R9 on a PVE server is USELESS! QQmoar
Sarrafeline - Sanctuary wrote: »I thought SC = Supercharger. b:surrender
Don't you dare post this on the Cobalt SS forums... You'll either get laughed out of town, or they'll lynch you (they are a mix of rednecks, metrosexuals, normal people, car enthusiasts, and of both genders b:victory, from... All over).
No, SC = Semi-Competition.
The SC moniker was used on street versions of race cars back in the early to mid 60's. The '65-'67 428 Shelby Cobra's were the most famous to be dubbed SC, due to them being race ready off the lot but de-tuned for street use.Some people risk to employ me
Some people live to destroy me
Either way they die0 -
i think if you are lvl101 and you have nirvana/rank 8 there is nothing much to do then to set a higher goal..and that means best end game gear, rank 9. since you reached the gamelimit there is nothing wrong to set a new goal. i know some people who managed to get it without real cash and they are proud of it..and to be honest they deserve it.
and no..i dont have rank 9, rank 8 or nirvana and not looking at it even at the moment...but you cant complain about people that want to own their own "ferrari" either if its for show off or usage (especially if they pay it with their own money) - you should care less.
do your own thing and dont look at others, otherwise its jealousy or not to grant someone something (since you are on pve server you shouldnt give a poo what other ppl have as gear anyway).retired 11/11/2009 cause of packs. came back 8 months later just to realise it got worse. retired second time 10/11/2010.0 -
Rank 9 isn't a necessity, but if you've got lots of money to spend then it's a decent add if you don't have anything else to spend on.
I might consider getting it eventually after I absolutely have nothing else to spend on, but luckily I'm going for G15 fists which I consider a higher priority than axes lol.BM PvP Guide: pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1320761
YouTube channels: youtube.com/TheDan912 and youtube.com/TheDanPWI0 -
I just want it cuz I can get it. I wanna see how far I can go without spending cash. I'm pretty close to fully equipping my barb. Only missing a few pieces and shards but I'm too cheap to touch my merchanting money.
Not many people on my server believe that you can actually get good gear without using cash. I want to prove people wrong. But then no one believes me when I tell them I didn't spend any money.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Making "non-trash-talkers" show their true color. RAGE ON! b:laugh0 -
Serious business this thread be.PVP: 3800 kills in the name of KD lawl
Retired as of 18/11/09
Back as of 22/11/10
Archer retired as of 26/12/100 -
Heh, yeah, I'm doing things one step at a time, multiple times.
Each time my BM or Archer goes up 10 levels, give or take a few, I end up farming, merchanting, or otherwise buying the mats, molds, and subs for a bow, crossbow, and possibly slingshot for my Archer, and a TT Axe, Fist, Sword, and Pole for BM. It doesn't stop there, though, because if there is a better legendary axe or fists, I will acquire those as well if they are not overly expensive, stupid rare, or otherwise hard to get. Then, I look at Dex on my BM, and decide weather or not it's worth it to upgrade her bow.
I enjoy collecting gear, but only as long as something else will use it. The Axes get handed off to my barb, fists either get borrowed by my archer, or I sell them (nothing else uses them that I have). Swords... Well, they go to my Seeker... If I decide to play it. And magic weapons... yeah, I've got those in bulk. I've basically got a faction bank in my invintories. b:chuckle
And... I can't see myself stopping any time soon. I may not ever go R9, nor will I get a Warsoul weapon tomorrow... But... R8, Nirvana, and TT Gold are all possibilities for me at least.
Just... Let's stop bashing on people, some of whom WORKED VERY HARD for it, just because they have the best of the best.101 Sage Sin*/Archer
100 Demon BM*/Barb
96 Demon Cleric/Sage Seeker
95 Demon Wiz/
94 Sage Veno
85 Psy/80 Mystic
And a handful of other alts, all 79 and under.
*Pre RB level0 -
I've spent a total of like 200 dollars on the game, been a merchant making loads of cash to get better gear than most cash shoppers lol.BM PvP Guide: pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1320761
YouTube channels: youtube.com/TheDan912 and youtube.com/TheDanPWI0 -
Yeah, I typically save up my coin from questing/grinding/BH. Not sure what my total of money spent on PWI is, but it's probably around $200... I've been around since Open Beta, though... most of my money went for flying mounts that I still have. XD101 Sage Sin*/Archer
100 Demon BM*/Barb
96 Demon Cleric/Sage Seeker
95 Demon Wiz/
94 Sage Veno
85 Psy/80 Mystic
And a handful of other alts, all 79 and under.
