beastboyisbeast's Ultimate Seeker Guide
Venoblaster - Dreamweaver wrote: »I think the level 5 wep is an exception that has been accounted for on my guide. I reviewed the wep requirements from pwdatabase and they closely match the 5/3/2 build (give or take a couple dex points at higher levels as some weapons requirements can be a couple points off weapons of same level).0
wolverizer wrote: »I haven't played in a long while and decided to come back to check out the new classes, currently lvl 5 seeker using the 3str 2dex, 2str 2vit 1dex, and i noticed by lvl 5 my stats didn't met the requirements for the perfect military sword, the one u obtain from the tag. My lvl did met the lvl requirements for the sword but the stats didn't, does this mean it will happen the same to all swords or is this one an exception to the rule
The other swords in the supply stash (level 20 and level 50) will follow the normal sword build. They are actually a bit less in terms of Dex, but not enough to notice (requiring 1.45 Dex/level for level 20 and 1.48 for 50). The first one was off for some reason that I am still wondering about. Don't worry about the rest though, you'll do fine with a normal sword build now. If you want to be sure though, after I saw the requirement for the level 5 one, I just went 3 Str 2 Dex until 20 and then started back on a Vit build, and the points gave a good buffer for further weapons as a precaution.
So yeah, it's the one exception to the rule that we know of. It is unlikely, but there may be more Seeker only swords in the future to be seen, or ones we don't know about in game yet. I'm doubting Seekers will be so lucky as to get that, but it's we can hope.0 -
AuroraLucia - Archosaur wrote: »The other swords in the supply stash (level 20 and level 50) will follow the normal sword build. They are actually a bit less in terms of Dex, but not enough to notice (requiring 1.45 Dex/level for level 20 and 1.48 for 50). The first one was off for some reason that I am still wondering about. Don't worry about the rest though, you'll do fine with a normal sword build now. If you want to be sure though, after I saw the requirement for the level 5 one, I just went 3 Str 2 Dex until 20 and then started back on a Vit build, and the points gave a good buffer for further weapons as a precaution.
So yeah, it's the one exception to the rule that we know of. It is unlikely, but there may be more Seeker only swords in the future to be seen, or ones we don't know about in game yet. I'm doubting Seekers will be so lucky as to get that, but it's we can hope.0 -
Ugh this turned into a flame war.He's charging his lazer.
I agree it is a bit to early to give in depth info a good guide requires, but I would just like to add a thanks to Beastyboy for the effort, I am sure you will add/edit as the info unfolds with time cheers keep up the contributions...Dai0
DaiRyu - Raging Tide wrote: »I agree it is a bit to early to give in depth info a good guide requires, but I would just like to add a thanks to Beastyboy for the effort, I am sure you will add/edit as the info unfolds with time cheers keep up the contributions...Dai
Thanks, it is true that is early to give in depth info, but like I said releasing this guide early is so that new players can get an idea of what skills to get and what build to use.He's charging his lazer.
Venoblaster - Dreamweaver wrote: »I think the level 5 wep is an exception that has been accounted for on my guide. I reviewed the wep requirements from pwdatabase and they closely match the 5/3/2 build (give or take a couple dex points at higher levels as some weapons requirements can be a couple points off weapons of same level).
Thanks for answering that question.He's charging his lazer.
Looks like some personal analysis could be added her so this is some of my own experiences with the seeker
What skill to lvl?
