PK'ing Secret Passage



  • truekossy
    truekossy Posts: 7,021 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    can you fly in sp? can you ride a mount in sp? can you jump even in sp other then 1 inch off the ground?

    Why cry about making 1 place where its for LOW LEVELS bannable to pk there? so what if you used to pk noobs there go somewhere else. on Dreamweaver all the pk is at OT. why not just have your pk fun there instead of attacking the low level players trying to get their quest done? you know there is no way to avoid anyone in sp.

    On a PvE server, going white is a choice. You're warned of the consequences and you have to hit a confirm button in order to do it. If you do this in your 30s when you first start going to SP, you have ZERO culti quests there and thus, it's not necessary to go there. On top of that, because you had to make a conscious choice, everything that happens is on you. On top of that, you don't have to do anything related to culti there until your 70s. If you didn't powerlevel your way there in 3 days, you should be aware of what PK is by then.

    On a PvP server, it's more understandable IF someone is camping the 7X that need Silver. Aside from that, it's their choice to roll PvP so they should deal with it.

    Oh yeah, and want proof of how stupid this is? Here's a response to a ticket from someone I know who kept getting killed by a player there when they went into PK mode and wanted to report it as harassment.

    This would be considered the player's own responsibility since the player chose to engage in PVP mode. We do not have a quest that require a player to enter PK mode.

    Perfect World Customer Service

    Now tell me, after getting that as an official response for a ticket, what excuse can you folks come up with for this BS? They may as well make PK bannable everywhere since you go damn near everywhere for cultis.... or they can apply some (un)common sense and remove this stupid change to the rules.
  • LadyofReal - Heavens Tear
    LadyofReal - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,993 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    can you fly in sp? can you ride a mount in sp? can you jump even in sp other then 1 inch off the ground?

    Why cry about making 1 place where its for LOW LEVELS bannable to pk there? so what if you used to pk noobs there go somewhere else. on Dreamweaver all the pk is at OT. why not just have your pk fun there instead of attacking the low level players trying to get their quest done? you know there is no way to avoid anyone in sp.

    What part of "I do not camp low level areas to pad my kill count" don't you understand? As previously stated, I take part in the higher level PvP when/if it happens there. And your statement of there being no way of avoiding PK'ers in Sp is EXACTLY what makes PvP there somewhat appealing.

    And as stated by true, nothing is needed in SP for any yellow quest until you get the quest to kill Silverfrost, and hopefully by then, you should be at a point where you can somewhat stand a chance to survive long enough to get the hell out of dodge if need be.

    Camping on a PvP server is somewhat understandable, but there is always the fact that YOU chose to roll your character on a PvP server, therefor YOU should be aware of the choice that YOU made. Remember YOU can always come back later.

    And again, on PvE servers, going into PK mode is a conscious choice that YOU made. And if YOU chose to enter it, YOU should be aware of the possible repercussions of doing so. And like true said, by the time that you would actually need anything in SP for a yellow quest, you should be well aware of what PK mode is; unless of course, you are some hyper FF noob that got their level in a matter of days and don't know jack **** about the game.
    Not motivated enough to make another PWI siggy
  • LauraAngel - Lost City
    LauraAngel - Lost City Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    I think its funny how people on Lost City treat the banning of people from Secret Passage as a bad thing. People who are complaining about the ban just don't understand the fact that nobody significant really PK's in Secret Passage anymore.

    All the people who are fighting people of the same level are either at:

    A) West Gate
    B) Guild Base Quests
    C) Silver Pool
    D) Hidden Orchid
    E) Marriage Quest Location(s)
    F) World Bosses

    The only people who fight at Secret Passage are the griefers who enjoy repeatedly harassing lowbies because they cant fight someone who is their own level.
  • Assassinal - Heavens Tear
    Assassinal - Heavens Tear Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    The only people who fight at Secret Passage are the griefers who enjoy repeatedly harassing lowbies because they cant fight someone who is their own level.

    That may be how it is on LC. On HT, some of the best guild vs guild PvP happened in SP.

    Siggy by Silvychar.
  • LadyofReal - Heavens Tear
    LadyofReal - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,993 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    That may be how it is on LC. On HT, some of the best guild vs guild PvP happened in SP.

