cutting thru ha with ease.......

Angelstealth - Harshlands
Posts: 69 Arc User
may i ask, at what lvl do i start cutting thru ha like paper? i've already gotten my double spark already and i've killed some rather easily. but back to the question at hand. am i already at the lvl?b:chuckle
Post edited by Angelstealth - Harshlands on
Stack tangling mire and Subsea/Extreme Poison
Stun, Double Spark, and let it rip
It gets better with Condensed Thorn[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Current Sin Build:
Current Wizard Build: -
When you start investing in interval gear. If you are super on top of farming all your gear, that will be around level 80: lvl 60 int wrists, lvl 80 int daggers, lvl 80 trophy cape, and interval tome if you're loaded.
(Start messing around with power dash.)0 -
Ill tell you Wat u need my friend.
- lvl 100 sin
- Nirvana Dags
- Int Tome
- Nirvana Legs
- TT 99 Ha/La
- 6-7k hp
Mayb when u Get All these u might be able to Defeat an HA, and Barbs dont count cuz they suck, Try Pking a Bm that has stun luck, or now-a-days a seeker. b:kiss0 -
Seekers are lame. I have trouble with BMs even in their 70s if they know what they're doing, but I face-rolled a 7x PK seeker a few weeks ago.Demon_Troll: "takes on the appearance of an innocent archer but turns into a mindless idiot once you hear him speak"
~Spazz~0 -
Condensed Thornb:dirtyOnce there was an Assassin... He killed everyone. The End...0
stalk the prey (check out their gear to assume lvl) and wait for the right moment > double spark from stealth > stun/mire/wind sheild > aps till stun is gone/dead > force stealth and watch them call you a noob.0
Typhyse - Sanctuary wrote: »Seekers are lame. I have trouble with BMs even in their 70s if they know what they're doing, but I face-rolled a 7x PK seeker a few weeks ago.
Ur Lvl 91 my friend, why do u bully lvl 7xs have some pride as a lvl 9x. u should try my Seeker 50 def lvl 9k pdef and 7k hp unbuffed b:dirty hes a little beast, im still missing my Wrist and my Chest plate so expect it to be 7.5k-8k unbuffed as soon as i get unbanned b:cry0 -
I have 3.33 APS at 100. I'm too much of a mediocre gimp to get 5 APS on my Sin (yet). One TW a little while ago, I triple sparked + facerolled 3 cata barbs because, after my faction and I killed their support, they were dumb enough to try straight tanking my demon spark.
Here's how you do it: Condensed Thorn is a piece of sh*t. Ignore it, and don't even bother spending coin for the Apocalypse pages. Instead, level your apothecary skill, and craft yourself a bunch of magic damage apo--I use wood damage apo, personally, since few people shard to defend against it. Pop that on, and you won't even need a spark for most HA users unless they're actually decently geared. And even then, unless they're godly geared, stunlocking them and APSing them with Wind Shield is usually good enough.
Except for Cata Barbs, especially if they're fully buffed. Against a fuilly-buffed, smart Cata Barb in TW, you probably won't be able to kill them unless their Apo/Skill timers are down, or unless you have god-awfully incredible gear (which I do not have). Thankfully, most of them aren't that smart and can be facerolled with double/triple spark.
Edit: You obviously wanna buff with Deaden Nerves/Wolf Emblem/Focused Mind or Tidal Protection first. Since my apo timer is used up for magic damage apo against HA users, I'm using Demon Tidal Protection 99% of the time. Hell, I use it 99% of the time anyway, since debuffs kill me in PVE/PVP far more often than straight damage._Fuzz_ - Lost City wrote: »stalk the prey (check out their gear to assume lvl) and wait for the right moment > double spark from stealth > stun/mire/wind sheild > aps till stun is gone/dead > force stealth and watch them call you a noob.'re on Lost City. Shouldn't you know how to PK by now?0 -
_Sam_Sama_ - Harshlands wrote: »Ur Lvl 91 my friend, why do u bully lvl 7xs have some pride as a lvl 9x. u should try my Seeker 50 def lvl 9k pdef and 7k hp unbuffed b:dirty hes a little beast, im still missing my Wrist and my Chest plate so expect it to be 7.5k-8k unbuffed as soon as i get unbanned b:cry
^ What he said. Also, just wait until you try to duel a Seeker with the lvl 100 skill to disarm you. You'll be **** out of luck, little squishy fish b:laugh[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Sverdet ~ Lvl 100 Seeker; Rank 80 -
I killed him because the moron was KSing the mobs outside Archo while I was on my mystic. I told him to bugger off or I'd get my sin. He accepted my challenge so I beat him.
