What class should I choose?

lordyx Posts: 1 Arc User
edited April 2011 in Dungeons & Tactics
"OMG ANoThErRRRR person who doesn't know what class to play *FACEROLL*b:shocked"

I won't claim that I am not just 'another person asking advice about what class to play',however I will ask that if you came here to troll then b:byeb:surrenderb:bye

-like to help friends
-dealing moderate dmg
-like pvp(though I play on pve servers because it just seems more friendly)
-in no way new to PWI,I've been playing on and off for like 2 years now{though I never made it past 43 on an account}
-don't care about range[don't care whether the character is ranged or melee]
-am chatty so often get killed while grinding @_@
-like a party but don't like to bother searching for one

-out of 10,how much would you rate a Barb's DMG abilities?
-out of 10,how much would you rate a BM's tank abilities?
-out of 10,how much would you rate a seeker's DMG abilities?
-out of 10,how much would you rate a seeker tank abilities?
-out of 10,how much would you rate the pvp abilities of each of the classes(except for the 2 mentioned below{unless you really want to})


Post edited by lordyx on


  • MakaDonVeli - Sanctuary
    MakaDonVeli - Sanctuary Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    If you like helping people and dealing some damage then Barb it is from your list.

    Also when you reach sage/deamon you can balance out your weakness so all is good.

    Btw, if your going to be active enough then I could possibly look at you getting an invite to my guild when you get to 19 and do your first fb.
  • Flickerfae - Sanctuary
    Flickerfae - Sanctuary Posts: 351 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    As far as helpfulness is concerned, barb is definitely the all-around tanker class. With their aggro abilities, barbs are the walls of fuzzy protection that keeps the rest of us squishies safe. ...at least until higher levels, when everyone starts out-damaging them.

    Yeah. Barbs aren't really made for DD. You can do damage, sure, but it's never going to stand up to other melee classes of similar level and gear. And your awesome tanking tiger form, that lets you absorb more damage and use the best aggro skills? Yeah, that form nukes your attack damage.

    Seekers, on the other hand, haven't really found a niche yet. From what I've seen in my BHes, they're decent DDers (not up to Sin levels, but then, who is?), and, depending on the build, can DD tank well enough as long as they can lay on their debuffs. They're similar to BMs in that way; if you're careful about your build and equips, the Seeker class can be pretty versatile... minus the ability to use anything but swords, of course.

    I'd roll a barb, because that seems what your specifications are leaning toward. You'll rarely be turned down for a squad, and barb survivability will help keep you from accidental deaths. Seekers may be good for casual tanking with friends or pick-up squads for single mini-bosses, but once you start doing BHes/TT/FCC/etc, you'll be stuck waiting alongside everyone else for someone to join who can hold aggro against the Sin(s) in squad.

    I don't know much about pvp outside my own small experience, so won't say anything about that.

    -Ignoring my main for alts since early '09
  • Milesluminis - Heavens Tear
    Milesluminis - Heavens Tear Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    ill start with ur Questions:
    -out of 10,how much would you rate a Barb's DMG abilities?
    if u go demon ull reach an 7 maybe while BM's are 9 and Dagger Sin's are the Top with a 10 ^^
    -out of 10,how much would you rate a BM's tank abilities?
    from the HP works good, from the HA the def is nice aswell, and if u go (like every1 else nowdays) for Claws u have the second highest dmg so u can tank pretty well endgame ^^ ...Sins are like the only Class who makes a BM tanking rly hard ^^

    -out of 10,how much would you rate a seeker's DMG abilities?
    they seem pretty good, lets see what changes happen with Demon/Sage skills since they look pretty skill based to me.. allot of Debuffing so ur attks deal more dmg while Debuf more.. also pretty pretty prock based what makes them fun and kinda hard to play if u lag or have slow reactions... Seeker seems to be one of the Top dmg classes and makes Caster also able to hit harder since they benefit from the Debuffs alloooooooot !
    *PS: a shame that PWE makes the same misstake twice in a row and brings out new classes and dont have all the skills rdy yet..

    -out of 10,how much would you rate a seeker tank abilities?
    endgame wise: none, 5aps are tanking Nirv or ping-ponging between 5aps and the Barb.. BH/TT should work more or less... not too sure but it could if u know how to play ^^

    -out of 10,how much would you rate the pvp abilities of each of the classes(except for the 2 mentioned below{unless you really want to})
    Barbs are meatshields... a good Barb u allmost cant solo kill if he's charmed and kites ur sparks... i give Barbs an 8 since they lack dmg to kill others fast w/o ****** high costs for good weapon + ****** rare skills
    BMs are an 8also.. good dmg, with Marrows they can stand different dmg types pretty good.. also they can Debuff the dmg dealt and recieved so makes it easyer to stay allive/burst ur enemy's charm
    Seeker need luck in pvp.. w/o procks seems impossible to cut through an enemy's Charm.. but wont bet on it.. some1 told me bout an 88Seeker killed an 100BM in Duell... not same as PvP but they can deal good dmg to HA and with some ranged phy skills Archer and the Caster Army arent soooo hard for them aswell... we will see they are too new to say anything for sure bout that.. but if u want me to guess i would give 'em an 8-9 ^^

    to psychics and ***'es ( :P ) both are pretty evil enemy's in PvP since psy deals allot dmg casts w/o real channeling, assasins can stealth, and Burst pretty hard, also they run never out of chi no matter what attk rate.. Assasins are one of the hardest PK classes to face IMO

    if u want to choose between the old classes, here something that might help: [HTML]http://pw.mmosite.com/info/classtest/classtest.shtml[/HTML]