    And good PvP action still occurs there from time to time, although the best spots do tend to be around West Gate and Silverpool most of the time.
    Not motivated enough to make another PWI siggy
  • Assassinal - Heavens Tear
    Assassinal - Heavens Tear Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    And good PvP action still occurs there from time to time, although the best spots do tend to be around West Gate and Silverpool most of the time.

    Silverpool has been a lot more active in PK, and not just sins PKing anyone white named who goes out there. It's quite fun to watch the guilds go at it like no tomorrow.

    Siggy by Silvychar.
  • Neyda - Raging Tide
    Neyda - Raging Tide Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Sigh I honestly wonder why people who try to act smart do, since the comments posted by "wanna-be" smart people tend to be biased and inaccurate due to being biased.

    Since "some people" obviously do not know half of the stuff they talk about. Let me clear this up for you okay.

    The reason for the enforcement of pk in SP on a pvp server as bannable was not "enforced" nor was it "sp based" solely. If you do not have an idea what this means. I can break it down for you.

    1st. PK in SP IS NOT in itself bannable. Nor is it not bannable. This means that to pk somebody at random while you may be pking with friends etc.

    2nd. This means that said pk not a focused obvious attempt to deliberately cause others problems. This includes camping low lvls to "farm kills" or kill lowbies or noobs etc. Doing this repeatedly IS bannable and is a breach of TOS rules, this is why it is.

    3rd. the reason behind it being bannable is it breaks TOS rules of not harassing another player. That is why to deliberately farm lowbies is bannable and has been. This is not to say that any killing is not allowed. Within reason you can obviously kill some people. That is common sense. Just as with common sense is to not kill pointlessly and do it to **** people off. That is why it is bannable and has been to prevent such things. If within reason and not taken out of context then pk itself is not bannable. Nor is it in SP bannable within reason.

    That is how it is.

    The reason that they did not hold this rule to a high standard is because it IS a pk based server. As such it makes sense that will be as it is. However being as it was in 09 people had been doing that because they "could" due to the level gap difference. In 08 there was not that much a difference for some others it was due to the fact some people knew how to lvl fast. As it was there were some who had been in closed beta and knew what they were doing. Others came from previous versions. They also knew as usch they could level faster. That is how it is.Nothing you can say will change what is to something it isnt.

    seems like, PWE prohibited PK in SP to prevent other violations against the ToS
  • ColdSnow - Dreamweaver
    ColdSnow - Dreamweaver Posts: 983 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    I was dumbing down my post to something you might understand. You still haven't read my post, or you are at a 3rd grade reading level. Don't really care, fact is you are dumb and your opinion doesn't matter :D

    Ofc I've done it, I said I did. If you don't feel like reading my post (explanations as to why its not just killing 3x), you might not want to respond.

    From personal experience I'm saying that pking in SP is not just about killing 3x (A vast majority of who I killed in there were 9x+). I propose carebearz that don't know what they are talking about should be ignored in this thread. Just a though b:chuckle

    Ok, let me shorten your first wall-of-**** aka stupidity.

    QQ i cant pk in SP anymore.
    QQ i cant kill low levels anymore.
    QQ i got banned once cause i was camping and "touched" a low level there (which asums you do, what we all been talking about..farming and one shotting).
    QQ its all bs.
    QQ i have nothing better to do than to kill low levels.
    QQ i cant compete with other lvl100 people, so i like to one shot people in SP especially with a friend, cause even that i cant do alone QQ.
    QQ i dont like carebears.
    QQ i have no real friends and scared to pk on other places
    (and last but not least) QQ i dont like people who QQ but its ok if i QQ myself here.

    Anything i missed, kid?
    If i m trolling and spamming on forum...then i cant sleep and need a good laugh
  • WillowGirl - Dreamweaver
    WillowGirl - Dreamweaver Posts: 180 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    I've kind of been away from PWI forums lately because... well... they're boring. At least this area and the Dreamweaver forums, anyway. Boooooring.

    But this thread caught my eye and, now that I've read all responses, I guess I have a little to say on the topic.

