From Carebear to PVP

Posts: 3 Arc User
edited April 2011 in Wizard
This is my first post, hope you can help me with this little problem i have.
My first experiencie on PWI was almost an year ago on Lost City, my first toon was a Barb i took him to lvl 39 but tired of the pkers plus the fact that I really start to hate my toon i quit the game, a few weeks ago i decided to return to PWI and i enrolled a Wizzy on Dreamwever and I really love this class, i`m having a lot of fun the last few days but I discovered that i`m not really a good carebear b:surrender I started to think that in the future i would like to walk out there killing people and been killed... so .. my question is..
If I enroll a Wizzy on a PvP server how hard will be my life and until what lvl i need to wait until i can start to PK? also which is the best PVP server at this time? and one last question.. how much gold you need to spent to be a good wizzy? Thks is advance for your help and my apologies for my bad english.
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  • Posts: 1,158 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    There's not much world pvp in PK servers anymore since the introduction of FC. Therefore, I doubt you will have to worry much about getting pk'd while doing quests when you're like lvl 4x+.

    People like to pk around Silver Pool, West Archosaur gate, and Hidden Orchid so beware of those places at lowbie lvls.

    Take it from me. If you're interested in pk later on in the game, don't roll a pve server like Dreamweaver. You will regret it.

    The only pvp you will get there is TW once or twice a week.
  • Posts: 632 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    What Fizban said. We both switched from Dreamweaver to LC. I gotta say I do not regret it the tiniest bit. Dreamweaver is a bottomless pit of boredom endgamewise (sry DW players!), especially if you want to pk. While LC is not perfect and there is sure a lot of imbalance, it is at least fun very often. Also wizards have a hard time out there, especially with sins. So you either get great gear, a good genie and a high tolerance for frustration, or you roll another class. But if you really like the class, I'd say go for it. It is just the most fun class to play imo. And if you plan on TWing it is one of the most needed ones too. Otherwise... not so much, but that is a different story...
    "Of course you should fight fire with fire. You should fight everything with fire."

    "Some have said there is no subtlety to destruction. You know what? They're dead."

    - Jaya Ballard, Task Mage
  • Posts: 468 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Well.. I guess I should start packing my bags from Dreamweaver... I made a lot of friends on a short period there.. but as i told you I m starting to think that it will start to be boring around lvl 50..
    Can anybody tell me how much you must spent in order to get a descent gear on high lvls?
    Thks again for your answers.
  • Posts: 478 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    There's not much world pvp in PK servers anymore since the introduction of FC. Therefore, I doubt you will have to worry much about getting pk'd while doing quests when you're like lvl 4x+.

    People like to pk around Silver Pool, West Archosaur gate, and Hidden Orchid so beware of those places at lowbie lvls.

    Take it from me. If you're interested in pk later on in the game, don't roll a pve server like Dreamweaver. You will regret it.

    The only pvp you will get there is TW once or twice a week.

    This in so many ways. Regret it so much Q_Q
    Except the only pvp being once or twice a week.
    Unless you go rpking which usualy takes an hour before you find a white name outside of SZ....theres always being farmed by sins at OT b:cute
    Really...the only reason i havent rerolled a PvP server is because getting to a reasonable level is a pain in the rear for me ._.
    Mages are uber fun pkwise aswell :3
    Squishyness pre 80 is a problem though =X
  • Posts: 574 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Well.. I guess I should start packing my bags from Dreamweaver... I made a lot of friends on a short period there.. but as i told you I m starting to think that it will start to be boring around lvl 50..
    Can anybody tell me how much you must spent in order to get a descent gear on high lvls?
    Thks again for your answers.

    well you should be willing to get best possible gear available to play a wiz in pvp because with average gear wiz will be an easy kill because you have

    a) to rise your phy def high enough to survive 1-2 hits from phys players
    b) you have to rise your hp enough to be able to take more dmg

    otherwise you will die all of the time without a question.

