Another "are Mystics overpowered?" thread.

Posts: 3 Arc User
edited March 2011 in Mystic
Let me first say that I'm kind of a noob player, I don't go in very deep in PW, or any MMO(RPG) for that matter.

But I am looking for a definite answer on the above question.

I play PW with a friend of mine, we just started our Earthguards and are now at level 25.
She plays a Mystic, and I play a Seeker.

However, the team play hasn't been any fun up until now (apart from the just playing together, that's always fun).
What I'm talking about is how she and her devil thing are absurdly more powerfull than my Seeker is. She one-hits mobs while I have to keep hammering away AND depend still on her healing spells.
Also, she can solo semi-bosses in mere seconds, while my Seeker barely dents its HP (about 1/10th) and dies before being able to use his second potion.

So I feel pretty useless in our two and a half member squad, since her devil is a better tank and damage dealer than I am. On top of that her healing and heavy offensive arcane.
It's like she's just doing all the work while I'm merely tagging along not really making any difference or adding to our squad.

Will this change when we get higher in level?
Post edited by Tienzen - Archosaur on


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  • Posts: 289 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    lol, while you can just swish away with your sword with regular melee, she has to eat the costs of her skills with high mana consumption ...and it can deplete rather quickly if one doesn't pay attention. Sooner or later, I'm sure she'll rely on just you and your pet DDing so she can conserve MP...unless she doesn't mind spamming a lot of pots and charms. x:
  • Posts: 94 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Its like a bm cleric combo, ya, cleric rocks from lvl 1-85ish, afterwards, uve got bms soloing world bosses in 5minutes, soloing nirvana, soloing tt, soloing everything.

    same with sins.

    point is, your probably gonna get stronger around lvl 85ish to 90 at which point your mystic is gonna start relying on you.
  • Posts: 3,275 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    What I'm talking about is how she and her devil thing are absurdly more powerfull than my Seeker is. She one-hits mobs while I have to keep hammering away AND depend still on her healing spells.

    if you need healing, that means you're getting hit --- and that means you've got aggro. so, in spite of not doing much damage on the mobs, it seems you're still annoying them more than she is. this will eventually matter, as aggro management gets more and more important the higher up in levels you get.

    mind you, you having aggro is not necessarily a good thing. keeping it on the pet would save your HP and pot costs, and let you keep fighting longer, safer. food for thought.

    Also, she can solo semi-bosses in mere seconds, while my Seeker barely dents its HP (about 1/10th) and dies before being able to use his second potion.

    (which minibosses have you faced, as a level-25 earthguard? i haven't done all the earthguard quests, but i can't recall that many such.)

    in any event, minibosses are supposed to be hard, and need either a squad or you to be above their level. mystics and venos have the advantage of BEING their own squads; the simple advantage of having the pet to tank while the player just heals makes an enormous difference. but even so, as you begin to face actual bosses, even that won't be enough.

    she'll be able to solo Farng for the two of you, for your cultivation quest in just a very few levels. but if the two of you together can take on Qingzi at-level, just after that, i should be most surprised. the difference between instance mobs and open-map ones will tell.

    It's like she's just doing all the work while I'm merely tagging along not really making any difference or adding to our squad.

    Will this change when we get higher in level?

    pretty much everything will change as you level up. you haven't hit level 30 yet; my own personal standard for giving a class a fair trial is to take it at least up to the first spark and its associated skills. that milestone changes gameplay a lot in most every class i've taken that far.

    what you'll find is your respective strengths and weaknesses diverging. one of you is (presumably) wearing heavy armor, the other arcane; the ways these protect differently will begin to make a difference in how you have to approach mobs. also, you'll start running into situations you can't duo --- much less solo --- and then your respective roles in the squad will differ greatly. she'll start doing more healing and debuffing, you'll be expected to deal damage and control crowds.

    summoner classes will always be able to solo more than other classes, that will not change. but they can't solo just anything, and when working in teams, they have to play roles much different from the more specialized classes.

    my own level-66 veno can take on multiple mobs her own level, both magical and physical attackers, and beat them with ease --- so long as the pet keeps aggro. if i get attacked myself, i have time enough to either fix that quickly or run away, seldom both. i can impress blademasters five levels above mine with how well i survive magical mobs --- but they impress me with how quickly they kill the very same mobs, and how hard a time they give me keeping up with them. (and venos are supposed to be fast movers!) yet if my pet were to die, i'd have to impress those guys with how quickly i could get away...

    here's an exercise for the pair of you: try asking your friend to learn how to lure. she uses her pet to pull in one mob towards the two of you, then you catch it and kill it, with her maybe healing you to keep you alive, maybe helping to kill, depending on what's needed. the advanced class has her pulling in the next mob, timed so that it'll arrive just after the first dies. (that timing's the hard part.) and of course, her being the healer, she's EXPECTED to keep you alive --- ask any cleric about that.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Heaven's Tear alts: KenLubin, Sou_Hon, JudyCaraco --- level 5x chars.
  • Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I'm not sure how practical it is to ask mystics to pull mob with their summons. Summoning costs MP and summoned creatures start with half HP and no MP. It might be better for the seeker to pull mobs and lead them back to the mystic's plants.

    However, I do agree that they Mystic should be healing you (and keeping the resurrect buff on you).
  • Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Honestly I'd much rather use a Zeal genie than lure with my mystic. The mana costs for luring are freaking insane (over 600 mana to pull ONE mob), but I'll do it if I have to. I just hug my mp regen food like crazy >_>.

    As for mystic vs seeker, seeker's are much less squishy than mystic pets at ~50, at least. I know bosses that mystic pets CAN'T tank, but seekers can. Mystics are strong early on, but they become less so as they level, whereas seekers only get stronger.

    Give it time. There ARE many bosses that Chihyu simply can't tank, but you likely will be able to. There are also a few bosses that mystics can tank (not their pets) at level, because of the mystic pdef/wood/water res buff, but for physical bosses, the summon isn't enough.
  • Posts: 4,377 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Basically what thread starter feel, is just like how barbarians feel seeing their wives venomancer killing faster and until certain point tank better with pets. (b:laugh)
    Sorry i speak engrish b:chuckle
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