MFour - Harshlands
MFour - Harshlands Posts: 1 Arc User
edited July 2011 in Psychic
i want a psy so baddd
but i dont wanna die too fast! they have very low survivability,
and i dont understand a thing about HP STONES and imbuing and all this things.
plz help me!
Post edited by MFour - Harshlands on


  • Esorono - Sanctuary
    Esorono - Sanctuary Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    So far playing as a psy, I have never died except when I wasn't paying attention to what I was doing or trying to solo a boss even then I don't die often. So far other than mp management, psychic is the easiest class I have ever played. It may have low hp and defense, but their magic attack makes up for it normally killing everything before it gets close. b:chuckle
    I have an ego so large it has it's own gravitational pull...So in short, yes, everything DOES revolve around me. b:pleased
  • Andrewhall - Raging Tide
    Andrewhall - Raging Tide Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    dw bout ur hp at ur lvl, but if ur concerned easiest way is to ad vit when u lvl up. best way to survive as psy?, learn landslide as soon as you can, and maybe learn to kite(hit a mob and run away, then hit again so it never gets close enough) other than that, do ur quests, squad up is always a good way to increase survivability in questing.
  • Esorono - Sanctuary
    Esorono - Sanctuary Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Oh, and having your genie know earthquake helps a lot. Just be careful as it's AoE.
    I have an ego so large it has it's own gravitational pull...So in short, yes, everything DOES revolve around me. b:pleased
  • Deuclion - Harshlands
    Deuclion - Harshlands Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    ty guys. as u can see i opened a psy
  • MageFizban - Lost City
    MageFizban - Lost City Posts: 1,158 Arc User
    edited April 2011

    hahaha im so punny
  • _Petal_ - Harshlands
    _Petal_ - Harshlands Posts: 499 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    It's called the VIT build.

    Every level I gave my psychic 3 MAG and 2 VIT. On the 5th level (5, 10, 15, ect.) I gave her 5 STR and 1 MAG. I did this until I got to 45 STR, which was enough to equip most endgame armors.

    So in the get decent survivability, not to mention you still hit like a truck.
    They made fun of me because I wasn't a R8 Psychic...and then came third cast. It's not funny anymore.

    Reason 88 to buy a makeover scroll:
    gomba: "Your butt looks like an eggplant."
  • TheDendra - Harshlands
    TheDendra - Harshlands Posts: 222 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    It's called the VIT build.

    Every level I gave my psychic 3 MAG and 2 VIT. On the 5th level (5, 10, 15, ect.) I gave her 5 STR and 1 MAG. I did this until I got to 45 STR, which was enough to equip most endgame armors.

    So in the get decent survivability, not to mention you still hit like a truck.

    it's called being fail and clueless about psy class. you don't need any extra points in vitality, mobs will die in 3 shots before they can reach you - and if by some chance they do get close, you do landslide+another attack and there you go, dead mob.

    going for vitality build cuts down your dmg and it's pointless. can't say your advice on distributing points is any smarter either.

    you don't need to add strength until you actually need it - i.e. every 5-10 levels you will run into a new piece of equipment, since levelling is so easy you can hit the next level and distribute 5 new points as needed.

    even if by some chance you don't add any strength for 20levels, you can still easily catch up in strength requirement.

    as psy you will need up to 52-54 strength max.

    no wonder there are so many nabcake psys with people like you giving advices...vitality build for psy b:spit
  • AegisGray - Heavens Tear
    AegisGray - Heavens Tear Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    It's called being fail and clueless about psy class.

    No it’s called Play style preference. Just because –Most- Psychics go with a glass cannon build doesn’t mean that any other build is worthless.
    You don't need any extra points in vitality

    A matter of opinion; it depends on your play style.
    mobs will die in 3 shots before they can reach you - and if by some chance they do get close, you do landslide + another attack and there you go, dead mob.

    Mobs still die in 3 (maybe 4) hits. Same tactics apply with most any build. The damage reduction isn’t as bad as most make it out to be. As stated before you still hit like a truck and can steal agro if you’re not careful.
    Can't say your advice on distributing points is any smarter either. You don't need to add strength until you actually need it - i.e. every 5-10 levels you will run into a new piece of equipment, since leveling is so easy you can hit the next level and distribute 5 new points as needed. Even if by some chance you don't add any strength for 20levels, you can still easily catch up in strength requirement.
    Every level I gave my psychic 3 MAG and 2 VIT. On the 5th level (5, 10, 15, ect.) I gave her 5 STR and 1 MAG. I did this until I got to 45 STR, which was enough to equip most endgame armors.

    If you haven’t noticed; _Petal_ mentioned that they put Strength in every 5th level (as you just re-stated). There is nothing wrong with a little preparation. You shouldn’t miss those 5 points in Magic. Since leveling is so easy you can hit the next level and distribute 5 new points as needed. I wouldn’t say her advice is any more or less valuable then yours.
    Going for vitality build cuts down your dmg and it's pointless.

    It does have a point. You missed it.
    Finding Solutions to many of your problems starts by looking in the mirror and accepting a small measure of responsibility
  • Ellantria - Heavens Tear
    Ellantria - Heavens Tear Posts: 129 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    It's called the VIT build.

