Interesting Discovery: Absorb Soul



  • Fenrina - Heavens Tear
    Fenrina - Heavens Tear Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    o-o I'll have to test the sleep. And as for the description of the skill, I've heard the same from other people, and honestly, I'm starting to heavily agree with it. It goes and makes a lot of these glitches/effects make more sense. I'll add it to the OP until someone can prove 100% that it's not correct.

    If a boss is immune to AS via DoT immunity, then wouldn't they also be immune to Swirling Mist? If so, there should be a correlation between AS and SM immunities. Maybe that'd be some way to see if it's true or not. o.o

    Baring that, have a veno, or any other class with a DoT, send a Blazing Scarab at a AS immune boss and see.
  • Caterpie - Dreamweaver
    Caterpie - Dreamweaver Posts: 147 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    If a boss is immune to AS via DoT immunity, then wouldn't they also be immune to Swirling Mist? If so, there should be a correlation between AS and SM immunities. Maybe that'd be some way to see if it's true or not. o.o

    Baring that, have a veno, or any other class with a DoT, send a Blazing Scarab at a AS immune boss and see.

    That might help, though since AS doesn't have any initial damage, it might act differently than those skills in some situations.

    Also, tested and confirmed that AS does not break sleep in duels, added to the list.
    Heavy Cash Shopping is the difference between understanding simple game mechanics at level 30, or level 101.
  • Ketania - Heavens Tear
    Ketania - Heavens Tear Posts: 122 Arc User
    edited March 2011
  • Longknife - Harshlands
    Longknife - Harshlands Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Might've been said in here already, but just wanted to add that it's both the Mystic's attack levels AND the target's defense levels that get completely ignored.

    This skill is weird, it's as if the game thinks it doesn't even exist.
    I <3 AGOREY
  • Sarrafeline - Sanctuary
    Sarrafeline - Sanctuary Posts: 4,661 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    If it deals damage through Domain, it's probably a bug. ijs.

    Probably not. I get killed by Sins right through domain all the time. >_>

    My guess is it's a bug in Absolute Domain, and not the skill itself, since it seems that Domain has random chances of causing any kind of immunity. I can survive the hands in TT using Domain, but a Sin can still kill me right through it? I think not...
    101 Sage Sin*/Archer
    100 Demon BM*/Barb
    96 Demon Cleric/Sage Seeker
    95 Demon Wiz/
    94 Sage Veno
    85 Psy/80 Mystic
    And a handful of other alts, all 79 and under.
    *Pre RB level
  • Caterpie - Dreamweaver
    Caterpie - Dreamweaver Posts: 147 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    - Damage is unaffected by the Mystic's attack levels

    - Ignores opponent's defense levels
    Might've been said in here already, but just wanted to add that it's both the Mystic's attack levels AND the target's defense levels that get completely ignored.

    This skill is weird, it's as if the game thinks it doesn't even exist.

    Way ahead of you, bro. b:cute

    Thanks for the post though, for the people that didn't catch that. b:thanks
    Heavy Cash Shopping is the difference between understanding simple game mechanics at level 30, or level 101.
  • Mizuoni - Dreamweaver
    Mizuoni - Dreamweaver Posts: 3,533 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Sorry to bring this back from the dead, but in PvP i was going against a cleric. I NV, listless lysing and started channling AS. The cleric domained and AS still killed the cleric. Just a heads up.
    Sins are Scissors. Psychics are Rocks.
    Archers, Venos, Barbs, Wizards, BMs, Mystics, Seekers are Paper.
    ...and Clerics are Mushrooms.
    Paper beats Rock. Scissors beats Paper. Scissors also happens to beat Rock...until Rock gets 50k+ soulforce at which point Rock becomes an unstoppable killing machine that beats Paper... and would beat Scissors but it can't find Scissors, because Scissors are invisible.
    So Scissors beat Paper and avoids Rock, and that is called BALANCE. -cheze
  • ResMePls - Heavens Tear
    ResMePls - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,349 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Yes AS goes through domain, I think someone posted it a while back :/.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]I know what your thinking.
  • Rubblemancer - Sanctuary
    Rubblemancer - Sanctuary Posts: 191 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I'm not going to comb through all the pages to see if this is listed. One thing I noticed is absorb soul seems to be unaffected by the half damage to aerial or naval attacks against ground.
    Stated another way, when I attack ground targets from the air or water, everything is generally half damage, but absorb soul retains full damage.
    Thanks to Silvy for the awesome sig!
  • cletaz
    cletaz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Deals Physical Damage equal to 125% of your Magic
    Damage plus 2900 to players. Deals Physical Damage
    equal to 200% of your Magic Damage plus 5800 to monsters.
    Absorb Soul cannot cause a critical strike.

    This means the damage to playersis the listed one.... or it when against anther player it has another decreased damage cause the pve reductionn....