    First of all, seems to me there are a few here who love to argue for the sake of arguing, who enjoy insulting others in the effort to make themselves look smarter in some way. Knock it off, it's childish and doesn't really do much but make you look like a jerk.

    Secondly... wow... I can't believe PK in SP is bannable. I have seen PK go on there since I started PWI in October '08, I have seen the QQ, I have seen the high levels killing low levels, low levels killing each other, high levels killing each other... I've seen it all, basically. This change (or not, really, who cares?) in the rules is just... ridiculous. And I'll tell you why...

    If you enter an area and it says "Leaving safe zone" and your name is any color but blue... expect to die. The end. That's PK, don't like it, can't stand the heat, stay out of the fire, don't go PK at level 30 or you WILL be killed - either by someone around your level or someone 70 levels above you. In PK, no one can win EVERY TIME. Why on earth would a level 30 think any different?

    And really, what is the point, I ask of the GMs, of having a PK counter if people aren't supposed to wrack up the PK kills? If you remove the counter, the "Top 100" list or whatever, you take away the desire to PK - people do it for the fame, they think it makes them cool to be on that list, to have the most kills, to expand their epeen and boost their ego, whatever. If you don't want PK'ers killing other PK'ers, remove the list, remove PK from the game altogether outside of TW. From what I can tell, the whole point to PK is to up your kill count because really, there is nothing else to gain from it. Everyone uses guardian scrolls or safety lock, so it's not as if you're actually going to get some drops from it and anyway, most of the carebears on PvE servers play a stupid version of PK where they ask each other "1v1?" before attacking and return any items that do happen to drop. I was shown this kindness as a level 101 who started a fight before my safety lock ran out and finished the fight, dead on the ground, no more safety lock, and 5 mirages lying next to me - ty again, ImTooGodly, for showing the courtesy of insisting that I take back the mirages I rightfully dropped because I was dumb enough to let my safety lock run out :)

    Lastly, I don't feel bad a single bit for the level 30s, or anyone else for that matter, who goes into PK mode and gets killed. If you aren't smart enough to READ what it says to you when you click that button, then you kind of deserve to get your *** handed to you. Educate yourselves before randomly clicking a button, understand that you don't stand a chance against someone even 10 levels higher than you, much less the level 100+s that roam around always in PK mode. I don't even necessarily think it's "wrong" to "farm" low levels in PK - again, if they don't like it, go set up shop in a safe zone for 10 hours and get out of PK mode, it's really that simple.

    Your life won't come crashing down around you if you can't play out of safe zone for 10 hours, the world will not end, and you will not die. There is nothing in this game that has to be done RIGHT NOW other than events that happen at a scheduled time, so using "I need to do my culti, stop killing me" as an excuse is rubbish. Your culti can wait 10 hours or 10 days or 10 months - ask some of the 100+ players who have thus far been unable to complete their culti.
  • Stressedout - Dreamweaver
    Stressedout - Dreamweaver Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Lol, wow! Is it really this hard for people to accept such a simple rule? You'd think SP made up 80% of the game content or something :P

    Lock this nonsense and move on, really b:chuckle

    Oh the snowmen are coming, don't you worry..
  • Kitamura - Lost City
    Kitamura - Lost City Posts: 253 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    I think its funny how people on Lost City treat the banning of people from Secret Passage as a bad thing. People who are complaining about the ban just don't understand the fact that nobody significant really PK's in Secret Passage anymore.

    All the people who are fighting people of the same level are either at:

    A) West Gate
    B) Guild Base Quests
    C) Silver Pool
    D) Hidden Orchid
    E) Marriage Quest Location(s)
    F) World Bosses

    The only people who fight at Secret Passage are the griefers who enjoy repeatedly harassing lowbies because they cant fight someone who is their own level.

    Even in all those listed places (A~F) I only can find lowbies to PK b:surrender

    And why PVE carebears are here complaining? don't they have magic skill to turn name blue?
    [SIGPIC]100% F2P Assassin[/SIGPIC]
    Overclocked 100% F2P Assassin (1st lvl105 @ 22Nov2010)
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Sigh I honestly wonder why people who try to act smart do, since the comments posted by "wanna-be" smart people tend to be biased and inaccurate due to being biased.