    Every level I gave my psychic 3 MAG and 2 VIT. On the 5th level (5, 10, 15, ect.) I gave her 5 STR and 1 MAG. I did this until I got to 45 STR, which was enough to equip most endgame armors.

    So in the get decent survivability, not to mention you still hit like a truck.

    How'd you get six points in one level? 5 STR and 1 Mag?

    And 45 STR isn't enough for level 90-100 armor. 54 is basically the max strength a caster needs for TT99 and Nirvana equipment, if I remember correctly.

    And you really should cap off the vit at some point. Extra survivability is great, but I'd say 50 vit is really more than enough for a psy.

    On the other hand, if you've got plenty of money, just go the pure mag route and get rank 8/9 and plus them up to +10 or so, shard with Jade of Steady defense and nuke things while loling to everyone about your CS build.

    I mean, everyone else is doing it.
  • TheDendra - Harshlands
    TheDendra - Harshlands Posts: 222 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    And what exactly is your play style Aegis that you require vit points? I assume your play style is to do less damage and die just the same as pure would die when taking damage...only difference being pure takes damage less frequently.

    Anyone who puts vit points as psy is completely clueless about the psy class and how it works. It's not a matter of preference, it's a matter of you not having the slightest idea just how little to no change to your survivability will adding vitality points make.

    There is literally no place in game that requires you to invest your points into vitality. You are perfectly fine, as long as you know what skills to use and such - which I assume you don't.

    Not to mention that by the time you reach 9x level, even mediocre gear will provide you with decent amount of health points - which inevitably leads to many psys switching to pure build (wondering why they gotta waste their money on removing something they never needed in the first place, but unfortunately nobody was there to tell them that when they were noobs).

    It is not a matter of being different or having your own ideas how to play the game - it is a matter of doing 3,500 damage or 3,000 damage per hit, with the latter having virtually none noticeable advantage over the pure build because it's supposedly good side is greatly outweighed by the loss of damage dealt.

    Sure, if you want to play it safe, invest in 1,000 extra health, that will save your life once in a decade, whereas each and every spell you cast will be nerfed. Killing mobs slower, killing bosses slower, the damage lost adds up a whole lot quicker than the extra shots absorbed thanks to your vitality points - because psy's survivability doesn't lie in health nor sharding a lot of phys.def gems like some classes like to do.

    Only place where you can actually seriously consider other builds is TW. Even so...99% of psys will be most useful in TW as pure, and have the role which suits a pure build. Anything beyond that is supreme creativity and by the time you end up in a faction which pulls off such stunts, you'll know enough about the class to make any adjustments, if needed.

    Regarding distributing points - I am not saying adding strength only when you need it will drastically change your performance. I am saying that doing it that way is optimal and gives best results.

    Point to adding unnecessary strength in advance is the same point as it would be for lying on the beach in the middle of the night just so you don't miss out on the sun during daytime . If you know when the sun rises, you won't need to glue your *** to the beach. If you don't know, you'll do it like a blind man - in pwi case, hugging the fences in fear of missing a strength point for your new items.
  • AegisGray - Heavens Tear
    AegisGray - Heavens Tear Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Ill spare everyone the 2 1/2 page response I typed and summarize it.

    I addressed each point, discussed the advantages and disadvantages of each build, and stated that its up to the player to decide which build they like better and feel more comfortable with. The player is free to make whatever changes they like and when they like.

    Personally I’m a Vit build and I gave several instances where a Vit build has benefited me. I get hit as often as any other Psychic, I live longer, I don’t kill Bosses or Elites as fast. In my opinion the damage lost hasn’t been all that noticeable.

    I agreed with some of you're points. I disagreed with many of them. Many of your points are based on Opinions -which- you are entitled to. But do not berate another player for choosing differently then you.

    One point I will pull from my “Essay”
    Anyone who puts vit points as psy is completely clueless about the psy class and how it works.
    This is strictly your opinion and –yes- you are entitled to it.

    It suggests you know how to play the class but only one way. Not being open or familiar with alternate ways to use a class leaves you with a lack of knowledge of the classes potential. I don’t claim to be an expert but at least I give room to people who want to try their own ideal builds.

    This will be the last time I address this here. You can have the last say if you like but arguing with you won't change anyone’s disposition towards either build.
    Finding Solutions to many of your problems starts by looking in the mirror and accepting a small measure of responsibility
  • Fistol - Raging Tide
    Fistol - Raging Tide Posts: 260 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    psy will die? i thought as long as you have mana , the mob can nv catch up to you? aqua.. move back .. aqua? Even using 2 spell before moving back isnt really an issue.
    Fist Wizard ~ Truely Unique
    Going for
    Build :
    While waiting
    Build :
    HA Melee (Pre99)-> LA Claw (99+)-> LA Claw+Magic (101)
  • TheDendra - Harshlands
    TheDendra - Harshlands Posts: 222 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    psy will die? i thought as long as you have mana , the mob can nv catch up to you? aqua.. move back .. aqua? Even using 2 spell before moving back isnt really an issue.

    that is more of a theoretical assumption because kiting in pwi is time consuming and not necessary (unless you're soloing some nasty quest boss). mobs die too fast and when they don't, psys have skills that don't require them to move much at all - opposed to many MMORPGs where "mage" classes kite mobs.

    only time you could find a reason to kite is through the early levels, but even so - mobs die just too fast as pve is made blatantly easy to the point of non-existence in pwi.
  • yaoming36
    yaoming36 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Here is the build I worked with -

    This is not the account with the psychic so don't troll me.

