TW Discussion for 3/18-3/20

Eoria - Harshlands
Posts: 6,118 Arc User
Round and round we go...
1. PocaXPAMA attacks Etherblade. AfterLife attacks Lost. Kylin attacks Dreamweaver. Mayhem attacks Tellus. Valhalla attacks Tides. Insanity forgot to bid Plume it seems.
2. Stalkers fake-bidded themselves with Nomads and PocaXPAMA likely fake-bidded themselves with the two unknown guilds. Hint: If you're gonna fake-bid, don't make your alt/fake guild known or painfully obvious.
3. Another mini-human centipede in ViLLaNoS->SupremoS->FavelaTM.
4. Catalyst decides to kill the pretty.
5. Crimson has a hard-on for Archosaur.
6. $NIRVANA$ better ****ing take Island of Broken Dreams this week. Third time's the charm, ya?
7. Kylin vs. Omerta may be a fun little battle.
1. PocaXPAMA attacks Etherblade. AfterLife attacks Lost. Kylin attacks Dreamweaver. Mayhem attacks Tellus. Valhalla attacks Tides. Insanity forgot to bid Plume it seems.
2. Stalkers fake-bidded themselves with Nomads and PocaXPAMA likely fake-bidded themselves with the two unknown guilds. Hint: If you're gonna fake-bid, don't make your alt/fake guild known or painfully obvious.
3. Another mini-human centipede in ViLLaNoS->SupremoS->FavelaTM.
4. Catalyst decides to kill the pretty.
5. Crimson has a hard-on for Archosaur.
6. $NIRVANA$ better ****ing take Island of Broken Dreams this week. Third time's the charm, ya?
7. Kylin vs. Omerta may be a fun little battle.
"subtraction has the butt of an angel" - Paulrogers
/blatant sig copy is blatant
105/105/105 obtained! b:cute
"subtraction has the butt of an angel" - Paulrogers

/blatant sig copy is blatant
105/105/105 obtained! b:cute
Post edited by Eoria - Harshlands on
Eoria - Harshlands wrote: »2. Stalkers fake-bidded themselves with Nomads and PocaXPAMA likely fake-bidded themselves with the two unknown guilds. Hint: If you're gonna fake-bid, don't make your
ROFL. Oh Stalkers, we are so coming for your as$es.0 -
Neg rep, yo.0
What are you, a friggin' newspaper?I
0 -
Longknife - Harshlands wrote: »What are you, a friggin' newspaper?
Yes. b:kiss[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
"subtraction has the butt of an angel" - Paulrogers
/blatant sig copy is blatant
105/105/105 obtained! b:cute0 -
Eoria - Harshlands wrote: »Yes. b:kiss
Every week you have a thorough 5-page report complete with charts and graphs and citations from certified PWI engineers.
Seriously, go outside. Read a book or something. It's scaring me. :CIAGOREY
0 -
Eoria - Harshlands wrote: »Round and round we go...
7. Kylin vs. Omerta may be a fun little battle.
Hopefully will be a good war... too bad its on a sunday night thoughb:irritated0 -
Longknife - Harshlands wrote: »Every week you have a thorough 5-page report complete with charts and graphs and citations from certified PWI engineers.
Seriously, go outside. Read a book or something. It's scaring me. :C
Unfortunately, up until this weekend, it's been colder than the telephone pole from 'A Christmas Story' outside. Also, I'm waiting for a certain book to come in at the library. -.-;;
But seriously, I like doing this thread since all the other servers seemed to have some sort of TW report going on as well and it's nice to have a record. Only takes like 10-15mins to make too.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
"subtraction has the butt of an angel" - Paulrogers
/blatant sig copy is blatant
105/105/105 obtained! b:cute0 -
Omerta and Kylin are like almost same thing so its gonna be fun to watch. I would gladlly pay to see a TW between Favela (all BR guild) vs Ejoke (our little joke). Also PAIMAGE DUDE!! MAKE A POLL ABOUT TW!!! GOGO!!
Edit: why in gods name didn't crimson bid on etherblade?PVP: 3800 kills in the name of KD lawl
Retired as of 18/11/09
Back as of 22/11/10
Archer retired as of 26/12/100 -
Eoria - Harshlands wrote: »Unfortunately, up until this weekend, it's been colder than the telephone pole from 'A Christmas Story' outside. Also, I'm waiting for a certain book to come in at the library. -.-;;
But seriously, I like doing this thread since all the other servers seemed to have some sort of TW report going on as well and it's nice to have a record. Only takes like 10-15mins to make too.
Yeah, keep them going Eoria, ignore Longknife, he didn't got his lollipop this week.
