutup

    u need o be cutie as ever b:cute
  • VivaKills - Raging Tide
    VivaKills - Raging Tide Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    FuzzyWuzz wrote: »
    All me see in this thread.

    im sorry. i was stunned by the me and not it being in third person b:shocked
  • fuzzywuzz
    fuzzywuzz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    im sorry. i was stunned by the me and not it being in third person b:shocked

    Then you simply havn't had enough exposure to the phenomenon that is Fuzzy. b:chuckle
    [SIGPIC]Need to talk to Fuzzy?[/SIGPIC]
    Sig by NowItsAwn
  • XxZavxX - Raging Tide
    XxZavxX - Raging Tide Posts: 603 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    mistole13 wrote: »

    This I really don't mean as any kind of troll or insult or overture or anything offensive... just an analysis

    But that's kinda the point.
    Was it this one person doing just one thing that angered you to such a degree that you left on that one thing? that's silly.
    Was it a succesion of things that happened over time... did you have plenty of other such issues b4 and this one only tipped the scale?

    In either case, either there were no problems during the time QQme was "on top", no signs of anything that might have made you make the same conclusion you did when you left... since all's good while the going is good...
    Or a lot of ppl were content to be members taking the bottom line of "win" over anything else, since when you win pure logic states in their mind "win all > we the best".

    I'm pretty sure both are true... some members belong in the former category and some in the latter... who in which depends on your personal point of view.
    But a faction, as in a group of ppl working together towards a common goal, is either cohesive and functions together, or piranhic and starts to eat itself bit by bit under pressure.
    And you can point a finger at one person, or 2, or 3, but there's usually many more reponsible for any sort of large scale meltdown. Takes 2 to tango and 50 to fill a dancing hall.

    Do keep in mind that vicious recruitment was closed for a good period while ppl were leaving QQme, now I most certainly can't say they would have all hoped on the site and made an ap, but some certainly would have... in lack of the option they aplied and were accepted elsewhere... and it's really good that they're sticking to where they went to.
    And some aps from exQQme were rejected... recently...

    I can only speak from my own viewpoint.

    I left QQme because the atmosphere had been horrible for months and months. I pretty much did stuff by myself the majority of time. I didn't see the leader giving two craps about how people felt. And he even went and antagonized some. When he said somethings about people I liked I came under the realization it's not a scene I want to be involved in. I don't care about being popular, or people stroking my ego like a lot of people on RT do. I just want to have fun. I began hanging on Vertu vent because my brother from another SoulShot invited me. And I just found them to be fun to be around. In the end I sided with having fun again.

    As far as Vicious and recruitment goes. I know a lot of people in Vicious don't like me and I most likely would be rejected because of past WC trash talk. No big sweat off my back...

    I wouldn't apply to Vicious for other reasons. Lets face it, with the current line up Vicious has there's no real stopping them. It seems like there's no challenge there.. And challenges are more fun..
  • Dylena - Raging Tide
    Dylena - Raging Tide Posts: 1,416 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    FuzzyWuzz wrote: »
    This thread is for sure an intersting read... b:victory

    It is something to note, to Fuzzy at least, that the vast majority posting are Vicious members who seem to be hurt that QQme has decided to no-show them. Those who posted are 100% right in that there is no honour in not showing up (and if the panda were not on holiday in the carribean he would have been there) but there is truth also to the argument that gloating pays no dividends either. All me see in this thread (aside from Spell's weak attemps to justify) is tha Vicious is hurt they can't brag about roflstomping QQme. Those posting seem not only to be sad they can't brag about a win, but are also sad they can't gloat about a roflstomp.

    Fuzzy is a VERY new member of QQme (spare the panda the **** about the past, after 2 years he wanted to be in a faction with the people who help him most) and can't presume to speak for them, but its surpising most people would assume SpellCaster's voice is that of the other 190 members.

    It appears to be very easy for most of you to flame QQme and deride them, and so be it. Perhaps QQme has earned that. However, you all seem to want to cast QQme in a bad light. That seems quite surprising. For all the talk about being the "better faction" this thread alone undermines that.

