Cleric = the cheapest endgame class?!

juporka Posts: 0 Arc User
edited June 2011 in Cleric
Hello. Sorry for my bad English, I only learn it in school. :P

As a non-cash shopper, I am looking for a class that I can afford (no APS, obviously) and can get into endgame instances. Also, I prefer magic classes, I'm not a fan of melee.

People adviced me 2 classes: Veno + Herc and Cleric.
Since I cannot afford a Herc, and I find Veno too easy and boring, I'm thinking about Cleric but I need more opinions.

My friend told me I should go Cleric because most endgame squads need them (most Nirvana squads too). Getting Sage or Demon skills are optional, I only need to max heals, buffs and revive. He said all I need is a good TT weapon (TT99) with good refine, 3-4 socket OHT gear with nice vit and p.def extras, flaw citrines and starter refines (around +4) to have a little over 5k HP without Barb buffs because Barbs are rare in Nirvana and some bosses hit 5k damage. He has a Cleric similar to that and he earns millions each day by doing Nirvana and TT runs and that's how he gets money for his alts. x.x

It sounds too good to be true, I want to ask others about this and high lvl Cleric's opinions, please.
Is Cleric really the best option for me?
Thank you! :)

PS. I've played healers before in MMOs and enjoyed it, don't think I only want to play it for money. I am just trying to be realistic and trying to find a class I enjoy and can afford. My Cleric is only lvl 33 but I like it so far! Cleric in PWI is a lot stronger than healers in other games and this is amazing! :O
Post edited by juporka on


  • Dyskrasia - Heavens Tear
    Dyskrasia - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,161 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Yea, you'll have an easy enough time getting into instances end game if you know what you're doing. Honestly, though, just play what you enjoy. If you like your cleric so far, then great, but don't make one just for money. Even if you choose a "useless" class, there's nothing stopping you from making friends and going on runs with them.
    Evict is a sexy chalupa. <3
    retired, etc
  • juporka
    juporka Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Read my PS. x) I actually enjoy Cleric, it's not only for money, but I have to stay realistic and play what I can afford and I have to think about endgame as well. I live in a poor country and can't spend money on games, sadly.

    I love that I can kill most mobs with 2-3 spells. In other MMOs, healers take forever to kill a mob. And today I tried myself as a real healer in this Nix valley. People were really kind and helpful when I told them it's my first time there. :) I did great and it was fun!
  • Dyskrasia - Heavens Tear
    Dyskrasia - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,161 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Yeah, I'm just saying level 33 isn't exactly representative of what playing as a cleric is like later on. Solo PVE is still easy, but instances get harder and people get... dumber. lol. Probably not exclusive to this game though, so your opinions may not change much later. Also, that's awesome that you're doing PV already... I forgot about that lol. Before PV was introduced you didn't really get to do any consistent squad work until around level 50. As long as you like a challenge and the responsibility, you'd probably be up for end game squads.
    Evict is a sexy chalupa. <3
    retired, etc
  • tweakz
    tweakz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Veno is hella expensive, and far from boring end game. If you think it's all about sitting there healing a pet that kills for you; then you're on the wrong track. Venos are seriously gimped if they don't have the expensive Herc. -coming from a Veno with a full maxed pet bag w/8 L.100+ of the pets (no wannabe hercs).

    Cleric is also expensive. You'll be nom nom'ing on pots left and right trying to keep squishy assassins alive until they don't need you anymore, and FF squads will be brutal on you more than any other class. You'll rarely get a res which equates to about 90k loss each time you die. You won't make as efficient use of hypers as other classes either. The cleric class can be very fun and rewarding, but I wouldn't say cheap.

