Random Fashion Colors? :l

Akridia - Dreamweaver
Akridia - Dreamweaver Posts: 9 Arc User
edited May 2012 in Suggestion Box
ok so ive been playing pwi for a while now and i wanted to try using a game card to get some gold
so i did and decided to buy some neat clothes. well i opened up the store and bought a nice robe, which according to the preview page, was going to be a nice teal color. i was so excited to try it on, but the moment i put it on i wanted to scream. you know why, pw? BECAUSE IT WAS PURPLE. so i asked someone why it was purple, and what they told me about how the shop gives you clothes in random colors, made me want to scream even more

when i thought it couldn't get any worse i went to buy some pigments to fix this mess. i wanted to buy some teal pigments.. but.. you don't have any? what you do have instead, is these stupid, stupid, stupid random pigment containers. click it, and u get a random pigment. so i bought one and hoped it would be a nice color. i clicked and... purple again...

are u kidding me? do you really want my money THAT much?

Random Clothing Coloring- you will never get my money ever again
Let Us Choose What Color We Want- i will give you my house

you want my money? all i want to do is be able to actually get clothes that i want. isnt that the whole point of buying fashion? to get some nice clothes that we want? make it so that upon purchasing clothing we can choose what color we want it to be in, because right now, i am not purchasing anymore clothing, and you what that means? less money for you, pw
Post edited by Akridia - Dreamweaver on


  • Bellarie - Raging Tide
    Bellarie - Raging Tide Posts: 603 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    ok so ive been playing pwi for a while now and i wanted to try using a game card to get some gold
    so i did and decided to buy some neat clothes. well i opened up the store and bought a nice robe, which according to the preview page, was going to be a nice teal color. i was so excited to try it on, but the moment i put it on i wanted to scream. you know why, pw? BECAUSE IT WAS PURPLE. so i asked someone why it was purple, and what they told me about how the shop gives you clothes in random colors, made me want to scream even more

    when i thought it couldn't get any worse i went to buy some pigments to fix this mess. i wanted to buy some teal pigments.. but.. you don't have any? what you do have instead, is these stupid, stupid, stupid random pigment containers. click it, and u get a random pigment. so i bought one and hoped it would be a nice color. i clicked and... purple again...

    are u kidding me? do you really want my money THAT much?

    Random Clothing Coloring- you will never get my money ever again
    Let Us Choose What Color We Want- i will give you my house

    you want my money? all i want to do is be able to actually get clothes that i want. isnt that the whole point of buying fashion? to get some nice clothes that we want? make it so that upon purchasing clothing we can choose what color we want it to be in, because right now, i am not purchasing anymore clothing, and you what that means? less money for you, pw

    I am guessing that you are fairly new to PWI judging by the fact that you were unaware of the random clothing colors. I agree that it is horrible we cannot at least choose what color teh clothing starts as. This may technically be "free to play" but it is indeed "Pay to win" Eventually, everyone will have to rely on something that comes from the cash shop, whether they pay real moneys, or they buy the gold off of other players, or they buy the items off other players, or they buy the items with tokens they got from packs/bought off other players.

    Also, this entire game is centralized around the marketing gimmick known as gamble items. Themed Packs, Pigment Packs, Battle Pet Packs, the list goes on. So get use to it, or play something else.
  • NiightmareXz - Harshlands
    NiightmareXz - Harshlands Posts: 1,569 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    If it wasn't random colours and you got the colour that showed up in the preview box... I would have bought that Ballet Dress I previewed the other day, because it was white. b:chuckle
    ˙buoɹʇs ǝq ןן,ı ʇɐɥʇ ɟןǝsʎɯ ןןǝʇ ı os
  • Canisha - Heavens Tear
    Canisha - Heavens Tear Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    long long ago you could choose the color you wanted, then someone said "Hey, if we take that away then sell unknown color dyes people will have to buy more dye!" and that's what they did and so now you get random hot colors which are really not all that hot to look at, they're just too bright to look real, or you get random colors which look better if you don't get 4 month old mustard color.

    So yeah, appealing to people sense of vanity went out the window to appeal to the creators sense of greed. I would imagine more dye would be purchased from the cash shop if people could again choose the color they wanted. Now, most people just wait until they see what they want in the color they want being sold by another player.
  • ZerusX - Raging Tide
    ZerusX - Raging Tide Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    That, and those Server's aren't going to pay for themself's.

    i don't like the idea either, but unless you want this to become a Pay to play game, deal with it
  • Bellarie - Raging Tide
    Bellarie - Raging Tide Posts: 603 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    That, and those Server's aren't going to pay for themself's.

    i don't like the idea either, but unless you want this to become a Pay to play game, deal with it

    Fail excuse defending the greed of the higher ups, just to raise your post count. Try again please.
    PWI makes far more money than it takes to keep the game running. Removing some of the more ridiculous "gamble" items(especially Hot Color Packs & Battle Pet Packs) and replacing them with the actual items they randomly give, would likely bring in more money, as it would give more people a reason to invest in the cash shop. And evenif it did not by some small chance, they make enough money off of everything else; inventory/safe/pet bag/account stash stones, fashions, mounts and aerogear, the actual Gamble packs(Tiger, Coral, etc) and refining aids, in addition to everything else.