    Nice to see that we have a mod here unfortunately you haven't closed a thread containing loads of trashing forth and back. Its an honor to see that you take your role seriously and do close threads like this one. b:shutup
  • Ambition - Raging Tide
    Ambition - Raging Tide Posts: 1,152 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Biased mod is biased
  • Revenge - Raging Tide
    Revenge - Raging Tide Posts: 834 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    FuzzyWuzz wrote: »
    This thread is for sure an intersting read... b:victory

    It is something to note, to Fuzzy at least, that the vast majority posting are Vicious members who seem to be hurt that QQme has decided to no-show them. Those who posted are 100% right in that there is no honour in not showing up (and if the panda were not on holiday in the carribean he would have been there) but there is truth also to the argument that gloating pays no dividends either. All me see in this thread (aside from Spell's weak attemps to justify) is tha Vicious is hurt they can't brag about roflstomping QQme. Those posting seem not only to be sad they can't brag about a win, but are also sad they can't gloat about a roflstomp.

    Fuzzy is a VERY new member of QQme (spare the panda the **** about the past, after 2 years he wanted to be in a faction with the people who help him most) and can't presume to speak for them, but its surpising most people would assume SpellCaster's voice is that of the other 190 members.

    It appears to be very easy for most of you to flame QQme and deride them, and so be it. Perhaps QQme has earned that. However, you all seem to want to cast QQme in a bad light. That seems quite surprising. For all the talk about being the "better faction" this thread alone undermines that.

    i guess fuzzy missed the parts of everyones posts about, wanting to tw for fun win OR lose, not "omg we win hahaha you fail go back to cs'n more -insert name-".

    Spell_Caster: "+1 Revenge or should I say...Nuff_Said?

    I troll worse than a blonde... and for your information, blondes are pro trolls."
  • fuzzywuzz
    fuzzywuzz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    i guess fuzzy missed the parts of everyones posts about, wanting to tw for fun win OR lose, not "omg we win hahaha you fail go back to cs'n more -insert name-".

    Fuzzy could care less personally about CS having farmed more gear than probably anyone on the server, but looking at the state of R9, the panda is sorry, but anyone in Vicious can not make any argument about anything CS'd not having a positive impact on their faction. Be it QQme yesterday or Vicious today, any attempt to ignore a faction holding the majority of the CS players is ignorant.

    Be that as it may, Fuzzy's intention is not to stick up for QQme. Those who posted are correct. It is abhorent that QQme might choose to no-show in the face of defeat. At the very least one wizard does not speak for this panda.

    That being said, time will tell how the server plays out.

    Fuzzy joined QQme after all this time because the vast mjority of the actual helpful players resided there. Since the panda was level 60 it was Fuzzy vs. the world. Where was Nuff_Said when Fuzzy wanted some help to pk? Where was Dylena? Where was Aasimar? Where was Couri? Where was anyone who pretends to be something today?

    Oh wait! Fuzzy forgot about people like Retto or Zendraggo who can faceroll the keyboard today.

    For all the talk from Vicious people in this thread an others, you arn't the ones making the difference. Perhaps Spell is scared to meet you on the battle feild of TW but Fuzzy isn't. The panda has always made his own choices, and now the choice is to face Vicious.

    Flame all you like about being OP, but you are simply the latest and greatest bandwagon, you have no staying power, and isn't it funny that for all your OP'ness your greatest fighters have always hidden away from west gate, or silver pool, or simply this weak panda when it comes time to show your cards.

    TW may be > PK but if it takes numbers of your before you can crush one simple panda, me will continue to call the rest of your rethoric simple B.S.

    ~Love Fuzz b:dirty

    btw: Flame all you want, Fuzzy gonna soak up his money spent on a week in the carribean instead of R9
    [SIGPIC]Need to talk to Fuzzy?[/SIGPIC]
    Sig by NowItsAwn
  • fuzzywuzz
    fuzzywuzz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Double post ftw, and for all the 3rd person Geroge Orwell'esq speak bad grammer Fuzzy may have used in the last post, sitting on a beach in the carribran while writing this beats any R9 in the game b:laugh
    [SIGPIC]Need to talk to Fuzzy?[/SIGPIC]
    Sig by NowItsAwn
  • AriesBreath - Raging Tide
    AriesBreath - Raging Tide Posts: 689 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    FuzzyWuzz wrote: »
    Fuzzy could care less personally about CS having farmed more gear than probably anyone on the server, but looking at the state of R9, the panda is sorry, but anyone in Vicious can not make any argument about anything CS'd not having a positive impact on their faction. Be it QQme yesterday or Vicious today, any attempt to ignore a faction holding the majority of the CS players is ignorant.