    If you look for a return on investment wiz is also the wrong class because you can get better pvp and pve performance with other classes for the same amount of money

    greetz harm0wnie
  • Posts: 2,965 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Can anybody tell me how much you must spent in order to get a descent gear on high lvls?

    Just decent? For a wiz?

    Let me try to break it down the best I can in dollars, considering gold is about 800k a piece;

    Rank 8 armor (includes your chest, legs, and wep)- $72

    150m coin for phys defense ornaments- roughly $190

    Maybe some sleeves and boots, which are another 12m- $15

    Let's not forget a good helm. You can go for a nirvana one, but I prefer the Warsoul of Heaven, which is about 20m- $25

    Now you need to +8 all your gear and wep. That's the chest, legs, wep, necklace, belt, boots, helm, and wrists. So 8 articles of gear in all.
    We'll say you refined to +3 with just mirage stones and that you're buying d orbs from the boutique during a sale at $1.30 for 10 1* orbs.

    Refine level--Cost per orb--Cost total
    +8--$30--$240<--Used D orb of ocean since it's cheaper than making a +8 orb
    The grand total of getting all your gear to +8 is $687.20

    Last but not least, your going to want to shard. You'll want to shard citrines on your chest, legs, wrists, helm, and boots (to be decent). So let's say all your gear has only 3 sockets, not 4. That's 5 articles of gear, with 3 sockets each, so you'll need 15 citrines. Let's say you use perfect citrines. Off the top of my head I think they were about 4m each, but I could definitely be wrong.
    Let's not forget Sapphire Gems for your wep, which you'll need 2 of. Those are about 13m a piece, so 26m.
    So at 4m each, and 15 sockets to fill, you're looking at another 86m- $108

    So altogether you have $72 (rank 8), $190 (phys def ornaments), $15 (sleeves/boots), $25 (helm), $687.20 (+8 all your gear), $108 (sharding).

    Your grand total comes out to- $1097, or 1097 Gold

    I think +8 is better than decent, but definitely what you need if you want to kill anyone on Lost City.
  • Posts: 140 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Safety Lock killed the PK fun
    The only PvP is b:cry
  • Posts: 2,342 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    whats so fun in dropping or getting drops :P?

    one has angels and/or full bound gear and noobs dont


    and why cash shop??
    why dont you try to reach your goals ingame
    i like potato
  • Posts: 632 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    And why exactly are you throwing your money out of the window to get orbs to +7? I got full +6 on one char and full +5 with a few +6 on the other and I did not use a single orb. Using Tienkang/Tisha is far far cheaper than orbing, even on a sale...
    "Of course you should fight fire with fire. You should fight everything with fire."

    "Some have said there is no subtlety to destruction. You know what? They're dead."

    - Jaya Ballard, Task Mage
  • Posts: 468 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Just decent? For a wiz?

    Let me try to break it down the best I can in dollars, considering gold is about 800k a piece;

    Rank 8 armor (includes your chest, legs, and wep)- $72

    150m coin for phys defense ornaments- roughly $190

    Maybe some sleeves and boots, which are another 12m- $15

    Let's not forget a good helm. You can go for a nirvana one, but I prefer the Warsoul of Heaven, which is about 20m- $25

    Now you need to +8 all your gear and wep. That's the chest, legs, wep, necklace, belt, boots, helm, and wrists. So 8 articles of gear in all.
    We'll say you refined to +3 with just mirage stones and that you're buying d orbs from the boutique during a sale at $1.30 for 10 1* orbs.

    Refine level--Cost per orb--Cost total
    +8--$30--$240<--Used D orb of ocean since it's cheaper than making a +8 orb
    The grand total of getting all your gear to +8 is $687.20

    Last but not least, your going to want to shard. You'll want to shard citrines on your chest, legs, wrists, helm, and boots (to be decent). So let's say all your gear has only 3 sockets, not 4. That's 5 articles of gear, with 3 sockets each, so you'll need 15 citrines. Let's say you use perfect citrines. Off the top of my head I think they were about 4m each, but I could definitely be wrong.
    Let's not forget Sapphire Gems for your wep, which you'll need 2 of. Those are about 13m a piece, so 26m.
    So at 4m each, and 15 sockets to fill, you're looking at another 86m- $108

    So altogether you have $72 (rank 8), $190 (phys def ornaments), $15 (sleeves/boots), $25 (helm), $687.20 (+8 all your gear), $108 (sharding).

