An Informative -Rant-



  • fuzzywuzz
    fuzzywuzz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Ding 100. U jelly?

    So you have a bit more str and a few more dex but without a complete skill tree what is there to be jealous about?

    Do you have your gear complete? Do you have your end-game weapon in place? Are they refined? In your case HR, Fuzzy knows they are not.

    For all Fuzzy reads about power-leveling, one thing still escapes the panda's understanding. There are those on pve servers who do it (see above quote) and these are the people me not understand.

    PvP server? Ok, so you have a toon or three already at 100+ and want to be able to take part in end-game instances and also get in your kills. Fair enough. The thing is, those on pve servers seem to want us to believe they do it for the same reason, but.... if that were truly the case, why are they on a pve server to begin with?

    [SIGPIC]Need to talk to Fuzzy?[/SIGPIC]
    Sig by NowItsAwn
  • Sarrafeline - Sanctuary
    Sarrafeline - Sanctuary Posts: 4,661 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    as I see it powerlvling is not that bad at all. Yes, I agree if a new player, just starts the game this way he misses out many. He will never lern how game actually work or whats an FB and so on. For those players you are right they shouldn't powerlvl but actually lern how to play the char they choose.
    But lets take older player on the other hand. THey played PWI for lets say a year or 2. For them I can truely understand how boring it is to lvl a char up to their mains lvl. Yes it can be fun till 30, due to new quests but than? All and all again the same boring quests? For a mystic till 75 MP problems without ending? For them I can understand that they want to have the char as fast as possible on 90+. And if you know how the game works I would say it takes you a week or so and you can handle most things of a char. A player with a higher main also don't need to lern how FB39 works - he did it long enaugh on the main char.
    So my point: If you are expirienced, know how the game works and have the monney to powerlvl - why not? BUT a new player should go the long way through quests I would even say more grinding instead of everyday BH would help a lot of lerning how the char works..

    What concerns FC: It's not the only instance you can do in this game.. I'm a bit sad, that ppl in PWI seams to do only BH and FC, when there are still Lunar, delta(alpha,betan...), TT, Cube or Trophy modes.. PWI is not just about the lvl it should be as well fun to play when you reached it.

    You get like... NO exp from TT, and cube is normally a colossal waste of time. You have to already be 100 to get into Nirvana, and I've never even heard of anyone sub-level going into Lunar.

    Trophy Mode is becoming more popular. It's pretty damn difficult, so... I don't know. Trophy mode, however, is not the place to be powerleveling a nub alt.
    101 Sage Sin*/Archer
    100 Demon BM*/Barb
    96 Demon Cleric/Sage Seeker
    95 Demon Wiz/
    94 Sage Veno
    85 Psy/80 Mystic
    And a handful of other alts, all 79 and under.
    *Pre RB level
  • fuzzywuzz
    fuzzywuzz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    You get like... NO exp from TT, and cube is normally a colossal waste of time. You have to already be 100 to get into Nirvana, and I've never even heard of anyone sub-level going into Lunar.

    Cube is hardly a waste of time when if you combine it with the "no exp TT" you can farm a cube necklace. Heck, if you have more than 1 100 character (which many seem too these days) you can get the material you need from there in 15 or less days. In concert with effort farming TT, you can create a cube neck every 30 days or less. Not exactly Fuzzy's idea of a waste of time.

    As to Lunar, it is sad many many many people never bother to set foot in the Glade.

    By far the panda's favorite instance in the game. As to sub-par, that just depends on your definition. Fuzzy started farming squad mode with good friends when we were all around 85. Perhaps that's why Fuzzy still enjoys it so much. A far as me is concerned, that instance is the pinnacle of teamwork when going in with 85+ - 9x squads.
    [SIGPIC]Need to talk to Fuzzy?[/SIGPIC]
    Sig by NowItsAwn
  • L_y_n_x - Raging Tide
    L_y_n_x - Raging Tide Posts: 166 Arc User
    edited March 2011

    What concerns FC: It's not the only instance you can do in this game.. I'm a bit sad, that ppl in PWI seams to do only BH and FC, when there are still Lunar, delta(alpha,betan...), TT, Cube or Trophy modes.. PWI is not just about the lvl it should be as well fun to play when you reached it.

    Yeah, it is not the only instance. I do cube of fate on 2 chars each day. Just opened the Lunar quests on this char and since he will survive more then my 5k hp 96 BM, actually might start making runs. The game is supposed to be fun to play. To me it is. I help people, I read WC drama, I check auction, log cleric to go rez/buff faction members, raise crafting skills on the side, anwser Bh calls, call for helps for bosses. Yes it does have it,s dull moments and when it does on a char, I switch to another one.

