Hardcore PvP server

UnseenOne - Lost City
UnseenOne - Lost City Posts: 11 Arc User
edited April 2011 in Suggestion Box
Ok, tried to make a "descriptive" title. What this suggestion is? It is basicly a suggestion for a PvP server where skill is the main thing that matters. All else is not irrelevant but less relevant than it is in the "normal" servers. This would of course only be implemented if you can afford more servers b:cute


Good gear should be easier to get (but not without any effort)

A normally unused NPC, such as the black market vendor, should sell molds (not finished weapons, you would still need the crafting level) for a price most players can afford, such as 100k at level 50 and lower, 300k at 51-80 and 500k-1mil above. This would prevent players who play "normally" from falling behind those who know exactly what to kill at what level for the most money. At least prevent them from falling behind too much. The materials needed to make the gear, the gems and the refining items would all have to be aquired normally.

No safety lock abuse

This would make it more risky to go red, safety lock would only prevent you from dropping items if an "abnormal" IP is logged in, so that hackers can't make someone lose all their stuff but the players themselves can't kill every white they see unpunished. However, other ways to prevent items from dropping (bound gear, guardian scroll or whatever it's called) would still work almost as normal. With the exception that things that prevent all item drops should have a (clearly visible) cooldown, 20 minutes for example. This allows PK'ers to get more rewards and players who want to PvE until they feel they are ready can do that without being rpk'ed too much.

A level barrier

For example, a "barrier" of 10 levels. What I mean by this is that you would only be able to attack or be attacked by someone who is 10 levels from you. This effectively puts a stop to most random and unprovoked PK'ing. At 10 levels most players should still have a fighting chance but you level and gear will still help if you are the higher level player.

Things that should be kept

You should still need to be at least level 30 to engage in PK. Safe and non safe zones don't need any changes. All other functions of safety lock should be kept as they are.


The reason I want this is to have a server where skill matters more than level (and gear), a server where a red can't die over and over without dropping anything, where people who want to quest should be allowed to do that without being killed by a level 90+ and an overall more exciting and balanced server.

Please tell me what you think. b:victory

Sorry if I spelled something wrong
I am not from an english speaking country.

On a side note: Don't be fooled by my avatar level, I make a lot of alts and that is not my highest level char ^^
Sorry if I spell something wrong, I'm not from an english speaking country. If you can do it in a nice way, please correct bad spelling by me.
Post edited by UnseenOne - Lost City on


  • Azura - Lost City
    Azura - Lost City Posts: 2,281 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    To the developers, that would be like making a new game b:shocked

    If they can't do class balance, nevermind doing all this b:shutup
  • UnseenOne - Lost City
    UnseenOne - Lost City Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    At least they could try lol.

    And I forgot to mention this: If this server gets added, REMOVE JONE'S BLESSING, THAT THING IS OP AS *b:angryb:angryb:angry*

    Oh well, this might still be what is needed to make the game playable for non-cash shoppers -.-
    Sorry if I spell something wrong, I'm not from an english speaking country. If you can do it in a nice way, please correct bad spelling by me.
  • Fintan - Lost City
    Fintan - Lost City Posts: 1,245 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Note that shattering was apparently added while I was on my hiatus from Perfect World as the "answer" to SL abuse. I can't say I'm fond of the solution, but in any case, I've carried dolls since not long after I went white, so it doesn't "really" affect me. (Just the drops I'd get...) Note that I don't like losing experience to mobs just as much as I don't like dropping items.

    But yeah. With rep obtainable in the cash shop, that request for gear's kinda pointless, in my opinon.

    And as for the level restriction... You're on Lost City. But you're a low level. Sometimes on our server, it's required that you reinforce a lesson on someone who's messed up severely in an instance or something with a bit of death. It helps the lesson sink in much better, while also relieving the tension. b:pleased Also, some of us are ranged. It's almost impossible to tell from a distance what level someone is. I've been known to accidentally attack people above my level. b:laugh

    Finally, in regards to the blessing... Not all of us can even get to the page whether we want to or not. So, some of us already cope with it just fine.
    ** server can't find www.facebook.com: NXDOMAIN
    MuSHRooMS - Lost City (currently inviting new members) b:victory
  • UnseenOne - Lost City
    UnseenOne - Lost City Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    "With rep obtainable in the cash shop, that request for gear is kind of pointless"

    So everyone's level 100 or whenever you actually get a weapon from rep. And everyone cash shops?