    Your grand total comes out to- $1097, or 1097 Gold

    I think +8 is better than decent, but definitely what you need if you want to kill anyone on Lost City.

    O M G !!
    Since I dont think it s possible to get all that money in game that means that you have to cash all that gold... I really live to be a Wizard but it looks like i`ll have to move to a cheaper class... b:sad
  • Posts: 2,965 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    O M G !!
    Since I dont think it s possible to get all that money in game that means that you have to cash all that gold... I really live to be a Wizard but it looks like i`ll have to move to a cheaper class... b:sad

    Well at least you saw this now rather than later.

    Though tbh this is how much you'll need to be considered above average on Lost City.
    Instead of +8, I'd say that all +6 would make you above average on newer servers like Raging Tide or Archosaur.

    Now if you want a class that will cheaper all around, I'd say go an assassin.
    Assassins are basically pwi on easy mode. Best PvE and PvP class, excellent money making capabilities, and they can do more with less refines/gear.

    One last thing to point out is that you wouldn't need to spend $1k all at once on your wiz. That build could be achieved over the course of a year. So if you work a job where you make $1500 a month, you could maybe set aside $100 a month for a year for your gearing if you wanted to pay for it all out of pocket.
    Or maybe you could set aside $80 and just farm the difference.

    Now your last option might be to make a sin/bm and get them to 5aps so you can farm Nirv for the coin needed to gear your wiz. Only problem with that is 5aps could cost more than the wiz I described.
  • Posts: 468 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Well at least you saw this now rather than later.

    Though tbh this is how much you'll need to be considered above average on Lost City.
    Instead of +8, I'd say that all +6 would make you above average on newer servers like Raging Tide or Archosaur.

    Now if you want a class that will cheaper all around, I'd say go an assassin.
    Assassins are basically pwi on easy mode. Best PvE and PvP class, excellent money making capabilities, and they can do more with less refines/gear.

    One last thing to point out is that you wouldn't need to spend $1k all at once on your wiz. That build could be achieved over the course of a year. So if you work a job where you make $1500 a month, you could maybe set aside $100 a month for a year for your gearing if you wanted to pay for it all out of pocket.
    Or maybe you could set aside $80 and just farm the difference.

    Now your last option might be to make a sin/bm and get them to 5aps so you can farm Nirv for the coin needed to gear your wiz. Only problem with that is 5aps could cost more than the wiz I described.

    If I stay on Dreamweaver all the equipment you describe above will be necesary too?
  • Posts: 1,158 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    If I stay on Dreamweaver all the equipment you describe above will be necesary too?

    On DW, you can choose to stay blue-named forever. Hence, usually only people who are confident in either their gear (and perhaps skills but mostly their gear from my experience) choose to go white-named to pk whereas on Lost City, everyone above level 30 are automatically pk-enabled.

    Therefore, one would expect that you would need better gears on DW in order to hold your own in pk. However, it would be a waste due to the lack of pk at that level anyway in DW.
  • Posts: 2,965 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    If I stay on Dreamweaver all the equipment you describe above will be necesary too?

    Yes and no.

    You see the thing about LC is that it's the big mean PKer server. There's more r9 and better gear on LC than I've seen on any other server I've played.

    Point is that on LC, there's a lot of individuals with insanely good gear.

    Now on DW, there's much much less OP geared people, but the problem is that they are the only ones who go into PK mode, whereas on LC you could occasionally pick a fight with someone you have a chance against.

    Point is, PvPing is expensive. It's purely a money sink on this game since you really can't make back any money you lose.
    And PWI maybe free to play, but it's pay to win.

    Now as I said before, you might want to consider going to Raging Tide or Archosaur if you want to PvP. On both servers there are TW guilds that accept lower levels (like 60s and 70s). The world PvP in RT is almost strictly 90+, and in Arch it's plain dead.