    I also have multiple chars that i'm keeping distant enough from each other to have a lot to do if I feel like it.

    Main is 96 : Refused in Nirvana/Delta cause not APS, who cares. I can run bh79 and Eden/Brim each day on him and then do assaociated bonus quests with divine orders.
    Can even squeeze in a 3-x if squad is not too demanding. Can go help in FC if needed.
    Also married so has Marriage quest. Also has chrono daily. Still has just 1st map cause no one wants to bring a "noob non-aps" to Delta to finish culti. Fine, i'll wait till a lot of people I know need it and we'll go have a blast !! Used maybe 10 hypers total on him and just oracles from quests. Oh..once I kept dying to a certain kind of mobs and used 8 to finish a level..shame on me...

    Barb 85 : BH69 and BH79, soon lunar, could make squad for 2-x easy. Could easily find a FC squad if I would start asking around, just not in a hurry yet. Will soon be intrigued to also do my 1st Warsong run. No hypers used, only FC run was a training one with my wife see how I could pull.

    Cleric 55 : BH39, soon enough bh51 and fb59, can also go help heal in 29 if needed. Mostly logged to heal/rez/buffed though but it's something else to do. No hypers used either.Didn't see FC yet.

    Seeker 28 : There to do different. I always wanted a swrod Bm and people suggested I go fist.. I re-stated and did. Thanks PWE for making a class that can't use fists and make me feel like the "blader" I wanted to be. Won't see Fc before 75-80 either.

    Problem is , some people takes this GAME a bit too seriously.

    You want to powerlevel a new class ? Go ahead, reach 100+ but then again, if u do it to be able to go help people or for personnal achievement, fine ! But don't come whining you powerleveled a char to then get bored with nothing to do but bh100 and Nirvana.

    As you see "MY" line-up isi diverse, i'm a PvE at heart.. I understand how boring bh100 and nirvana could get after a while b:chuckle
  • _Petal_ - Harshlands
    _Petal_ - Harshlands Posts: 499 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    What boggles my mind is....why would people in PvE servers want to hit 100+ anyway?
    .....quick heads up--> There's nothing to do.

    "Oh, but I can run Nirvana now!"
    .....That's nice. Run it twice, get bored. Next?

    "I can run around in PvP Mode!"
    ....And get oneshot by Assassins...who are also in PvP mode.

    "I can FARM!"
    Good job. You have money now. Too bad there's nothing you can spend it on since you have all your endgame gear....Get a Guild Base? Go ahead, waste over 400mil on something that's going to go splat the minute another guild stronger than you finds out about it....

    The DEVELOPERS need to give endgame players SOMETHING...TO....DO.

    And those who are busy stuffing hypers down their alts throats need to stop being rewarded like they've accomplished something great: Heads didn't; and I can assure you someone who's gone and PLAYED THE GAME LIKE YOU'RE SUPPOSED to, could easily whoop your **** if their wallets play for them like yours obviously does.

    Solution: Level cap on FC.
    Probably the easiest solution. You do realize that all of this alt FC bullhockey just stuffs more coins into the economy than it needs? Add the new TW (old TW) rewards into that mess, the fact that you have Packs PERMINANT in the Cash Shop....
    See where this is going?
    Hold your breath, gold prices are going to skyrocket.

    Think of it like this Devs, if they can't do FC, they spend more hypers/training scrolls trying to level up...which means more money for you. [/businessspeak]

    Solution: Level cap on Hypers
    Doubtful to ever happen. Developers and company WAY too greedy.

    Soultion: Less exp in FC.
    ....if this happens, I will be burned at the stake. The stupidest idea you could possibly mention, imo.

    Solution: Boss tweaks in FC
    ....and more QQ coming from the casters. IDTS.

    Bottom line: Alt FC's need to stop. It's breeding a generation of lazy, stupid people...not to mention, it's sticking unneeded coin in the economy. Knock it off. -.-
    They made fun of me because I wasn't a R8 Psychic...and then came third cast. It's not funny anymore.

    Reason 88 to buy a makeover scroll:
    gomba: "Your butt looks like an eggplant."
  • Asterelle - Sanctuary_1381265973
    Asterelle - Sanctuary_1381265973 Posts: 7,881 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I'm not sure if people realize this but R8/R9 for the new classes has been fully implemented and is available right now. People who are getting their earthguard to 100/101 already have the Rep/ GSTs ready and want to get them on their new characters as soon as they can.

