bm pure fist



  • Posts: 260 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    If they manage to read my guide, kasts, saku's guide, hippies guide, and the other 2 stickies,and still not get it? because they're total idiots. How about useing the search key for fist bm and finding 200+ results?

    Nope. Im not the only bm who's been around. Theres some who have been around longer. Dosent change the fact that you picked the wrongs damn person to try that on.

    Its only arrogant if your wrong, otherwise its called "being right" you've agreed with the point i made earlier all your doing now is spewing butthurt. We call this "being wrong". What i am is condescending try to get it right.

    To try what on?

    What's wrong is you.

    not respecting opinion different from you is wrong,
    trying to use fail analogy that insults handicap is wrong.
    thinking only your words are words worth seeing is wrong.

    Alternate builds will always exist in mmo,
    some people played for fun, some people might never get to 100
    some might stay longer if they know alternate builds actually work.
    Respect people first,
    Insults is never needed in an intellectual argument.

    Fist LA bm has been around before and most know how to pluck out axe to HF when needed. it aren't end of the world.

    PS: i think i prefer the copied edited guide compare to yours, appreciate you taking effort to teach newbies how to play but calling them total idiots wouldn't help. Seriously sage bm in this game must be some pretty nice people to be able to tolerate your "need for attention"
    Fist Wizard ~ Truely Unique
    Going for
    Build :
    While waiting
    Build :
    HA Melee (Pre99)-> LA Claw (99+)-> LA Claw+Magic (101)
  • Posts: 216 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I'm sorry Fistol, but arguing with him won't do any good. He's either a troll, or he has his head too far up his behind to give a rational, adult argument. Either way, he's not worth your time. Just report him to the mods every time you see one of his butthurt flaming sessions.
  • Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    To try what on?

    What's wrong is you.

    not respecting opinion different from you is wrong,
    trying to use fail analogy that insults handicap is wrong.
    thinking only your words are words worth seeing is wrong.

    Alternate builds will always exist in mmo,
    some people played for fun, some people might never get to 100
    some might stay longer if they know alternate builds actually work.
    Respect people first,
    Insults is never needed in an intellectual argument.

    Hmmm? Saku and Okeano (suppose i should add zan now?) differ from me all the time and i have no issue with them. Why? Its because they field well thought out rational arguements and calc builds that arent gimped versions of the class for the sake of "being special"

    Alternate builds are great, I was a vit hybrid LA bm who focused on unsparked DPS, and started when fists were ****. Its still apart from the stanard "Full HA 3 str 2 dex" mindset and it works. I've seen a 5 aps full HA bm that liked haveing HS dex, worked fine ffs. The thing is any sucessfull alternate build will be able to do the basic class jobs while adding something new onto it.

    If your "idea" makes you unable to preform the class job, its useless, again in both mine and kasts FAQ its stated that they CAN do w/e they like however these are the likely reactions of peopel around them upon seeing the build.

    I'll tell you what your mama should have, respect is never given, its earned, and you havent managed to disprove the simple fact that for a pure fist bm style a new player WOULD enjoy sin more 90% of the time and that yes, going pure fist (no other weapons) is a massive gimp that would leave the OP a pariah endgame. So simply untill you can feild opinions not based on "feelings" nobody will give a damn. Seriously got a GOOD idea? speak up. I'm a damn punk not an eliteist. It will be heard out with no former bias and picked apart for its value. Good post = thumbs up. bad post = stop posting till you learn more.

    PS: Hey guess who's been red cross trained in handleing both the physicly and mentaly handicapped for jobs before? Furthermore guess what the #1 rule is? Never ignore the disability, its there, its real, it makes them no less of a person. Theres a differance in opening a door for a man who cant lift his arms and cooing "You can do it!" while leaveing the damn thing shut.

