Barbarian Castration

Ramsies - Heavens Tear
Ramsies - Heavens Tear Posts: 7 Arc User
edited April 2011 in Suggestion Box
I have been playing over 2 years now and I remember when the Barb was the King of the hill. Devour was the skill to have; it took a large bite out of the enemy causing massive bleeding. But you castrated the barbs and turned them into little kittens that have to fight like crazy to hold and keep agro from the NEW and MORE POWERFUL classes, i.e. sins, psys, and the new earth guards. Devour is now a little nip out of the enemy causing a distraction.
I love my barb and have relearned how to keep agro with a lot of the Genie skills, but your teaching younger players that its better to be a sneaky, underhanded, hiding, sin than a straight forward fighter that takes the enemy head on and fights for good. Which is leading to a massive shortage of Barbarians in Perfect world these days. If your going to make each new class of character stronger and more powerful, can you at least give the barbs back what they once had?? Help them to keep their dignity and most agro the way they used to.
I am not asking for a lot here really, just asking you to give back what we once had, Our pride, our strength , and our dignity. thank you very much for listening
Post edited by Ramsies - Heavens Tear on


  • Frostwish - Raging Tide
    Frostwish - Raging Tide Posts: 189 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    +1 b:surrender
    Take the nerf off barbs please :<
    They become roasted kitties under my Wield Thunder QQ I dun wanna fry kitties! DD:
    And aggro toss between high leveled sins, other aps DDs makes it very hard for me to heal quick enough on bosses. ><
  • Yukkuri - Heavens Tear
    Yukkuri - Heavens Tear Posts: 624 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    In the "over 2 years" you have been playing you've been using Devour instead of Flesh Ream.
    Information: It is proven that the majority of the Perfect World International player base suffers from "Motorcylophobia".

    -Every single patch to an MMO causes players to cry: "They Changed It, Now It Sucks". Every. Single. Patch. -Taken from TV Tropes.
  • Outlaw_Arch - Heavens Tear
    Outlaw_Arch - Heavens Tear Posts: 406 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    this is just naother factor that pwe didn't put into account when they brought the new gear and races. they realy should have gaven the barb skills a bump in threat level or something. it's sad to be in a party and and aggro gets stolen from a same level sin.
  • Tigerninja - Heavens Tear
    Tigerninja - Heavens Tear Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    i must add that there's an overpopulation of sins and claw bms (deicides) and fewer and fewer barbs -_-

    off-topic: what the **** is it with APS these days??? wanna finish and instant in split second without caring about teamplay and all? i think APS is just a way of people boosting their ego -_-b:surrender

    but yeah, bring back some dignity to the barb -_-

    i really hate when people steal aggro back and forth from me -_-
  • Ankiel - Raging Tide
    Ankiel - Raging Tide Posts: 260 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I love my barb and have relearned how to keep agro with a lot of the Genie skills, but your teaching younger players that its better to be a sneaky, underhanded, hiding, sin than a straight forward fighter that takes the enemy head on and fights for good.

    i suppose some people enjoyed being bashed over the head over and over, but some prefer not to be hit 0.o
  • Ramsies - Heavens Tear
    Ramsies - Heavens Tear Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    no ,,,,,lol I havent been only devour the last 2 years,,,lol. But before they nerfed Devour yes it was my 1st and foremost attack , then Flesh Ream. but like I said in my thread, I have learned to KEEP agro Most of the time
  • Ramsies - Heavens Tear
    Ramsies - Heavens Tear Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Exactly my point the kids now are turning into COWARDS, they would rather hide and be invisable till their enemy has its back turned, then attack and say I am a mighty hunter I can kill a mob or a person faster than anyone else!!!!!!!
  • Kawaiidesune - Lost City
    Kawaiidesune - Lost City Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    the 1 issue with sins stealing agro is that they have a skill that lowers there aps to less then half of thier normal aps. if a sin doesnt use that skill in an instance to and steels agro from the barb, then they do not know how to be sins. most sins i see out thier never use that skill because they hate attacking slow. a sin not use that buff would be the sins that end up having to tank because they cant find a barb to tank the run for them. so in my opinion players just dont know how to use the new classes for them to actually be affective in their squad rather then dye alot and have the clerics rez them all the time
  • Vedovis - Lost City
    Vedovis - Lost City Posts: 942 Arc User
    edited March 2011