    Not really -.-

    And the level barrier I was talking about, if added, it should obviously show if you can attack/be attacked or not...

    EDIT: Also, I didn't understand any meaning in the middle bit of the text,

    "And as for the level restriction... You're on Lost City. But you're a low level. Sometimes on our server, it's required that you reinforce a lesson on someone who's messed up severely in an instance or something with a bit of death. It helps the lesson sink in much better, while also relieving the tension. Also, some of us are ranged. It's almost impossible to tell from a distance what level someone is. I've been known to accidentally attack people above my level."
    Sorry if I spell something wrong, I'm not from an english speaking country. If you can do it in a nice way, please correct bad spelling by me.
  • Zoe - Heavens Tear
    Zoe - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,814 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    To make it TRUE hardcore, if you die while red named, your character is deleted. You are either GOOD at pvp or you don't have a character.
    Main characters
    Celestial Sage Venomancer Zoe - 100
    Sage Barbarian Malego - 91
  • Jellytoast - Sanctuary
    Jellytoast - Sanctuary Posts: 1,295 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    I think it would be fun if it wasn't a server change but more of a realm/channel added. I played another MMO with what's called a war channel. You could pk in towns, and everyone is in auto pk mode. You wouldn't have a chance of dropping gear unless you were dark red named. (There was also this "jail" it sent you to for an hour if you got black named XD)
    But I think something like that would be fun. Similar to a tw instance, but a channel.
    jellytoast - Demon Cleric
    Wizzypop - Demon Wizard

    "We cannot solve our problems with the same
    thinking we used when we created them." -Albert Einstein
  • Fintan - Lost City
    Fintan - Lost City Posts: 1,245 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    EDIT: Also, I didn't understand any meaning in the middle bit of the text,

    Which part? That sometimes we reinforce lessons with a bit of death? Perhaps you are one of the ones who gets killed at the end of instances when the cleric or tank says something you didn't understand just before? b:chuckle

    Or that it's impossible to find out someone's level from a distance? I've never gotten the Player Info thinger (or anything similar) to come up for a player when I'm casting from 30 meters away, anyhow. b:surrender
    MuSHRooMS - Lost City (currently inviting new members) b:victory
  • HarmOwnie - Dreamweaver
    HarmOwnie - Dreamweaver Posts: 574 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    If you want a skill based game then you are defintely wrong in a MMORPG.
    I mean the winner in a PvP situation is determined by
    lvl + stuff + class adv/disadv + player skill
    but the first 3 components outweigh the player skill by far.
    Moreover 2 of the factores lvl + stuff depend on
    cash and time spent on the game and not how good your play your char.
    Since a new server with special requirements wont solve this general problems
    i doubt that PWI is able to give you what you are looking for here.

    I mean there have been several other games who have tried to develop a
    gamesystem like the one you are looking for for instance
    savage 2
    rakion ....

    But most of them have failed since they became to greedy and destroyed a fair competition by giving huge advantages to cash shop users.

    greetz harm0wnie
  • UnseenOne - Lost City
    UnseenOne - Lost City Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    To HarmOwnie:

    Who says it has to be like that? MMORPGs are (except for the not yet released Guild Wars 2) not evolving at all. Why keep it like that? To make it more skill based would be a step towards the next generation.

    Not that it matters with this game anyway, I'm quitting when Guild Wars 2 comes out. Why? Because it is 100% fun and 0% grinding. End if discussion on that subject.

    To Fintan:

    You are obviously misunderstanding my suggestion. Do you actually think that I would post a suggestion where you are more likely to lose items if I got killed all the time? On a side note: I have never been killed in an instance but you should learn to read and understand a suggestion -.-


    I was going to give an example but couldn't make it fit togather in the same way it would ingame.
    Sorry if I spell something wrong, I'm not from an english speaking country. If you can do it in a nice way, please correct bad spelling by me.