    Since "some people" obviously do not know half of the stuff they talk about. Let me clear this up for you okay.

    The reason for the enforcement of pk in SP on a pvp server as bannable was not "enforced" nor was it "sp based" solely. If you do not have an idea what this means. I can break it down for you.

    1st. PK in SP IS NOT in itself bannable. Nor is it not bannable. This means that to pk somebody at random while you may be pking with friends etc.

    2nd. This means that said pk not a focused obvious attempt to deliberately cause others problems. This includes camping low lvls to "farm kills" or kill lowbies or noobs etc. Doing this repeatedly IS bannable and is a breach of TOS rules, this is why it is.

    3rd. the reason behind it being bannable is it breaks TOS rules of not harassing another player. That is why to deliberately farm lowbies is bannable and has been. This is not to say that any killing is not allowed. Within reason you can obviously kill some people. That is common sense. Just as with common sense is to not kill pointlessly and do it to **** people off. That is why it is bannable and has been to prevent such things. If within reason and not taken out of context then pk itself is not bannable. Nor is it in SP bannable within reason.

    That is how it is.

    The reason that they did not hold this rule to a high standard is because it IS a pk based server. As such it makes sense that will be as it is. However being as it was in 09 people had been doing that because they "could" due to the level gap difference. In 08 there was not that much a difference for some others it was due to the fact some people knew how to lvl fast. As it was there were some who had been in closed beta and knew what they were doing. Others came from previous versions. They also knew as usch they could level faster. That is how it is.Nothing you can say will change what is to something it isnt.

    Wow... you're worse than Escorian.

    Just because you can write a make-believe story does not make it true.

    PKing in Secret Passage as well as PK-camping locations, (not individuals which was considered griefing) was not a bannable offense until late 2009.

    Also, LOL at PvE server nubs commenting on old PWI PK rules. LMAO. I mean, Jesus H Christ... you think you're familiar with PK rule history when you were never subjected to the very scrutiny of it.

    So if you're going to make a statement as a fact, at least get it correct because when you don't it makes you look foolish and stupid.

    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • LadyofReal - Heavens Tear
    LadyofReal - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,993 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Yes, players on PvE servers have the ability to turn blue named IF circumstances permit it. Once you hit that button you're stuck in PK mode for at least 10 hours.

    And should it really matter what server a person plays on? Everyone is expected to follow the same rules and regulations. Running around on a PvE server 100% of the time in PK mode really is no different than exiting the safe zone on a PvP server; the only difference is on PvP servers, players are pushed to learn better strategy and tactics, as well as obtain better gear, so that they can hopefully survive their opponents.

    I've played several open PvP games, in fact PWI is the first, and only, game that I actually chose to roll my character on a PvE server. One's choice of server should not be the grounds on whether or not they should have the right to voice an opinion. The arguments, for the most part, are still valid.

    Let's not let the discussion disintegrate into PvP server vs. PvE server since the issue is still the same for both, the only difference is how it affects those involved.

    My argument remains that if making PK a bannable offense in SP, which is a shared instance, then every other shared instance should be held to the same standards. These instances include Heaven, Hell, all four of the Chrono maps, Cave of Sadistic Glee, and every room in Cube except for those where PK are needed to advance further.
    Not motivated enough to make another PWI siggy
  • IHazNutz - Dreamweaver
    IHazNutz - Dreamweaver Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    So if you're going to make a statement as a fact, at least get it correct because when you don't it makes you look foolish and stupid.


    That's funny comin from you b:laugh

    Damn near everything you say on these forums makes you look like a fool b:victory
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    That's funny comin from you b:laugh

    Damn near everything you say on these forums makes you look like a fool b:victory

    /yawn try harder

    Please point out where I have ever lied or made up a story to suit my situation.

    My father taught me well, when I don't know what the answer is, I keep my mouth shut. A lot of people here obviously never got that lesson as a child.

    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Adroit - Lost City
    Adroit - Lost City Posts: 4,628 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Ok, let me shorten your first wall-of-**** aka stupidity.

