Week II: How would you balance the game?

_Petal_ - Harshlands
_Petal_ - Harshlands Posts: 499 Arc User
edited April 2011 in General Discussion
Week I results:
Poll--> Should there be a level cap on FC?
Yes: 67 votes 55.83%
No: 53 votes 44.17%

The most common request was to make Frostcovered City with a minimum level of 75-80. Many people pointed out that this was the level that the quests were given, and that powerleveling was hurting the community more than it was doing good.
A great deal of people were apethetic to the entire thought that Frostcovered City is doing any harm. (I lol at your narrowmindedness.)=========================================================

This week's topic:
If you had a huge stockpile of money and a bunch of workers, how would YOU change this game to make it balanced? (Or more balanced?)

As difficult as it is for some of you, try and be reasonable.


PWI is a business. (Even if the developers don't run it like one...at all.) This thread is not going to find the perfect solution, because everybody knows that someone is going to whine sooner or later. This is simply to get an opinion from the masses.

Heads up before posting: If you try and argue that the game is balanced, you will probably be laughed at. Just a warning. Maybe not by me (to your face) but someone will laugh.

They made fun of me because I wasn't a R8 Psychic...and then came third cast. It's not funny anymore.

Reason 88 to buy a makeover scroll:
gomba: "Your butt looks like an eggplant."
Post edited by _Petal_ - Harshlands on


  • Underoath - Dreamweaver
    Underoath - Dreamweaver Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Ok ok. This for all the barbs that took their time and wanted to be a tank barb (I am one of those) All the APS stuff wasnt fair to the barbs cuz yes we can get up to like what APS? un sparked and some of us arent demon so no additional APS. So therefore A. They should Increase Existing Aggro skills for barbs so we dont need the APS to hold aggro from 2.0-5.0 sins/BMs/Archers.( It was already a challenge to keep off archers before APS) Or B. Implement Other skills that also generate Aggro and lots of it.

    Im Tired of not being able to Nirvy cuz I dont have the APS or going to TT/FB/BH or so on and im not even tanking cuz of all the APS and against my low as s APS im not holding aggro therefore not being a meat shield as intended
  • Jolly_Green - Harshlands
    Jolly_Green - Harshlands Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    I would personally lower the amount of pack/sale spammage that PWI constantly shoves down our throats...Put the cap on APS back down to 3.33. I would also stick a level requirement on FC, since this new blessing for Earthguards is COMPLETELY out of control.

    Other than that, there's not a whole lot of other things I would do. Just my two cents. b:victory
  • Underoath - Dreamweaver
    Underoath - Dreamweaver Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    I would personally lower the amount of pack/sale spammage that PWI constantly shoves down our throats...Put the cap on APS back down to 3.33. I would also stick a level requirement on FC, since this new blessing for Earthguards is COMPLETELY out of control.

    Other than that, there's not a whole lot of other things I would do. Just my two cents. b:victory

    I like the way u think XD
  • Sarrafeline - Sanctuary
    Sarrafeline - Sanctuary Posts: 4,661 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    I'm all for an APS cap.

    But if there is an APS cap, one class is going to benefit from it, and become OP. Well, they're already OP, but they'd stick out as being OP, and due to the lack of 5.0, it might make the game go from b:angry unbalanced to b:laugh unbalanced...

    Think about it. All that -int gear adds up to give you 5.0, sparked on a BM, or 5.0, sparked on a Sin, or 5.0 unsparked on an Archer, since Archer can get more -int gear than BM, and uses fists/claws, with 1.43 APS starting, vs 1.25 APS starting for daggers. So you suddenly put a 3.33 APS cap on, and one or two pieces of -int gear is useless on a BM or Sin. It's not giving any more APS.

    But on an Archer using a bow, slingshot, or crossbow, all of that -int is still adding up. 5.0 archers (sparked, 4.0 base) do around 1.05 APS with a bow. 1.05 APS + Spark and you'll pull aggro off a 3.33 most likely, depending on specific gear.

    Then there's seeker, and sword BM/Archers (I know there's a few out there). If memory serves, 3.33 is the fastest you can get with a sword. A sword does more weapon damage than a fist/claw, so therefore... Your fist/claw Barbs/BM's will simply keep all of their -int gear, and trade their fists for swords. Not that there's really a lot of really good endgame swords... But the OP isn't going to go away at endgame due to an APS cap.
    101 Sage Sin*/Archer
    100 Demon BM*/Barb
    96 Demon Cleric/Sage Seeker
    95 Demon Wiz/
    94 Sage Veno
    85 Psy/80 Mystic
    And a handful of other alts, all 79 and under.
    *Pre RB level
  • Jeremied - Sanctuary
    Jeremied - Sanctuary Posts: 2,259 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Well, first off, I'd hire back the old Dev team they had before the TB expansion. I'd make the GMs/Devs be more in tune with what the International player base is saying, as well as the other game versions. I'd do SOMETHING to help the economy in this game.

    I'd up Barb's aggro skills so they have a place Endgame.
    I'd nerf damage a little on sin's daggers so that they're not so damn OP. Oh, and make them not gain chi while in stealth at all.

    I'd make FBs mandatory to gaining your spiritual culti so that people could learn how to play in a squad environment from early on, and cut the chances of squadding with total idiots down. At least a bit.