    Be that as it may, Fuzzy's intention is not to stick up for QQme. Those who posted are correct. It is abhorent that QQme might choose to no-show in the face of defeat. At the very least one wizard does not speak for this panda.

    That being said, time will tell how the server plays out.

    Fuzzy joined QQme after all this time because the vast mjority of the actual helpful players resided there. Since the panda was level 60 it was Fuzzy vs. the world. Where was Nuff_Said when Fuzzy wanted some help to pk? Where was Dylena? Where was Aasimar? Where was Couri? Where was anyone who pretends to be something today?

    Oh wait! Fuzzy forgot about people like Retto or Zendraggo who can faceroll the keyboard today.

    For all the talk from Vicious people in this thread an others, you arn't the ones making the difference. Perhaps Spell is scared to meet you on the battle feild of TW but Fuzzy isn't. The panda has always made his own choices, and now the choice is to face Vicious.

    Flame all you like about being OP, but you are simply the latest and greatest bandwagon, you have no staying power, and isn't it funny that for all your OP'ness your greatest fighters have always hidden away from west gate, or silver pool, or simply this weak panda when it comes time to show your cards.

    TW may be > PK but if it takes numbers of your before you can crush one simple panda, me will continue to call the rest of your rethoric simple B.S.

    ~Love Fuzz b:dirty

    btw: Flame all you want, Fuzzy gonna soak up his money spent on a week in the carribean instead of R9

    Fuzzy I've never had any qualms with you nor the decisions that you've made/make, and i found your posts in the past interesting reads, but I have to say..... LOLWUT?

    No one in this thread even so much as -mentioned- your name and yet you make it all about you.

    No one said -anything- about how OP any 1 faction is, and yet you try to make it seem that vicious thinks that we're saying that we're the best.

    Maybe if you weren't so focussed on typing in third person, or trying to boast about the fact that you spent all your savings on a holiday, you'd see that this thread has been all about the decency and fun of at least showing up for TW; the point that you brushed aside so happily.

    You're a mod for fruitcake's sake. Act like one.
  • fuzzywuzz
    fuzzywuzz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2011

    No one said -anything- about how OP any 1 faction is, and yet you try to make it seem that vicious thinks that we're saying that we're the best.

    Is that the reason this thred is 99% Vicious replys (most of whom Fuzzy can 1 shot with arma) and 1% fail justifications fom Spell? b:shutup

    edit: dont confuse Fuzzy's mod actions with that of stating opionion on the RT server. The panada has been here since day 1, which is much longer than most who post. Simply being a mod is not a reason from preculuding ones self from any other issue. If you presume so, it is your loss. Mod actions may be one thing, but never EVER confuse them with the opinion of a player on RT who has been there an dont that more than most. Mod aside, Fuzzy is entitled to his opinion.
    [SIGPIC]Need to talk to Fuzzy?[/SIGPIC]
    Sig by NowItsAwn
  • Revenge - Raging Tide
    Revenge - Raging Tide Posts: 834 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    FuzzyWuzz wrote: »
    Fuzzy could care less personally about CS having farmed more gear than probably anyone on the server, but looking at the state of R9, the panda is sorry, but anyone in Vicious can not make any argument about anything CS'd not having a positive impact on their faction. Be it QQme yesterday or Vicious today, any attempt to ignore a faction holding the majority of the CS players is ignorant.

    Be that as it may, Fuzzy's intention is not to stick up for QQme. Those who posted are correct. It is abhorent that QQme might choose to no-show in the face of defeat. At the very least one wizard does not speak for this panda.

    That being said, time will tell how the server plays out.

    Fuzzy joined QQme after all this time because the vast mjority of the actual helpful players resided there. Since the panda was level 60 it was Fuzzy vs. the world. Where was Nuff_Said when Fuzzy wanted some help to pk? Where was Dylena? Where was Aasimar? Where was Couri? Where was anyone who pretends to be something today?

    Oh wait! Fuzzy forgot about people like Retto or Zendraggo who can faceroll the keyboard today.

    For all the talk from Vicious people in this thread an others, you arn't the ones making the difference. Perhaps Spell is scared to meet you on the battle feild of TW but Fuzzy isn't. The panda has always made his own choices, and now the choice is to face Vicious.

    Flame all you like about being OP, but you are simply the latest and greatest bandwagon, you have no staying power, and isn't it funny that for all your OP'ness your greatest fighters have always hidden away from west gate, or silver pool, or simply this weak panda when it comes time to show your cards.