    While skills are incomplete, people can work on the gear/level now.
    Refining Simulator - (don't use IE)
    Genie Calculator - - (don't use IE)
    Socket Calculator -
  • Majesta - Dreamweaver
    Majesta - Dreamweaver Posts: 268 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    to OP: I thought exactly the same way you are thinking now.

    I leveled my archer in a span of 2 years to lvl 100 without hypers (I cheated and hypered to 101).
    It was hard work and dedication to even get to 8x without hypers and whatnot.

    When hypers came out I was so bummed. How dare they make it possible to level a char to 100 in matter of days/weeks where we 'old folks' had to grind every lil bit of exp to get to 100.

    But I must admit, I'm rather thankful for hypers right now. I've done literally all quests there were up till 100 on my Archer and done most on my 91 Veno. I've seen it all, done it all and frankly, the thought of having to do all those unnecessary quests again is not a good one :P

    So yes, I do hyper my seeker atm, doin FC on my archer + a cleric friend and his seeker alt. And you can flame me all you want, but I enjoy experiencing what my archer can do, and lvling an alt up with it.

    I love playing the seeker, they have amazingly fun skills. So when mine hits 100 I can alternate between which char I wanna play. So I'm not stuck with 1 char that I have to do everything with. Cause let's be honest, it gets boring ;D
    When I got the meaning of melee mixed up:
    'Maj.. Melee ffs.. means I'm punching you in the face 1 foot away!'
  • fuzzywuzz
    fuzzywuzz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    people can work on the gear/level now.

    Fuzzy suspects Asterelle used the wrong word there.....
    [SIGPIC]Need to talk to Fuzzy?[/SIGPIC]
    Sig by NowItsAwn
  • Rawrgh - Raging Tide
    Rawrgh - Raging Tide Posts: 6,790 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    FuzzyWuzz wrote: »
    So you have a bit more str and a few more dex but without a complete skill tree what is there to be jealous about?

    Do you have your gear complete? Do you have your end-game weapon in place? Are they refined? In your case HR, Fuzzy knows they are not.

    For all Fuzzy reads about power-leveling, one thing still escapes the panda's understanding. There are those on pve servers who do it (see above quote) and these are the people me not understand.

    PvP server? Ok, so you have a toon or three already at 100+ and want to be able to take part in end-game instances and also get in your kills. Fair enough. The thing is, those on pve servers seem to want us to believe they do it for the same reason, but.... if that were truly the case, why are they on a pve server to begin with?

    Then why is Fuzzy on a PvE server if he's always world chatting about how there needs to be more people PKing? About how we should all spend a bit less time in instances and in PK?

    Plus you seem to forget that TW exists in this game, perhaps they want to get to 100 for TW? I know NR wanted level 100 for TWs with We<3Rice. As for the "end game gears" last I checked it was easier to farm end game gears at 100 than lower levels, or do you plan on farming nirvana gears at 9x? Also I'm pretty sure he has rank 8.

    @ this thread, this is the most boring game ever earlygame. At least at 100 there's SOME stuff to do.

    Pre endgame there's so little content it's a joke. No one will ever farm their TT armors, only weapons. FB/BH is insanely repetitive, at least BH100 there's more than 2 instances to get, and insanely easy, I've never had a problem with a BH/FB outside of FB29 (tanking FB29 with level 3 alacrity = cooldown is too long to cancel bosses magic attack constantly).

    Pre endgame the weekly events are a joke. Celestial tiger? "oh look i got 120th in my class and a sadness card!" Dragon temple? "Oh look a chest!" *random level 100+ deals 15339 damage* Jungle ruins is the only one even really accessible before endgame. City of abominations? "Oh look im gonna farm for two hours and only get 1 kill, almost got two but a level 100 5 aps guy got the boss" Tournament? "wow this is so much fun, I think I saw another guy in here but it was a mirage!"

    Seriously I see so many people bragging about how they get to do all their quests or w/e, too bad those quests are a joke.

    Kill 50 mobs
    Kill another 50 mobs
    Kill another 50 mobs
    Kill what is possibly the easiest boss ever
    thx, heres .2% and 1/10th of a mirage


    Look, I'm not bashing on those who don't power level or w/e, but I'd like to see the same respect from them.

    It seems I can't read one thread without seeing someone feeling the need to bash on those who power level, and it's ridiculous.

    "You don't know how to play your class!"

    No, shut up. This game isn't complicated, stop pretending it is. I got my BM to level 60 by opening packs from the nein quest on him, to 70 with goshiki chain and BHs, and from 70 to 80 with BH orbs and BH , I just did BHs with him with high level friends soloing them for me, and yet I feel safe saying I play my BM fairly well, and the people I run BH with always ask me to go on more runs with them. This game isn't hard to learn.