    I'll dump left and right on the wizard class because it sucks, but this is the economy caster class and I hate seeing cheapo lazy gamers playing venos and clerics! Use quaff with eruption with pure mag and you basically maintain your MP. In RB; you usually get an MP aura right off the bat to cover your Dragon's Breath usage. It might cost you MP if you want to get fancy like dive bombing a group of phys mobs with DB -> Expel, but that can depend on the pacel. You may not get into Nirvana much as a wiz, but you also don't need it. I don't have much interest in going into Nirvana as a caster either.
    Be kind: Help the GMs to depopulate the servers.
  • juporka
    juporka Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I will always have money for mana pots, and food after 75 is cheap, right? I will take my time to learn my class and won't hurry to max lvl. As soon as I can, I will go to TT often to farm mats to make money. Also, my very good friend (who told me about Clerics) is willing to teach me about instances and healing tactics, so I have a good tutor here (we used to play together in other MMOs) and I saw him doing FCC too, it looks like fun! He also lent me this Order of the Stars weapon for my 30's lvls. :) I just don't want to accept money, I want to earn my own and so far I had no money problems. I'm not a showoff freak, I don't care about fancy clothes and mounts. I just want to be good at what I'm doing and hopefully I'll always have enough coins for that. e_e; I am willing to farm and work for my goals, I got used to it (life of a non-cash shopper).
  • _Nei_ - Sanctuary
    _Nei_ - Sanctuary Posts: 334 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Clerics are expensives!

    Like Tweak said do we lost our EXP at every death. You need to have maxed skills to heal good enought. Sage/Demon skills, lv11, are kinda expensives. The ammount of coins invested on MP food compared with another magical classes is huge. You need a non **** gear with nice HP and defense to be able to survive, so the most cheapest you can find for end game is the Legendary armors or TT90 ones if you farm the materials. Venos has less repairs costs than clerics because the pet tanks and supports the damage. You don't really need a Herc when the squad DD are going to steal you the agro even if you tell they to let the herc get agro to save on repairs, sometimes Hercs are overrated. Not always a squad invites you, there is many clericless runs around. If something goes wrong the squad is going to blame you, always is cleric fault.........because some squad members can't accept they are FAIL players b:chuckle

    If do you prefer play a cleric instead off a veno play it but don't expect a roses path.
  • juporka
    juporka Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    ...... You guys are starting to scare me away. :( You say the opposite of what my friend said about Clerics. I'm willing to farm as much as I can for a long time and I want to be useful at endgame too. I just can't save up 800 mil or so for 5 APS... or it would take years. :s But if I spam TT after lvl 60 and get only a humble 300-400k a day... Then I could slowly save up for better stuff, right? Even TT90? My friend said it cost about 15-20 mil. If I only get 500k a day I could save up in 40 days. :) I was so optimistic. b:sad
  • Dyskrasia - Heavens Tear
    Dyskrasia - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,161 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Honestly, I don't think clerics are expensive. You DO go through a lot of mana pots, but they're relatively cheap. You would be fine at 100 with tt90 +4 w/ flawless cits (or garnets) and a +5-+6 tt99 weapon, tbh. Squads do prefer well geared clerics and are more likely to remember well geared clerics, but if you do your job well you won't be forgotten either.
    Evict is a sexy chalupa. <3
    retired, etc
  • tweakz
    tweakz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    because some squad members can't accept they are FAIL players b:chuckle

    ^^ Why I'm shy of FF on cleric. They don't say where they're luring to, then they go back and forth like the opening of a Benny Hill show. Your sins think they have the survivability of a Barb and you never get stunned. Harpies get ignored, etc. People think there's a shortage of clerics in the game, but really I think there's a shortage that wanna deal with the toons that never played a cleric. I kept a 5k HP sin tank alive today during Polearm and impressed myself. I was so apprehensive about it and even turned down a previous BH because they got a ~5k HP BM to tank (last time the BM was pissy about failing because they supposedly paid so much for equips).

    One thing you could consider is that the Cleric is probably the most viable to vit build, and able to ignore channeling with if you consider focusing on the healing/ purifying. With Ironheart, and purify only taking a second to channel; you aren't going to get much from channeling. You're also not so concerned about how fast you'll kill because your focus is healing / squad effort. That said; I do consider all vit builds fail come end game PvE. Equips are just plain an investment and shouldn't be replaced by vit (unless you go the bound route on pre-end game). Pures have better MP efficiency. I did vit my cleric (don't mind calling it fail), but my cleric's purpose was for buffing/ supporting my main's account toons and doesn't get played heavily. I can drag it through FF on my Veno or Assassin to level it.

    Over use of BB:

    Every idiot in the game thinks you should have BB up before they even finish deciding what they're doing! You go through a whole Yuanxiao each time just to appease them. They also want you to BB at every turn in FF (used to be worse before Sins) because they don't want to be organized.