    Show the kitties some love! They kinda DESERVE it. After all, I wouldn't survive two seconds tanking some bosses b:chuckle

    | Signature made by Fishy!~ | Semiretired |
  • TheFire - Lost City
    TheFire - Lost City Posts: 137 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    with all the new stuff comeing out to the classes and every thing to do with the aps of some charrs and the fact that a lvl 85+ anything with 5.0 can take aggro from the barb these days its a wonder why there still barbs out there pisses me off when some one not even 90 can take aggro and then get all pissy cuz he died.then its all the sudden my fult or the healers fult cuz he was stupid and killed himslef.i rember back in the day when archers and wizerds had to bring with them other wepons JUST so thay didnt take aggro and if thay died it was thre own fult.rule number one dont take aggro from the barb you dont have the life to keep up.that was the motto most whent by.but with all the noobs frosting there way to 100 and then wondering hey what does this skill do or hey let me try something...its a wonder why any one would stay with there barb.why when a 5.0 bm or sin can tank it?but hey im sticking with my barb just in case the gms get smart and give us a upgrade for a change! hey thats my 5 cents worth.....and yes i know aobut the spelling i just dont care lol
  • Canisha - Heavens Tear
    Canisha - Heavens Tear Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I play a sin and it's sad but at my level 80+ when I do group runs, there's hardly ever a barb in the group. It's like they vanish once they hit 80. Originally all groups were supposed to rely on a mix of classes to fill the needed roles, wiz and archer for dd, barb to tank, bm to support etc. Now it's all about 5.0 aps. If you got it you don't need anyone else and that's stupid. Way to turn a mmo into a solo game.
  • Outlaw_Arch - Heavens Tear
    Outlaw_Arch - Heavens Tear Posts: 406 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    i miss the diversity from those days. some classes became very rare and uncommon. on heaven's tear, i wold go for long perids of time without seeing a wiz. archers are nowhere near as rare is wizards but i feel that they are not as common as they used to be either. then of course there are the barbs, it's hard sometimes to find one for bh runs.

    as for the annoying DDs who get all whiny over dying and want to put blame on barb or cerlic, kick they the hell outta squad. i for one am freaking tried of people not maning up to their own **** mistakes. DDs are not 100% needed, they just make the killing process faster kick them if they keep dying and blaming it on someone else, or continue on withoout him, make him go to town, and if he isn't there but the time you reach the boss, kill it. it's annoying as hell to see people who don't even TRY to regulate aggro>:/
  • Waterfal - Sanctuary
    Waterfal - Sanctuary Posts: 2,723 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I agree... Barbs are the tank class, they should be able to keep agro over 5 aps. Currently no barb, no matter how good, can keep agro from it now... and that just plain sucks.
    Barbs are becoming rare due to the aps craze.
    Sorry for the comparison.. but now barbs are a bit like hercs for a veno... up to lvl 90 or so they're awesome and wanted in squads. After that people don't care anymore because aps people will tank. b:surrender

    All in all, the tank-class should be the best tank all trough the game. Not just in the beginning.
    Thanks Silvychar for the awesome sig :3

    waterfal - lvl 90 demon ferrari veno
    Hazumi_chan - lvl 9x sage seeker
  • HarmOwnie - Dreamweaver
    HarmOwnie - Dreamweaver Posts: 574 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    i miss the diversity from those days. some classes became very rare and uncommon. on heaven's tear, i wold go for long perids of time without seeing a wiz. archers are nowhere near as rare is wizards but i feel that they are not as common as they used to be either. then of course there are the barbs, it's hard sometimes to find one for bh runs.

    The reason why wizzies and barbs become rare is that the things they were needed for tanking as a barb DDing as a wiz can now be done as good or even better by other classes so there is no reason to invite these classes. Barbs and Archers can restat to become fist barbs and archers so that they can 5 aps autoattack too and demon spark but that's no solution to the original problem.