    QQ i cant pk in SP anymore.
    QQ i cant kill low levels anymore.
    QQ i got banned once cause i was camping and "touched" a low level there (which asums you do, what we all been talking about..farming and one shotting).
    QQ its all bs.
    QQ i have nothing better to do than to kill low levels.
    QQ i cant compete with other lvl100 people, so i like to one shot people in SP especially with a friend, cause even that i cant do alone QQ.
    QQ i dont like carebears.
    QQ i have no real friends and scared to pk on other places
    (and last but not least) QQ i dont like people who QQ but its ok if i QQ myself here.

    Anything i missed, kid?

    A more accurate summary of my post is..

    lawl SP is not about killing lowbies
    The rule is dumb
    You are dumb QQ whiney baby carebear.

    Your posts were more like..

    QQQQQQQQQQQQQ the poor lowbies WAHHHHHHH
    i like the pointless rules that punish people that actually play this game they want (you carebearz wouldn't know/care)
    i can't understand 2 syllable wordzzzzzzz but I pretend to understand what posts sayzzzzz
    i dumbzzzzzzzzz
    Those poor lowbiezzzzzz!!!!!!

    go back to dying to mobs pathetic carebear.
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  • Sthenith - Dreamweaver
    Sthenith - Dreamweaver Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Don't like to be PK'd stay the hell out of PK mode or learn to defend yourself.

    oooh, a lvl 101 who can't pk anymore on the noobs in secret sad... b:chuckle

    They cange the rules for a reason you dimwit. If you wanna pk so badly go take on your own lvls at OT or sumething instead of complaining here, djeez, grow up.

    In case you didn't figure it out, it's to protect those that go in there to do their quest(s), no matter what mode they're in. If ******* like you prevent that cause they like killing lowbies, then it is not more then normal that a new rule is being enforced.

    Consider it the same rule as pking in room 1 of the Cube. You can pk there, but in fact all you do is prevent peeps from even starting the cube, which is, by definition, a daily quest.

    and seriously, if you don't like the pk rules they enforce, go play tetris.

    p.s. : just because someone comments under a PvE name, doesn't mean they don't play on PvP servers.
  • OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear
    OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    What really makes no sense is with all of the other places in the game to PvP players are complaining that it's against the rules to PvP there. It's like "hard core" PvPers in WoW complaining that there are elite guards in lowbie towns.
  • Adroit - Lost City
    Adroit - Lost City Posts: 4,628 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    its not about killing lowbies by pking in those areas, its about having something to pvp over. You pick on somebody's alt, they come back and want revenge. Everywhere else on the map is just pvping for the sake of pvp.. people don't get nearly as involved and serious about it unless there is some reason to. People actually call backup, use apoth, get out of their carebear mentality for a little revenge. It makes for better PvP when they come back on their mains.
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  • truekossy
    truekossy Posts: 7,021 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    oooh, a lvl 101 who can't pk anymore on the noobs in secret sad... b:chuckle

    They cange the rules for a reason you dimwit. If you wanna pk so badly go take on your own lvls at OT or sumething instead of complaining here, djeez, grow up.

    In case you didn't figure it out, it's to protect those that go in there to do their quest(s), no matter what mode they're in. If ******* like you prevent that cause they like killing lowbies, then it is not more then normal that a new rule is being enforced.

    Consider it the same rule as pking in room 1 of the Cube. You can pk there, but in fact all you do is prevent peeps from even starting the cube, which is, by definition, a daily quest.

    and seriously, if you don't like the pk rules they enforce, go play tetris.

    p.s. : just because someone comments under a PvE name, doesn't mean they don't play on PvP servers.

    This post is filled with so many stupid, inaccurate, and just plain ignorant things that I don't even know where to begin on it.
  • LadyofReal - Heavens Tear
    LadyofReal - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,993 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Once again, I don't PK lower levels, honestly, what's the point?

    I think that the rule is stupid irregardless of whether or not I choose to PK in SP or not. If one shared instance is changed to prevent PvP action within, then to be fair, ALL shared instances should be that way also; that is the ONLY argument that I have with the entire change.

    I'm not complaining that PvP is bannable again in SP.

    I'm not complaining that I can't camp a noob spot and hope to pad my kill count (which by the way don't work on players if the level difference is significant).