    TW may be > PK but if it takes numbers of your before you can crush one simple panda, me will continue to call the rest of your rethoric simple B.S.

    ~Love Fuzz b:dirty

    btw: Flame all you want, Fuzzy gonna soak up his money spent on a week in the carribean instead of R9

    anyone else find it interesting the panda instantly thought i refered to him when i said cs? simply put fuzzy i meant that generally not specifically towards one individual such as yourself. all i merely pointed out was, you said vicious only wants to brag about a 15min faceroll vs QQme, not true. We, as in all of vicious, want to have a fun tw. we can careless if we win or if we lose, aslong as we have fun in the process. and if, not saying they will but IF, QQme no shows, what fun can we have? if only 1~5 people show up and we bring a full 80, what fun can we have? that fight would be over way before it even started and you know it. all im saying (which you agree with me if i interpreted your posts correctly) is that, we seek a challenge and wish to fight with powerfull people and QQme wont grow any stronger if they continue to no show and show the server that its a "coward". how can one rebuild a faction if the faction has a bad reputation? (yes that question was directed towards you spell) nobody wants to join a faction that has a reputation for treating its members unjustly (as if anyone who reads the forums would have found out from ex members of said faction) nobody wants to join a faction that only after 3 tw loses turns tail and picks on the weaker factions for 15minute rolls because they cant beat the faction thats beaten them. simply put spell, individual reputation may not mean much to you, but faction reputation means a great deal on a server, especially if that faction is an active tw faction.

    Spell_Caster: "+1 Revenge or should I say...Nuff_Said?

    I troll worse than a blonde... and for your information, blondes are pro trolls."
  • AriesBreath - Raging Tide
    AriesBreath - Raging Tide Posts: 689 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    FuzzyWuzz wrote: »
    Is that the reason this thred is 99% Vicious replys (most of whom Fuzzy can 1 shot with arma) and 1% fail justifications fom Spell? b:shutup

    Again you make it about you somehow. So of course you'd assume that Vicious members posting on forums asking why QQme no-shows TWs would mean that we're gloating and saying we're OP. Have you read this thread at all by any chance? b:surrender
  • AriesBreath - Raging Tide
    AriesBreath - Raging Tide Posts: 689 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    FuzzyWuzz wrote: »
    edit: dont confuse Fuzzy's mod actions with that of stating opionion on the RT server. The panada has been here since day 1, which is much longer than most who post. Simply being a mod is not a reason from preculuding ones self from any other issue. If you presume so, it is your loss. Mod actions may be one thing, but never EVER confuse them with the opinion of a player on RT who has been there an dont that more than most. Mod aside, Fuzzy is entitled to his opinion.

    Yes you are completely entitled to your own opinion. But when you voice this opinion in the form of bashing other players of this game, or putting anyone in general down, you remove your right to moderate what anyone says.

    Just like a GM of a company can find an individual of the company completely irritating, but can't call him a stupid cow to his face (or behind his back for that matter.)

    You chose to be a mod. It's your loss if you think you can be a troll and a mod at the same time. You can't.
  • Man - Raging Tide
    Man - Raging Tide Posts: 1,410 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Ahh vicoius up to no good spreading more hate and lies.

    I will say this once, can't take them seriously don't make that mistake!

    So QQme was being triple ganked and decided to face the hate factory another day, QQvicious. What was it, 1 or 2 weeks you guys decided not to attack when you were landlocked? Acting like hyporcites? Yes i think so.
  • Lez - Raging Tide
    Lez - Raging Tide Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Well, QQme will show for Vicious even if we loose.
    Ofc QQme will attack other lands and we will rebuild what has been lost.

    posted 5 days ago on another tread b:shocked

    here is the link: http://pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1097411
  • Spell_Caster - Raging Tide
    Spell_Caster - Raging Tide Posts: 2,216 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Changed my mind...b:chuckle
    If someone hates you for no reason, then give that **** a reason!b:chuckle
  • Kali - Raging Tide
    Kali - Raging Tide Posts: 798 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    LOL lez nice one b:laugh
  • Lez - Raging Tide
    Lez - Raging Tide Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    LOL lez nice one b:laugh

    I know i know b:victory

    And the lesson of today isssssss don't listen to what spell says... cuz his word is worth ~removed~.

    If they don't defend is their choice and not a good one IMO. They will have to start defending someday and we can have fun with events/pk at the moment anyways.