    "I went on ______ with (power leveled character) who did _____ wrong/didn't know about _____."

    Stop it with the weak logic.

    A guy who power leveled was bad with his class/game dynamics

    Everyone who power levels is bad with his class/game dynamics.

    In my last BH there was an archer who was terrible at his class and game dynamics

    All archers are terrible at their class and game dynamics.

    It just doesn't work like that, it's like a racial stereotype IRL, just because one or a few people do something doesn't mean all people with a similarity are the same.

    I know a guy who did not power level. Got to 100 without alt FCs, without much hypering, took a while to get to 100.

    He is easily the worst BM on the face of the planet. Just ask anyone on RT about a guy called NuBlade and they'll tell you all about the "dual axe specialist" who uses nothing but his TT99 gold axes and his TT90 gold fists, who uses fists to spam skills and his axes to auto attack, the one who auto attacks a TW crystal. It's not how the player leveled, it's the player himself.

    "your class isn't complete!"

    I would personally rather be a level 100 seeker without all my skills, than a level 50 seeker without all my skills. That's like saying not only should you not power level the class, you shouldn't even play it.

    "there's nothing to do at endgame!"

    Funny it's the players under level 60 saying this.


    Nirvana, TT, trophy mode, PK, Delta, TW, lunar, BH, weekly events, and random playing around at 1k, oh and warsong.

    Is there a lack of endgame content? Yes, but it's not like there's an overwhelming amount of earlygame content either. I was there, every early game content focuses on leveling up. There's quests, grinding, the worlds easiest BHs/FBs, and well... that's about it.

    If you want to level the old way, that's fine, do so. Play the game the way you want to play it. But stop complaining about others. Your way of playing is not set in stone, it is not the end all be all, it is not the best way, it's is simply, YOUR way, and others might not find it so entertaining. Play the game your way and stop worrying about others doing things the way other than how you want them too.

    Good job. You have money now. Too bad there's nothing you can spend it on since you have all your endgame gear....Get a Guild Base? Go ahead, waste over 400mil on something that's going to go splat the minute another guild stronger than you finds out about it....

    Last I checked it wasn't "get level 100, all your endgame gear automatically appears in your inventory"

    Level 100 is when you start to farm your endgame gear, not when you already have it. When I leveled the slow way to 100 on my barb, I hit 100 with TT90 gold axes, lunar claws, TT99 wrists, TT90 green armor, cape of tauran chieftain, and TT90 gold/mold ornaments. Do you think I hit 100 and somehow already had all my nirvana gears? Since then I have farmed:

    Full TT99 armors
    Nirvana legs
    TT99 ornaments
    Higher refines
    Better shards
    Lunar cape
    Lunar ring
    Rank 8

    And those who are busy stuffing hypers down their alts throats need to stop being rewarded like they've accomplished something great: Heads didn't; and I can assure you someone who's gone and PLAYED THE GAME LIKE YOU'RE SUPPOSED to, could easily whoop your **** if their wallets play for them like yours obviously does.

    Who are you to decide how the game should be played? And I can assure you, you get my BM at level 100 vs. a BM who grinded to 100, both of us in the same gears, and I doubt he would "easily whoop my ****"
    if their wallets play for them like yours obviously does.

    I have actually never cash shopped in this game, ever. Power leveling to 100 doesn't take a lot of money. The alt FCs will probably take 15mil max if you pay for them, before you're 8x and need to go in a squad for maximum effeciency.

    Not to mention there's things like running through FC on your mains, me and a cleric duo'd FC, got to heads, had our alts in that room. We left squad and did heads on our alts, was easy and fast.

    Or you can have a high level friend solo FC for you, one of my friends in game and I are going to level our seekers when we get the chance. I'm going to solo FC for his seeker, and then he's going to solo FC for mine.

    Bottom line: Alt FC's need to stop. It's breeding a generation of lazy, stupid people...not to mention, it's sticking unneeded coin in the economy. Knock it off. -.-