    I don't mean to deter you; Cleric is hella fun to play, and can be played fairly cheap. However, there's little going "AFK, macroing, or playing laid back. -You have to stay on top of things. And although you'll mistreated by fails: you'll also be their necessity.
    Be kind: Help the GMs to depopulate the servers.
  • Sevas - Heavens Tear
    Sevas - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,132 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Clerics are awesome, so don't worry. Your position in a squad is assured since no class will ever replace the abilities of the cleric. The especially wonderful thing about being a cleric and doing TT is you often get second (or third depending on how they split mats) choice of the mats. This means you could just grab the mat you need for your gears unless you intend to buy gears that are already upgraded and sharded.

    If done right it's not overly expensive. If you intend to use pots and apothecary items, you shouldn't feel a bad pinch from MP cost. I have a lot of fun playing my cleric, especially because I can lay down some law when I get irritated by the noobishness of a squad (or just walk from the squad). If they don't like the way I work they can always find another cleric to (kiss a$$) take with them.

    Keep playing your cleric. If you liked it up until your 30s I'm sure you will continue to enjoy it.
  • jiq
    jiq Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    You can save up for anything if you take your time to farm and you play smart. You can get very good stuff for cheap! Besides my R8 pieces (I was farming for R8 for a month!), I got a 4 soc OHT sleeves with -6% chan + 94 pdef + 6 vit for only 1.5mil (found in a cat shop). I got my 3 soc lvl 95 legendary boots refined to +3 for around 1mil if I remember well, and so on... Not THE BEST stuff but hey, I have 5.7k HP unbuffed because of shards (Immacs) and refines (+5) and I never die in Nirvana anymore. You don't even need TT90, just be patient and find cheaper alternatives (OHT, 3stars, legendaries) and improve slowly. People consider me a very good Cleric and I don't even have expensive stuff. Also, during reputation sales, the TT99 weapons are ridiculously cheap. I found a +3 Mirage with Sapphire gem for only 6mil LOL. Sapphire Gem alone is 8-9mil. :P Always check AH and cat shops for cheap stuff and don't ignore the world chat, people often want to sell stuff fast and they underprice everything. I think listen to your friend and let him help you. :)
  • hellkn
    hellkn Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Cleric is fun since you may buff players around and sometimes notice them calling you for squads, this turns things easier since you get xp/spirit/proection easier when not solo...
    But cleric is sometimes too requested due to having strong buffs and heals, not mention about being the first to die on TW or the first to be blamed on failed bosses...
    It may vary according your style of what you expect to happen, some facts to know:

    1- The only class who can revive players even without a revival buff placed before;
    2- The class with most variety of healing and buff support;
    3- With plume shot you can nuke magical resistance mobs wile with cyclone you nuke high defense mobs, turning both not worse than other types;
  • RedsRose - Lost City
    RedsRose - Lost City Posts: 12,354 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    hellkn wrote: »
    not mention about being the first to die on TW or the first to be blamed on failed bosses...

    ^ Not always true...had to say it

    Cleric's overall can be expensive in terms of leveling skills and such, but it is not too different from the other classes.

    Must of your gear (up until about level 99+) can be Molders, and those Molds last for a long time. Some are so good that you can be in 70 molders up until 90+...You can alway's come back here to the Cleric forums and get advice. Most usually just "argue" on whether to shard hp or pdef :p

    The overall advantages of being a Cleric:

    - They are a very soloable class, especially end-game with the proper knowledge of your character and skills.
    - Requested for squads often
    - You can heal yourself
    - You do not need super, amazing epic gear to survive IF, IF you know what you are doing
    - Relatively easy to maintain
    - the buffs are amazing

    Some downfalls:

    - Mp costs can get somewhat high if you do not know how to manage, but MP pots/food once 75 are super cheap (50 for 3 tokens)
    - You tend to lose experiance unless you invest in Dolls/GA's
    - You generally have to run back through instances if you die to revive other squad member's unless you have a Res Scroll (1 hour cooldown)
    - Generally you are expected to get Level 11 Revive (no exp loss) once you are end-game

    ^ Just a few of both

    One thing you must remember when playing a Cleric, it is really a selfless class. Once higher level you will learn to heal and dd IF the squad is appropiate for it. You need to be able to take stupid people lightly and know that often times "deaths" are not your fault. A Cleric cannot 100% of the time prevent some things...Even the most epic geared can and do fail in instances and such. You WILL encounter "special people" but you have to learn to deal.

    the best thing to do is really learn your skills and your character. Clerics really start to shine at about level 60-70+. IF you can handle the class if it amazingly fun, I myself have 2 102 Sage Clerics...Can we say I love the class? Yes, but I hate it at times too.