    If it hits to players 125% of your Magic Damage plus 2900 is the same every skill, ive been told tat skills to players deals -70% of the total damade, and this deals 5800 to mobs and 2900 to players .... (5800/2=2900 anyways) and 200%/2=100% and this hits 125% so is less than the 70% reduction from PVP

    (b:cry even with my broken english pls undestand me b:sad)
  • Mugler - Lost City
    Mugler - Lost City Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Omg this skill is so strange. I don't know or something said that there is no bonus for damage from amp skills such as veno skill or extreme poison! b:shocked
  • Roseline_Me - Raging Tide
    Roseline_Me - Raging Tide Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Thank You 4 all those infos b:cute
  • Lorthos - Raging Tide
    Lorthos - Raging Tide Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    -rolls a mystic- b:avoid
  • VoItaire - Harshlands
    VoItaire - Harshlands Posts: 1,033 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Bad Ririn! No necroing threads without some interesting discovery :c
  • /eren - Dreamweaver321
    /eren - Dreamweaver321 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    cuz im lazy im not gonna read the whole thread...:p but just putting it out there that i have tested this skill since genesis came out and have yet to find something a player can do that this skill cant do some damage through. ill have to test that wood immunity though.
  • VoItaire - Harshlands
    VoItaire - Harshlands Posts: 1,033 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    In bh today I checked it on bosses with wood, fire, and earth immunity and it went through each, so that leaves water and metal. Also, idk about duels, but I know from experience in open PvP that skills which grant the immunity buff, such as sparks, AD, Feral Concentraion, all block absorb.
  • dimthought
    dimthought Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    a few I noticed but a few I didnt

    you made me pay so much more attention to it....and made me love it soo much moreb:chuckle

    lol and yea didnt have anything but that to contribute b:laugh
  • Lorthos - Raging Tide
    Lorthos - Raging Tide Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    This skill behaves rather strangely. Several people (me included) have decided that it is most likely a wood attack with 0 initial damage, followed immediately by a single tick of physical "damage over time" damage. This helps to make sense of several oddities about the skill, as you will read below.

    - Deals no damage to element-immune mobs (such as KunKun) even though it is specified as physical damage

    - It has been tested and confirmed that wood immune bosses resist the spell as well. Whether or not the skill counts as specifically wood element when determining immunities has yet to be seen.

    Made me ponder a little bit so i made a lvl 40 ish genie real quick and gave it "Nullify Poison" To test the above theories. And AS still does full damage. So a Wood Immune Boss will resist AB however in PK, a Player with "Wood resist" will still take full damage.
    Several people (me included) have decided that it is most likely a wood attack with 0 initial damage, followed immediately by a single tick of physical "damage over time" damage.

    Going test this with Tidal Protection to see if it can be "avoided" like other DOTs.
  • MrMelvin - Heavens Tear
    MrMelvin - Heavens Tear Posts: 388 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Personally the only thing that I think AS is missing is the ability to cast without a target and let it hit the nearest stealthed sin with full damage b:avoid
  • Brillance - Raging Tide
    Brillance - Raging Tide Posts: 1,643 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    As I recall, KunKun has Magic Immunity which is why nothing you can do can put much of a dent in him...ijs. Might help clear up at least that part of the Mystery.

    I realize this thread is a bit old, and KunKun could have evolved overtime to become the Magic Immune antelope he was when I had to kill him.

    EDIT: Interestingly enough, AS does do some damage on the bosses in Caster's Nirvana, and they all seem to have Physical Damage Immunity.
  • violetvalor
    violetvalor Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    I recall somewhere it was found that Absorb Soul registers as a wood attack, but does physical damage.
  • Alchemystt - Heavens Tear
    Alchemystt - Heavens Tear Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Absorb soul does damage on the wood immune boss in abba, mountains thumb if im correct. Its the only skill my mystic can use on it ;)
  • Trickyy - Dreamweaver
    Trickyy - Dreamweaver Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Another thing i Noticed, during the "Test your Power" quest at 1k stream, if you hit 40k with absorb soul and 20k with natures vengeance. The 20k with natures vengeance is what is told your highest hit was at the end. Absorb soul doesn't count as a hit there :'( Just something interesting i found out the other day
  • VoItaire - Harshlands
    VoItaire - Harshlands Posts: 1,033 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Best bet is to try with weeping breeze dance.
  • Brillance - Raging Tide
    Brillance - Raging Tide Posts: 1,643 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Another thing i Noticed, during the "Test your Power" quest at 1k stream, if you hit 40k with absorb soul and 20k with natures vengeance. The 20k with natures vengeance is what is told your highest hit was at the end. Absorb soul doesn't count as a hit there :'( Just something interesting i found out the other day

    That's probably because all 3 attack spells at level 100 actually do more or less the same damage, and AS only does significantly more damage when used after NV...ijs.

    I wonder if you attacked it with just Craggy spells and plants if it would register any damage at all? Might check that out one day when Im bored.

    It is interesting Trickyy, thanks for pointing it out. b:pleased
  • Alexis - Lothranis
    Alexis - Lothranis Posts: 264 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Damage ranking doesn't record skills that don't appear in your log, that includes pets, plants, AS and even Thicket. So yeah best skill remaining is WBD if u got it.
    Youtube channel:
  • thumbs
    thumbs Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    2nd incarnation of Genesiac Blink
  • krisnda
    krisnda Posts: 4,655 Community Moderator
    edited May 2012
    Gotta close this for being a necro D:
This discussion has been closed.