[Video]QQme vs Vicious TW



  • Ambition - Raging Tide
    Ambition - Raging Tide Posts: 1,152 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Your analogy is sadly off-point. If a group of bandits rob your house and you stay, you might die. If vicious attacks QQme and you defend and lose, you've lost nothing more than if you'd have no-showed.

    Take a second to think before you use analogies, thanks.

  • Eriion - Raging Tide
    Eriion - Raging Tide Posts: 188 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    bla bla bla I don't want to use resources like charm and pots when I'm not sure I will win... bla bla bla I prefer to hide like a sore loser than showing up for tw bla bla bla

    Fixed for u Spell... i believe this explains better what u said on all ur posts here b:victory

    Don't get me wrong.. as far as I know Vicious won't stop attacking and if you guys don't even try some kind of defence, you are the ones to lose. The idea of trying to bore us to death with wined TWs could work maybe, if wasn't for the fact that most of us has others chars on others factions, so we will have fun anyway... maybe even against u guys =D

    The only thing being harmed on this is QQme's reputation. In the past, when I was still a QQme, I was always proud cause we fighted our battles with honor even when we lost in the end. Just makes me sure that QQme is not the same anymore. That's just sad. b:surrender
  • Spell_Caster - Raging Tide
    Spell_Caster - Raging Tide Posts: 2,216 Arc User
    edited May 2011

    In this tread Vicious ppl talk about and offer free advice for QQme's rebuilt, for QQme's tw tactic, for QQme's reputation.

    GTFO! Fight the crystal. Go play your alts and enjoy free wines.

    You think showing up and getting rolled in 15min gives us a good reputation? I think NOT!
    If someone hates you for no reason, then give that **** a reason!b:chuckle
  • Revenge - Raging Tide
    Revenge - Raging Tide Posts: 834 Arc User
    edited May 2011

    In this tread Vicious ppl talk about and offer free advice for QQme's rebuilt, for QQme's tw tactic, for QQme's reputation.

    GTFO! Fight the crystal. Go play your alts and enjoy free wines.

    You think showing up and getting rolled in 15min gives us a good reputation? I think NOT!

    why not? it gives a better rep then no showing and losing in 4 and a half ijs. who would want to join a faction that used to be the top, got beat fair and square, then turns tail and runs away? not many in my oppinion. who would like to join a faction that, used to be on top, lost fair and square, and said ok we'll still fight you even though we'll lose but we could careless because we just want to have fun. a great deal in my humble oppinion. spell seriously, stop acting like a spoiled kid who got told no. grow a pair and man up. so you may lose a tw, who cares? atleast you show up, give a good fight, and overrall have fun. thats what a GAME is about isnt it? having fun? what fun is there in spending a year bragging about how your the best and can do w.e the *** u want, just to turn tail and act like a child when you get beat? may be fun for one or two people but for overall fun to everybody, id have to say its very low.

    i also find it funny you say "enjoy the free wines" heres a hint: vicious never wanted to be the top faction, we simply want to fight agaisnt strong opponents win or lose and have a good time doing so. it's hard for us to enjoy fighting a crystal that doesnt attack back ijs.

    Spell_Caster: "+1 Revenge or should I say...Nuff_Said?

    I troll worse than a blonde... and for your information, blondes are pro trolls."
  • AriesBreath - Raging Tide
    AriesBreath - Raging Tide Posts: 689 Arc User
    edited May 2011

    In this tread Vicious ppl talk about and offer free advice for QQme's rebuilt, for QQme's tw tactic, for QQme's reputation.

    GTFO! Fight the crystal. Go play your alts and enjoy free wines.

    You think showing up and getting rolled in 15min gives us a good reputation? I think NOT!


    GTFO! Fight the crystal. Go play your alts and enjoy free wines.

    You think showing up and getting rolled in 15min gives us a good reputation? I think NOT!


    You think showing up and getting rolled in 15min gives us a good reputation? I think NOT!


    I think


    QFT! b:cute

    xD but in all seriousness, no one can blame you if you can at least say "we gave it our all". Because then, you wouldn't look like the cowards that you now portray.
  • eyra87
    eyra87 Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2011

    I am sure we will have more fun vs Goonies as they are balanced with QQme's power at the moment.

    Wait, so you prefer picking on weaker faction (I love GS but fact is they are weaker than QQme, even atm lol) and no show us cuz you're afraid of loosing? On the other hand you're expecting weaker factions to show up to your TW's? QQme would stand a chance vs Vicious, you have before and you would again, get your **** together and do your best, but you'd have to show up in the first place. Spell, you know I respect you but thats just beyond stupid and hypocritical. /out b:surrender

    edit, QQ wrong acc
  • Eyra - Raging Tide
    Eyra - Raging Tide Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Don't get me wrong.. as far as I know Vicious won't stop attacking and if you guys don't even try some kind of defence, you are the ones to lose.

