An Important Addition to Character Creation

Ryheri - Raging Tide
Ryheri - Raging Tide Posts: 10 Arc User
edited November 2012 in Suggestion Box
Character creation is an aesthetic, yes, but for the most part what you look like in-game really does affect your game play and your play habits.

So here's the suggestion, what do you think about being able to change the character size and height, shouldn't we we able to too?

We know we can very nearly change every other aspect of our characters, why not character height and size?

Post edited by Ryheri - Raging Tide on


  • RainbowVidel - Sanctuary
    RainbowVidel - Sanctuary Posts: 1,316 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    why not character height and size?

    Because the devs didn't want it that way or the option to change it would have been in the game from the very beginning.
  • Letmeblossom - Dreamweaver
    Letmeblossom - Dreamweaver Posts: 105 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Yes. I want to make a uber fat, 900 lb midget cleric. Then I'll have a real reason to only be running 4.8m/s.
  • lizrau
    lizrau Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I think it'd be a good idea, but it should have limitations to the min/max weight and height.

    Sig credits to Myra :D
  • Shandaar - Dreamweaver
    Shandaar - Dreamweaver Posts: 196 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Might have something to do with characters hitbox, but if everyone has the same default hitbox it shouldn't be a problem.

    And I agree, minimal/maximal heights would be best to avoid extreme... extremes.

    I base my toons off my original characters, and height restriction kills it just a little for me.
  • _Ink_ - Raging Tide
    _Ink_ - Raging Tide Posts: 400 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Anyway, I think that we should be able to change it as well. Of course there should be a limit but even some customization would be nice. Of course I'm more interested in height than weight since you can adjust the torso/legs to some extent.
  • SoniMax - Sanctuary
    SoniMax - Sanctuary Posts: 529 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    A suggestion for the suggestion threads !
    don't put poll options like that :Whatever... as long as no one eats my pudding.
    because everybody is going to vote for it and not for serious things
    They see me trollin`
    They hatin`
    Patrolling they tryin` to catch me writin` dirty
    Tryin to catch me writin` dirty X4
    My music so loud
    I'm flamin`
  • Chardenelle - Heavens Tear
    Chardenelle - Heavens Tear Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Why is there no option to decline? Are we forced to agree with your thread? o_o
    This wouldn't work, because if you made your characters too large, or too small, then it would be difficult to click on the characters in PvP, the fat ones having their names covered, especially if they were on an ancient boa (if anyone's PvPed an ancient boa rider, you know what I mean D:) and the thin characters would be literally sticks. The height would also add a lot of complications as well. See the ini edits thread.
  • Ryheri - Raging Tide
    Ryheri - Raging Tide Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Your thoughts are well received however I think i did not make myself clear so let me expand on my idea a little more.

    But first to answer your question, the option that says "why? everyone is the same height in real life" would be the one most matching yours. It only seems off because it's sarcastic(admittedly, not the best place for one of my more pronounced traits to appear)

    As for the idea, you said that it would make general game interactions difficult.

    To answer that, yes it would and that's why it would be that much more fun.

    Secondly, I never meant for the characterizations to be "stick figures" or giant blobs like some of you are saying. I merely meant that it would be cool to look like yourself a bit more in terms of height instead of everyone being the same height. I don't know why it's being interpreted that I mean for the devs to make it so that we can make chars the size of punishing stings...

    Well, I hope that adds some clarity. If say for example, I'm the size of a 12 year old in rl, regardless that this is fantasy and that I am soooo not 12 anymore, I think that allowing us to express that in the game would
    make it that much more worth playing, full stop

    PS character height and size modification is effectively age modification it adds more visual meaning to the game and it is a "fantasy mmorpg"....
  • morrinarian
    morrinarian Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    What I'm saying is that when characters are differently sized significantly, they have advantages in PvP over others.

    This would change how it would work in Player Vs. Player battles.

    That's what I'm saying when I say it wouldn't work. It would be harder for people to click on the character if the character was significantly different in size. The hitbox for the character would be a different size.
    One reason why ini edits are having a hard time being approved, because you can make your characters look like stick figures or make them enormously fat.

    This makes it harder to click on the character, as previously stated. The large size of the character would cover the character name, and the extremely small size would make them very hard to click on for obvious reasons.

