1v1 NPC Gear PVP Tournament (Sign-ups go here)



  • Posts: 250 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Sign me up.
    I posted a link to this thread in the stalker's forums and I'll be asking everyone who's half decent at pvp in the faction to sign up. So like... 2 people??? lol. b:chuckle
  • Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Me sign up... hope i can vs desireeb:kiss
  • Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    sign it up
  • Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    1-Does the NPC Gear includes also: Weapon-Ornaments-Rings-Capes ?

    2-Are Blessings allowed?
  • Posts: 6,118 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    1-Does the NPC Gear includes also: Weapon-Ornaments-Rings-Capes ?

    2-Are Blessings allowed?

    1. Yes.
    2. No.

    "subtraction has the butt of an angel" - Paulrogers
    I <3 Subtraction.
    /blatant sig copy is blatant

    105/105/105 obtained! b:cute
  • Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    I'll be asking everyone who's half decent at pvp in the faction to sign up. So like... 2 people??? lol. b:chuckle

    You meant me right Graey? :P

    Sign me up.

    I would like to suggest sending a letter in-game a day or two before the event to ensure a good turn-out.

    My biggest concern however is 1 fight 1 winner. I think Best 2 out of 3 victories would suit the tourny better, what do you guys think? Looking at the amount of sign-ups so far I think this would be quite functional.
    also good luck killing a 15k hp charmed barb (lvl 100 barb with npc gear) with your npc 70 weapon
    A solid point. Perhaps it could be lv 70 armor but lv 80 weapons?

    One more thing to add fairness... I know this sounds biased coming from a veno but I feel my point is valid. I understand no herc/nix, but any other pet should be allowed no matter what skills it has. Pet customization is a solid tactical part of the veno class. To take this away is taking away not an advantage, but only what keeps us on par with others.
  • Posts: 249 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Haven't pvp'ed in like 6 months... DERP.

    Count me in, Lv100 Veno, same as my forum name.
  • Posts: 183 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Please add me to the list
  • Posts: 635 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    For curiousity's sake, lets do some raw stat comparisons of survivability.
    All lvl 100 with min stats for Nirvana gear and weapon, rest all into vit, self buffed.

    BM No marrow
    5445 HP / 6119 pdef / 1832 mdef
    BM Physical:
    5445 HP / 9581 pdef / 39 mdef
    BM Magical:
    5445 HP / 2657 pdef / 3733 mdef

    Barb Human:
    7991 HP / 4388 pdef / 1832 mdef
    Barb Tiger:
    9835 HP / 6119 pdef / 1832 mdef

    4081 HP / 1969 pdef / 2128 mdef
    4081 HP / 1969 pdef / 2128 mdef

    3620 HP / 1521 pdef / 4388 mdef
    3620 HP / 1253 pdef / 6119 mdef
    3620 HP / 851 pdef / 4388 mdef

    Veno Human:
    4328 HP / 851 pdef / 4388 mdef
    Veno Fox:
    4328 HP / 1655 pdef / 4388 mdef

    Interesting conclusions can be drawn from this in terms of raw class balance ; )

    Assuming all equally skilled players of each class, however, I am heavily predicting in favour of axe BMs due to their marrow and ability to stunlock.

    On a side note, damage is irrelevant as damage will mostly come from the base damage from attacks. Its more a matter of which side has better CC and better survivability.

    I predict the mass use of Ironguards, Dews of Star Protections, Jiaozis, Absolute Domain, and Expel. Test of skill (amongst the experienced PvPers at least) will be forgotten in favour of who has the faster reaction time.


    P.s. MazJack b:cute
  • Posts: 79 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Really Apoth Pots Should be outlawed, then again i will contorl 1k so w/e

    Desiree some people would say what constitutes skill in pvp is reaction time and reacting with the appropriate skill, then again you play a veno what do you know of skill besides coaxing extra nixes from people.

    I for one unlike miss emo above me cant wait to see this little shindig

    <--- sign me up
  • Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Sign me up too.
  • Posts: 635 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Desiree some people would say what constitutes skill in pvp is reaction time and reacting with the appropriate skill, then again you play a veno what do you know of skill besides coaxing extra nixes from people.
    You realize that I often PvP without a pet? xD (for the record, I bought my first nix and traded for my second - I never "coaxed" any nix from anyone >_>"). Nixes are pretty useless at end-game as their damage is laughable. Ever since day one of the server, I've always been strongly critical of any veno who relies on her nix to PvP.

    You are misunderstanding what I mean by "reaction time". Yes, I agree that reaction time is very important in PvP. What I mean, however, is that, since everyone's defence is so low with NPC gear, it literally becomes a contest of whoever dishes out the first stun wins, because everyone is no more than 1-2 shots. The timeframe of the fight will just be too small to demonstrate much skill.

    Suppose you have two archers firing Stunning Arrow at each other. One of the archers will get the skill off earlier than the other. That first archer then can follow up with just one additional skills and immediately win (since everyone's defence and HP is so low). Judging from that example, can you say that the first archer is better than the second? No, you can just conclude that the first archer had less lag or started the fight earlier than the second. In real PvP when people have higher defences (and assuming equal gear), you definitely need more than just one extra attack to finish someone off. That's my main concern.

  • Posts: 79 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    possibly, how much damage do you really do with an 70 weap tho with no blessing. If its to much maybe make it a 60 or even a 50 wep?

    Not to mention wings of grace as to archers pvp
  • Posts: 635 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    possibly, how much damage do you really do with an 70 weap tho with no blessing. If its to much maybe make it a 60 or even a 50 wep?