    Get out Erii, we want 1k without any effort. b:cuteb:laugh
  • XxZavxX - Raging Tide
    XxZavxX - Raging Tide Posts: 603 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    lyonitus wrote: »
    I always thought QQme got so many members because they just wanted to join an easy sure win faction, They are really starting to prove that notion correct.

    What about the members who went on to join factions that aren't named Vicious?

    I actually joined QQme when it was stalemated with Leviathan.

    None of the 3 losses to Vicious determined me leaving QQme. It was one person in particular who did that...
  • _Skai_ - Raging Tide
    _Skai_ - Raging Tide Posts: 3,407 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    It sure is a hit to QQme's reputation to not show up to a TW.

    But no worries, as Aries said, we have alts in other factions that TW, so not much fun is lost. Not only this, but I guess QQme has to fight some day, if we keep taking all of their land which takes 5 mins a week.
    [SIGPIC]Octavia is best pony[/SIGPIC]
    Vicious's Brony. Brohoof!
    youtube.com/user/SkaiPW - Assassin PvE/PvP Videos!
  • Spell_Caster - Raging Tide
    Spell_Caster - Raging Tide Posts: 2,216 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    It sure is a hit to QQme's reputation to not show up to a TW.

    But no worries, as Aries said, we have alts in other factions that TW, so not much fun is lost. Not only this, but I guess QQme has to fight some day, if we keep taking all of their land which takes 5 mins a week.

    See, problem solved. Was that hard? QQme will defend Vicious when QQme is ready. For now, we are doing preparations, please w8...3-4 weeks.
    And reputation...oh rly? Who on RT really thinks reputation is worth something. You think all the people who faction hopper in Vicious from QQme and went on the Bandwaggoning path cared about their reputation?
    Anyway, your TW will not be wined this week. Enemy promised to buy a charm and solo Vicious with the Mighty Sage Bids.
    I'd suggest you put more alts in GoonSquad...you know...just in case...cause you never know. b:chuckle
    If someone hates you for no reason, then give that **** a reason!b:chuckle
  • Boogiepanda - Raging Tide
    Boogiepanda - Raging Tide Posts: 4,682 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I suggest that you gtfo out the forum and start preparing.
  • IiMagik - Raging Tide
    IiMagik - Raging Tide Posts: 192 Arc User
    edited May 2011
  • Spell_Caster - Raging Tide
    Spell_Caster - Raging Tide Posts: 2,216 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I suggest that you gtfo out the forum and start preparing.

    awww how not nice! But you guys are my imaginary friends. I hope one day I can join Vicious on a Leader position, give you all funny titles, disband the faction and delete the faction base, then turn off the lights and close the door.

    Then I'd worldchat....GoonSquad recruiting exVicious members who are homeless, pm Nhuey for info.b:laugh
    If someone hates you for no reason, then give that **** a reason!b:chuckle
  • IiMagik - Raging Tide
    IiMagik - Raging Tide Posts: 192 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    awww how not nice! But you guys are my imaginary friends. I hope one day I can join Vicious on a Leader position, give you all funny titles, disband the faction and delete the faction base, then turn off the lights and close the door.

    Then I'd worldchat....GoonSquad recruiting exVicious members who are homeless, pm Nhuey for info.b:laugh

    no need 2 disband factions tht are better then ur 1 b:cry
  • Dylena - Raging Tide
    Dylena - Raging Tide Posts: 1,416 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Its funny how everyones way of competition is to try "destroy" the other person. b:chuckle

    Well whatever you guys choose to do, go for it. Theres more then TW to do as a faction, to think of it maybe its time for some friendly PK with the faction. Don't worry Spell baby, we wont get bored..when you guys wine it, its all good.

    Btw I wanted to tell you this before you left vent before but you seemed like you were in a hurry. There is rules in war and believe me its not just one rule, IRL and even ingame.
  • IiMagik - Raging Tide
    IiMagik - Raging Tide Posts: 192 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Its funny how everyones way of competition is to try "destroy" the other person. b:chuckle

    Well whatever you guys choose to do, go for it. Theres more then TW to do as a faction, to think of it maybe its time for some friendly PK with the faction. Don't worry Spell baby, we wont get bored..when you guys wine it, its all good.

    Btw I wanted to tell you this before you left vent before but you seemed like you were in a hurry. There is rules in war and believe me its not just one rule, IRL and even ingame.

    vicious archers kick *** in pk XD b:victory qqme suuuuck!!!!!!!!!b:surrender
  • Spell_Caster - Raging Tide
    Spell_Caster - Raging Tide Posts: 2,216 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Its funny how everyones way of competition is to try "destroy" the other person. b:chuckle

    Well whatever you guys choose to do, go for it. Theres more then TW to do as a faction, to think of it maybe its time for some friendly PK with the faction. Don't worry Spell baby, we wont get bored..when you guys wine it, its all good.