    So currently I've 72 points in Vitality, 39 points in Strength and rest in Magic. This is all base points meaning once I take gear off those are the numbers I have.

    Vitality is 91 and Strength is 54 with equipment.

    Basically since level 1, I've been putting 3 magic, 1 strength, 1 vitality until I reached those above numbers. Once I reached the desired strength, I put in 4 magic, 1 vitality. Once I reached the desired vitality, I've put all 5 points in magic.

    Why 39 strength and 70 vitality? Well I figured out that I would need at least 39 points to equip the endgame Arcane Armor gear (need 54 strength, which I get from equipment).

    Now these equipment that I am using that gives +strength bonus isn't the most perfect gear (TT80 belt, 87 mold cape). Costs about 3-4 million coins. But if you're rich and you buy warsong belt/cape/necklace (like 100m+) then you'd have to have 54 base points in Strength.

    I realize that people will frown upon me for having put ~70 points in vitality.
    But I've done some testing with various character building simulations.

    What I've found out is that at level 100, if you're full magic (54 strength, rest magic) build. Then you will have around 5k hp with 10.5k mp and about 11k-13k magic attack. Physical resistance and magic resistance are around 1.5k and 11k respectively. (Yes I understand you could get higher attack/hp, but I am using normal gears. Not some CS'ed 500m+ gears.)

    Now when I tested this theory with my 72 points in Vitality, 39 Strength and rest magic build, here's what I found.

    I noticed that my attack power was around 1.5k lower. So my magical attack was 10k-12k.
    However my health was 3k higher! The reason my vitality went up by 3,000 was probably because of my +5% health necklace. My physical resistance was 300 points higher and my magic resistances was 1k lower.

    Here is what boils down to:

    Full Magic Build:
    [This is base stats, my strength goes upto 54 with gear]

    (39 Strength, Rest Magic)
    Magical Attack: 11k-13k
    Health Points: ~5,000
    Mana Points: ~10,500
    Physical Resistances: ~1,500
    Magical Resistances: ~10,500

    And here's my Vitality Build:
    [This is base stats, my strength goes upto 54 with gear]

    (39 Strength, 72 Vitality, Rest magic)
    Magic Attack: 10k-12k
    Health Points: ~8,000
    Mana Points: ~9,000-9,500
    Physical Resistances: ~1,800
    Magical Resistances: ~9,500

    All you trolls out there probably thinking "What a ***** up build, I could get over 3k physical resistance unbuffed". Well like I said before the gear for this is obtainable ingame without having to cashshop 500M+. Maybe only like $50 maximum.

    Say what you will, I prefer having an extra 2-3k hp rather than doing extra 1k-2k damage per hit. Specially with jones blessing you *will* kill most mobs in 3-4 hits.

    Also if you want to know what gear to use.. I have some hints.
    Don't bother with too expensive gear till level 70.

    What I did was use the Weapon Token Molds till level 90.
    (Level 22 mold till 30, level 30 mold till 56, level 56 mold till lvl 74, level 74 mold till level 90)
    Yes I know I did not use the "best" weapon for the levels in between. But if you have your two spammable skills maxed (aqua impact and spirit blast) you should be 2-3 hitting the mobs. MUST BE USING MAXED BLACK VOODO WITH JONES BLESSING.

    As many of you know after level 90, the mobs have a huge jump in health. So I decided to get a TT90 Weapon. I would advice getting either the one that gives +Vitality or the +Critrate one. Either one is good.

    Refined the weapon to +3 (cost about 500k) and I was killing the mobs with 4-5 hits. (Life is unbearably difficult without the jones blessing, takes 7-9 hits to kill and they even HIT YOU!)
    On fire mobs, I used normal spammable attacks till dead (just Aqua Impact and Spirit Blast). On the mobs that didn't have weakness of my spells, I used Crystal Light. I know it uses a whooping ~300 MP, but with triple spark and between picking up drops/running to mobs I rarely used MP pots.

    For armor I just used random quest/NPC gear bought from players/AH till level 70.
    At around level 70, I bought myself a full TT70 Set (only cost 2m, around the time Earthguards came about, so people were desperate to sell their AA.) I used that whole set all the way to 90. At 90, I switched to TT90 Boots and Wrists and used Rank 5 armor and Rank 6 Leggings.

    As for the rest of the equipment doesn't really matter as long as you get the 87 Mold or the TT90 gold necklace as it gives +5% maximum health. This didn't affect me much at level 87 (only gave like extra 200 hp) but by the time I was 95+ it gave an extra 1k hp! And extra 1.5k-2k at level 100.

    Remember if you use equipment that gives +Strength and you plan to use it endgame, you can take those extra points out of Strength and put into Magic / Vitality.

    One other thing. I got the tome that gives + Strength and + Vitality. Why you ask?
    Say we get the magical tome, gives + Magic and + Vitality, we'd still have to put enough points in Strength either by points or by equipment. Much easier to get wearable + magic armor than + strength points.
  • MageFizban - Lost City
    MageFizban - Lost City Posts: 1,158 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    I don't see how your 72 vit gives you a difference of 3k HP. It'd be like 720. Buffed with sage barb buff would still be under 1k.