*Pre RB level0 -
Michael_Dark - Lost City wrote: »Rank 9 is mostly useless on every PW server. There is no need for it other than to waggle your e-peen and impress everyone... and for PW to rake in money that they otherwise wouldn't have had.
There is no content in the game that requires R9 or even Nirvana gear. It's merely a fashion statement and to one-up other players.
No contents need nirvana gear? So how u explain the 5 APS sins that everyone want in Nirvana runs ? (don't blame me, i don't have it too xD)
About R9, a barb friend is working on it , i think it's very good at PvP , but not as good as -int in PvE. All in all a R9 seeker or archer with R9 bow or R9 casters rock even in PvE !0 -
Krarenka - Raging Tide wrote: »No contents need nirvana gear? So how u explain the 5 APS sins that everyone want in Nirvana runs ? (don't blame me, i don't have it too xD)
About R9, a barb friend is working on it , i think it's very good at PvP , but not as good as -int in PvE. All in all a R9 seeker or archer with R9 bow or R9 casters rock even in PvE !
Nirvana can be done with an entire squad in TT90 gear. Takes 30 minutes, top's.Some people risk to employ me
Some people live to destroy me
Either way they die0 -
Aryasmodeus - Heavens Tear wrote: »b:laugh
R9 is pure vanity. Simply put.
Fixed it for you.
Rank 9 isn't a goal. Completion of opening enough mysterious chip packs could be considered a goal, but a worthy one? It takes no skill or effort. Just money. I guess to some, spending money is an achievement or a goal. *shrug*Krarenka - Raging Tide wrote: »No contents need nirvana gear? So how u explain the 5 APS sins that everyone want in Nirvana runs ? (don't blame me, i don't have it too xD)
About R9, a barb friend is working on it , i think it's very good at PvP , but not as good as -int in PvE. All in all a R9 seeker or archer with R9 bow or R9 casters rock even in PvE !
Wow... another idiot from RT.... you guys keep popping out of the woodwork. b:surrender
Sorry to hear you wouldn't be able to farm or complete any instances without Nirvana gear. You must be pretty horrible if that one piece of interval gear makes or breaks you as a player. Learn how to play your class?
b:byeI post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.0 -
Krarenka - Raging Tide wrote: »No contents need nirvana gear? So how u explain the 5 APS sins that everyone want in Nirvana runs ? (don't blame me, i don't have it too xD)
About R9, a barb friend is working on it , i think it's very good at PvP , but not as good as -int in PvE. All in all a R9 seeker or archer with R9 bow or R9 casters rock even in PvE !
Cause a sin with .rank9 daggers and 3.33 int would suck a lot on pve............0 -
75% of forums: QQ threads.
This game must sux soooo bad!
L.E.: I read the posts and replies: QQ post - QQreply - QQmoar - QQrepost - QQresponse - QQflame - QQnew idea - QQtroll - QQlover - QQvictim - QQpro - GM QQ - QQtard - QQcluelessnewb - QQofftopic - QQsmartiepants... You name it! All kinds of people post, but all about QQ!
Lastest edit: Rank IK is an idea. The idea of Perfect World Beijing getting more money. Those that materialised this idea in game are the victims. CONGRATULATIOINS for paying for the free players, and by all means, spend more and THANK YOU very much! *yellow ftw*0 -
Michael_Dark - Lost City wrote: »Fixed it for you.
Rank 9 isn't a goal. Completion of opening enough mysterious chip packs could be considered a goal, but a worthy one? It takes no skill or effort. Just money. I guess to some, spending money is an achievement or a goal.
Yes it is. Theres a few non cash players out there who have it, not everyone who goes for Rank 9 needs to cash shop.
The cash shoppers do provide the cash shop items needed for r9, and yea that's how pwe makes money.
Just because of the way r9 is obtained directly by buying off of other people, doesn't mean making enough money to buy all that's needed for r9 doesn't take skill...such as in merching or whatever.
Anyway why are we talking about skill. This is pwi, where u need to restat to regular hits nub to be wanted in squads, and where the best PK class is the best PK class just because it's overpowered, seriously why are you bringing up skill lol0 -
Yet another pointless jealous rage post.[SIGPIC]http://pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/image.php?type=sigpic&userid=2527935005&dateline=1300027633[/SIGPIC]
LiVe ThE NigHTmaRe0 -
Michael_Dark - Lost City wrote: »Fixed it for you.