    Not to mention wings of grace as to archers pvp

    Base damage from demon/sage skills can do 2k+ damage against crappily-geared players, even without a weapon. As pure vit build, my magic attacks still do ~1.2k without a weapon, which is kind of a lot when you consider people running around with only a few thousand HP (see my previous post with the numbers). I'm also very much familiar with archer PvP-capabilities, having fought against archers for most of my TW experience (just ask the archers from Zulu). That was just an example (albeit, yes, a crappy one)

    I'm just judging from my personal tests in NPC gear. Of course, don't take my word for it - try it out yourself.


    Edit: Eoria, you forgot to sign me up ; P
  • Posts: 716 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    I have a solution to all your problems.

    Kalyptica, Banzzok, Flashlight, Wytche, Hellzdemon, Teisha, wollfo, LivingBass, and urDian (did I miss anyone?) can get together and buy 2 full sets of nirvana for each class, and +12 them all with DoDs in every slot. Included in this is a Love Up and Down tome, and a +12 Cube Neck and +12 Warsong Belt, and 2 +12 lunar rings.

    Then you will have your survivability, and damage, and you can use genie skills/pets/pots/whatever you want.
  • Posts: 250 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    I have a solution to all your problems.

    Kalyptica, Banzzok, Flashlight, Wytche, Hellzdemon, Teisha, wollfo, LivingBass, and urDian (did I miss anyone?) can get together and buy 2 full sets of nirvana for each class, and +12 them all with DoDs in every slot. Included in this is a Love Up and Down tome, and a +12 Cube Neck and +12 Warsong Belt, and 2 +12 lunar rings.

    Then you will have your survivability, and damage, and you can use genie skills/pets/pots/whatever you want.

    lol +1

    Or the GM's could get together and implement some free tournament gear that only exists inside the arena they're gonna fix so that we can all pick gear of equal quality with same refines/shards etc???

    GO GM's GO GO GO!!!

    lol... it's almost as likely as all the cash shoppers getting together and buying free gear for us b:surrender
  • Posts: 635 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Or the GM's could get together and implement some free tournament...

    Or the GMs could just stop being lazy and just activate the feature.

    Yes, it already exists. Yes, the process is a bit messy and involves character duplication onto a separate special server, but it exists. PW-CN ran a successful tournament within CN and as well as between CN and TW (China and Taiwan) afaik. Why hasn't it been done yet here? Because thinking up next week's cash shop sale takes priority.

  • Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    I have a solution to all your problems.

    Kalyptica, Banzzok, Flashlight, Wytche, Hellzdemon, Teisha, wollfo, LivingBass, and urDian (did I miss anyone?) can get together and buy 2 full sets of nirvana for each class, and +12 them all with DoDs in every slot. Included in this is a Love Up and Down tome, and a +12 Cube Neck and +12 Warsong Belt, and 2 +12 lunar rings.

    Then you will have your survivability, and damage, and you can use genie skills/pets/pots/whatever you want.

    You heard the woman, pimp my gear Urdian.
    I <3 AGOREY
  • Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Cat b:victory
  • Posts: 240 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Or the GMs could just stop being lazy and just activate the feature.

    Yes, it already exists. Yes, the process is a bit messy and involves character duplication onto a separate special server, but it exists. PW-CN ran a successful tournament within CN and as well as between CN and TW (China and Taiwan) afaik. Why hasn't it been done yet here? Because thinking up next week's cash shop sale takes priority.


    I once sent in a ticket asking why the Arena was not available on PWI and the response was (I'm rephrasing but you get the idea) "we choose not to make it available."

    Somehow I believe that the arena is not open because PWI won't make any money of it (or too little to bother). So they decided not to open it.

    That is just for the arena, which would be the best place to host an event like this. The cross-server arena is another thing.. and I'm 99.999% sure we won't ever see something like that.
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    b:avoid funny, we had an event like this on vendetta, op do u play that server? :o
  • Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    sign me up
  • Posts: 4,943 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    b:avoid funny, we had an event like this on vendetta, op do u play that server? :o

    What? Isn't full +12 the NPC gears of Vendetta?
  • Posts: 6,118 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Location will be in Hell at the coordinates 401, 595.

    "subtraction has the butt of an angel" - Paulrogers
    I <3 Subtraction.
    /blatant sig copy is blatant

    105/105/105 obtained! b:cute
  • Posts: 1,086 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    No. Go look at transcends fight club 6v6 etc video, that place is perfect. It also allows non 89 people to watch
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    The point is to keep hordes of blue names out of it.
  • Posts: 635 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    No. Go look at transcends fight club 6v6 etc video, that place is perfect. It also allows non 89 people to watch


    I also used that location for my Kylin PvP tournament and it worked perfectly. There's an area with three raised platforms, so its already a natural fighting arena (plus you can have 3 simultaneous fights if the number of participants is too many).

    Another rule that I had (and found out to work well) was no flying - all spectators were in the air (leaving the ground clear). While you may thing that this removes certain aspects of PvP (air genie skills, air-to-ground half damage, kiting), it actually keeps things a lot more contained and straightforward. Also gives all spectators a very clear view of things.
    The point is to keep hordes of blue names out of it.
    Epic, you name copier! b:shocked

  • Posts: 6,118 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Anyone mind linking me to the video? I have no clue who Transcend is.

    From the sound of it though, it seems like the place you're talking about is in the desert. My main problem with that is that I want to minimize looting as much as possible (yeah, yeah, I know "just tell people to bring dolls/use SL", but I don't want to be held responsible if something drops). Holding it in Heaven/Hell deters this sort of behavior by virtue of everyone with access to the place being white named and thus able to be killed.

    "subtraction has the butt of an angel" - Paulrogers
    I <3 Subtraction.
    /blatant sig copy is blatant

    105/105/105 obtained! b:cute
  • Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kpN4DBnxqMw&feature=channel_video_title (starts at 4:16)

    There is even a NPC there which is great to get chi off b:pleased


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