    Welcome to the Cleric class!! b:chuckleb:victory
    RoidAbuse is awesome, only he would sell his sperm for gear!!

    "Toughest monster? ..... RedsRose b:surrender" - Kantorek
    Where is my 1 v 1 Kan? b:mischievous
  • Kiiria - Raging Tide
    Kiiria - Raging Tide Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Money isn't hard to come by... o_O
    All you have to do is run a bunch of TTs and invest...

    I have a 100% FTP assassin on another acct. that people swear up and down is CS, but I just know what I'm doing. So yeah....
  • Vicarcher - Heavens Tear
    Vicarcher - Heavens Tear Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    dont roll a veno unless ur guna book and plus a cler would be the best 4 you
  • Manostra - Harshlands
    Manostra - Harshlands Posts: 308 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    You get fast access into Squads and if you want to make coins with your cleric thats TT for you.

    If you run the economic Cleric version invest in your Weapon , try to make it as highend as possible and 2 slots and sharded and some ++++ The other Gear dont have to be that good.

    Go pure mag, stack magic and mattack and you will be fine. The Mana costs arn't that high. Good Barbs glup the same MP food as you down with lesser efficency and have a significant higher repair bill.
    I hate Room 38
  • XxLady_XelxX - Dreamweaver
    XxLady_XelxX - Dreamweaver Posts: 455 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    juporka wrote: »
    Hello. Sorry for my bad English, I only learn it in school. :P

    As a non-cash shopper, I am looking for a class that I can afford (no APS, obviously) and can get into endgame instances. Also, I prefer magic classes, I'm not a fan of melee.

    People adviced me 2 classes: Veno + Herc and Cleric.
    Since I cannot afford a Herc, and I find Veno too easy and boring, I'm thinking about Cleric but I need more opinions.

    My friend told me I should go Cleric because most endgame squads need them (most Nirvana squads too). Getting Sage or Demon skills are optional, I only need to max heals, buffs and revive. He said all I need is a good TT weapon (TT99) with good refine, 3-4 socket OHT gear with nice vit and p.def extras, flaw citrines and starter refines (around +4) to have a little over 5k HP without Barb buffs because Barbs are rare in Nirvana and some bosses hit 5k damage. He has a Cleric similar to that and he earns millions each day by doing Nirvana and TT runs and that's how he gets money for his alts. x.x

    It sounds too good to be true, I want to ask others about this and high lvl Cleric's opinions, please.
    Is Cleric really the best option for me?
    Thank you! :)

    PS. I've played healers before in MMOs and enjoyed it, don't think I only want to play it for money. I am just trying to be realistic and trying to find a class I enjoy and can afford. My Cleric is only lvl 33 but I like it so far! Cleric in PWI is a lot stronger than healers in other games and this is amazing! :O

    Eh...some of those promises sound a little extreme to be honest, but they're not all that far off.

    Cleric is definitely a pretty economical class once you get it past 75, and holding on to sufficient MP pots ceases to be an issue. And as long as you're able to keep everyone alive and healthy, without winding up a smear on the floor on a regular basis, then most people don't really concern themselves with a Cleric's gear all that much.

    Finding squads to get stuff done generally isn't a problem either. Hell, even I get plenty of work when I go looking for it, and I can say beyond a shadow of a doubt that I'm the laziest Cleric in Dreamweaver. XD;;;
  • Ashivas - Dreamweaver
    Ashivas - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,293 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Clerics are cheap yes, but not easy to play. It's easy to be a decent cleric. But healing debuffing dding all at once can get confusing at times. And yea, sort of annoying to heal squishy sins until they don't need you anymore I recommend making a cleric just to make money for a sin. Cuz if you're not a sin you're useless endgame.
    Ashura Tyrant you foul mouthed little boy! I must keel yew nao =3
  • Sylredrae - Sanctuary
    Sylredrae - Sanctuary Posts: 209 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    O_o Clerics are not useless in endgame. Most nirvana squads need them and some 5aps squads like having them around for debuffs and buffs. Plus, almost every bh100 squad needs or wants a cleric. We're also a crucial class in TW... people tend to die much faster when we're not around. It was definitely worth lvling mine to 100; he supports pretty much ALL of my alts. b:chuckle