    Anyway, here is a more viable "average" build:

    It seems like you're using mdef ornaments which are terribad for arcane classes.
  • yaoming36
    yaoming36 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    No I'm using Physical Resistance necklaces along with full R8.

    Armor, leggings, boots, wrists, weapon
    and I just realized you only need 44 strength if you were full R8 because R8 armor don't need strength points but the weapon does. 44 to be exact

    Level 95 mold waist and TT90 Gold Neck

    In the below builds I got necklace and waist that gives extra physical resistance but no strength bonus. So I had to bump up my base strength to 40.

    All refines are +3...

    Here is the link:
    Magic Build

    Vitality Build

    Yeah turns out I had barbarian buff one of them and the other I didn't. That's where I kept getting the extra 3k hp. Vitality Build has only 720 more hp (72*10) but damage is 1k less.

    I don't know about you but when PvPing other Rank 8s, I'd rather have an extra 700 hp than 1k extra attack
    Cause 1k extra attack just get absorbed to like 200 more damage.
  • MageFizban - Lost City
    MageFizban - Lost City Posts: 1,158 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    yaoming36 wrote: »
    No I'm using Physical Resistance necklaces along with full R8.

    Armor, leggings, boots, wrists, weapon
    and I just realized you only need 44 strength if you were full R8 because R8 armor don't need strength points but the weapon does. 44 to be exact

    Level 95 mold waist and TT90 Gold Neck

    In the below builds I got necklace and waist that gives extra physical resistance but no strength bonus. So I had to bump up my base strength to 40.

    All refines are +3...

    Here is the link:
    Magic Build

    Vitality Build

    Yeah turns out I had barbarian buff one of them and the other I didn't. That's where I kept getting the extra 3k hp. Vitality Build has only 720 more hp (72*10) but damage is 1k less.

    I don't know about you but when PvPing other Rank 8s, I'd rather have an extra 700 hp than 1k extra attack
    Cause 1k extra attack just get absorbed to like 200 more damage.

    I stopped reading when you said you were using full R8. R8 boots and wrist suck for their price.

  • Fiorrello_ - Raging Tide
    Fiorrello_ - Raging Tide Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    from what i've seen (which is more then you would think) psy work great as magic tanks, even to the point of replacing any other class for the role.
    let them add a little vitality, psys are over powered enough to afford it.

    and if you are having trouble staying alive as a psy, try rolling a wizard and leveling to lv20
    i guarantee that you won't have any trouble after that ^^
    patience is a virtue
  • Abraham__ - Archosaur
    Abraham__ - Archosaur Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    COOL so many high lvled psys
    pls check out my psy and advise me about what should i do with it
    VIT-70 Mag-201 str-46 dex-23
    soulforce-6951 crit rate-3
    phys res -520
    mag res average-2k
    MP-4901 HP-2085

    VIt-60 mag-201 str-44 dex-20
    phys res 27 mag res-65

    oh and my skills
    Aqua and spirit blast lvl 10(cause everyone says to haf em)
    Black and white voodoo lvl-6(i dont use voodoo)
    soul of vengeance soul of stunning soul of retaliation and soul of silence lv-1
    torrent lv-4 sand trap lvl-2(boss fight skill)
    aqua cannon lvl-1(kinda nice but slow channel)
    bubble lvl3 and landslide lvl-4(grind skils)
    dem and em vigor both lvl2
    glacial shards lvl 4 and sandburst lvl 1
    disturb soul lvl2 soulburn lvl3
    tide spirit , red tide, psychic will , earth vectoer lvl 1
    tideform lvl 10(I love this im a tideborn for this skill)
    spark burst 1 and spark burst 2

    thats about all my skills and im not a cashshopper
    oh i haf neutral celestial fash and scarlet also with the default tb wings

    i dont haf aqua spirit and earth spirit

    Bluemoon souldrill +2 with avr sapphire shard
    *wraithboots with avr garnet shard (nothing more special)
    ***Kilt of sacred tortoise with 130 more mp and 69 phys res and 46 evasion
    *wrait robe +1 with two beautiful saph and 1 beautiful garnet
    *frost conjurer hat with 2 common torquoise
    R5 badge
    ***iridescent ring with +2 str and 90 mp
    ***belt of planents with 45 phys res and unidentified
    *wraith sleeve with 30 hp and 2 average citrines and average garnet
    ***enchanted blossom with 3 dex 41 evasion and 2 vit
    *hermits cape (normal)
  • TheDendra - Harshlands
    TheDendra - Harshlands Posts: 222 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    COOL so many high lvled psys
    pls check out my psy and advise me about what should i do with it

    1st things 1st - someone mentioned psys being good mage tanks - indeed and fun part is you can be pure build to tank, aka 2-2.5k hp is enough to tank all bosses in bh59 easily for example.

    As for abraham, stats > no comment, would take 100restat points to make you do proper job as a psy.

    As for skills: "Black and white voodoo lvl-6(i dont use voodoo)" WTF? Get your black voodoo to 10 asap and white to lvl10 is hella cheap to get, but if you're missing spirit, feel free to keep it at 6-8 for now.