    Btw I wanted to tell you this before you left vent before but you seemed like you were in a hurry. There is rules in war and believe me its not just one rule, IRL and even ingame.

    I'll come on Vicious vent more often to chat with you guys, I wanna get Blunonnised! b:shutup

    Well, we do what we can, you do what you can...everybody's happy.
    If someone hates you for no reason, then give that **** a reason!b:chuckle
  • Boogiepanda - Raging Tide
    Boogiepanda - Raging Tide Posts: 4,682 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I heard level 3 factions cannot be disbanded. Fail.
  • IiMagik - Raging Tide
    IiMagik - Raging Tide Posts: 192 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I heard level 3 factions cannot be disbanded. Fail.

    lol oh yeh XD Spellcaster needs 2 think twice b:laugh
  • mistole13
    mistole13 Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2011

    I actually joined QQme when it was stalemated with Leviathan.

    None of the 3 losses to Vicious determined me leaving QQme. It was one person in particular who did that...

    This I really don't mean as any kind of troll or insult or overture or anything offensive... just an analysis

    But that's kinda the point.
    Was it this one person doing just one thing that angered you to such a degree that you left on that one thing? that's silly.
    Was it a succesion of things that happened over time... did you have plenty of other such issues b4 and this one only tipped the scale?

    In either case, either there were no problems during the time QQme was "on top", no signs of anything that might have made you make the same conclusion you did when you left... since all's good while the going is good...
    Or a lot of ppl were content to be members taking the bottom line of "win" over anything else, since when you win pure logic states in their mind "win all > we the best".

    I'm pretty sure both are true... some members belong in the former category and some in the latter... who in which depends on your personal point of view.
    But a faction, as in a group of ppl working together towards a common goal, is either cohesive and functions together, or piranhic and starts to eat itself bit by bit under pressure.
    And you can point a finger at one person, or 2, or 3, but there's usually many more reponsible for any sort of large scale meltdown. Takes 2 to tango and 50 to fill a dancing hall.
    What about the members who went on to join factions that aren't named Vicious?

    Do keep in mind that vicious recruitment was closed for a good period while ppl were leaving QQme, now I most certainly can't say they would have all hoped on the site and made an ap, but some certainly would have... in lack of the option they aplied and were accepted elsewhere... and it's really good that they're sticking to where they went to.
    And some aps from exQQme were rejected... recently...
  • Mistolepet - Raging Tide
    Mistolepet - Raging Tide Posts: 92 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    bugger all forgot to switch... QQ
  • Heleghir - Raging Tide
    Heleghir - Raging Tide Posts: 241 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I see it as this, showing to a TW that you know you will lose at least has honor in it by giving the enemy as fair of a fight as you can. Back in Varden we attacked QQme knowing it was a useless fight simply because we had enough honor to actually TRY.

    QQme has always been anti-Vicious, and now that we actually win, they turn their tails and run away like scared little girls. I find it funny that they play dirty, trap us in our corner, head straight for us when we break free only to lose and cry about it for weeks on end. At least have the decency to give us a fight, even if it is only 20mins. Listen to your members and not your butthurt ego spell, I'm sure alot of them will agree

    Until then, WTB > non Vicious vs Vicious PK at west ><
    The people and friends we have lost, or the dreams that have faded...never forget them! ~~ Summoner Yuna, FFX

  • Spell_Caster - Raging Tide
    Spell_Caster - Raging Tide Posts: 2,216 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Talking about honor?

    Lol@that. Vicious attacked QQme when they were loosing cause they had no other faction to attack if I remember correctly, were cornered. Varden did the same thing, so dont sell cheap expired donuts to the kinds, yeah?

    Want a good fight...fight among yourselves @west gate! Split in 2 squads and have fun. QQme did that on regular bases.
    If someone hates you for no reason, then give that **** a reason!b:chuckle
  • lyonitus
    lyonitus Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    LOL, Im going to develope a server game show. Its called Tapdancing Around Reality with the former Gamestars.

    I know Spell will be the first contestant because its a sure win and he wont even have to tick his charm.
  • Leni - Raging Tide
    Leni - Raging Tide Posts: 205 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Talking about honor?

    Lol@that. Vicious attacked QQme when they were loosing cause they had no other faction to attack if I remember correctly, were cornered. Varden did the same thing, so dont sell cheap expired donuts to the kinds, yeah?

    Want a good fight...fight among yourselves @west gate! Split in 2 squads and have fun. QQme did that on regular bases.

    The difference is we kept attacking instead of pulling back to our emo corner, and we've always attacked QQme when we had the chance, even when we weren't considered to be at the top we didn't attack weaker factions to "grow stronger". lol.
    And reputation...oh rly? Who on RT really thinks reputation is worth something.

