Skills to get?

Elemental_w - Heavens Tear
Elemental_w - Heavens Tear Posts: 111 Arc User
edited May 2011 in Assassin
What are the top priority skills to get as an assassin. I've seen other guides but they all say something different, so experienced assassins? Which ones are the ones should I get highest priorityb:cute
Post edited by Elemental_w - Heavens Tear on


  • Pytharia - Lost City
    Pytharia - Lost City Posts: 757 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Level 10 twin strike. Everything else keep level 1 pretty much.

    You only need twin strike until you start pvp, twin strike is your favourite pve skill. You're welcome!
  • VileBlack - Archosaur
    VileBlack - Archosaur Posts: 164 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I kept twins strike at lvl1, is it really that good? I thought slipstream was the way to go, and get Blood paint asap, and your tackling slash will help you alot with this ranged mobs. I'm only lvl35 though on my sin \, but Ive been kicking ****. rib strike is another really good one, but its a mana drainer. Use spark alot, knife throw is useful when they run, but thats what tackle is for. if you plan to take on harder mobs/mini bosses at early lvls get the ones that increase evasion and crit damage. Other than that see what ones fit your play style these are just my opinions, but my sin is an alt and always charmed so I have it easier than some.
  • PhantomThief - Archosaur
    PhantomThief - Archosaur Posts: 232 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Level 10 twin strike. Everything else keep level 1 pretty much.

    You only need twin strike until you start pvp, twin strike is your favourite pve skill. You're welcome!

    Fail troll is fail.
    What are the top priority skills to get as an assassin. I've seen other guides but they all say something different, so experienced assassins? Which ones are the ones should I get highest priorityb:cute

    For the most part, a lot of skills depend on what you feel is useful.

    But, some skills I think all Assassins level are:

    Rib Strike (Great for bosses)
    Subsea Strike (AOEing in PQ/FC)
    Earthen Rift (AOEing in PQ/FC)
    Shadow Escape (In case you get in trouble)
    Headhunt (Stunning mobs/bishops in FC)

    That's about everything you will absolutely need to level as an Assassin. Everything else can stay at level 1, at least for PvE.

    However, you may also want to level these for their effects/damage:

    Slipstream Strike (Great damage early on)
    Focus Mind/Tidal Protection (Good for dodging attacks/statuses)
    Puncture Wound (Personally I loved the bleed of this skill in my early levels)
    Knife Throw (Great for luring mobs, especially if you don't have a Veno or Zeal in the party)
    Power Dash (Critting ten times in a row is great fun)
    Wolf Emblem (If you're going to crit a lot, might as well do more damage too)

    That's about everything I can think of offhand, again solely for PvE.

    Skills to avoid because their damage sucks/redundant effects:

    Raving Slash
    Twin Strike

    These are just my opinions and what I have found useful.

    Also, any skill not mentioned can be left at level 1 because leveling it isn't worth it right off the bat/not everyone would agree on its usefulness.
    A sword can cut a man in twain, but words can shake a fortress to the ground.
  • SnowFish - Sanctuary
    SnowFish - Sanctuary Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Read the descriptions before learn the skills or upgrade they. You don't really need to upgrade all the skill, buffs can be at lv1 if those just increased the buff time but not the effect.

    Rib Strike: reduces attack speed. (sqd loves it to reduce bosses speed)
    TroatCut: 1 spark but great dmg
    Puncture Wound: DOT skill cause to bleed.
    Knife Throw: range skill
    Tackling Slash: stunt skill
    Shadow Teleport: Teleport to target + stunt.
    Headhunt: Stunt Skill.

    Earthen Rift: Aoe skill (no sparks)
    Subsea Strike: AOE -2 sparks.

    Dagger Devotion: increases daggers dmg. (passive skill)
    Focused Mind: Buff to avoid skill
    Shadow Scape: Stealth mode +1spark
    BloodPaint: Buff, absorbs 2% dmg
    Deaden Nerves: Recovers 20%hp
    Wolf Emblem: Buff, + critical strike
    Windpush: speed buff
    Shadow JUmp: teleport to target.
    Healing Trance: Recovers hp.

    *PanthomThief Ninjed me*
  • Pytharia - Lost City
    Pytharia - Lost City Posts: 757 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    uh oh you got me Phantom, I was trying so hard :/ I do fail
  • Father_gold - Sanctuary
    Father_gold - Sanctuary Posts: 449 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Personally, any answer that contains less than 8 skills is kinda half-assed. if you are just trying to speed lvl and not learn your class, you will be lvl 90 with only 3 skills lvl'd past 5.

    the previous two answers were rather comprehensive but i just wanted to chime in on certain skills.

    deaden nerves, focused mind, wolf emblem, maze steps - while many ppl forget that sometimes you have to watch your own back and bloodpaint doesn't do all the work. knowing how to use these skills (especially on bosses) is the number one way i can tell a FCC n00b from sum1 who actually took the time to learn to play the class. These skills are what u need not only to run FCC efficiently, but to solo bosses and save squads from dying.

    rib strike - i can't stress enough how many squads i've been in where the sin just runs up and auto-attacks and afk's. i get so mad i wanna boot them, imho the first thing most sins should do is rib strike, followed by a few skills to set in debuffs when possible. then u auto attack till skills cool down. note: this is only my way fo doing this instead of using COD, which is my next point.