    "tideform lvl 10(I love this im a tideborn for this skill)" yes excellent, you hit like a wussy but good thing is that you got your magikarp form lvl10, glad to see someone's priorities are set straight.

    "bubble lvl3 and landslide lvl-4(grind skils)" - Landslide is your hardest hitting attack, max it asap. Bubble is good but you can delay upgrading it, if you have some spare spirit, don't hesitate to get it up.

    "glacial shards lvl 4 and sandburst lvl 1" get your aoe skills maxed asap because you'll be doing a lot of fc-ing soon and a psy with abomination of stats like yours accompanied by low level aoe - you'll just end up giving bad rep to psys for having weak aoe and dmg in general.

    "tide spirit , red tide, psychic will , earth vectoer lvl 1" - tide spirit costs way 2much to get it up to lvl10, especially considering the fact you'll be using +spark most of the time, so I'd put ts as some of the last skills on your priority list (Not that you can get it to lvl10 now, but saying in general)

    Red Tide is highly dependent on your soulforce and you've got plenty of other aoe skills to use, so don't waste your money on it until later on.

    Psychic will - awesome skill but seeing you trust your beloved vitality to save your ***, I guess you never heard of this skill, so keep it at lvl1 and gogo invest another 50points in vit to survive those close spots.

    Earth Vector - awesome skill, invest in it as much as you can - since it's pretty costly, better get your b.voodoo and such upgraded first.

    P.S. Psy is not a wizard, though it seems most lowbies and clueless folks here tend to play it that way.
  • AegisGray - Heavens Tear
    AegisGray - Heavens Tear Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    First Skills
    Black and White Voodoo
    Try maxing them and use them more often. They’re a Huge help.
    Black maximizes your damage and White Protects you if you end up in a Hairy situation.

    Glacial Shards and Sandburst Blast
    Along with Spirit Blast and Aqua Impact; Glacial Shards and Sandburst Blast are the meat and potatoes of your offensive skill arsenal. You’ll want to max them as quickly as possible.

    Psychic Will Landslide
    Psychic Will grants you Physical invincibility for a short time as well as purifies you. Landslide not only deals damage but is a knockback skill and interupts channeling. Maxing these quickly is a good idea.

    Bubble of Life and Empowered Vigor
    These are your two Recovery abilities. The skills above should take priority but you’ll want to give these two skills some attention as you can afford to.

    All other skills are nice but usually take a back seat to the skills listed above and are leveled at the players discretion.

    Soul of: Vengeance, Stunning, Silence
    Leave them at level 1 till your 89. The multipliers do not change. You’ll only need to max them when you want to learn the Sage or Demon version of the skill.

    Vitality - 60
    Your Vitality is great. Most would say this is a great place to leave it but go with what makes you comfortable. If you feel you need more then continue to add a few points here or there.

    Strength - 44
    Adding points only as you need them (or slightly in advance) is the best way to approach Strength. Best to look at your Chest plate every 10 levels and let your strength match its requirements. The strength requirements on our weapons are usually lower then the armor requirements.

    You shouldn’t need to add any more strength until after level 80

    Dexterity - 20
    Im not sure what your going for with Dex points? Psychics don’t -usually- go for dex since it only affects their crit rate (and to a much lesser extent their negligible dodge rate). Let me know if you were shooting for something here and I’ll try to advise accordingly.

    Dump everything not required for Strength, and you’re not using for Vitality, into here and you should be good. ^_^

    As for equipment - Whatever you find useful. Any specific questions We can try to answer. ^_^
    Finding Solutions to many of your problems starts by looking in the mirror and accepting a small measure of responsibility
  • Gorgonnia - Heavens Tear
    Gorgonnia - Heavens Tear Posts: 327 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    As for abraham, stats > no comment, would take 100restat points to make you do proper job as a psy.

    I wonder who entitled you to Psy of the Month... there's not a single and unique way of playing a class... Saying someone else ain't doing a proper job just cause they don't follow your build is total BS.

    So... knowing I'm better than you I have the right to say you ain't doing a proper job as a psy. When u can reach 25k mag attack and 10k HP unbuffed, we'll talk again.

    Kthxbye b:bye
  • Andrewhall - Raging Tide
    Andrewhall - Raging Tide Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    i was a vitish psy untill lvl 8X, had aournd 70 vit, still killed things ok, and had enough HP to survive some of the boss aoe in FC, once i restated to mag however, the aoe from the boss in big pull room would 1 hit me b:shocked nt too bad if u have a squad with a sense of humor, as for goin gvit/pure mag/LA/HA, play ur psy how YOU want, make it individual to fit ur style, if ur happy with ur dmg, then dnt add more mag points, u want more health add vit, wanna go LA do it! dnt listen to people who say there is only 1 way to play psychic, if that was the case, we would all be identicale, and were nt lol
  • Abraham__ - Archosaur
    Abraham__ - Archosaur Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    i was a vitish psy untill lvl 8X, had aournd 70 vit, still killed things ok, and had enough HP to survive some of the boss aoe in FC, once i restated to mag however, the aoe from the boss in big pull room would 1 hit me b:shocked nt too bad if u have a squad with a sense of humor, as for goin gvit/pure mag/LA/HA, play ur psy how YOU want, make it individual to fit ur style, if ur happy with ur dmg, then dnt add more mag points, u want more health add vit, wanna go LA do it! dnt listen to people who say there is only 1 way to play psychic, if that was the case, we would all be identicale, and were nt lol
    well personally i dont like my mag atk that much. the vitality really helps me to actually keep aggro from bosses. since i dont haf much atk and no use of voodoo i usually use spark burst(normal) to do damage. soo im usually seen using spark burst time to time with my psy
    Earth vector and other aoes
    they aint bad skills and i haf enough money and spirit to lvl them to 6-8 or so but they steal aggro too much. and I result in hafing 3 mobs atking me at once. i survive aggro from 1 mob in bh but 3 is too much.And also vector costs one spark which pretty much steals my spark burst and i dont do good without it.