I'm not taking pride in it; I'm saying at that level, BMs are far more powerful than Seekers. OP is 60, not 100 so the power of a 100 seeker is irrelevant to her.Demon_Troll: "takes on the appearance of an innocent archer but turns into a mindless idiot once you hear him speak"
~Spazz~0 -
Ur not gonna cut through HA until 90+. My BM never lost to a single sin around my level from 70-about 89. I knew how to use my BM skills. Honestly, the only way u can beat a BM before 90 is if u have all ur interval gears such as: TT80 daggs, Rank top, INt Tome and INt bracers or Blood moon and even then u'd have to be pro. After 90, you get more interval gears and it gets easier.0
★Immunity is an Arch Server TW Faction. If you want to join Apply @★ [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
-Inactive 19 Sept 2011-0 -
RioNHale - Archosaur wrote: »Demon_Troll: "takes on the appearance of an innocent archer but turns into a mindless idiot once you hear him speak"
~Spazz~0 -
RioNHale - Archosaur wrote: »
Or invest the money you spent on +12ing H&Ts to +10 Hitman Legends at 90, which would get you this:
My sage daggers are only +7 and still have higher damage than the bloated monstrosity you created.0 -
Typhyse - Sanctuary wrote: »Fail for putting THAT much money into gear at 89...
No ****! rofl.
Point is that people were saying "what level?" I just stated u could batter ha people at a lower level if you buy retarted gear.
That joke build I put, would undoutably kill most 100+ barbs/bms/seekers and its not even level 90 yet.
people gotta get it out of their heads that "im gna hit lvl 94 then ill be pro" attitude.
gear + skills + apoth + knowing how to pvp > level.
Commonly, everyone rushes to 100 with a sin to use some of the gear options below:
aim for that with some refines or w/e and its GODMODEto kill any class with auto attack, aa/la/ha its all the same, to them, especially R9 sins seem to disregard any defences the target has, ive seen knife throws unsparked and the victims being 90+ ok geared screaming "wtf 35k?!?! -___-"", like they got shot by a duke nukem'.
Heres an example for you from my own experience with "HA being cut thru with ease".
My barb has really nice tt nirvana gear +10, not bad def lvl, (and r9 ring+belt atm too, saving for weapon).
Im sage with every sage skill and celestial 100 skill, shapeshifting intensity sage kicks *** for p.def in tiger, and hp wise 18.6k standing atm and about 24k tiger, not full vit built but still about 7.5k m.def buffed and over 24k p.def in tiger buffed... (I think).
So, I got demon hfd by a bm (studmuffin), and an unsparked r9 +12 sin (Metridium) 1 shot me for 27k, was hella funny cos ive never even been hit that hard by a bidds or any caster class, the classes im meant to be vulnerable to.
It was the hardest hit Ive ever taken, and even a sparked psy full set r9 with +11/12 wep hit me for like 15-20k... although not with hf mind.
This same sin hits me for 7k zerk crits at a 2.5-2.86aps speed depending on the ornaments hes using, UNSPARKED.
It just feels simply unfair how the first hit I take is like an arma from a barb cept theres no -50% hp for the caster and they can repeatedly do it several times in the blink of an eye with no consequence.
R9 daggers are just simply too powerful, your not sposed to have zerk on a high aps/crit class it dosent make sense in pvp considering they always get the first hits aswell, and that hit it one in many chain stun combos.
R9 sins when they have some decent refined aps armour too are simply untouchable.
This is just showing how HA gets obliterated by sins, even though there was demon hf on me... being 1 shot by a sin for 27k is a joke. especially as it is a PHYSICAL ATTACK. b:angry
It seems the only way to counter this is to be a mindless zombie full vit barb with full r9 and full jades.
Or just get the r9 axe and +12 it, have the r9 +12 sin encounters play out like something like so:
Journal of an epic R9 barbVSsin fight. From barb's perspective
woohoo creative writing ftw!
Sin pops out of stealth with his anti stun on, wolf emblem and every other buff he has. he headhunts me, ive never seen it miss or fail, he starts to unsparked 2.86aps me hitting around 2.5k per hit 7k per second.
I expel, the sin sleeps me then runs into the distance to stealth, not using up his force stealth.
My genie has 8 skills and is 92/100.
The sin pops out again a few moments later fully chid up and headhunts me a second time, followed by a tackling slash and that seal thingy I cant remember the name of.
I hit solid shield because expel is still in cooldown and solid shield's 60% damage reduction may help me survive long enough for 2 charm ticks.
The sin begins auto attacking me, it hits hard, and cuts through solid shield as if it was a +5 sparked r8 sin he has 8 seconds until the tackling slash is gone, and has leway to teleport stun me in that time.
However before he can I pop into human and use violent triumph, (my anti stun) and attempt to purge him with clean sweep, theres a 20% chance to remove buffs, but it helps when they dont notice nor expect it.