    The best thing I can recommend is that you roll in Harshlands. It's an east coast server like DW, plus there's not nearly as much OP people there.

    Good luck making your decision. Tell me which PvP server you decide on, cuz I have alts that I can help you with on both servers.
  • Posts: 69 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    stolen from me from RT forums:

    this is wat pk is like on RT, ijs:
  • Posts: 1,158 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    stolen from me from RT forums:

    this is wat pk is like on RT, ijs:

    like a boss b:cool
  • Posts: 1,842 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Wizards are fun - check

    Wizards have a hard time at pk - check

    Wizards have to spend more than alot of classes to pk - check

    gee, seems like I've heard this somewhere before . . . .

    My advice, roll a sin or a fist/claw bm (or even a barb), or a cleric (shares most gear pre 100 with a wizard). Try to earn some coin to gear your wizard as an alt. If you do a wizard first, it will cost you more in terms of rl $ and you will be unable to do virtually anything in game pve-wise, either for fun or for profit.

    Just log on any server and watch world chat - aside from the occasional lvl 60 zhen squad, noone asks for a wizard for squad. Ever. Seekers twirly aoe only made things worse. We used to be highly desireable for FCC and Delta at least, but even that is incredibly rare now.

    And while we are fun in TW, and most people would be crazy to NOT want a R8 endgame wizard for TW, the fact is we aren't needed at all even there like we used to be. Psychics with the very same gear cost as a wizard (and in some cases less) are ALOT more deadly in TW because, unlike wizards, they can actually take a punch. Heck, I know not a few psychics (an arcane class too, don't forget) that are actually able to HUNT sins.
    "And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."
  • Posts: 1,158 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    And while we are fun in TW, and most people would be crazy to NOT want a R8 endgame wizard for TW, the fact is we aren't needed at all even there like we used to be.

    Psychics with the very same gear cost as a wizard (and in some cases less) are ALOT more deadly in TW because, unlike wizards, they can actually take a punch. Heck, I know not a few psychics (an arcane class too, don't forget) that are actually able to HUNT sins.

    No, with r8 psychics do not take a punch at all. Unless they're TWing in white voodoo which undermines them as a DD class. With r8, wizzes can still oneshot squads with lucky frenzied bids crits. Psys don't have that luxury. We just **** away slowly at opponents lifepoints and hope to kill them before their charm ticks again.

    If you don't believe me, you can see sorta how it's like as an r8 psy:
  • Posts: 478 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    stolen from me from RT forums:

    this is wat pk is like on RT, ijs:
    I watched your videos for all the wrong reasons b:dirty
    Wizards are fun - check

    Wizards have a hard time at pk - check

    Wizards have to spend more than alot of classes to pk - check

    gee, seems like I've heard this somewhere before . . . .

    My advice, roll a sin or a fist/claw bm (or even a barb), or a cleric (shares most gear pre 100 with a wizard). Try to earn some coin to gear your wizard as an alt. If you do a wizard first, it will cost you more in terms of rl $ and you will be unable to do virtually anything in game pve-wise, either for fun or for profit.

    Just log on any server and watch world chat - aside from the occasional lvl 60 zhen squad, noone asks for a wizard for squad. Ever. Seekers twirly aoe only made things worse. We used to be highly desireable for FCC and Delta at least, but even that is incredibly rare now.

    And while we are fun in TW, and most people would be crazy to NOT want a R8 endgame wizard for TW, the fact is we aren't needed at all even there like we used to be. Psychics with the very same gear cost as a wizard (and in some cases less) are ALOT more deadly in TW because, unlike wizards, they can actually take a punch. Heck, I know not a few psychics (an arcane class too, don't forget) that are actually able to HUNT sins.