    How does FCs add more coin to the economy? Do you even know what FC is like?
    "My understanding of women only goes as far as the pleasure. When it comes to the pain, I'm like any other bloke - I don't want to know."
  • Alsiadorra - Sanctuary
    Alsiadorra - Sanctuary Posts: 1,004 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I just think it is not ok to take something that isn't harmful for a game away. Or add restrictions just because a few select people cannot do said things because of lack of time, or jealousy or concerning themselves with someone else ability to function in a group.
  • LShattered - Heavens Tear
    LShattered - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,365 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I'm gonna be honest, I skimmed a little, but the gist is that you need to take time to learn how to play a class regardless of how high other characters of yours may be, yes? I disagree. My main was a veno and I played her for about a year and a half before making the big switch to my cleric. Having been in squads with clerics many times and seeing how they did things, I already had a pretty good idea of how to play a cleric. It was pretty effortless to learn and I think I could have easily hypered through the low levels without any negative consequences. This would probably apply to most people who have been in lots of squads and see how things are done successfully.
    New classes are a bit of a different situation, but lets be realistic. This game is NOT hard. The skills are not complex. My mystic is level 80 and I'd like to say I play her well. My play style may differ from others, but I'm not doing anything wrong. I got her to about level 45 before my leveling partner became impatient and wanted to start hypering, and I can't say I've had a particularly difficult time figuring out what skills to use and when.
    There are some pretty... simple people playing this game, and that may be why you've had trouble with people who hyper. But the average person who has played this game thoroughly on another character should not have any problems if they hyper an alt. I've got to question the intelligence of people who need weeks of unnecessary grinding to learn how to play their class, to be honest.

    I find it pretty easy to switch from archer-veno-bm-cleric...never switched to a barb because my only barb is level 24 and doesn't need squads. This game is VERY easy. If you want to hyper to 100 go ahead, then spend a week in various squads and learn your class,'s not that hard.

    +1 Dysk
    ☆Heavy Armor Venomancer since level 1☆
    Previously known as _Surreal_b:avoid

    Sig by me.

  • Finrah - Sanctuary
    Finrah - Sanctuary Posts: 115 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I understand where you're coming from, trulyunknown. I feel the same.

    There are obviously two sides to everything; If there's a negative, there's a positive; and vice versa. There are people with good reasons to plevel, but also stupid noob reasons such as wanting to be the first whoever/whatever lol. But primarily, people plvl their alts because

    1. its a waste of money to get gear them at every single 10 levels

    2. Wants to know how their skills work in higher levels and look back from lower level skills to high level skills; knowing the should haves and the lesser-priority skills

    3. To help others to find out about the class

    4. Quite sad but true, people wanna be the first 100 seeker/mystic and show off.

    As for any other reasons; I can't really think of atm lol

    Downsides are of course, high level noobs.

    Its not just earthlings really, there are high level clerics that are idiots, sins that don't know better and think stealing aggro is what makes a sin pro but in 1 second they die, or running into a group of mobs expecting to survive while leaving the rest of the squad behind when you're 10 levels below mob level.. that are lots and lots of kinda noobs out there that's highly entertaining.

    I can say this for sure though; not ALL high level characters that got plvled up or oracled up are noobs. (ima good example x3)

    There are people who just want to get the level, get the skills, and start learning about their class at a later stage, so that they don't waste sp and coins on skills they may not need.

    For someone like me I take ages and ages to study 1 class on how to play them efficiently, so it depends on the players intention. If you just wanna get up there and know nothing then of course... you're gonna be expected to be called a noob. It really REALLY shows if you've studied ur class or not. Believe it or not, people DO pay attention to classes like clerics, sins and barbs; the way they play will show them if you're a noob or not.

    So just have an intention to know your class and become really pro wif it, not just the appearance. Its easy to tell xD no one believed ima oracled up player... but that's coz I've done actual research on my class, and even got myself a mentor and talked about the class to several different sins. And when people ask why I chose to be a sage sin, I already know they didn't do their research so I won't bother answering -.-
    Being a 3 yr PWI player also helps wif knowing how to play other classes b:chuckle
  • HeavensRage - Raging Tide
    HeavensRage - Raging Tide Posts: 404 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    FuzzyWuzz wrote: »
    Do you have your gear complete? Do you have your end-game weapon in place? Are they refined? In your case HR, Fuzzy knows they are not.

    But I do... The only reason I really wanted 100 was so I could retrieve my gear. My weapon is only +7 so far and my armor is +5, but it's still a good start and ahead of other "mains" gears already.

    I have endgame armor in every single slot in my inventory. Now I'm just waiting on PWI to release better EG flyers.

    Rank 8 might be extremely common now, but the gear itself is still decent and nothing to be scoffed at.
  • Rawrgh - Raging Tide
    Rawrgh - Raging Tide Posts: 6,790 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Yeah, it is not the only instance. I do cube of fate on 2 chars each day. Just opened the Lunar quests on this char and since he will survive more then my 5k hp 96 BM, actually might start making runs. The game is supposed to be fun to play. To me it is. I help people, I read WC drama, I check auction, log cleric to go rez/buff faction members, raise crafting skills on the side, anwser Bh calls, call for helps for bosses. Yes it does have it,s dull moments and when it does on a char, I switch to another one.