    FuzzyWuzz wrote: »
    Vicious is hurt they can't brag about roflstomping QQme. Those posting seem not only to be sad they can't brag about a win, but are also sad they can't gloat about a roflstomp.

    no show > roflstomp

    we can brag more of a no show than a roflstomp. Don't you think?

    Ahh vicoius up to no good spreading more hate and lies.

    I will say this once, can't take them seriously don't make that mistake!

    So QQme was being triple ganked and decided to face the hate factory another day, QQvicious. What was it, 1 or 2 weeks you guys decided not to attack when you were landlocked? Acting like hyporcites? Yes i think so.

    Please don't compare tomatoes with apples. <.<

    We proudly defended vs QQme for months even not having a chance to win sometimes, and the only tws we didn't went was cuz it was a gank.
  • Amrd - Raging Tide
    Amrd - Raging Tide Posts: 379 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Ahh vicoius up to no good spreading more hate and lies.

    I will say this once, can't take them seriously don't make that mistake!

    So QQme was being triple ganked and decided to face the hate factory another day, QQvicious. What was it, 1 or 2 weeks you guys decided not to attack when you were landlocked? Acting like hyporcites? Yes i think so.

    Ergh.... SuavisPro has Suaver's catshop and FrozenSky was rolled by 6 people from Roadkill not much of a gank when both factions can be rolled by a single squadb:thanks

    Also Levi was ganked by everyone and their grandmother, instead of 2 factions that can be rolled by 6 people, if you remember while everyone knows you had the rice factions fakebid to keep Vicious landlocked. Quit lying yo.
  • Spell_Caster - Raging Tide
    Spell_Caster - Raging Tide Posts: 2,216 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Look at how active are the psychs in Vicious on the forums now, like they are on steroids. Post some more. It's still gonna be wined TW. I talked to the crystal and it will be there to hug you when you triple spark.
    QQme will defend when QQme will consider fit. For now, Vicious have been bad boys and we just take their toys away. Have fun PKing in Events too.

    By the way...today we rulled DT. Only Retto had the guts to show up for the fight and few more. The big mouthed forum trolls were afk/sleepin/catshoping/whatever.

    QQme, QQ you
    You get no TW
    So best reroll
    Or play another game
    And QQmoar
    for us it is the same.

    The Poet LIVESSSSS b:bye
    If someone hates you for no reason, then give that **** a reason!b:chuckle
  • Lez - Raging Tide
    Lez - Raging Tide Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    I think Man was to lazy to read the whole thread b:laugh

    No one is complaining that you guys no show us last week, cuz we understand that it was a gank with the pro OPs 4 people Suavers faction and Horizons.

    All the fuzz is cuz Spell is saying QQme will no show Vicious in the FUTURE for 4 weeks or so.

    But its ok, is you decision at the end b:cute

    PD: I was really mad when we got land locked after map reset with the fake bidding that they did... but watching Spell + Man butthurted like this makes up for it b:thanks
  • Dylena - Raging Tide
    Dylena - Raging Tide Posts: 1,416 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Ahh vicoius up to no good spreading more hate and lies.

    I will say this once, can't take them seriously don't make that mistake!

    So QQme was being triple ganked and decided to face the hate factory another day, QQvicious. What was it, 1 or 2 weeks you guys decided not to attack when you were landlocked? Acting like hyporcites? Yes i think so.

    Welcome back from your vacation bro, heard you were in Hawaii with Enemy. b:kiss
    By the way...today we rulled DT. Only Retto had the guts to show up for the fight and few more. The big mouthed forum trolls were afk/sleepin/catshoping/whatever.

    Europe, such a terrible place.


    What I wanted to say was, this thread is going overboard maybe its time to close it considering it's not on topic and its purely based on flame.
  • Boogiepanda - Raging Tide
    Boogiepanda - Raging Tide Posts: 4,682 Arc User
    edited June 2011

    What I wanted to say was, this thread is going overboard maybe its time to close it considering it's not on topic and its purely based on flame.

    I heard that 153 Stone of Scarred says Fuzzy can't close the thread
  • Ambition - Raging Tide
    Ambition - Raging Tide Posts: 1,152 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Welcome back from your vacation bro, heard you were in Hawaii with Enemy. b:kiss

    Europe, such a terrible place.


    What I wanted to say was, this thread is going overboard maybe its time to close it considering it's not on topic and its purely based on flame.

    As long as the entire thread isn't about him, he isn't closing anything.