    Oh and im very happy with my high hp it makes me last longer making my soulforcs damage bigger.
  • Ellantria - Heavens Tear
    Ellantria - Heavens Tear Posts: 129 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    well personally i dont like my mag atk that much. the vitality really helps me to actually keep aggro from bosses. since i dont haf much atk and no use of voodoo i usually use spark burst(normal) to do damage. soo im usually seen using spark burst time to time with my psy
    Earth vector and other aoes
    they aint bad skills and i haf enough money and spirit to lvl them to 6-8 or so but they steal aggro too much. and I result in hafing 3 mobs atking me at once. i survive aggro from 1 mob in bh but 3 is too much.And also vector costs one spark which pretty much steals my spark burst and i dont do good without it.

    Oh and im very happy with my high hp it makes me last longer making my soulforcs damage bigger.

    Alright, so everyone has been saying that it's fine to have a different build and playstyle and whatnot. I agree, to an extent.

    But you're just making so many mistakes that are gimping your potential. In my honest opinion you have WAY too much vit. 60 vit is about 10 more vit that I'd say you should have. Why waste points in dex? Later gear will give you more crit than 20 dex now. Why do you not have vector leveled? Or psychic will? Do you have a decent genie at all? Why are you wasting your squad's time by not using black voodoo? Come on man, 22 attack levels at level 10. That's a nice increase in damage for you.

    Spark burst is fine, but use it in conjunction with voodoo for more damage. You pull boss aggro? Psy will > White Voodoo > Bubble of Life. If you have absolute domain, use that too just to be sure if you think you might die.

    And your AoEs define this class, just as much as voodoos do. Psys are known for having lots of fast casting, quick cooling AoEs with some nice debuffs on them. You leave those at low level, well, that's like playing a barb with no True Form, or a Cleric with low level heals. You're just gimping yourself.

    And lastly, VIT DOESN'T INCREASE SOULFORCE. Get that through your head now. Refines and your level boost your soulforce.

    ...and 2k hp is not 'high'.

  • TheDendra - Harshlands
    TheDendra - Harshlands Posts: 222 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    So much fail - only boss that can 1shot you in FC deals ~3k. Since it's water boss and you can't use aoe skills all the time, your damage is pretty crappy to begin with.

    What you can do is go white voodoo, use soulburn and dots (full dmg in white) on boss and focus on taking out the hands. Psy is great for taking out hands, so you're actually far more useful to the squad because it's not like you can dd that boss much while you're on a lower level, so might as well focus on the hands.

    You will soon work your way up to 3.5k hp unbuffed and then you can stay in black voodoo and easily DD the boss+survive his aoe. At that point you'll probably have enough practice taking out the hands, so you'll learn how to dd boss and watch for the hands - unlike many players who take hand-killing job as their only task in the boss fight, oblivious to the fact they can dd boss and kill hands without any problems.

    As for tanking more than one mob in BH - psy is not meant to be a tank with a lot of hp/phys.defense. We are meant to take the aggro away from healer, use our skills to survive for ~10seconds, aka buy time until barb gets aggro back.

    Mag.bosses that you will tank are all doable easily with 2k hp. BB works wonders and cutting damage taken in half is all it takes to allow you to take blows even with such low hp.

    This is why I don't get where your brain's gone - you say you need your precious vitality and then you say you can't tank more than 1 mob in a BH - well guess what, you're no better of a tank than a pure psy, sad thing being you're worse because you do less damage and die just the same.

    If you want to be a fail, fine - that's why not all psys are good. More than enough information has been given in this thread to open your eyes, if you want to claim running backwards is faster or in any way better than running forwards just so you can feel special and unique - fine, do it.

    Only argument adding vitality theory has is "omg I'm so poor I can't afford refines so instead of getting hp from there, I'll just give myself some vit points" - fact is, if you can't grind ~5mill coins and 50k DQ for tisha stones in the event shop to refine your gear to +4-5 or better if you get lucky, then you're probably one of those players who think only way to make money is to beg people on the streets of Archo for a pretty penny.

    (You will have no problems grinding coins to refine gear on lvl100 and until you reach lvl100 - there is literally no situation which requires you to have vitality. It won't improve your performance, it'll cut down your damage and make you look like a joke.)