-Miss! Godamn sin evasion!
His buffs ran out, cept dead nerves, cant use arma, damnit.
I put on Sage bloodbath, that accuracy should help a bit.
He stuns me again with headhunt, how do they get so much chi fml.
He hits wolf emblem, sleeps me again, I hope he dosent power dash too.
Tackling slash again, hrm, expel just needs a bit more energy,
He starts attacking me but I cant hit him back, ah ofcourse, those damn daggers have more range than my axe. +2.00, this is ridiculous.
I use beastial onslaught to reduce his evasion it has a 12m range, hoping itll zerk crit his dn off, frikit! sage onslaught cant zerk, im getting mad, 1 ranged skill, this one got nerfed for sage. >:(
I get back in tiger, and invoke, hitting beastial rage, hes hitting me in the 100s, and im chiing myself up, repeating alacrity, frighten and so on, he runs away, and rebuffs himself.
I pick myself back up, Focus on him and hit my other trickbox skill, ancestral rage, haha now hes immobolised for 8 seconds, revenge is sweet.
I run nearer and hit beastial onslaught, he tries to force stealth but I hit mighty swing hoping itll stun, although its only a 50% chance to work, it dosent and he manages to get away, grrr. my genie has low energy, I should have put more into magic >_<.
Now it can end 2 ways, pick whatever you like to read
Option A:
Barb wins:
I run towards the guards nearby west gate, I wait a second and hit untamed wrath my 1 second 79 skill aoe stun, he was sneaking up on me, YES, gotcha, Occult Ice, his dead nerves is off!
OK I hope this works...... beastial onslaught - pene armour - SAGE ARMA CRIT booooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HELL YEAH!:D:D:D die fishy
or option B:
Sin Wins:
Waiting for all his cooldowns to finish, the sin rebuffs, watching the barb from the air, he runs towards the npc, thinking its the only safety from stealth, he maybe able to aoe it, but as soon as the sin is knocked out of stealth, its fried kitteh for dinner! :<
Tidal is on, wolf emblem, dead nerves, bp, I got this.
Drop, sneak up quickly, damn knocked out of stealth with untamed wrath, aha the barb's occult ice failed, the barb gets slept.
I double spark, inner harmonry and headhunt, stunned, now to auto attack, faster I see 8k at hits! 3.33 aps hes not doing anything hes in shock.
He goes down, STRIIIIIIIKE.
Thing is its way more likely that the sin will just demon spark occult ice the barb to death and win 9/10 times in under 5 seconds.
facerolling him.
Its simply the imbalance that sins have so much in their favour.
---Anyways blabbed on way too long, what im saying is with the right gear (not level) most sins can cut through ha targets playing one handed and texting their friends with the other.★Immunity is an Arch Server TW Faction. If you want to join Apply @★ [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
-Inactive 19 Sept 2011-0 -
Aaaaaaah, gotchya
Fair enough b:surrender
Demon_Troll: "takes on the appearance of an innocent archer but turns into a mindless idiot once you hear him speak"
~Spazz~0 -
RioNHale - Archosaur wrote: »Stuff
LOL! You should have a weekly write up. I enjoyed that. b:victory[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
_UnGodly_ - Lost City wrote: »LOL! You should have a weekly write up. I enjoyed that. b:victory
Lmao, spoken from experience my friend ;D★Immunity is an Arch Server TW Faction. If you want to join Apply @★ [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
-Inactive 19 Sept 2011-0 -
Ok new personal damage taken record, a sage R9 wiz with demon hf extreme poison and glacial spike hit me for 53k sage bidds crit
then again my arma zerk crits have gone up to 80k personnally without any debuffs. BARBS ARE OP YO. >_>★Immunity is an Arch Server TW Faction. If you want to join Apply @★ [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
-Inactive 19 Sept 2011-0 -
QQ Venos get no nukes. b:cry
Which is why I don't bother with mine in TW/PK.I have an Archer for that, and now a Sin...
101 Sage Sin*/Archer
100 Demon BM*/Barb
96 Demon Cleric/Sage Seeker
95 Demon Wiz/
94 Sage Veno
85 Psy/80 Mystic
And a handful of other alts, all 79 and under.
*Pre RB level0 -
I was in a ff one day and a barb wanted to duel me because he said he dueled a sin and the sin lost badly...well after the ff I was chatting with him and he sent a duel request( what I was waiting forb:laugh )at the time we were same lvl90 ...he started I. Cat form so. I stun then hit then sleep,then gained spark then silence then spark and with 2 extreme poisons and my spark he was dead...he made a bad mistake going into standup lol.
He asked me how I did it so fast...I did t reply.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
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