    I'd change the fash in the cash shop to be WHITE when you buy it, and make all colors of dye available for 1 silver each. (seriously I think they'd make a killing on this, but are too stupid to see it)

    Fire the idiots that can't seem to code this game worth ****. (seriously, one single person on my ps does a better job coding things into the game and fixing bugs than this games entire dev team)

    Update old classes skills/animations/textures to be up to par with the current new classes. No one's OP if everyone's skills are at the same lvl of OP-ness. Maybe this means barbs and clerics (and maybe wizards!) will be useful endgame.

    Make rare veno pets spawn more often. Maybe twice a day.

    I'm a terrible businessman. I could care less about the cash shop. Other servers survive off of player satisfaction and advertisements.
    ~Demon as of 5/6/12 - On the night where the moon is closer to the earth and brighter than any other night in the past 18 years.~

    Slow and steady stays alive~ I'm in no rush, I'm enjoying the journey to end game just as it was ment to be. b:victory
    "You sir, are why I love clerics <3" < Liba - Heaven's Tear
    b:thanks Well thank you Liba<3
  • IDecision - Raging Tide
    IDecision - Raging Tide Posts: 120 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Any class balance would be great through nerfs/buffs etc. Make Dungeons less time consuming but more challenging. NEW CONTENT. If not new content at least give us what you said you were going to with your expansion. Can anybody even do guild base wars?
  • Jolly_Green - Harshlands
    Jolly_Green - Harshlands Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    I like Petal's controversy polls, they've gotten nice responses! Let's hear some more! b:victory
  • Waterfal - Sanctuary
    Waterfal - Sanctuary Posts: 2,723 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    I would also like to see barbs being able to tank again endgame.

    Also just a random thought... but why not make 3 or 4 modes for nirvana?

    melee mode: farmable for aps players, bosses have more hp or phys defense and you can make it without a cleric.

    caster mode: easier for casters, bosses only do magical damage.

    (the 2 above should take about the same time, that's why bosses have more defense or hp or whatever)

    mixed mode: here you MUST mix melee and casters. 3 melee, 3 casters (veno can be both ofc.. but dunno an option for this. I'd say put them under the casters no matter what armour... x.x )

    solo mode: you get less drops or less % on drops. the strength of bosses will be determined by your class so it should be about equal. (ofc it also depends on gear and if you're charmed or not how hard it will be.. but whatever.. >.> at least everybody gets a chance to farm it then)

    ofc it has flaws and it could be exploited.. but whatever.. just my 2 cents... b:surrender
    Thanks Silvychar for the awesome sig :3

    waterfal - lvl 90 demon ferrari veno
    Hazumi_chan - lvl 9x sage seeker
  • Aesthor - Heavens Tear
    Aesthor - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,845 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    This game is unbalanceable. I'd spam sales and get rich while people are still playing it.

    ..........................oh wait.
    ಥ_ಥ MOAR.
    SkyKoC - How long is yours?
  • Joshcja - Sanctuary
    Joshcja - Sanctuary Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    remove rank 9 from the game>remove sins from the game

    games balanced now have fun
    Gifs are hard to make work here
  • amandisha74
    amandisha74 Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Dont really matter now, with dq's gimped again. only money is in nirvana. TT 3-3 in which the int dd's kinda have a corner on so.. just time to find another game they don't listen ne way.
  • Finaler - Raging Tide
    Finaler - Raging Tide Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    1. class limit fist/claws
    2. change blademaster to the real name it should be[warrior <.< we have a blade master and that's the seeker]
    3. remove all non-shortcut items from the boutique[i'm saying things like refine orbs[not the stones those can still fail], badges, [hypers count as shortcut but i'll mention something else about this later], packs can stay just change the items in them to be different to be things like only mounts and fashion]
    4. add a decent coin sink. the coin sink pwe's implemented are destined to fail imho. now that dq points are obsolete no ones going to pay the 100k k for enough points to get 1 mysterious chip. If you asked me the refine orbs should be put on an npc and be extremely expensive[like lvl 1 stones should be about 200k and the 12 like 15 mil] also do this with the gems if need be. heck maybe even put some fashion in an npc that can only come from that npc.
    5. make quest lines interesting. the only quest i liked was one where i actually had to look at what i was saying yes too in a low level quest. Also make them give rare things like mounts or flyers.
    6. Make charms more accessable, most private servers have charms cheaply and insanely overpowered[or they should be] with 3.5 mil health on the best ones. but it seems charms are really hard to get and are almost a necessity for endgame. 7 golds a bit harsh the sale price they were at made them really accessible to the casual and the veteran which means more ppl buying them = profit
    7. have a level cap on hypers. which level you ask? i'd say 60, that used to be the high level before they came out and personally the early game content in this game stinks worse than another game i played that's been out for 12 years.
    8. put out some interval poleaxes or sledges or even weapons with a special add-on i know is in the game[can't remember the title atm] that actually pulls aggro and give that interval.
    9. make stealth cost 2 sparks[don't know when you get it...but it should be in the 2 spark range] and make it reduce aps after coming out of it but give a crit boost to compensate.
    10. max the price gold can sell for to 300k.
    also known as notes or maxer depending on the server.

    resident lowbie of tao