    Personally i dont like that a class that is supposed do be a squishy LA DD = sin has 90% of the tanking abilities of a barb due to aps sparking and bloodpaint. Moreover magical DDs cant compete with physical DDs anymore even psys that attack faster than wizzies have no chance to get close to the dmg output of a 5aps. An archer with a range weapon is also screwed because the aps with range weapon is limited but i guess pwi doesnt care if their game system gets destroyed as long as they make money with 5aps items

    greetz harm0wnie
  • Hazumu - Dreamweaver
    Hazumu - Dreamweaver Posts: 293 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    But the thing is, there are instances where a Wiz not only tears a new one on sins and BM's, this makes them needed in other runs too when we want to support those classes and players. We MIGHT lose a little in PvE DD with a wiz instead of a fully cash shopped and rank geared (Which ain't cheap by the way, even if it is cheaper now than before) 5 aps sin / BM.

    The fact of the matter is that Wizes have weak spots, just as every other character does as well. Sins cannot be perma cloaked in TW if they want to do anything and if they're not cloaked when being alone surrounded by enemies, they can get screwed quite fast and easy. In any occation where teamplay can be applied a lone sin becomes EXTREMELY vulnurable.

    Also, 5 APS fist barbs? I still laugh at those.

    A wiz might not be the most optimal class for EVERYTHING, but there are still instances where having a wiz around is worth pure gold and you shouldn't forget that Harmie. Let's flip this the other way around, how many people here would rather run away from a wizard in TW than a BM, or a sin, if you saw one coming at you and there's no other people around?
  • Tigerninja - Heavens Tear
    Tigerninja - Heavens Tear Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    I'm so mad that people keep talking APS APS and APS. If you're not APS you don't get invite b:angry

    I see claw barbs, claw archers and claw clerics too now. But thing is, we need tanks!!! The flesh ream cannot even take back agro from a 5.0 APS-wannabe!!! WTF!!! Yeah, I like to see bosses killing those APS-wannabes cuz they think they're also tank-wannabes!!! So keep it real PW, give some decency to flesh ream already!!! b:angry
  • Kinir - Lost City
    Kinir - Lost City Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    They could just up the threat % each skill gives...there easy fix, but they won't. Some 8.0 APS whip class will be next =.=
  • merffle
    merffle Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    imo, either

    a) the new classes need some nerfing so they're not completely uber/overbalanced (mainly earthguard, ie: mystic)


    b) the old classes need some sprucing / beefing up so they are not so completely out-classed by the new classes.

    can't wait for the new game name: Mysticworld International :P where 8 out of ten players will be mystics. and one out of the last two will be a seeker.

  • MoonHearts - Heavens Tear
    MoonHearts - Heavens Tear Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    I completely agree, Barbs need a boost to their threat so they can get and hold aggro. I know that there will be times someone will crit and take it, but they should be able to get it back. Most of the Sin's and fist BM are unable to take the pounding a Barb can, which is why we all need them. What would an FF run be like without a Barb? I also don't think the barb's should have to buy a new skill for this, just upgrade the skills they already have and have it take affect with a patch update.
  • Xarathox - Dreamweaver
    Xarathox - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,657 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Meh, I stopped caring about being primary tank on my barb a while back.

    There are many 4.0/5.0 players out there that simply fail at tanking. Mainly archers, since they'll spend the money reaching fast attack speeds, but not for the def/hp that's needed to properly tank. Those fools actually make even something as simple as a BH run a nightmare for clerics. Especially if using BB is out of the question, due to bosses interrupting it.

    It's those clerics I feel sorry for the most. APS has made their job far more difficult than it ever was because of idiots with a God complex, and very shallow wallets.