    @ Julian: You just dont get it, i treat everyone with respect till they open their mouth and spew stupid, and then i'll stop if they admit a mistake and move on. Do you really expect anything less than scorn for willfull ignorance? I've broken the TOS a total of 2x on the forum. Once 2 yeas ago by bypassing a filter and once because apperently you have 0 sense of humor and a stick up your ***. (was wonderign who reported my new word). Kinda happy that your rectal bleedign has reached the point of camping my posts. Oddly the older members of the forum just chuckle at them and post thumbs up bears. this was your first hint

    Gifs are hard to make work here
  • Posts: 216 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Hey Josh.

    Here's a tip from one adult to another. Don't act like a child, and you won't get treated like a child. It's even more sad that you're(apparently) a trained professional saving lives IRL, but still feel the need to act like a 13-year-old about how others play a game online. And don't post an ignorant or arrogant thing, then pretend to be a troll when it backfires. That's the first and only piece of advice I'm gonna give you.
  • Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Hey Josh.

    Here's a tip from one adult to another. Don't act like a child, and you won't get treated like a child It's even more sad that you're(apparently) a trained professional saving lives IRL, but still feel the need to act like a 13-year-old about how others play a game online. And don't post an ignorant or arrogant thing, then pretend to be a troll when it backfires. That's the first and only piece of advice I'm gonna give you.

    *blank stare*

    Seriously CAN you read? I would feel bad mocking a real illiterate
    Gifs are hard to make work here
  • Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    *blank stare*

    Seriously CAN you read? I would feel bad mocking a real illiterate

    The short version of what they're saying: practice what you preach.

    I'll leave it at that. I'm not all that interested in getting into another stupid argument with you.
  • Posts: 4,943 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I love special one-shot LA BMs.
  • Posts: 4,661 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    My arcane BM tanks BH59 with a bow.
    101 Sage Sin*/Archer
    100 Demon BM*/Barb
    96 Demon Cleric/Sage Seeker
    95 Demon Wiz/
    94 Sage Veno
    85 Psy/80 Mystic
    And a handful of other alts, all 79 and under.
    *Pre RB level
  • Posts: 260 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    My arcane BM tanks BH59 with a bow.

    Arcane Bm tanks bh59 with drake ray b:chuckleb:chuckle


    plees no saying "light armor bm your prolly a faiL" its getting old

    does that sound like a newbie player to you? especially when he ask that using a lvl 70 char.

    I try to see as much as i can about the person asking that question.

    If i think he is new, i will give the standard demon/4path
    if it is someone who isn't new to pwi, and he wants to try ideas.. i tell him the pros and con and i leave it at that.

    honestly after i saw this post of yours i was incline to actually think you aren't that bad a person just that you probably have a bad mouth.

    then you have to take your anger on me and julian generate from this thread and throw it on another one.. I lose all respect for you as a forum individual.

    Learn not just to read.. understand the situation.
    anyway its enough for now.. lets stop this silly arguement before the mods have to do it for us.
    Fist Wizard ~ Truely Unique
    Going for
    Build :
    While waiting
    Build :
    HA Melee (Pre99)-> LA Claw (99+)-> LA Claw+Magic (101)
  • Posts: 216 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    plees no saying "light armor bm your prolly a faiL" its getting old

    does that sound like a newbie player to you? especially when he ask that using a lvl 70 char.

    I try to see as much as i can about the person asking that question.
    Sadly enough, newbies can start the first day and be level 70 by the second any more with their parents' credit card. b:surrender
  • Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    *Looks back at the FAQ saying exactly what you 2 insist on being so butthurt over*

    Ya. No. Learn to read.

    my guide

    "Can i be a good bm as pure sword/axe/pole/fist/bow/pataka?
    Any single weapon build will suck compared to multipath (with rare exeptions like vit axe in TW) if you are considering this accept that no squads will want you ever. Its a game though so do w/e you like"