    The excuse that the change was done to protect lower levels so they can do their quests is null and void. Quests cover the every map of the game, aside from inside your guild's base. And if that is truly the reason, why not take PK mode on PvE servers out completely, cause lord knows there will be somebody questing somewhere that doesn't want to PK'd despite the fact that they were the idiot who hit the button.

    And it's not like PK'ing in room 1 of Cube since that is a bug exploit whereas being able to PK in SP isn't.

    And yes, if you can't defend yourself while in PK mode, then you shouldn't be in it in the first place. And if you don't want to take the chance of being PK'd you shouldn't be in it either. High level or not, I doubt anyone will go up to someone and ask if they're busy so they can be PK'd or not.
    Not motivated enough to make another PWI siggy
  • OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear
    OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    its not about killing lowbies by pking in those areas, its about having something to pvp over. You pick on somebody's alt, they come back and want revenge. Everywhere else on the map is just pvping for the sake of pvp.. people don't get nearly as involved and serious about it unless there is some reason to. People actually call backup, use apoth, get out of their carebear mentality for a little revenge. It makes for better PvP when they come back on their mains.

    Leveling an alt isn't "carebear" mentality, but, sure, you have the ability to kill lowbies in the attempt to force some same level PvP action, but that doesn't mean you should be running around wasting their time for your personal satisfaction. It's pretty selfish, if you think about it, to force them to put leveling their alt on hold just for you. And if they don't feel like getting on their main? Do you continue to kill them until they do just for your wish of PvP? What if they simply do not care what you want and are more interested in leveling? Do you consider it a "win" if they simply log off for the day because you wouldn't go find someone your level to go after? Ultimately, that's the problem, you want someone of your level to fight, but you don't want to go find a battle against someone of equal level, you simply want to kill lowbies on the off chance someone might show up to, maybe, possibly, make you stop. Sounds pretty self-centered.

    PvP should be about PvPing for the sake of PvP, not some idiotic idea that if you gank someone's alt enough times they might get mad at you and get on their main.
    And yes, if you can't defend yourself while in PK mode, then you shouldn't be in it in the first place. And if you don't want to take the chance of being PK'd you shouldn't be in it either. High level or not, I doubt anyone will go up to someone and ask if they're busy so they can be PK'd or not.

    Level 30s don't have any defense against someone twice their level or higher, so they have no business being in PK mode on a PvP server? K
  • LadyofReal - Heavens Tear
    LadyofReal - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,993 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Level 30s don't have any defense against someone twice their level or higher, so they have no business being in PK mode on a PvP server? K

    Keep in mind that I play on a PvE server, so that comment was geared more so to PvE servers rather than PvP servers.

    In regards to PvP servers, if something cannot be accomplished at the initial time that it is attempted, then one can always come back at a later time and try again.

    Rules should not need to be amended to accommodate for those who cry the loudest.
    Not motivated enough to make another PWI siggy
  • ColdSnow - Dreamweaver
    ColdSnow - Dreamweaver Posts: 983 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    I'm not complaining that PvP is bannable again in SP.
    What then?

    The excuse that the change was done to protect lower levels so they can do their quests is null and void.
    Now thats interesting...if its not the reason to prevent farming lower levels, what might be the reason for making it bannable then? Now i m curious...
    you want someone of your level to fight, but you don't want to go find a battle against someone of equal level, you simply want to kill lowbies on the off chance someone might show up to, maybe, possibly, make you stop. Sounds pretty self-centered.

    PvP should be about PvPing for the sake of PvP, not some idiotic idea that if you gank someone's alt enough times they might get mad at you and get on their main.

    +1 :)
    If i m trolling and spamming on forum...then i cant sleep and need a good laugh
  • Adroit - Lost City
    Adroit - Lost City Posts: 4,628 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Leveling an alt isn't "carebear" mentality, but, sure, you have the ability to kill lowbies in the attempt to force some same level PvP action, but that doesn't mean you should be running around wasting their time for your personal satisfaction. It's pretty selfish, if you think about it, to force them to put leveling their alt on hold just for you. And if they don't feel like getting on their main? Do you continue to kill them until they do just for your wish of PvP? What if they simply do not care what you want and are more interested in leveling? Do you consider it a "win" if they simply log off for the day because you wouldn't go find someone your level to go after? Ultimately, that's the problem, you want someone of your level to fight, but you don't want to go find a battle against someone of equal level, you simply want to kill lowbies on the off chance someone might show up to, maybe, possibly, make you stop. Sounds pretty self-centered.