    For the stuff in red i actualy disagree with o.o
    For me atleast pking on my wizzard is alot easier than it is for my archer (Wizie is 90 Archer is 92) For one FoW Casts helluvalot eons faster than Stunning Arrow and it doesnt miss *except on Sins*. Two kiting is like...easy mode for wizzards, where archers need a genie of one spark to kite stuff all we need is 20 chi *10 if your sage* and we move like 20ish+ meters in a second and still have genie chi for Debuffs+Surviving and or looking sexy.
    I find that i can take down pretty much anything on my wizzard where as my archer has a **** ton of trouble with barbs and bms *Ones that know their head from their *** anyway >.<*
    And while archers have survival skills they take time to cast and...kinda suck ._. WoG needs to be timed right inorder to resist things, Plume shell needs chi, doesnt seem to cast as fast as it says >.> and it lasts like..1 hit which is smexy but....meh.
    And i actualy find it easier to deal with sins on my wizz than my archer, especialy since when sins triple spark they usualy freeze you Unless they occulthax which = Distance shrink.

    Forgot what else i had to say b:surrender

    Oh yeh...Dear MageFishban.

    I have subscribed to your youtube channel in the expectaion that you will put up pseudoregular pk videos.
    Failure to do so will cause you to meet the same reppercushions that Adroit will come to recieve.
  • Posts: 1,842 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    No, with r8 psychics do not take a punch at all. Unless they're TWing in white voodoo

    Exactly. They can switch when they see a group or a high priority target, and not have the risk for the entire tw that wizards do of getting picked off by ranged archers or sneaky sins.

    Not to mention taking down catas in your own base - formerly almost the exclusive province of wizards. A psy can do it just as easily, in some cases more easily, and can keep in black with cover from the towers fairly easily.

    Like I said, we are still wanted for TW, but we aren't nearly as necessary as we used to be.
    With r8, wizzes can still oneshot squads with lucky frenzied bids crits. Psys don't have that luxury. We just **** away slowly at opponents lifepoints and hope to kill them before their charm ticks again.

    1 shotting entire squads is rare. They usually don't clump together that much. The one exception is coming out of their own B gate, which for some reason everyone still seems to do, idk why.

    And psychics have a nicer aoe stun. I would gladly trade MS for that.

    And **** away slowly? Compared to what? A wizard?

    Again, in alot of regards, we are pretty similar in TW with a few differences to be sure. My point wasn't that psychic>wizard in TW. My point was that they are roughly equivalent - which makes us valuable in TW still, just not indispensible as we used to be.
    "And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."
  • Posts: 1,842 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    For the stuff in red i actualy disagree with o.o

    For me atleast pking on my wizzard is alot easier than it is for my archer (Wizie is 90 Archer is 92)

    I certainly wasn't commenting on your personal experience or preference. And I note that neither is rank 8 or lvl 100. I wasn't talking lvl 90, so I am not sure what you are disagreeing with.
    For one FoW Casts helluvalot eons faster than Stunning Arrow and it doesnt miss *except on Sins*.

    Endgame it should miss alot less, particularly against HA and AA users.

    And FoW vs Stunning Arrow? At least you HAVE a stun. FoW isn't a stun. A wizard's only real "stun" is mountain seize, which has to cast slower than stunning arrow.
    Two kiting is like...easy mode for wizzards, where archers need a genie of one spark to kite stuff all we need is 20 chi *10 if your sage* and we move like 20ish+ meters in a second and still have genie chi for Debuffs+Surviving and or looking sexy.

    Kiting against a wizard is incredibly easy. We have no skills to stop you. Even FoW - you can just walk away.
    I find that i can take down pretty much anything on my wizzard where as my archer has a **** ton of trouble with barbs and bms

    So you are saying wizards can take down HA faster than archers? really? wow, shocking.

    What about other AA users? easier on your archer or your wiz? ija
    And while archers have survival skills they take time to cast

    Aw, qq. Would love it if wizards had some. Any immune to movement debuffs, 1 shot shields, anything. We have none of those very nice pk skills many of the other classes share.
    And i actualy find it easier to deal with sins on my wizz than my archer, especialy since when sins triple spark they usualy freeze you Unless they occulthax which = Distance shrink.