    The one upside to the barb population dwindling: It's ****ing easy for me to get into just about any squad I want. Really, all I have to do is watch WC for about 5 minutes for w/e squad's looking for a tank, simply reply "barb"...bam, instant invite. Saves me from even having to buy/waste tele's.
    Some people risk to employ me

    Some people live to destroy me

    Either way they die
  • Abraham__ - Archosaur
    Abraham__ - Archosaur Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    WIZ vs Psy
    BM vs Barb vs seeker
    archer vs sins
    mystic vs clerics/venos
    these should be the ideal classes who should compete with eachother

    we should not compare sins with clerics or sins with barbs
    In this topic most were comparing barbs with sins.
    this is just like a barb wanting to stealth or a wizard wanting to use axes and haf high hp
  • orangehand
    orangehand Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    WIZ vs Psy
    BM vs Barb vs seeker
    archer vs sins
    mystic vs clerics/venos
    these should be the ideal classes who should compete with eachother

    we should not compare sins with clerics or sins with barbs
    In this topic most were comparing barbs with sins.
    this is just like a barb wanting to stealth or a wizard wanting to use axes and haf high hp

    dude, you are so bending his words. this is about a barb who simply cant compete with sins or other 5apps anymore.

    what we want is to be able to be the the real tanks again in the game, not being replaced by just any other bm/sin with 5 apps.

    either increase the agro we can get with our skills, or nerf 5 apss sins/bm's
  • Abraham__ - Archosaur
    Abraham__ - Archosaur Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    a 5apps sin can only steal and keep aggro but cant handle it.
    so barbs still are the tank class in my opinion if a sin dies for taking aggro its his/her fault.
    OR pwi can make new skill which reducs ones own damage and increases damage done by other (like transferring powers to the barb for 5 mins)
  • Ingemar - Raging Tide
    Ingemar - Raging Tide Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    I haven't been playing a Barbarian as long as the original poster, but...

    It *does* seem strange that the main and original tanking class can't hold agro better that other classes.

    It's not about which class can kill fastest. It's about the basic concept of a Tank character. If a Tank can't pull and keep agro due to either not having the skills or not having the dmg potential, there's no point in playing as one. Their basic purpose is wasted, and all they do is take up space.

    I have a suggestion though that might help fix things. Give all Barbarian attacks increased threat ratings (including their auto attacks), and give some of their skills MASSIVE boosts in threat ratings. Perhaps add skills that actually force an enemy to focus them no matter what, so they can regain the top agro rating. This way, even if the Sin or Psy or Mystic is doing huge damage, the Barbarian keeps agro throughout the fight without having to use a combination of genie skills and so forth.

    Sin and Psy are supposed to be damage dealers; once the Tank has agro, they DPS down the target. Neither of these should have to worry about pulling agro if there is a Barbarian wailing away at the target.
  • Ingemar - Raging Tide
    Ingemar - Raging Tide Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    WIZ vs Psy
    BM vs Barb vs seeker
    archer vs sins
    mystic vs clerics/venos
    these should be the ideal classes who should compete with eachother

    we should not compare sins with clerics or sins with barbs
    In this topic most were comparing barbs with sins.
    this is just like a barb wanting to stealth or a wizard wanting to use axes and haf high hp

    I agree with you. There should only be certain comparisons between classes. Seekers with Barbs and Blademasters (all are intended to hold Agro) and Mystics and Venos (both use pets and magical attacks), Psys and Wiz (both are magic based, high damage types).

    Comparing Mystics to Clerics is wrong, as there's no substitute for a Cleric; at best, a Mystic can support one in dungeons.

    But this isn't the point here.

    The point is that Barbarians are intended to be agro holders. TOP agro holders. If they are unable to DO that for whatever reason, and no matter how good the player is... they're broken, and need to be redesigned to be able to do their job properly.

    To put it another way... if you play a Sin, would you rather:

    a. Get in a fight with a monster, have it turn and attack you forcing the Barbarian in the group to struggle to take back agro,


    b. Get in a fight with a monster, and be able to focus on doing damage while it fights the Barbarian who went in first... like they were supposed to?

    ...let me know what you think.
  • Ingemar - Raging Tide
    Ingemar - Raging Tide Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Just another small, additional post as well.

    Agro meters. ...Why doesn't this game have one if they've added so many classes that can steal it? At least people could see how badly they were overdoing it and back off some, or the Barbarian who's job it was to hold agro could see he was losing it fast and take actions to try to keep it.

    Consider adding a built in agro meter to this game, and it would end SO many complaints and problems.