    PvP should be about PvPing for the sake of PvP, not some idiotic idea that if you gank someone's alt enough times they might get mad at you and get on their main.

    Level 30s don't have any defense against someone twice their level or higher, so they have no business being in PK mode on a PvP server? K

    it's not an off chance at them getting on their mains.. it happened almost instantly every single time I did it. When pvp was dead everywhere else, SP never failed. I could stir up some good pvp in a matter of minutes, and I've yet to find any other place that even compares. The people that I kill have signed up for this, you join a pvp server for a reason. It's like someone playing some first person shooter and whining that they don't want to kill or be killed, they'd rather prance around smelling the flowers. It's the point of the GAME. You do pve carebear stuff so that you are better at pvp, and if you wish not to.. you join a carebear (pve) server where you can choose if you want to pk or not.

    All I've heard is QQQQQQQ poor lowbies. When you made your first character on a pvp server, or went white name on a pve server.. you have signed up for pvp. If you can't handle it, go ragequit game. I could care less tbh.. less QQ whiney babies playing is a good thing imo.
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  • ColdSnow - Dreamweaver
    ColdSnow - Dreamweaver Posts: 983 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    @OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear

    dont argue with kids, as you can see Adroit is very selfconcered. she cant gank and camp in SP anymore. egoism, selfishness, lack of social concern = kid.

    PWI wont change anything on that rule, since only..well lets see 2 threads complaning here? b:chuckle Means noone gives a fux.
    If i m trolling and spamming on forum...then i cant sleep and need a good laugh
  • Cheze - Lost City
    Cheze - Lost City Posts: 200 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    If they want to disallow pk in certain places thats fine. THEN CHANGE THE CODE TO MAKE IT A SAFEZONE. Why bother adding all these EXTRA rules that is hard to enforce to cover what was missed in the game code when they could have simply changed the code to automatically enforce the rules. It's not like some problem that just came up a few days ago. If PW is lazy enough to not bother spending a few hours to change some code to enforce certain rules in game after many years, why should players bother to follow these underspecified rules that can't even be found in game.
  • ColdSnow - Dreamweaver
    ColdSnow - Dreamweaver Posts: 983 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    If they want to disallow pk in certain places thats fine. THEN CHANGE THE CODE TO MAKE IT A SAFEZONE. Why bother adding all these EXTRA rules that is hard to enforce to cover what was missed in the game code when they could have simply changed the code to automatically enforce the rules. It's not like some problem that just came up a few days ago. If PW is lazy enough to not bother spending a few hours to change some code to enforce certain rules in game after many years, why should players bother to follow these underspecified rules that can't even be found in game.

    1. since when did pwi change any coding in gameplay? ever saw a bug fixed?
    2. ever saw in SZ mobs with agro and bosses? Safe Zone message isnt only a message to inform player about pk.
    This SP rule isnt here only since "few days ago", someone said more then a year, so why now complaining?
    If i m trolling and spamming on forum...then i cant sleep and need a good laugh
  • Adroit - Lost City
    Adroit - Lost City Posts: 4,628 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    @OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear

    dont argue with kids, as you can see Adroit is very selfconcered. she cant gank and camp in SP anymore. egoism, selfishness, lack social concern = kid.

    PWI wont change anything on that rule, since only..well lets see 2 threads complaning here? b:chuckle Means noone gives a fux.

    QQ moar? b:victory
    another carebear bitez the dust.

    and it was complained about before, but the topic was brought up again. Expect stupid rules to receive some well deserved criticism.
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  • ColdSnow - Dreamweaver
    ColdSnow - Dreamweaver Posts: 983 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    QQ moar? b:victory
    another carebear bitez the dust.

    and it was complained about before, but the topic was brought up again. Expect stupid rules to receive some well deserved criticism.

    please edit the typo i had in my quote :P ty
    If i m trolling and spamming on forum...then i cant sleep and need a good laugh
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