    Adding vitality points cuts down your damage output since all the survivability based on stats and gear you'll need, you'll get from the gear itself - sharding hp&refining is more efficient than adding vitality points. This way you are a much more balanced psy, crafted for optimal performance - because majority of the gear only allows you to improve your survivability, whereas you can only do little to improve your damage via gear - which is why it's essential to use those vitality points for +mag instead.

    Adding some points into dex is arguable and 99% have no idea why you'd ever add it, so let's keep it that way.

    Anyway, to bring this to an end - by all means, I don't mind you messing up everything you can if it's what you like - you are entitled to being clueless and wrong just as I'm entitled to entering a virtually pointless debate even though it's become obvious to me long time ago that you can't get a bright idea into a donkey's head.

    ~Dendra over and out, take what you can from the thread, any further attempts to enlighten some of the lost ppl are not worth it. (and speaking from experience, this usually ends with people realizing how short-sighted they were some 2years later, so feel free to admit that then, you wouldn't be the first person to apologize for being a fool and you certainly aren't the last as I'm a fool myself for entering debates with a bunch of chobos).

    *you - generally a reference to any fool present in this thread
  • _Petal_ - Harshlands
    _Petal_ - Harshlands Posts: 499 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    you are entitled to being clueless and wrong just as I'm entitled to entering a virtually pointless debate even though it's become obvious to me long time ago that you can't get a bright idea into a donkey's head.

    God-complex much? Last I checked, the title of "Best Psychic in the Game" fell somewhere between LuciferX, Hypnos, urDian, and Longknife.
    It's funny, I've never seen you in game before...I wonder why that is.

    ====Dear Dendra:

    Hi, my name is Born_Free.
    I'm a VIT Psychic, and I have an HP addiction. (Probably because my main was a barb.)
    When I fly on my (farmed) Wildfires in my (farmed) 90 gear, it rains HP shards and glitter from my ****.

    This is my gear now.
    (Don't judge me. >.> I hit 90 a few days ago, and a certain cleric gave me his TT90)

    By the time I hit 100, I will have over 5k HP...with shards...and I don't mean Savants. I can only shudder at the thought of how much HP I could have if I had a wallet like urDian's. 5k HP? The thought makes me giddy with excitement.

    When at Hands Boss, common sense tells you "White Voodoo. DoT. Kill hands."
    I agree with that much, if you're squishy. In fact that's the advice I give to people who don't understand Psychics much. (That, and "KEEP RETALIATION ON WHILE ON BUBBLE BOSS, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!")

    But when you're like me, and not squishy, being in White Voodoo is about as exciting while fighting a boss as waiting for paint to dry.
    Therefore, I don't go in White Voodoo. I do this because of my insane amount of HP Sharding and generally knowing how to press the "Bubble of Life" button. I do this because as a DD, I enjoy dealing damage...and not being just a Hand Hitter.

    If you and I were the same level, and were both doing FC, you would probably get out of range, kill hands, DoT, just like any other Psychic with a pure build.
    MEANWHILE, being bored out of my mind with the thought of just doing hands, I will go in Black Voodoo (because I can) and DD the boss while also killing hands and killing the boss faster.

    The boss will AoE, and you'll get about half your HP cut off because you're squishy.
    The boss will AoE, and I'll get half my HP cut because I'm in Black and have HP.

    You will safely kill the boss, while not causing the cleric any stress and kill the boss in a very, very slow amount of time.
    I will cause the cleric to have several heart attacks, and kill the boss much faster.
    And in a world where people are too impatient to even do TT's without an APS character, me killing bosses faster is always a welcome addition.

    You nuke the hell out of everything in sight.
    I nuke the hell out of everything in sight....less. I don't mind so much. I base my OP on how much damage I do while being alive.

    You will get stealth ganked by an Assassin, and die in two hits...if that Assassin hasn't already suicided himself with your Soulforce...but the chances of you being alive to gloat about them suiciding on you is very, very small.
    I will get stealth ganked by an Assassin, and die in 4+ (depends on the Assassin)...if that Assassin hasn't already suicided himself with my Soulforce....and the chances of me being alive to gloat about it are much, much higher.

    You will be squishy and die.
    And I won't.

    And I like it.
    If you don't, you may kiss the glitter and HP stones raining from my **** every time I fly around...because your opinion is about as valid, cared about, and appreciated as Yulk's if you're going to cut people down who don't do it your way.

    The End.

    =====Dear OP:
    Build what you WANT. Take advice in small dosages, and try not to listen to what one person says? Build it your own way. Nobody's way is 100% right. Do it your way.

    Some of us are trying to give you the pros and cons. Just go with what you think is right.

    Also, I apologize for the misunderstanding with the STR allocation...I meant to put 4 STR and 1 MAG...that's what I get for using my Itouch to write forum spam. b:chuckle
    They made fun of me because I wasn't a R8 Psychic...and then came third cast. It's not funny anymore.

    Reason 88 to buy a makeover scroll:
    gomba: "Your butt looks like an eggplant."
  • LittIewg - Heavens Tear
    LittIewg - Heavens Tear Posts: 129 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    So much fail - only boss that can 1shot you in FC deals ~3k. Since it's water boss and you can't use aoe skills all the time, your damage is pretty crappy to begin with.

    What you can do is go white voodoo, use soulburn and dots (full dmg in white) on boss and focus on taking out the hands. Psy is great for taking out hands, so you're actually far more useful to the squad because it's not like you can dd that boss much while you're on a lower level, so might as well focus on the hands.