    If you were allowed to decrease the height or increase the height and size of characters, a lot of things would be messed up. I'm sure that your intent is it use it for cosmetic purposes only, however, there are many people would abuse this, and this is extremely abuse-able, outside of PvP as well.
  • varenique
    varenique Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    i agree with morrinarian, there's a lot of stuff that would be changed here
    dont this that the devs would do this either, sounds like it would take too much work for them to ever feel like doing it
  • Ryheri - Raging Tide
    Ryheri - Raging Tide Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited May 2011 are right but I don't think it applies here; I fail to see how a difference of relatively 2 feet(in-game) would make a difference...I'm not much for pking but the chars not invisible and I'm not suggesting making the characters so expandable that their name boxes disappear....I still fail to see the relative two feet making a difference as to the "clickability" of the char either.
  • Veirdail - Heavens Tear
    Veirdail - Heavens Tear Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited May 2011 are right but I don't think it applies here; I fail to see how a difference of relatively 2 feet(in-game) would make a difference...I'm not much for pking but the chars not invisible and I'm not suggesting making the characters so expandable that their name boxes disappear....I still fail to see the relative two feet making a difference as to the "clickability" of the char either.

    The size of the hit box changes. Honestly, if you don't PvP, you shouldn't make judgements/assumptions about how the system works b:thanks
    I think this wouldn't work anyways because the devs are too lazy b:surrender

    People would abuse it. I'm not saying that's what you're suggesting......just that people would do it, because it's an advantage. Doesn't matter if you're suggesting it.

    I think it would be okay if you made it so that way there was a restriction on how much the height and size would be changed so that way it couldn't be abused.

    But again, devs are far too lazy to do anything like this. If they won't fix glitches that have been around for years, they definitely won't take the time to do this.

    They might do it for something tiny, but not anything that involves any major coding.
  • Ryheri - Raging Tide
    Ryheri - Raging Tide Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    well I asked for opinions and I got 'em...that'll teach me.

    I'll keep on dreaming

  • Veirdail - Heavens Tear
    Veirdail - Heavens Tear Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    b:surrender Well if you're going to submit ideas, at least take suggestions
    or think it through more before posting
  • Ryheri - Raging Tide
    Ryheri - Raging Tide Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I did think it through. As much as I could. I still don't see your point as I don't see a char the size of say, Hannah fen as in the photo I've posted above making a HUGE diff in pvp clicking. I just don't.

    Surely there will have to be regulation I'm not saying go nuts, I was just wondering if my idea was unique to me or not; if maybe other people thought it would be cool too and just voice it because 99 percent of the time devs don't really go after suggestions but just for that 1% chance, I posted. Sue me.

    Being naive isn't a crime yet.

    But thanks anyway for giving me your honest thoughts. It is appreciated.
  • Bellarie - Raging Tide
    Bellarie - Raging Tide Posts: 603 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    The size of the hit box changes. Honestly, if you don't PvP, you shouldn't make judgements/assumptions about how the system works b:thanks
    I think this wouldn't work anyways because the devs are too lazy b:surrender

    People would abuse it. I'm not saying that's what you're suggesting......just that people would do it, because it's an advantage. Doesn't matter if you're suggesting it.

    I think it would be okay if you made it so that way there was a restriction on how much the height and size would be changed so that way it couldn't be abused.

    But again, devs are far too lazy to do anything like this. If they won't fix glitches that have been around for years, they definitely won't take the time to do this.

    They might do it for something tiny, but not anything that involves any major coding.

    Actually, her wanting to make herself smaller would not change the size of the hitbox, which cannot be smaller than the basic single square(as in, square you click on the ground when moving) It would be no different from you trying to kill my tiny Gnome Saboteur pet in PvP

    But, you are actually correct in the issue of hitbox changes. Because people could and would make characters big and fat. And while this may not be that bad a problem normally, it still could be the deciding factor in, say, a TW match, as people could simple hide close enough to the big fatty to where the opponent keeps clicking the fatty instead. Pets like Nivastok, Cragrocks or the all-class Giant bunny already can cause this issue.
    It's like Primal Fear in Lunar Glade; once you get close enough in the water to melee, you ain't getting out through clicking, as he is too big so you can only keep clicking him.

    So I say yay on height, nay of weight(beyond certain limitations
  • Ryheri - Raging Tide
    Ryheri - Raging Tide Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    YAY! matter how small it is still a welcome sight. I hope it happens.

    Here's to hoping
  • lizrau
    lizrau Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Doesn't matter how small your body is, the circle space around you stays the same as anyone elses, but of course they would have to be a height and weight limit, otherwise it'd be a little too silly.

    Sig credits to Myra :D
  • joedarkheart
    joedarkheart Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Along with complete control of height, weight, size, and everything else about a character there should be enough character slots to create one of each class and this limit increased with the introduction of each new class so that not only can we have a character who looks how we desire but that we may have one of each class to have every class as a reflection of ourself or however we desire to see them
  • ovenusarmanio
    ovenusarmanio Posts: 6,695 Community Moderator
    edited November 2012
    Please do not post in threads whose last post is older than a month ago. It's called a necro and is against forum policy.

    -closed for necro-

    Thanks to MikoTenshi for the Avi and Kritty for the Signature.
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