And btw, I get to try my newly +6 refined stuff on Omerta yay![SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
_Garaver_ - Harshlands wrote: »And btw, I get to try my newly +6 refined stuff on Omerta yay!
omg ****[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
I replied to the 7th topic on the 1st page of mystic forums, and got reported for necro. Plz save mystic forums.0 -
-.- <-Magic Fish is NOT amused that you keep leaving out Resist, Eoria.
It's not like we're some random-*** no named faction, we HAVE been holding off other people for the past two weeks now...
Here's a lollipop Longknife. Now go play outside and try not to choke on it. .-.0 -
Hl/ - Harshlands wrote: »-.- <-Magic Fish is NOT amused that you keep leaving out Resist, Eoria.
It's not like we're some random-*** no named faction, we HAVE been holding off other people for the past two weeks now...
Here's a lollipop Longknife. Now go play outside and try not to choke on it. .-.
Who the **** are you? Born_Free?
In any case, remember to bid higher next week and somehow outbid Cata for 1k Streams. b:bye
@Ajani - Crimson wants Archosaur. End of discussion.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
"subtraction has the butt of an angel" - Paulrogers
/blatant sig copy is blatant
105/105/105 obtained! b:cute0 -
Eoria - Harshlands wrote: »Round and round we go...
2. Stalkers fake-bidded themselves with Nomads and PocaXPAMA likely fake-bidded themselves with the two unknown guilds. Hint: If you're gonna fake-bid, don't make your alt/fake guild known or painfully obvious.
Hi. I'm a stalkers officer. I'm one of our tw coordinators, I'm also stalkers offensive leader for most tw's and the guy who usually makes our squad lists etc. I was leading the stalkers vs nomads war this weekend and I'd just like to clear up the nomads fake bid issue.
I'll start out by confirming that yes nomads are affiliated with stalkers, they're a sister faction which many of us have alts in and which we have a lot of lower level people in who wish to and will eventually join stalkers once they reach the lvl cap. However they aren't an alt faction or a buffer faction for stalkers, they have their own leadership and officers separate to ours and make their own decisions. I'm one of stalkers head officers and I have equal say with anyone else in the faction when it comes to things like tw. However I have absolutely no say in who nomads bid or what they do in tw or about anything to do with their faction entirely. In fact my alt in their almost got kicked a couple times for disrespecting members b:laugh
Obviously that makes this look like a fake bid which we did to protect our land, and I perfectly understand the accusation. In fact when I saw that nomads had bid us I thought... what the hell... why the **** are we fake biding ourselves that's ****... and why in god’s name did no one tell me about this!?!?! b:shocked
But after the initial confusion it turned out that nomads leader decided to bid us for tw practice for her guild as she didn't think they were ready to take and hold land, so they bid us to gain tw experience and to have a fun war against people they know instead of biding someone they don't know who will just wipe them out in minutes. So they asked us to go easy on them and let them practice their organisation in tw.
We decided to go along with it and have some fun so we just defended our base and let them attack a few times to start with. Then we went in with a cata squad and an offence squad, took out a couple towers, retreated, attacked somewhere else, tested their defence, took their crystal down to half, then retreated and let them attack again. Then after we'd let them practice we pkd everyone for fun and spawn camped them for a while, and then finished off the crystal.
So no it wasn't a fake bid. It was a genuine bid by an allied faction. If they had managed to beat us they could have destroyed our crystal and taken our land, we had no arrangement to the contrary. Of course that's never going to happen as there's a huge gulf between the two factions in terms of numbers, level, skill, organisation, tw experience and leadership etc. It's like when we used to bid zulu, sure we couldn't hope to beat them, but we did it for fun and practice.
I assure you that if stalkers decided to fake bid themselves I would hear about it first and put a stop to it. It would never happen anyway as we're not a faction to do that kind of thing. Also think about it for a minute... If we fake bid ourselves why would we use a faction everyone knows is affiliated with us? We'd use someone’s faction that no one would know of. Also there's no reason to fake bid any of our land, especially that particular land. The only person on the map who could attack it was omerta, we're safelisted with them so it's pretty unlikely they're going to break off our alliance and attack us without giving us warning. The only other factions that could bid it are not on the map, and no faction not on the map has a chance in hell of wining tw against us. Also no faction that can attack any of our land poses a threat to us. We'll easily beat anyone adjacent to us at the moment. The factions around us know we are stronger than they are and know they can't beat us if they attack, so they're moving away from us through weaker opponents. No one’s going to bid us for a while yet to come.
It wasn't a fake bid, but even so it was a very bad idea. Had the nomad’s leader consulted me and many other stalkers members about the bid many of us would have been against it. Sure it was a fun war and we have no problem with fighting them to let them learn a bit about tw. But I knew the moment I saw the bid that people would accuse us of fake bidding and it would cause drama within our faction. It actually caused a lot of trouble within both stalkers and nomads.
