Game Client Failing

DirtyDiana - Sanctuary
DirtyDiana - Sanctuary Posts: 20 Arc User
edited April 2011 in Support Desk
So I dont know if this is just a problem i've been having, or something that others have been experiencing as well.

Basically when I load the the Game the client fails and becomes Non-Responsive. This cause the game to crash and I have to load it all again. Now i wouldn't care if this happened once, or even twice. But this has happened 6 or 7 times. As I currently type this, i'm on try 6 for the game to load. Its getting somewhat frustrating trying to load the game and the game crashes and crashes again.

Perhaps its an issue on my end, but i'm just curious if its happening with other people.
Post edited by DirtyDiana - Sanctuary on


  • nanamango
    nanamango Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Please see if these things will help you out:

    Add the game folder and/or game file to the exceptions list in your firewall or antivirus software.

    Example: C:\Perfect World Entertainment\Perfect World International

    You also might need to temporarily disable your antivirus, MS Security Essentials or Windows Firewall long enough to download, install, patch and login to get into the game, and then turn it back on. Sometimes disabling may not help and you will need to add an exception for the game folder.

    It might be Windows, Windows Firewall, Admin (such as running the game as Administrator), UAC, network, or antivirus settings that you will need to change so that they aren't blocking or throttling the game.

    You can also try changing your proxy settings for Internet Explorer 8, to have them turned off here: Tools > Internet Options > Connections > LAN Settings > and then untick all of the proxy settings.

    Let me know if you still need help!

  • DirtyDiana - Sanctuary
    DirtyDiana - Sanctuary Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    It's not the patcher thats failing. The game updates correctly and lunches correctly. Its when the game is loading from the patcher to the login screen where the game crashes. I assume its probably more of an issue on my end. Thanks for the response though.
  • Teje - Dreamweaver
    Teje - Dreamweaver Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Perhaps change Patcher to Supper or Breakfast mode? b:laugh Sorry, couldn't resist b:chuckle b:victory
  • nanamango
    nanamango Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    My previous suggestion wasn't just a patcher fix. It can solve issues where it might be something blocking the connection and causing the hang up. Did you try it?