    Expense-wise, clerics are expensive only until lvl 75 because lower lvl pots are expensive to buy. The cost of playing for a cleric goes down after you get the lvl 75 herb yuanxiao pots, and it goes even lower near endgame depending on how high your aspirations are for gear. My lvl 100 cleric is fairly cheap to maintain after he got his gear. Reasonable mp costs, low repairs, etc. Finding squads is easy, the downside being that you often have to go to town when you die. However, exp can be replaced, friends and joy at playing your class can't.
    Syredrae ~ lvl 100 Cleric (main character)

    Auryl ~ lvl 100 Venomancer

    Mainas ~ lvl 80 Barbarian

    Suirune ~ lvl 2X Psychic
  • Mekkhala - Lost City
    Mekkhala - Lost City Posts: 303 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I've found that cleric is actually pretty cheap endgame unless you plan to do serious pvp. You can get by with a decent wep and ok refines.

    I don't understand why people say clerics can't get into NV. I go very often with 3.33+ or 4.0+ squads. There are also many 5.0 squads that will take a cleric just for charm saving/ lvl 11 rezz should anything go wrong. Clerics aren't doomed to the 1 hour runs, guys.

    And for the pots....once you get a decent mana pool (like 10k mana) pots are not that bad. There are also skills that you can learn to replace your mana when nobody needs healing, such a spirit's gift. Also, you can use Divine order of the Void rewards to get free pots (150 per page) that replace 3k mana.
  • Swannx - Archosaur
    Swannx - Archosaur Posts: 252 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    It really depends what you want out of your cleric that will determine whether it is a "cheap" endgame class or an "expensive" one.
  • Missmimi - Lost City
    Missmimi - Lost City Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    What server do you play on, if you dont mind my asking.
  • /_Cura_ - Dreamweaver9
    /_Cura_ - Dreamweaver9 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    juporka wrote: »
    ...... You guys are starting to scare me away. :( You say the opposite of what my friend said about Clerics. I'm willing to farm as much as I can for a long time and I want to be useful at endgame too. I just can't save up 800 mil or so for 5 APS... or it would take years. :s But if I spam TT after lvl 60 and get only a humble 300-400k a day... Then I could slowly save up for better stuff, right? Even TT90? My friend said it cost about 15-20 mil. If I only get 500k a day I could save up in 40 days. :) I was so optimistic. b:sad

    Dont be discouraged ^_^ Clerics are a very good class, and easy to use. True we die somewhat easily if the damage dealers let the mobs through,but for the most part, the ones were keeping alive keep us alive as well. Gear is alot easier to get than some people say, the auction house is a wounderful place for cheap,well enhanced gear, you just have to keep looking. Also, Clerics are always useful reguardless of waht some of the others have said. You'll always be needed in a squad around your level so no worries about that. Money isnt as hard to save up either, it may take a bit but you can save up coins pretty quickly if you know how to farm potions and sell off all your extra gear that you dont need and find. You dont have to constantly buy mana and HP potions to survive, you can usually find plenty while fighting mobs, and you also get quite a few from your supply stash. anyway, Don't be discouraged, and do things the way you want to do them ^_^ if you ever need a hand im sure others wil lbe willing to help.

    The Lengedary Cura
  • Triage_ - Archosaur
    Triage_ - Archosaur Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Clerics are great:) I have played most every toon and I keep coming back to cleric....We have both magic and physical attacks (ranged) which is nice in TW. Self heal I find saves money on pots because I can heal myself instead of drinking health pot after health pot, past 90 I use spark to regain some mana also.

    Only real drawback is some squads go without cleric for more APS in FF, but I found it was my easiest toon to get to 100 as I could normally get 4 fc's a day if I wanted. TT runs your pretty much a must I think, which makes it nice to be able to farm drops.....Oh and you get second pick for drops in any squad.