A lot of stalkers got angry claiming we'd fake bid ourselves and hadn't made an attack bid so we weren't getting any real tw that weekend (we bid on ojos rojos land but we were outbid by deicide. Really stupid move to not put in a very high bid as we knew deicide would probably bid that land since it's the only direction they can go in if they want to avoid any strong opponents for the time being. We won't be making the same mistake again and will ensure our bids are higher than other factions will/can put in).
The bid caused a lot of problems in nomads too with nomads members claiming they were being used to fake bid stalkers and that they were being used as stalkers alt faction or buffer faction. Several members ended up leaving the faction do to the accusations that were made and the arguments that followed.
Nomads should be bidding wars they can actually win, there are a few land holding factions I know they can beat. Stalkers should be devoting their energy to taking land and defending that land from real attacks by non allied factions instead of messing around with fun fights and practice wars. I had no idea nomads would bid us and was shocked and initially angry about it until the reasons were fully explained by nomads. Still, it was a bad idea and I, along with other stalkers and nomads, have made this abundantly clear to our respective factions.
I can't say for certain that nomads will never bid us again as I have no say when it comes to the decisions of that faction. But I can say that the last thing stalkers want right now is for nomads to bid us. We've talked to nomads leadership and discussed matters openly with our entire faction. We have agreed with nomads that they won't bid us anymore, so I assure you that to the best of my knowledge nomads will not bid us again.
All in all I am sure that the bid was intended to be sincere and just for fun and practice on nomads part. Of course that's not the way it looked to a lot of people and things got rather blown out of proportion. The people hurt most by the bid were nomads, they lost a lot of people. So I'm sure this mistake will not be repeated.
I'd like to apologise on behalf of stalkers for any confusion or misconception this caused, both to our members, nomads members and any harshlands players concerned. But I assure you that nothing untoward was intended, it really was a sincere bid and just a silly mistake.
On a similar note endgame have bid us twice in a row now. I think there are only a few people in the faction and they're bidding us for fun or as some kind of joke or something. Again I think they're friends with people in the faction and are just bidding us because they think it's fun to fight against their friends / get spawn camped. But we’ll get this stopped as well. I'm pretty sure they won't be bidding us again after the things that have been said to the faction after this weekends tws.
Sorry for the essay, I just felt it was right to explain things fully and thanks for listening. No hard feelings for accusing us of fake bidding Eoria. It looked that way to everyone, including myself, and I would have written the same thing if I were you. These posts are really cool, thanks for taking the time to post something interesting on the harshland forums
And okeano if you're coming for us you'd better get ready to be rolled :P
Kylin won't last 10 minutes against us now lolz b:chuckle
You won't make it through Omerta to us anyway :P they guna wipe you off the map, go omerta gooo b:victory
haha, though seriously I wish you guys the best of luck with getting kylin back to the stage it used to be at. I hope you do make it to us and I look forward to fighting you in the future. b:cute0 -
Gg_gg0 -
who actually bothered to read it? anyone??b:lipcurl0
Most likely not many people. I just wrote it for anyone who was actually botherd enough by it to read that much writing. Which won't be many people, but if anyone actually cares that much they deserve an explanation.0
Anyways, someone decided to write "Stalkers, a History" on HL forum. All I saw was b:laughb:shockedb:chuckleb:victoryb:cute
Your leader better start refining his pro evasion ornaments if you guys want to take on Kylin.0 -
Okeano - Harshlands wrote: »Anyways, someone decided to write "Stalkers, a History" on HL forum. All I saw was b:laughb:shockedb:chuckleb:victory
Your leader better start refining his pro evasion ornaments if you guys want to take on Kylin.
And you'd better get refining you're pro daggers if you want to take on stalkers... oh wait... you don't have any... fists lol.
It's ok you'll be using your bm so you can just refine you're axes instead. They still got magic statted on them?
So pro b:victory0 -
Yeah the +19 MAG gives me more MP so I can spam more skillz before I have to pot.0
More mp?? o.O awesome idea *gets turquoise shards for whole faction* Now we're gonna be unstoppable b:victory0
TW practive. Vs ur own alts? Makes perfect sense.PVP: 3800 kills in the name of KD lawl
Retired as of 18/11/09
Back as of 22/11/10
Archer retired as of 26/12/100 -
They're not our own alts though. There are alts in the faction, but it's mostly a seperate faction with seperate players. Originally it may have been mostly an alt faction, but it's changed a lot since then and grown into it's own faction with its own players.0
i never got to 90, its not fair0
ugh, plz ffs0
plz someone0
you guys are cruel....0
am i talking to myself? -.- no one answering me0
plzzz, I be talking to ma self yo0
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