Rank 9 isn't a goal. Completion of opening enough mysterious chip packs could be considered a goal, but a worthy one? It takes no skill or effort. Just money. I guess to some, spending money is an achievement or a goal. *shrug*
Wow... another idiot from RT.... you guys keep popping out of the woodwork. b:surrender
Sorry to hear you wouldn't be able to farm or complete any instances without Nirvana gear. You must be pretty horrible if that one piece of interval gear makes or breaks you as a player. Learn how to play your class?
You're saying farming enough coin to get your rank 9 isn't a goal? b:cry b:chuckle
I guess farming with my sin to get my barbs rank 9 is... a sin b:laughCurrently: pwcalc.com/b4c92dacf1da8c210 -
_blood_rain - Sanctuary wrote: »This PVP superiority mentality is laughable at best, as if most of the server isn't hidden away all the time in SZ and instances doing bh and fcc anyway.
While people do hide away, a big difference in PvP between PvP servers and PvE servers is that PvP servers tend to have "social PvP" where PvE servers tend be harsh.
In other words, while you will get killed by randoms on PvP servers, sometimes, mostly people will leave you alone, and everyone that you know there participates in the PvP situations. PvP opportunities also wind up being plentiful enough that most people eventually get bored with easy kills, or just run out of time or resources to be killing people. You can go for hours on a PvP server looking for someone to kill you, and not finding someone (depending on time of day and stuff).
On PvE servers, however, people go into PvP mode when they want to fight other people, and they can turn it off. So the whole social fabric of PvP winds up being different.
I had to oversimplify everything so I could even begin to talk about it, but PvP feels different on PvP servers than on PvE servers.0 -
TheDan - Sanctuary wrote: »I've spent a total of like 200 dollars on the game, been a merchant making loads of cash to get better gear than most cash shoppers lol._blood_rain - Sanctuary wrote: »Yes it is. Theres a few non cash players out there who have it, not everyone who goes for Rank 9 needs to cash shop.
The cash shoppers do provide the cash shop items needed for r9, and yea that's how pwe makes money.
Just because of the way r9 is obtained directly by buying off of other people, doesn't mean making enough money to buy all that's needed for r9 doesn't take skill...such as in merching or whatever.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]lagunal8.deviantart.com
★"New weekly quests! "Discover the bug in the patch""-Nihillae★"My father would beat me if he found out I was QQing over a virtual pony."-Neurosis★"You're amongst the biggest blobs of fail I've ever seen in my life."-Ninnuam★"A statistic said 3% people of the world get enjoyment primarily from making people upset, and you are trying to discriminate them"-ilystah★["How To Tank Rebirth Order Delta (86+)"-Stickygreen Barb (1)restat. you want full magic, Arcane armour build (2)when mobs come /faceroll on your keyboard and you will one shot all the mobs (3)rinse and repeat]★"I've been spammed with 3 poops for 2 hours."-ColdSteele★"If someone fights learning, I don't bother with them outside of amusement factor."-Telarith★"This thread is a joke right? Please say yes."-eatwithspoons★ "This is why you don't post your opinions on the internet, most of the replies you get will be from people who missed a hug or two sometime in their youth."-Alacol★"Sexy! A post with a Binomial Distribution."-Asterelle★"It's about time PW starts to separate out the noob Sins from the rest."-salvati0n★"Shoo troll >:O"-TheDan0 -
Fleuri - Sanctuary wrote: »While people do hide away, a big difference in PvP between PvP servers and PvE servers is that PvP servers tend to have "social PvP" where PvE servers tend be harsh.
In other words, while you will get killed by randoms on PvP servers, sometimes, mostly people will leave you alone, and everyone that you know there participates in the PvP situations. PvP opportunities also wind up being plentiful enough that most people eventually get bored with easy kills, or just run out of time or resources to be killing people. You can go for hours on a PvP server looking for someone to kill you, and not finding someone (depending on time of day and stuff).
On PvE servers, however, people go into PvP mode when they want to fight other people, and they can turn it off. So the whole social fabric of PvP winds up being different.
I had to oversimplify everything so I could even begin to talk about it, but PvP feels different on PvP servers than on PvE servers.
What're you talking about. When I was on my previous server (pve), the pvp was much more civilized. So much so that it irked me.