    You will soon work your way up to 3.5k hp unbuffed and then you can stay in black voodoo and easily DD the boss+survive his aoe. At that point you'll probably have enough practice taking out the hands, so you'll learn how to dd boss and watch for the hands - unlike many players who take hand-killing job as their only task in the boss fight, oblivious to the fact they can dd boss and kill hands without any problems.

    As for tanking more than one mob in BH - psy is not meant to be a tank with a lot of hp/phys.defense. We are meant to take the aggro away from healer, use our skills to survive for ~10seconds, aka buy time until barb gets aggro back.

    Mag.bosses that you will tank are all doable easily with 2k hp. BB works wonders and cutting damage taken in half is all it takes to allow you to take blows even with such low hp.

    This is why I don't get where your brain's gone - you say you need your precious vitality and then you say you can't tank more than 1 mob in a BH - well guess what, you're no better of a tank than a pure psy, sad thing being you're worse because you do less damage and die just the same.

    If you want to be a fail, fine - that's why not all psys are good. More than enough information has been given in this thread to open your eyes, if you want to claim running backwards is faster or in any way better than running forwards just so you can feel special and unique - fine, do it.

    Only argument adding vitality theory has is "omg I'm so poor I can't afford refines so instead of getting hp from there, I'll just give myself some vit points" - fact is, if you can't grind ~5mill coins and 50k DQ for tisha stones in the event shop to refine your gear to +4-5 or better if you get lucky, then you're probably one of those players who think only way to make money is to beg people on the streets of Archo for a pretty penny.

    (You will have no problems grinding coins to refine gear on lvl100 and until you reach lvl100 - there is literally no situation which requires you to have vitality. It won't improve your performance, it'll cut down your damage and make you look like a joke.)

    Adding vitality points cuts down your damage output since all the survivability based on stats and gear you'll need, you'll get from the gear itself - sharding hp&refining is more efficient than adding vitality points. This way you are a much more balanced psy, crafted for optimal performance - because majority of the gear only allows you to improve your survivability, whereas you can only do little to improve your damage via gear - which is why it's essential to use those vitality points for +mag instead.

    Adding some points into dex is arguable and 99% have no idea why you'd ever add it, so let's keep it that way.

    Anyway, to bring this to an end - by all means, I don't mind you messing up everything you can if it's what you like - you are entitled to being clueless and wrong just as I'm entitled to entering a virtually pointless debate even though it's become obvious to me long time ago that you can't get a bright idea into a donkey's head.

    ~Dendra over and out, take what you can from the thread, any further attempts to enlighten some of the lost ppl are not worth it. (and speaking from experience, this usually ends with people realizing how short-sighted they were some 2years later, so feel free to admit that then, you wouldn't be the first person to apologize for being a fool and you certainly aren't the last as I'm a fool myself for entering debates with a bunch of chobos).

    *you - generally a reference to any fool present in this thread

    What is your HP?I Basically agree with what all of these psys are saying,You cant say Vit build fails because you say so. And who DID crown you God psy of the week m8?
  • Gorgonnia - Heavens Tear
    Gorgonnia - Heavens Tear Posts: 327 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    God-complex much? Last I checked, the title of "Best Psychic in the Game" fell somewhere between LuciferX, Hypnos, urDian, and Longknife.
    It's funny, I've never seen you in game before...I wonder why that is.

    U forgot to mention me b:bye

    And no, I didn't need r9 to pwn people b:cute

    Here, Dendra, check my build? Do I fail too for having 10k HP and 102 vit? :O (Oh, the SF number is wrong... Im at 42k) I still steal aggro from r9 wizzies and any other r9 dude out there... unless it's a r9 aps sin :)
  • TheDendra - Harshlands
    TheDendra - Harshlands Posts: 222 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    as pure build I spent my time in white voodoo for maybe 2-5 levels. As soon as I got mediocre gear for an 8x psy, I had 3.3k hp and was safe and sound from fc boss aoe.

    (and seeing you are pretty illiterate, I suggest asking a friend to re-read my post about that boss and you will realize there is a small gap in levels when a pure psy "needs" to use white voodoo and it actually doesn't decrease his value in the squad; and for the record, if you buy solid TT70 gear, you can be pure and never ever have any unique reasons to go white on any boss)

    there is absolute no reason to even debate the necessity of vitality for pve because there are no reasons to do so - so if you are skilled, don't listen to people saying vitality is great or how it makes your life easier - it doesn't, you're perfectly fine with a pure build and you don't need vitality - if you like seeing a bit more hp on yourself, go do it, but don't expect miracles from that additional hp.

    as for any further discussions - if you are a lvl100 and I have to explain to you what you ask me to explain (not that I already haven't), then I must assume you e-bayed your account as WoW players would say. keep on failing and doing what you do, it would fill my heart with joy if all the psys had 100 points in vitality - provided they don't fight on my side.

    a side note to all the chobos - credit card doesn't equal game knowledge. I've noticed some good comments being overlooked or ridiculed because the person wasn't lvl100 nor had r9+12, so take these forum debates with a grain of salt and use your brain, provided you have a functional one, to extract information that interests and benefits you.