    Obviously you don't. How do you think Vicious build it's reputation? By going for the easy win against smaller guilds and then bashing them all over WC and forum, or by fighting always the strongest and always keeping good sportsmanship?

    Reputation is worth something, a lot of ppl on RT knows that, and reputation is the reason both QQme and Vicious are where they are right now. Use your brain, im sure you must have one.

    Anyway, your TW will not be wined this week. Enemy promised to buy a charm and solo Vicious with the Mighty Sage Bids.

    Then grow a pair and come with him. And stay out of the forums, it only makes you look worse (if that's even possible at this point). b:shutupb:bye
  • IiMagik - Raging Tide
    IiMagik - Raging Tide Posts: 192 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    so spellcaster by tht post ur trying to say that QQME is weaker then russians, levi, gs and wanted? Discuss.... Plus some 1 has to get rid of qqme >.<
  • Spell_Caster - Raging Tide
    Spell_Caster - Raging Tide Posts: 2,216 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    The difference is we kept attacking instead of pulling back to our emo corner, and we've always attacked QQme when we had the chance, even when we weren't considered to be at the top we didn't attack weaker factions to "grow stronger". lol.

    Obviously you don't. How do you think Vicious build it's reputation? By going for the easy win against smaller guilds and then bashing them all over WC and forum, or by fighting always the strongest and always keeping good sportsmanship?

    Reputation is worth something, a lot of ppl on RT knows that, and reputation is the reason both QQme and Vicious are where they are right now. Use your brain, im sure you must have one.

    Then grow a pair and come with him. And stay out of the forums, it only makes you look worse (if that's even possible at this point). b:shutupb:bye


    Vicious has any drops of reputation? Maybe bad reputation. Vicious rose by stealing QQme members. There you go...bandwagoner's choice for 2011=Vicious.

    You really think I care how you think I look? If I wanna say something, I dont restrain myself just cause....omg what would others think of me...

    These forums are like the Vicious ones, except I can post here. Dont u see it's just me arguing with your guild? No other QQme or from other faction jump in. These forums are rather dead, but I like playing in the graveyard with you fine people.
    If someone hates you for no reason, then give that **** a reason!b:chuckle
  • Leni - Raging Tide
    Leni - Raging Tide Posts: 205 Arc User
    edited May 2011

    Vicious has any drops of reputation? Maybe bad reputation.

    Orly? I could quote many examples from many different sources but i'll just go with the latest one on the forums, around 25 mins ago. (Post #26 of this thread)
    lyonitus wrote: »
    As long as the Vicious members I run into ingame continue to be the decent people they are I dont have any problem with them being the dominant faction on the map. Ill fight them if a TW between us comes up, but no hard feelings one way or the other.

    Only reason Im happy QQme is getting stomped now is that their Leader and so many of their members were arrogant asses in game. Every humiliation they suffer gives me a warm fuzzy feeling inside. Karma in action is a beatuiful thing.

    Do i need say more?
    Vicious rose by stealing QQme members

    Untrue. *checks guild roster* Ok, 8 former QQme members are now in Vicious, one joined one month ago, 6 two weeks ago, the other one two days ago; and every one of them came on their own will. And as far as i know, Vicious started beating QQme before that. Make a point pz b:shutup
    You really think I care how you think I look?

    LOL! Obviously you dont, but we all know that :D
    Dont u see it's just me arguing with your guild? No other QQme or from other faction jump in. These forums are rather dead, but I like playing in the graveyard with you fine people.

    I do, it seems everyone left in QQme is decent enough not to side with you, learn from them? b:cute
  • Spell_Caster - Raging Tide
    Spell_Caster - Raging Tide Posts: 2,216 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Jajajaja Vicious is all nice and juicy, the cream of the server.

    You think I speak for QQme here? I speak for myself and making speculations. QQme might show up and surprise you this week. I dont know, I am just an Executor there, QQme has a leadership made of more persons.

    QQme members do not have a shared opinion with mine, they all think for themselves. All I was doing was making blind guesses to see how Vicious reacts to no-show TWs.
    I guess you guys dont like it ah?

    And personal attacks...go on give me your best shot. I still think 50% of Vicious are BandWaggoners...which might be a good thing, in a parallel universe.
    If someone hates you for no reason, then give that **** a reason!b:chuckle
  • Leni - Raging Tide
    Leni - Raging Tide Posts: 205 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    *Switches to play-the-victim and im-just-saying mode*

    Oh noes!! You broke down! D:
    Did i cause this? Please say no. b:sad I'm so mean!! b:cry
    I'm SOOO sorry, i never ment for this to happen b:surrender
    So i guess there's no point to keep talking to you, take care :) b:bye