It got to the point that I started cracking jokes that the pvp was more like "Would you care to engage in some friendly jousting, milord?" or "I would like to humbly request that I impose my Holy Cryonite Dragon upon your lovely visage."0 -
Deceptistar - Sanctuary wrote: »how much did u spend on the first anni packs dan? >.>
yes yes
I think 150 of the 200 I spent was during first anni packs. After I saw them coming back every freaking month I didn't feel the "rush" to buy them anymore. I just farmed to get what I needed since they floated around the market for months before they were removed for like a year.BM PvP Guide: pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1320761
YouTube channels: youtube.com/TheDan912 and youtube.com/TheDanPWI0 -
_blood_rain - Sanctuary wrote: »Yes it is. Theres a few non cash players out there who have it, not everyone who goes for Rank 9 needs to cash shop.
The cash shoppers do provide the cash shop items needed for r9, and yea that's how pwe makes money.
Just because of the way r9 is obtained directly by buying off of other people, doesn't mean making enough money to buy all that's needed for r9 doesn't take skill...such as in merching or whatever.
Anyway why are we talking about skill. This is pwi, where u need to restat to regular hits nub to be wanted in squads, and where the best PK class is the best PK class just because it's overpowered, seriously why are you bringing up skill lolWunderkind - Dreamweaver wrote: »You're saying farming enough coin to get your rank 9 isn't a goal? b:cry b:chuckle
I guess farming with my sin to get my barbs rank 9 is... a sin b:laugh
And I have to go back to my original post's point.
There is no content that necessitates R9 gear. If you choose to farm/merch Rank 9 gear, good for you. Yes, that would be a goal, but a goal without a point otherwise I would do it as I already stated. There is nothing in game that necessitates or requires Nirvana or Rank gear, so what's the point of getting it? Keep stroking your e-peen?
I'll say it again since there are so many short term memory loss ADHD Ritalin kiddies on these forums:
Nirvana/Rank 9 gear is not necessary to do anything in-game. Since the concept of it is pointless, a goal to achieve pointlessness is pointless.
I don't think I can state that any more simply.
b:byeI post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.0 -
Michael_Dark - Lost City wrote: »And I have to go back to my original post's point.
There is no content that necessitates R9 gear. If you choose to farm/merch Rank 9 gear, good for you. Yes, that would be a goal, but a goal without a point otherwise I would do it as I already stated. There is nothing in game that necessitates or requires Nirvana or Rank gear, so what's the point of getting it? Keep stroking your e-peen?
I'll say it again since there are so many short term memory loss ADHD Ritalin kiddies on these forums:
Nirvana/Rank 9 gear is not necessary to do anything in-game. Since the concept of it is pointless, a goal to achieve pointlessness is pointless.
I don't think I can state that any more simply.
^-- This
They evolved only the PvP aspect of the game (Not in a good way either, less balance).
The PvE aspect, largest aspect of the game, yes really it is, does not require ANY of the things like nirvana or rank 8 even, so rank 9 itself is just completely useless if you do only PvE, apart from the fact that you won;t need help with anything anymore, sorta.
I myself been on DW server for 2.5 years -ish (1st week it went up) and now have rank 8 +10 bow, and TT99 full set, Wing Trophy cape, Warsoul Helmet, and Heavenrage Boots.
all +5 or better, all, expcept helmet, 4 socket with perfect citrine's. (Chest is +7 with 4 Citrine Gems) and i done all that for about 200$, cause i could not get GS's and Tele's before those horrible packs.
That and running a faction on DW server for the last 2.5+ years, so been busy, and i work 2, so got a life.
Soooo, basically, that is my gear, and i can do every instance, efficib:victory Once you discover life is meaningless, you will see my point of view!! b:victory
Skills determine a good player, not a creditcard.b:flower0 -
Michael_Dark - Lost City wrote: »And I have to go back to my original post's point.
There is no content that necessitates R9 gear. If you choose to farm/merch Rank 9 gear, good for you. Yes, that would be a goal, but a goal without a point otherwise I would do it as I already stated. There is nothing in game that necessitates or requires Nirvana or Rank gear, so what's the point of getting it? Keep stroking your e-peen?
I'll say it again since there are so many short term memory loss ADHD Ritalin kiddies on these forums:
But non-pointy things can still be useful for some things! (Though they do not have to be.)
And you have also pointed out, pointlessly, that PvP is pointless!
Then again, spheres are pointless!MageFizban - Lost City wrote: »What're you talking about. When I was on my previous server (pve), the pvp was much more civilized. So much so that it irked me.
From this I have concluded that we have different experiences.
Though, in retrospect, my conclusion should not be surprising.0 -
its true pve servers pvp was really kind of funny.0
r9 became a necessity for me when everyone else (especially archers with +12 r9 bows) started getting it. 14k pdef and 7k hp simply isnt enough. The g16 refines will put my hp at an acceptable lvl for TW.0
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