    Personally I made my cleric a girl as a joke with my ex.....Now I wish she was a male cause dudes hit on me:) Always a bit creepy when they try to carry you everywhere and than give you candyb:chuckle
  • Eoria - Harshlands
    Eoria - Harshlands Posts: 6,118 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    We have both magic and physical attacks (ranged) which is nice in TW.

    If you're metal maging in TW, you're either doing crystal rushes against little nub guilds or not doing your job.


    "subtraction has the butt of an angel" - Paulrogers
    I <3 Subtraction.
    /blatant sig copy is blatant

    105/105/105 obtained! b:cute
  • Decus - Dreamweaver
    Decus - Dreamweaver Posts: 5,033 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    If you're metal maging in TW, you're either doing crystal rushes against little nub guilds or not doing your job.



    Proving that not only archers do math since 2009. b:victory
    Current math challenge:
    "Any skills that can be used to kill you will interrupt BB when successful." -truekossy | "...Sage archers are kind of like Mac owners. They are proud of the weirdest and most unnecessary things." -Aesthor | "We ALL know Jesus doesn't play PWI. He may have suffered a lot for humanity, but he'd NEVER punish himself this way." -Abstractive | "I approve of bananas." -SashaGray
  • Furries - Dreamweaver
    Furries - Dreamweaver Posts: 966 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    rank 9 is here every endgame costs the same now..b:surrender
    Killing level 80's with a lvl 60 is a lot more fun than killing level 90's with a level 100.
  • StacysMum - Dreamweaver
    StacysMum - Dreamweaver Posts: 305 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    rank 9 is here every endgame costs the same now..b:surrender

    Funny coz its true and renders the argument null.
    PWI b:bye
  • Sakubatou - Sanctuary
    Sakubatou - Sanctuary Posts: 4,001 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Except rank 9 is not as amazing for clerics as it is for most classes. I'd say the only class that has a more useless rank 9 is the BM. As a cleric, the defense and defense levels of rank 9 are awesome, as well as G16 refining for sexy hp but attack levels are useless in healing which is a clerics "real" job. For pvp rank 9 is as sexy for a cleric as for any other class though and a G16 weapon still has amazing magic dmg for very strong heals, just saying the mods are attack levels are not as useful for pve.

    And yes, cleric is probably the cheapest class to play. Take it from me, I've played them all. Clerics have a somewhat high startup cost because you need to stay on top of buying your current heal skills and buffs and clerics get alot of their skills earlier than other classes (look at assassins and BMs who have 4 lvl 59 skills each costing major money to level).

    Clerics need to be reasonably survivable, but not insanely survivable because they're in the back row and everything else should try to protect them (not that it happens.) Their weapon should be refined in order to provide solid heals. Unrefined or outdated weapons and you wont heal as well and people will notice.

    Clerics reach "endgame quality" when they have a decent weap (+6 level 95+) and 5k hp. For other classes endgame is 5 aps or +10 mage weapons. Gear that can allow a wizard to tank delta and multiple mobs, same with a veno or psy. So the baseline of what a cleric needs is really low considered to other classes.

    Also, clerics come with their own regen buff. Mp pots are about 600 coins each, hp pots are about 2k each. A Cleric will use less of both because of their excellent regen rate, huge mp pool, and healing ability. If they charm its usually an mp charm, cheaper than an hp charm. Rez scrolls might be expensive but if you're smart and know your squads you will rarely ever die. It can be a big expense or a non factor.

    Lastly, everyone wants a cleric. Even in instances I can solo a cleric is nice for their buffs and may save a few hp pots so I like having them along. So their is plenty of opportunity to make money on a cleric. And unlike alot of classes you don't need a 80 mil herc to be wanted in a squad, you don't need 200 mil in aps gear, or highly refined tanking gear. You need much less to be accepted in farming squads and can start earlier. Alot of Sins and BMs hit 100, ready to vana and make money but can't start making money until after they've invested (hundreds of) millions into their gear but a cleric can start right away with mediocre gear.
    Seven 100+ characters leveled the hard way. Free to play. Mystic, Psychic, and Wizard left to level. b:victory
  • Yamiino - Heavens Tear
    Yamiino - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,031 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    I'm going to say this straight forward.

    A cleric is only cheap if you don't want to PVP, however on end-game clerics are not much needed nowadays (with all the 5 aps & alt healers).