    If you are going to try and defend the higher ups, you'll have to find a better excuse than the invalid "the game costs money to run"
  • wild2004
    wild2004 Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I Agree totally. If you buy Fashion with gold, you should get to pick the color. Also they should keep the dye system for anyone that wants to buy it from another player, and then make it their own outfit. I get why they do it, but still seems pointless to me. Let people have the colors they want and DON'T Make people run around with a green top, purple pants, orange heels & blue sleeves. Thats just **** and bad fashion. You guys spend so much time making cool outfits for us to wear, why not keep them looking great? :P
  • Adirel - Raging Tide
    Adirel - Raging Tide Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I totally Agree. The programmers and and graphic artists take time to design and draw up these outfits and I'm sure on paper they look amazing. If I was a developer and I was in game and saw the outfit I created in all epic failness, because of the colors.. I'd be bummed out!

    There is no reason to give the option to the player purchasing the item when it comes to custom coloring your outfits. PWI makes tons of money from Sponsors and In-Game items.. I also agree that making the fashion more personable then just random will encourage more new players to want to buy the fashion. PWI is free to play, because the company can afford to run it as a free to play game.. changing a few of the smaller details of the game will not bankrupt this game or cause it to become pay to play! it's basically just continued greed at this point.

    We are loyal players! We deserve to have our opinions matter... isn't that why you set-up these forum discussions?
  • Galox - Heavens Tear
    Galox - Heavens Tear Posts: 178 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    If they did this, it would upset all the people who Merchant Fashion.

    Say you buy a horrible Green Dress at 1mil...Get a few Random Dyes from the DQ Point System, Dye it, and it comes out Pure White. Double your Money.

    I bought some Hightop Loafers in a Horrid Lime-Green Colour...for 50k. Used 5 Random Dyes and got them to an almost-white colour, which would sell for far more, and also match my other 2 peices of Fash. Grind DQ's, Sell DQ's to Merchants, and try your luck with Random Dyes :P
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] b:victory
  • MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear
    MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,377 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    long long ago you could choose the color you wanted

    That was like . . China p2p cbt b:laugh
    Sorry i speak engrish b:chuckle
    Nickname doesn't have anything to do with sailor but related to a folklore
    Use search, it was your best friends to avoid many suffering in internet...
  • SoftSteel - Archosaur
    SoftSteel - Archosaur Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Yes I was totally bummed when I first found this out about the game..
    Fashion in games is always a plus for females.. but it is just to expensive
    in this game. Unless as stated above you wait and buy the color you almost
    like from other players..In another game red, black and white were the rare
    colors.. all dyes dropped from mobs, but took me playing six months before
    my first black dye dropped.. ;-)
  • IKnuke - Harshlands
    IKnuke - Harshlands Posts: 104 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I wont complain about them wanting money, We all do.
    But please, Sell colors not by luck!
    Its also very **** that one color costs more than other.. (Black costs x3 than regular if not more)...
    I dont mind if the color is random when u buy fashion, But at least put all pigments on sale for like 1 gold each, You will still make money...
  • IKnuke - Harshlands
    IKnuke - Harshlands Posts: 104 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Yes I was totally bummed when I first found this out about the game..
    Fashion in games is always a plus for females.. but it is just to expensive
    in this game. Unless as stated above you wait and buy the color you almost
    like from other players..In another game red, black and white were the rare
    colors.. all dyes dropped from mobs, but took me playing six months before
    my first black dye dropped.. ;-)

    Wow dyes as a drop, Thats awesome.
    Mobs should start dropping some stuff lol... Making grinding more challenging.
  • Lianithia - Dreamweaver
    Lianithia - Dreamweaver Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I don't think it's stupid to play online games.
    At least it helps to keep kids off the streets, and helps to give someone something to do other than sit in front of the tv watching re-runs or the vulgar stuff they are showing on tv now days.
    And yeah I think if we are paying customers *buying zen* then you dang right we should have options as to what colors we want, and not have to spend EXTRA gold to get those colors.
    PWI don't seem to realize that if they sold packs of the same color pigments, they would make way more money, than they do selling the random ****.
    I mean how hard could it be to make packs of each color 5-10 colors per pack, and we didn't have to sell our body parts to come up with enough cash to buy them?

    I mean greed is one thing, but I ask you, what is more important, making your customers quit and not making as much gold, or just lowering the price on some items and keeping your paying customers happy. Seems to me like a happy paying customer is a good thing, and they will return to spend more.
    I know if I go to a store to buy something and its a piece of junk, and I go to the owner and tell them, and they just sit there and not reply to me or try to change it. I damn sure wouldn't go back to that store!
  • DeadlyDanteX - Heavens Tear
    DeadlyDanteX - Heavens Tear Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    this whole post had me laughing so hard ! lol