    I also have multiple chars that i'm keeping distant enough from each other to have a lot to do if I feel like it.

    Main is 96 : Refused in Nirvana/Delta cause not APS, who cares. I can run bh79 and Eden/Brim each day on him and then do assaociated bonus quests with divine orders.
    Can even squeeze in a 3-x if squad is not too demanding. Can go help in FC if needed.
    Also married so has Marriage quest. Also has chrono daily. Still has just 1st map cause no one wants to bring a "noob non-aps" to Delta to finish culti. Fine, i'll wait till a lot of people I know need it and we'll go have a blast !! Used maybe 10 hypers total on him and just oracles from quests. Oh..once I kept dying to a certain kind of mobs and used 8 to finish a level..shame on me...

    Barb 85 : BH69 and BH79, soon lunar, could make squad for 2-x easy. Could easily find a FC squad if I would start asking around, just not in a hurry yet. Will soon be intrigued to also do my 1st Warsong run. No hypers used, only FC run was a training one with my wife see how I could pull.

    Cleric 55 : BH39, soon enough bh51 and fb59, can also go help heal in 29 if needed. Mostly logged to heal/rez/buffed though but it's something else to do. No hypers used either.Didn't see FC yet.

    Seeker 28 : There to do different. I always wanted a swrod Bm and people suggested I go fist.. I re-stated and did. Thanks PWE for making a class that can't use fists and make me feel like the "blader" I wanted to be. Won't see Fc before 75-80 either.

    Problem is , some people takes this GAME a bit too seriously.

    You want to powerlevel a new class ? Go ahead, reach 100+ but then again, if u do it to be able to go help people or for personnal achievement, fine ! But don't come whining you powerleveled a char to then get bored with nothing to do but bh100 and Nirvana.

    As you see "MY" line-up isi diverse, i'm a PvE at heart.. I understand how boring bh100 and nirvana could get after a while b:chuckle
    Main is 96 : Refused in Nirvana/Delta cause not APS, who cares. I can run bh79 and Eden/Brim each day on him and then do assaociated bonus quests with divine orders.
    Can even squeeze in a 3-x if squad is not too demanding. Can go help in FC if needed.
    Also married so has Marriage quest. Also has chrono daily. Still has just 1st map cause no one wants to bring a "noob non-aps" to Delta to finish culti. Fine, i'll wait till a lot of people I know need it and we'll go have a blast !! Used maybe 10 hypers total on him and just oracles from quests. Oh..once I kept dying to a certain kind of mobs and used 8 to finish a level..shame on me...

    Main is 96 : Refused in Nirvana/Delta cause not APS, who cares. I can run bh79 and Eden/Brim each day on him and then do assaociated bonus quests with divine orders.
    Main is 96 : Refused in Nirvana/Delta


    Protip: people aren't taking you to nirvana because you aren't aps, people aren't taking you to nirvana because you literally cannot physically enter the instance. b:chuckle

    So please, get your own opinion instead of copying what other people post and complain about.

    Oh, btw, no one cares about APS in delta.
    "My understanding of women only goes as far as the pleasure. When it comes to the pain, I'm like any other bloke - I don't want to know."
  • HeavensRage - Raging Tide
    HeavensRage - Raging Tide Posts: 404 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    You get like... NO exp from TT, and cube is normally a colossal waste of time. You have to already be 100 to get into Nirvana, and I've never even heard of anyone sub-level going into Lunar.

    Trophy Mode is becoming more popular. It's pretty damn difficult, so... I don't know. Trophy mode, however, is not the place to be powerleveling a nub alt.

    Cube wasn't really a waste of time. Sometimes, doing a cube is easier than trying to find a FC squad. I did about 30 cube runs over the past couple of days. That's 30 mil XP, the XP required to go from 99 to 100.
  • L_y_n_x - Raging Tide
    L_y_n_x - Raging Tide Posts: 166 Arc User
    edited March 2011

    Protip: people aren't taking you to nirvana because you aren't aps, people aren't taking you to nirvana because you literally cannot physically enter the instance. b:chuckle

    So please, get your own opinion instead of copying what other people post and complain about.

    Oh, btw, no one cares about APS in delta.

    Nope, mis-explained myself and I will rephrase that. People completly told me "Dump your char it's fail, ur not a cash shopper or a heavy gold farmer in game, you will NEVER see the light of day of those dungeons, we prefer a team of 5-6 APS toons then one that will make it drag on" Is that better ?
  • Rawrgh - Raging Tide
    Rawrgh - Raging Tide Posts: 6,790 Arc User
    edited March 2011

    Seeing as how EVERY SINGLE PERSON on these forums if anyone asks what class they should make will say "Make a 5 aps character." Plus you said you had a BM which is *gasp* a class that gets 5 aps.