    Cleric is not much of a DD, yes it can deal some damage, if you have the expensive gear you can be killer, but again that's the "bad" part of the cheap cleric, they will take a long time to get decent gear.

    Lv. 60-70 TTs (TT 1-1 to 1-3) are not really that affordable... if you go on cleric, you will most likely end spending more on pots than what you'd get from the instance, SADLY, TT items are really cheap, some are worth under 10k a piece, you can't buy anything good with that... not to mention not all the loot of the instance is going to be yours.

    Here is where the veno comes in, if you do go solo when you reach around level 70-80 for the first TTs and you do have a HERC so it can some-what handle the bosses, then it can be really rewarding, however, you cannot rely as much on a Herc, you will also need some good stats and gear so you can handle drummer's AOE P: (thinking on first level TTs).

    Anyway I'm speaking head forward, on the first levels it will be fun to level up, however, once you reach sanctuary it can become a headache with those moths ( yet on higher level you will be able to mass farm them xD ), anyway it gets harder every 5-10 levels to the point where you will not be able to kill something without someone's help ( thinking on any kind of boss ).

    As a cleric you will have a hard time killing Quingzi on solo, but on veno it's a piece of cake (most bosses are on veno ^ -^ ... with herc that is)

    Why the herc is mentioned so many times?
    - Herc is the only pet that is able to hold on to bosses / all monsters. / It also deppends on the owner's healing power and capabilities.

    Anyway back to cleric, the gear for level 50- is cheap some what and easy to get, you will not need any kind of pro-gear on these levels, go for molds / 3*s with nice stats.

    However, when you reach level 60, you will need your TT gear, which takes a while to farm and some what cheap to buy.

    On level 70, you will need again TT gear, this is some what expensive, comparing it to the normal income a cleric has when grinding.

    On level 80, just go for molds... there's no point on making the lvl 80 gear.

    On level 90, go for TT90 gear, this is expensive, not a couple of millions like the others, this goes sky rocket comparing it to the normal income, at this time (if you hyper your levels) you will not be receiving a lot of income, since you will be stuck in FF...

    Skills... this is also an expensive factor of clerics, once you level all your most used skills to level 10, you will pretty much lack SP to learn more, also, if you do complete the demon or sage quests, once you start looking forward for the level 11 skills you will find out that the good ones are worth / sold for over 10m each ( I saw revive for 22m time ago, don't really know the prices right now ).

    And that's only revive, imagine getting purify, IH, etc. etc. it's going to be REALLY EXPENSIVE and most likely you will not be able to afford it for a long while.

    When you reach level 100, you will most likely need to re-stat (if you didn't on level 89-99), since most add a lot of vit on lower levels to survive a bit but they find out that Citrines can do the trick.

    Citrines are really expensive, yes, and you will need these if you really want to reach end-game.

    Not to mention the level 99-101 gear is hell expensive :O most likely you will not be able to complete the farming of mats by doing TT3-X because most of the time these squads if they ever find a gold material they will sell it and split it unless you want to buy it, which again, is expensive.

    Once you reach 100, you will have nice HH quests where you have the chance to get 2m from the last BH :) also you will be able to go into nirvana ( which is not really hard to get into, but you do need to practice, this is harder than FF... ), here, you will most likely end with a lot of random drops, included flawless gems and uncannies (which used to sell for over 250k each, don't know if the prices dropped down)... and some raptures if you're lucky, which used to be sold for a bit over 1m a piece.

    To get your nirvana gear, you will need to be stuck in nirvana for a long while cat shopping to be able to afford little by little the gear, speaking of my self, I stopped playing this game when the R9 gear was first on the CS, so I don't know what the prices are now, but these were the prices some months ago.

    Pretty much, cleric is fun on end-game, and earns waaaay more money than on every single lower level, even on lvl 99 XD

    So! If you can handle this being a cleric and understand what you will be able to do and what not (speaking of gear, skills, etc.) then go for it, cleric is very versatile and fun to play, not to mention it is one of the classes with more friends ^ -^ in-game, that's how it is.

    Veno is pretty much a solo class, cleric on the other hand is 80% of the time in a squad.
    WTB> -12% channeling BELT or RING pm me with link or mail me ingame HT server, ty.