    Well, maybe you just suck at your archer? Again, I am not talking about your particular preference or skill set. I am talking about the class in general.
    Forgot what else i had to say b:surrender

    Thank heaven for small favors.
    "And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."
  • Posts: 4,628 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    A mage's job has and probably always will be to drop ultis in TW. We haven't been even close to replaced in that department. We still have better single target DD than a psychic due to sutra (and skills that have long channel/low cast), undine, and genie spark than a psychic.. although primary DD on cata barbs seems to be high aps nowadays.. but meh. The 12m vs 8m range on aoes means mages hit more than twice the area per aoe than a psychic will.. and our defensive skills don't drain our chi nearly to the extent that a psychic's would. We set up stone barrier and run out.. no major chi drains (lol blink taking 10 chi) and our skills give us chi far faster than any other class (excluding sins ofc). Psychics don't build chi as fast, and when they do have it, it is spent on psy will, soulburn, earth vector etc. Not to mention their other defensive skill white voodoo nerfs their damage to ****. Psychics are meant to stay alive in TW and soulburn/earth vector/buff (often times stay primarily in white voodoo). Obv the exception is when they outgear everyone they are fighting.. perhaps spamming basic skills over and over will do more damage than what was previously stated. They are not primary a DD class like we are (even if they like to think so). We have not been replaced in TW imo.
    Youtube Channel:
    Current gear:
  • Posts: 1,158 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Not to mention their other defensive skill white voodoo nerfs their damage to ****. Psychics are meant to stay alive in TW and soulburn/earth vector/buff (often times stay primarily in white voodoo). Obv the exception is when they outgear everyone they are fighting.. perhaps spamming basic skills over and over will do more damage than what was previously stated. They are not primary a DD class like we are (even if they like to think so). We have not been replaced in TW imo.

    Are you insinuating something . . . b:beatenup
    Exactly. They can switch when they see a group or a high priority target, and not have the risk for the entire tw that wizards do of getting picked off by ranged archers or sneaky sins.

    Not to mention taking down catas in your own base - formerly almost the exclusive province of wizards. A psy can do it just as easily, in some cases more easily, and can keep in black with cover from the towers fairly easily.

    Like I said, we are still wanted for TW, but we aren't nearly as necessary as we used to be.

    1 shotting entire squads is rare. They usually don't clump together that much. The one exception is coming out of their own B gate, which for some reason everyone still seems to do, idk why.

    And psychics have a nicer aoe stun. I would gladly trade MS for that.

    And **** away slowly? Compared to what? A wizard?

    Again, in alot of regards, we are pretty similar in TW with a few differences to be sure. My point wasn't that psychic>wizard in TW. My point was that they are roughly equivalent - which makes us valuable in TW still, just not indispensible as we used to be.

    psy's earth vector is a 6m aoe. The area affected is 1/4 of the area affected by Mountain Seize. In addition, the damage dealt is much much less.

    100% of weapon damage plus 3987.1 and only an 85% chance to stun for Earth Vector vs 500% of weapon damage plus 12149.0 and a 95% chance to stun for Mountain Seize.

    @Adroit and BLOOD

    But imo, psychics in white voodoo are useless in TW. Sure you can slow/freeze/stun cata barbs while taking a few hits, but for what purpose? To put dots on the barbs?

    Quoting the esteemed Chairman Mao (may the sun gloriously and eternally shine on his gleaming Communist forehead), "The only real defense is active defense." or in other words the common adage "the best defense is a good offense."

    I mean if you watched my old TW vid, you'd see me hitting better geared archers 3k noncrit with my +5 r8 wep while they hit me <3k crits with their +10 r8 while we were both full buffed and I was in black voodoo. Being in black voodoo just means you gotta play smarter (or just go for the suicidal kamikazes. either/or).
  • Posts: 2,965 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Are you insinuating something . . . b:beatenup
    Yes. If psys and wizzies made love, wizzies would be on top. We're just more agressive.
    Now make me a sammich.
    psy's earth vector is a 6m aoe. The area affected is 1/4 of the area affected by Mountain Seize. In addition, the damage dealt is much much less.