    As for people taking high aps ppl to instances, why shouldn't they? If they put in the effort to get high DPS and complete runs quickly, why should they run with people who didn't?

    Besides, you have a BM, you can't sit there and say "I have been told to dump my BM for a class that gets 5 aps"
    "My understanding of women only goes as far as the pleasure. When it comes to the pain, I'm like any other bloke - I don't want to know."
  • Deceptistar - Sanctuary
    Deceptistar - Sanctuary Posts: 10,454 Arc User
    edited March 2011

    @ this thread, this is the most boring game ever earlygame. At least at 100 there's SOME stuff to do.

    Pre endgame there's so little content it's a joke. No one will .............

    the diff. with hypers and non is that most hypercrazy pple do learn their class and they are good at it. Then there is a diff. between good and great. >.>
    i tend to find that more non hypercrazy pple taking their time to experiment how the class works and what goes better with what skill/genie. They lay the foundations to where the buttonmash/macro hypercrazys look for advice. Just cause no ones gonna wait for u while u fool around for 15min experimenting/solo with mobs during FCC or a BH.
    ★"New weekly quests! "Discover the bug in the patch""-Nihillae★"My father would beat me if he found out I was QQing over a virtual pony."-Neurosis★"You're amongst the biggest blobs of fail I've ever seen in my life."-Ninnuam★"A statistic said 3% people of the world get enjoyment primarily from making people upset, and you are trying to discriminate them"-ilystah★["How To Tank Rebirth Order Delta (86+)"-Stickygreen Barb (1)restat. you want full magic, Arcane armour build (2)when mobs come /faceroll on your keyboard and you will one shot all the mobs (3)rinse and repeat]★"I've been spammed with 3 poops for 2 hours."-ColdSteele★"If someone fights learning, I don't bother with them outside of amusement factor."-Telarith★"This thread is a joke right? Please say yes."-eatwithspoons★ "This is why you don't post your opinions on the internet, most of the replies you get will be from people who missed a hug or two sometime in their youth."-Alacol★"Sexy! A post with a Binomial Distribution."-Asterelle★"It's about time PW starts to separate out the noob Sins from the rest."-salvati0n★"Shoo troll >:O"-TheDan
  • Xarathox - Dreamweaver
    Xarathox - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,657 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Then why is Fuzzy on a PvE server if he's always world chatting about how there needs to be more people PKing? About how we should all spend a bit less time in instances and in PK?

    Plus you seem to forget that TW exists in this game, perhaps they want to get to 100 for TW? I know NR wanted level 100 for TWs with We<3Rice. As for the "end game gears" last I checked it was easier to farm end game gears at 100 than lower levels, or do you plan on farming nirvana gears at 9x? Also I'm pretty sure he has rank 8.

    @ this thread, this is the most boring game ever earlygame. At least at 100 there's SOME stuff to do.

    Pre endgame there's so little content it's a joke. No one will ever farm their TT armors, only weapons. FB/BH is insanely repetitive, at least BH100 there's more than 2 instances to get, and insanely easy, I've never had a problem with a BH/FB outside of FB29 (tanking FB29 with level 3 alacrity = cooldown is too long to cancel bosses magic attack constantly).

    Pre endgame the weekly events are a joke. Celestial tiger? "oh look i got 120th in my class and a sadness card!" Dragon temple? "Oh look a chest!" *random level 100+ deals 15339 damage* Jungle ruins is the only one even really accessible before endgame. City of abominations? "Oh look im gonna farm for two hours and only get 1 kill, almost got two but a level 100 5 aps guy got the boss" Tournament? "wow this is so much fun, I think I saw another guy in here but it was a mirage!"

    Seriously I see so many people bragging about how they get to do all their quests or w/e, too bad those quests are a joke.

    Kill 50 mobs
    Kill another 50 mobs
    Kill another 50 mobs
    Kill what is possibly the easiest boss ever
    thx, heres .2% and 1/10th of a mirage


    Look, I'm not bashing on those who don't power level or w/e, but I'd like to see the same respect from them.

    It seems I can't read one thread without seeing someone feeling the need to bash on those who power level, and it's ridiculous.

    "You don't know how to play your class!"

    No, shut up. This game isn't complicated, stop pretending it is. I got my BM to level 60 by opening packs from the nein quest on him, to 70 with goshiki chain and BHs, and from 70 to 80 with BH orbs and BH , I just did BHs with him with high level friends soloing them for me, and yet I feel safe saying I play my BM fairly well, and the people I run BH with always ask me to go on more runs with them. This game isn't hard to learn.