    "What weapon/armor should I use?
    - Up to like level 70 you will be perfectly fine using NPC equipment and quest rewards.
    - As for weapon types, use all 4 weapons. Following the build mentioned above, it will be no problem to do so. You will have a maximized damage output.
    - A good BM can use all weapons, Axes for AoE, Poles for CC, Swords for lifesaving and fists for DPS. Axe and Fist always have priority above Pole and Swords.
    - Use heavy armor. You will never wear arcane armor, as it was made for magic classes. Light armor will only be an option for endgame. Heavy armor gives the most physical defense and HP per refinement. Getting Light armor will nerf both, increasing your magic defense by unnoticeable amounts.
    - For ornaments, get magic defense. You will need the magic defense.
    - You can go for a classic VIT-Axe build of you want to TW, although this is not recommended. "

    Hmm damn thing cut off the post

    Anyways all the info is spelled out in big colored letters and in big colors charts in the stickies and links. this is why nobody really gives a damn about posting constructivly in these types of threads.

    People that want real advice laugh openly at you both.
    Gifs are hard to make work here
  • Posts: 936 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    nah not really ive seen all other bm's use that i like playing ina difurent way not hw people say a bm "should play" like that song said " I DID IT MY WAY!!!" lol ty for reply

    Uhm, as far as I am concerned.... I use sword, spear, axe, fist/claw, heavy and light armor situationally.

    I am not saying that light armor on a BM is bad (BMs have 4 ranged attacks total), but light armor melee... Not when you are forced to marrow and one of your defenses will suffer which is bad. I hated that on my assassin because LA makes my sin squishy. Its best you use LA as alt than a main. LA melee is where venoes do best when it comes to survivability from the higher DEF of LA. Whereas assassin or archer do most damage with light armor on because of more DEX.
    I, II and III spark is the most cheesiest skill in PWI and it should be removed or massively nerfed.

  • Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Uhm, as far as I am concerned.... I use sword, spear, axe, fist/claw, heavy and light armor situationally.

    I am not saying that light armor on a BM is bad (BMs have 4 ranged attacks total), but light armor melee... Not when you are forced to marrow and one of your defenses will suffer which is bad. I hated that on my assassin because LA makes my sin squishy. Its best you use LA as alt than a main. LA melee is where venoes do best when it comes to survivability from the higher DEF of LA. Whereas assassin or archer do most damage with light armor on because of more DEX.

    Go kill yourself
    Gifs are hard to make work here
  • Posts: 216 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Hm... I thought that light armor had crappy defenses because it's meant to go on dex-heavy characters, and dexterity=more evasion(indirect defenses)

    Oh, and just as a reminder to someone in particular:
    Joshcja - Sanctuary
    This message is hidden because Joshcja - Sanctuary is on your ignore list.
  • Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Hm... I thought that light armor had crappy defenses because it's meant to go on dex-heavy characters, and dexterity=more evasion(indirect defenses)

    I think so. The necky/belt for LA sets is usually the +evasion kind. Given that, it'd make some sense that the devs planned for LA users to have alot of evasion to counter the low pdef. Things didn't exactly go as planned...

    Seekers and venos are the exceptions to that due to their mage-knightish approaches. Both can get some decent millage out of LA.

    Btw, I'm Laranda.
  • Posts: 1,440 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Are these people actually suggesting to use evasion ornaments?
    AP classes are a real butt pounding...
  • Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Are these people actually suggesting to use evasion ornaments?


    I'm saying that was the dev's original idea. It didn't survive first contact with the playerbase.
  • Posts: 260 Arc User
    edited May 2011

    I'm saying that was the dev's original idea. It didn't survive first contact with the playerbase.

    Lol maybe if those 100% accurate skill didnt exist, boss misses you all the time and you can dodge magic.. if not evasion isnt going to be on anyone's fan list for a while.

    @ julian

    nice one
    Fist Wizard ~ Truely Unique
    Going for
    Build :
    While waiting
    Build :
    HA Melee (Pre99)-> LA Claw (99+)-> LA Claw+Magic (101)
  • Posts: 1,440 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Lol maybe if those 100% accurate skill didnt exist, boss misses you all the time and you can dodge magic.. if not evasion isnt going to be on anyone's fan list for a while.