    WTT Pitfall for Earth Vector
  • Posts: 4,628 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    tbh, I don't really know much about psychics (part of the reason I wanna make one).. so I could be totally wrong with my idea for their role in TW. I just look at psychics as mages that are restricted to the equivalent of pyro/gush/stone rain and a bunch of neat defense skills. Obviously that is way overly simplified, but that's the general idea I have of psychics. I guess you don't always need aoe DPH to be a DD (take archers for example).. single target or smaller aoes can also be very effective in TW. Meh I dunno b:surrender
    Youtube Channel:
    Current gear:
  • Posts: 574 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    tbh, I don't really know much about psychics (part of the reason I wanna make one).. so I could be totally wrong with my idea for their role in TW. I just look at psychics as mages that are restricted to the equivalent of pyro/gush/stone rain and a bunch of neat defense skills. Obviously that is way overly simplified, but that's the general idea I have of psychics. I guess you don't always need aoe DPH to be a DD (take archers for example).. single target or smaller aoes can also be very effective in TW. Meh I dunno b:surrender

    The thing is even if the psychics aoes have smaller range and also might do slightly less dmg (this depends because wiz weapon multiplier + higher fix dmg vs +22(25) att lvl for psy) they are spamable. That means its easy for a psy to launch 2-3 aoe attacks in a row with relatively high dmg output so unless the wiz is able to 1shot with 1 big blow ( which is hardly the case without a crit anymore) the psy will be more dangerous. Especially when it comes to aoe stunning not only the duration of the stun but also how fast you can get the stun in matters and a wiz with -25% chan still needs 4s to channel mountain seize

    greetz harm0wnie
  • Posts: 2,342 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    its not about 1shotting

    its about more than halfshotting

    and fizzie is getting hit by <3k damage .. b:heart K
    i like potato
  • Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Yes. If psys and wizzies made love, wizzies would be on top. We're just more agressive.
    Now make me a sammich.

    WTT Pitfall for Earth Vector

    lmao damn so true, me vs a psy named Tiamat, +10 r8 wep , +8 armor..... and gets oneshotted to my BT while i have a +10 r6 wep (Beamhoof Slicer), no crit, no debuffs or anything. he was fully buffed i was not... and he took 10k straight.... as magefixban has been trying to say, play smart or play suicidal if you wanna roll a psyxD
  • Posts: 468 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    First of all thks for all your answers... as you can see i m still on Dreamweaver.. main reason.. i met the most beautifull BM i ever seen b:dirty .. she and her main (a 101 lvl cleric) had helped me a lot and i m learning a lot of things with her.. so i will probably stay on dreamweaver for the moment...
    I really like to be a wiz.. and during this days i asked a lot of people specially high lvls about what they think of wizzys because every time I enter here and read most of your opinions i starting to think in leaving my wyz and become a BM or something worst... a fish... b:surrender but all the people i asked told me that they really like wizzys cause they can hit really hard and even at my early lvl 41 i was invited to do some Bh`s... i know that i will never have the knowledge you have on this game but i m starting to think that we are not as bad as you say... but of course. i m just a noob for the moment...

    (sorry about my bad English...)
  • Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    First of all thks for all your answers... as you can see i m still on Dreamweaver.. main reason.. i met the most beautifull BM i ever seen b:dirty .. she and her main (a 101 lvl cleric) had helped me a lot and i m learning a lot of things with her.. so i will probably stay on dreamweaver for the moment...
    I really like to be a wiz.. and during this days i asked a lot of people specially high lvls about what they think of wizzys because every time I enter here and read most of your opinions i starting to think in leaving my wyz and become a BM or something worst... a fish... b:surrender but all the people i asked told me that they really like wizzys cause they can hit really hard and even at my early lvl 41 i was invited to do some Bh`s... i know that i will never have the knowledge you have on this game but i m starting to think that we are not as bad as you say... but of course. i m just a noob for the moment...

    (sorry about my bad English...)


    guys, you were discussing things that he didn't even have idea.

    btw Sanctuary rocks as a server to go pker, even if it isnt a pvp server.
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