    why do ppl overlook this skill so much? i find in the 70's-80's sin's have the ability to steal aggro rather easy since the leg daggers are so powerful compared to the BM/BARB weapons. using COD can mediate your aggro while still running BP to keep u alive in AOE. i know the canned response is that most sins wanna go demon and just auto-attack; well i'm soon to be sage sin, and even in the 80's stealing aggro is a pretty easy thing, i use COD and then run my squad damage routine(with 2 spark of course):

    wolf emblem -> double spark -> rising dragon strike -> subsea ->[tangling mire + condensed thorn] -> ribstrike -> auto attack

    if timed correctly with HF, boss life should dissapear quickly, and if your in COD you will see some real nice spike numbers.

    also while u it may just be a given, i didnt see rising dragon strike or inner harmony in any of the other answers, ijs those skills are quite required imo.
  • PhantomThief - Archosaur
    PhantomThief - Archosaur Posts: 232 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    The reason I left skills like Deaden and Chill out is because most people leave them at level 1 and to get the higher end skills I mentioned, you have to get them anyway.

    Deaden and BP are good examples of skills that don't do much when leveled and, thus, are not really a priority to level.

    Rising and Inner are great skills, I use them all the time. But, they aren't really necessary to level. Though, Rising is good to level for damage, its not a priority.

    I agree with you, Father_gold. I rarely see other Assassins who Rib Strike or Subsea on bosses. They aren't realizing them potential, to be honest.
    A sword can cut a man in twain, but words can shake a fortress to the ground.
  • Father_gold - Sanctuary
    Father_gold - Sanctuary Posts: 449 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    oh i certainly did mean any of that as a shot to you, was just trying to add on.

    i think rising and inner VERY worth it to lvl, the higher the lvl, the more chi you get. there's a big diff between lvl 1 and lvl 7 rising and inner harmony, i have been keeping both about 1-2 lvl from maxed. to me, it helps me belt out that combo i listed above, and then follow up immediately with another double spark. i know perma-sparking is not stable until u get a bit more APS and triple spark, but i believe in learning the class well and not power leveling with iut learning to do the instances at each lvl band.

    my biggest gripe while playing my cleric is dealing with sins i dont know, they usually balk at using a single skill, think that bp does EVERYTHING and generally dont do their job. sins are tactical experts, u fill in every role while dealing damage and u are the best at saving clerics from heal aggro when the tanks get lagged.

    i do recognize that skills cost a bunch, but skill cost is no reason to be deficient imho. if you can still keep your squad alive, then cool; but when people ask why you can't double spark into subsea, there is no defense for the cries of n00b and FAIL that will come at you. that is not directed at either of the two that answered, but towards those who read and think being a sin is easy as auto-attacking. i also think i could paste this paragraph into every class forum and it will still apply, given that i change skill names.

    ultimately, there are only about 3-5 skills u can forget about, the rest you need to prioritize when u lvl them, but level them in either case. the more skills you have competitively leveled, the more variation you have and thats your trump card in PVP and it pays off in PVE too.
  • Sneakret - Heavens Tear
    Sneakret - Heavens Tear Posts: 618 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    b:chuckle back in the day I was wasting coin into bp constantly because it only had I think maybe 3 minutes of buff time lmao.

    You're on my server but I don't know your pref for pve/pvp so I can't really give a generalization. Take a good read over all the skills and think about how fast you intend to level.

    Ex: if you aren't going to stay below 40 for long, puncture wound is probably a big waste of time, it's only real value is for those leveling without hyper since you can get a lot of extra damage in while you have no aps and sht heals off of bp. I think the last time I used it was for soloing Eido in that level bracket because I could bleed him and then put his *** to sleep while it was ticking away.

    Edit: at Father_g : rising may increase in damage but if you're a stingy bstid like myself the only thing you need it for is the effect of 150 chi until much later. Inner is a wonderful skill and I had it maxed asap w/o any regrets, it can be the spark for quick damage or it can be the skill you click to get chi to spark block and save your life.
    I can see what you see not,
    Vision milky, then eyes rot.
    When you turn, they will be gone,
    Whispering their hidden song.
    Then you see what cannot be,
    Shadows move where light should be.
    Out of darkness, out of mind,
    Cast down into the Halls of the Blind.
  • ImNotFeelnIt - Heavens Tear
    ImNotFeelnIt - Heavens Tear Posts: 211 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I'll agree that as you're leveling, chill and BP and deaden is pointless to take past lvl 1 but once your other skills are @ 10 they're worth cranking up there, just so you can learn the demon/sage version when it comes along.

    As a relatively low APS sage sin, sage Chill and Earthen are a combo that kick serious @ss on multiple targets in Frost (with HF, I've picked up 208k crits on a slew of mobs in the bigroom with +5 H&Ts) and Sage BP will get you into most any squad, regardless of your APS.

    I've learned to be a skill spammer and a support DD in squads where I just can't out APS the demon sins, but find myself often grabbing aggro from them because I simply out damage them. What little dueling I've done (even with other sins) shows how effective Sage Chill / Headhunt is on damn near anyone.

    It all depends on where you are with your char and how you play, I suppose.