    @ julian

    nice one

    What? I don't know if your talking about boss magic or character magic. No need for evasion orns for boss magic dodge when you have spark resist or shadowless.
    AP classes are a real butt pounding...
  • Posts: 260 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    What? I don't know if your talking about boss magic or character magic. No need for evasion orns for boss magic dodge when you have spark resist or shadowless.

    ya with spark resist.. and bm building spark so fast it really isnt needed.
    Shadowless is one thing i wish barbs have on them while standing up.b:chuckle
    Fist Wizard ~ Truely Unique
    Going for
    Build :
    While waiting
    Build :
    HA Melee (Pre99)-> LA Claw (99+)-> LA Claw+Magic (101)
  • Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Personally I think pure fists are stupid as a BM you lose so much flexiblity. A BMs main job is Stun Heavens Flame in most squads. SO really no one is gonna want you in a squad make a archer homie and go fist you have better success, and to be real fists in pvp as BM are lame, cause ranged class will est you alive before you can even think about fistin em.....YES YES i know fists can be useful in PVP but really axes and pole are best.
  • Posts: 4,943 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Actually, a better build will be pure fists with Arcane. Min DEX and STR for fists, rest to MAG, with evasion ornaments highly refined. This gives you the magic def of AA and physical attacks will miss you. And of course you'll be unique.
  • Posts: 936 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Lol maybe if those 100% accurate skill didnt exist, boss misses you all the time and you can dodge magic.. if not evasion isnt going to be on anyone's fan list for a while.

    @ julian

    nice one

    Can I fix this for you? Because no one ever dodges MAGIC unless if I have missed the game too far already o.0.

    You can CANCEL or BLOCK magic, not dodge it b:surrender

    @ Joshja or w/e your name is, you're a sad kid.
    I, II and III spark is the most cheesiest skill in PWI and it should be removed or massively nerfed.

  • Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Can I fix this for you? Because no one ever dodges MAGIC unless if I have missed the game too far already o.0.

    You can CANCEL or BLOCK magic, not dodge it b:surrender

    @ Joshja or w/e your name is, you're a sad kid.

    Fire trollface, burn and die in it please, it'll be like a campfire, we'll gather around your smoldering corpse and tell storys get drunk and eventually **** you out and go home ^_^

    Gifs are hard to make work here
  • Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    wow lol i left for about a week and all these replie's i love you guys b:cryb:cryb:cry lol ive ben looking threw all these things lots of fighting an epople saying using axes and ty for tthe guys who suport my bm using LA and higher dex cult KEEP IT ALIVE !!!!! lol right nw im only lvl 72 QQ but ima be atleast lvl 90 ina the next week so wish me lucky guys ty for all replie's from you love you guys <never met you tho > lol victoryb:victory
  • Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Second that.. his game, his build.. =x

    Plus with all the aps bm and sin running around.
    Its nice to see something else for a change..b:chuckle

    thats the whole, point of this build im thinking out side the box not inside like all other bm's i like being me no one can coppy me b:victory ty for suport KEEP MY CULT ALIVE!!! lol
  • Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Nothing wrong with building a high dex pure fist type BM.. You can use low STR required axes to still use things like HF in squads..
  • Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    thats the whole, point of this build im thinking out side the box not inside like all other bm's i like being me no one can coppy me b:victory ty for suport KEEP MY CULT ALIVE!!! lol

    have fun with the dozens of other "unique" LA fists on your server
    Gifs are hard to make work here
  • Posts: 216 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    jassyluv wrote: »
    Nothing wrong with building a high dex pure fist type BM.. You can use low STR required axes to still use things like HF in squads..
    Non-Axe "pure" weapon BMs can use Extreme Poison to replace HF. Except, you know, in AoE situations. b:surrender
    have fun with the dozens of other "unique" LA fists on your server
    That's pretty ironic there...

    If people was just doing this to "be unique", they could still go hammer/claw instead of axe/fistb:chuckle
  • Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    have fun with the dozens of other "unique" LA fists on your server

    its not just light armr that makes me different then other bm's its my stats lol ill post my stats ina few maybe tomorrrow to tiered for it right nw b:chuckle


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