    "I went on ______ with (power leveled character) who did _____ wrong/didn't know about _____."

    Stop it with the weak logic.

    A guy who power leveled was bad with his class/game dynamics

    Everyone who power levels is bad with his class/game dynamics.

    In my last BH there was an archer who was terrible at his class and game dynamics

    All archers are terrible at their class and game dynamics.

    It just doesn't work like that, it's like a racial stereotype IRL, just because one or a few people do something doesn't mean all people with a similarity are the same.

    I know a guy who did not power level. Got to 100 without alt FCs, without much hypering, took a while to get to 100.

    He is easily the worst BM on the face of the planet. Just ask anyone on RT about a guy called NuBlade and they'll tell you all about the "dual axe specialist" who uses nothing but his TT99 gold axes and his TT90 gold fists, who uses fists to spam skills and his axes to auto attack, the one who auto attacks a TW crystal. It's not how the player leveled, it's the player himself.

    "your class isn't complete!"

    I would personally rather be a level 100 seeker without all my skills, than a level 50 seeker without all my skills. That's like saying not only should you not power level the class, you shouldn't even play it.

    "there's nothing to do at endgame!"

    Funny it's the players under level 60 saying this.


    Nirvana, TT, trophy mode, PK, Delta, TW, lunar, BH, weekly events, and random playing around at 1k, oh and warsong.

    Is there a lack of endgame content? Yes, but it's not like there's an overwhelming amount of earlygame content either. I was there, every early game content focuses on leveling up. There's quests, grinding, the worlds easiest BHs/FBs, and well... that's about it.

    If you want to level the old way, that's fine, do so. Play the game the way you want to play it. But stop complaining about others. Your way of playing is not set in stone, it is not the end all be all, it is not the best way, it's is simply, YOUR way, and others might not find it so entertaining. Play the game your way and stop worrying about others doing things the way other than how you want them too.

    Last I checked it wasn't "get level 100, all your endgame gear automatically appears in your inventory"

    Level 100 is when you start to farm your endgame gear, not when you already have it. When I leveled the slow way to 100 on my barb, I hit 100 with TT90 gold axes, lunar claws, TT99 wrists, TT90 green armor, cape of tauran chieftain, and TT90 gold/mold ornaments. Do you think I hit 100 and somehow already had all my nirvana gears? Since then I have farmed:

    Full TT99 armors
    Nirvana legs
    TT99 ornaments
    Higher refines
    Better shards
    Lunar cape
    Lunar ring
    Rank 8

    Who are you to decide how the game should be played? And I can assure you, you get my BM at level 100 vs. a BM who grinded to 100, both of us in the same gears, and I doubt he would "easily whoop my ****"

    I have actually never cash shopped in this game, ever. Power leveling to 100 doesn't take a lot of money. The alt FCs will probably take 15mil max if you pay for them, before you're 8x and need to go in a squad for maximum effeciency.

    Not to mention there's things like running through FC on your mains, me and a cleric duo'd FC, got to heads, had our alts in that room. We left squad and did heads on our alts, was easy and fast.

    Or you can have a high level friend solo FC for you, one of my friends in game and I are going to level our seekers when we get the chance. I'm going to solo FC for his seeker, and then he's going to solo FC for mine.

    How does FCs add more coin to the economy? Do you even know what FC is like?

    I....can't believe I'm about to say this, but...+1
    Some people risk to employ me

    Some people live to destroy me

    Either way they die
  • Rawrgh - Raging Tide
    Rawrgh - Raging Tide Posts: 6,790 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    the diff. with hypers and non is that most hypercrazy pple do learn their class and they are good at it. Then there is a diff. between good and great. >.>
    i tend to find that more non hypercrazy pple taking their time to experiment how the class works and what goes better with what skill/genie. They lay the foundations to where the buttonmash/macro hypercrazys look for advice. Just cause no ones gonna wait for u while u fool around for 15min experimenting/solo with mobs during FCC or a BH.

    All experimentation begins at endgame, at level 100. Level 100 has more access to varying builds and items.

    Who was the first guy to realize that if you stacked enough -interval gears on a BM you could get 5.0 sparked?

    A level 100+ BM

    Who was the first guy to realize that you could use the same gears on a barb for a similar effect?

    A level 101 barb.

    Anyone with the means to alter his character in order to experiment and see what he can get for maximum efficiency is going to be level 100+
    "My understanding of women only goes as far as the pleasure. When it comes to the pain, I'm like any other bloke - I don't want to know."