Prioritize your stances. it increases the chance of debuff and the effectiveness of debuff which is core to a seeker... then your self buffs... 32 def lvl is very nice, blade fervor is good too...I then lvled up the range attacks to deal more damage and increase range. early game, max out staggering strike and battousai cos although they dont do much damage, they are spammable skill... Heartseeker is nice opener and good one to lvl when u are killing quest mobs at lvl 39+ due to the immobilize effects.. hit them with your ranged attacks first then engage melee... once higher lvl, you can look at maxing out the aoe moves such as gemini slash/staggering strike/darkcloud bolt... they do cost significant amt of money n spirit but gemini slash helps kill mob faster in combination with the soulsever minouet
Stepping into instances, such as FC, vortex becomes a nice skill in big pulls... it takes quite a hefty amt of mana for a HA class so id suggest to not be too hasty to lvl it.. at heads, use staggering strike n batousai for quick combo... darkcloud bolt/staggering strike for clustered mobs near you... blade affinity+geminislash combo for head cluster far from you
At higher lvl you become more party oriented and then u can start lvlin party buffs/ pve debuff eg. heart shatter
if you pvp a lot, quidproquo and the teleport stun is good skill to have.. quidproquo i kept at lvl 2-3 cos i dont think youd ever find 10 debuff to transfer..if you do youd probably alredy be dead xD
demon or sage?
skills are not out yet but based on translation( if translation= true) i think sage gives better effect...(inc chance of debuff...immunity of unfetter, tele stun duration increase...etc.... also, seekers have a lack of chi build skills so goin sage would help with that
the current lack of anti disable and seekers own disable skill put seeker at a disadvantage 1 v 1 with another class... so far your +32 def lvl buff would have to cover the lack of cc skills...
ive tried out duels with a few classes b4 but noted there is more to pvp than just duels..
vs bms/barbs : try to kite them first using heartseeker and a few other range skills...this is seekers advantage over bm..we have ranged skills to cast... remember that you have skills that deals metal damage too..which works great against HA classes
vs archers: tele stun skill /heartseeker immobilize and get close... use your ranged attacks when these skills are in cd and the archer is kiting you.. they use thundershock to metal debuff you? transfer it to them using quidproquo then use your own metal dmg skills..
vs clerics: could be tough as theyve got heal+plume shell and sleep... and they deal magic damage...basically have to get as much damage to break the shell and use parcheblade stance to get lucky on a debuff to stun with stagger strike
vs sins: although edged blur can potentially knock sin out of stealth, a good sin would not stand by you when you cast that and engage once its out... id suggest casting it if you can... in the thick of the fight with the sin so as when hes constantly disabling you, youre still dealing damage to them... you have to deal with the constant disabling skills they have but thank god you are HA class to better tank those damage
have yet to try out against other classes... and have yet to test in mass pvp like TWs
Just my personal analysis and simple walkthrough..thought id share but there is much more content to be explored and added about the seeker class0 -
Hey thanks for this info.He's charging his lazer.
Bladed Ferver.
Its supposed to increase attk levels and defesive levels,but I don't notice it doing anything at all and I've had my character stats screen open to check if anything goes up when casting?0 -
Bladed Ferver.
Its supposed to increase attk levels and defesive levels,but I don't notice it doing anything at all and I've had my character stats screen open to check if anything goes up when casting?
if the character screen is open when you do something to change one of your stats, you can't necessarily rely on it changing in "realtime". open it, check the numbers, close it. cast, then reopen and check again.
same thing for venoes' speed buff and (foxform) defense buff, just for instance.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Heaven's Tear alts: KenLubin, Sou_Hon, JudyCaraco --- level 5x chars.0 -
LenieClarke - Heavens Tear wrote: »if the character screen is open when you do something to change one of your stats, you can't necessarily rely on it changing in "realtime". open it, check the numbers, close it. cast, then reopen and check again.
same thing for venoes' speed buff and (foxform) defense buff, just for instance.
ya,i've done that and atk lvl is still at 0 as well as defensive level so I'm not sure whats the deal??0 -
The skill description will only display the effects at max level even though it is not true for the current level. At the moment, bladed fervor changes only apply to the weapon you are wielding. Open your inventory and hover your cursor over your weapon. You should see the added stats with the time limit of the buff.
I personally have not leveled the buff past level 2 yet, but someone posted somewhere previously that the level progression of bladed fervor was something like this:- level 1: crit 1% (15 minutes)
- level 2: crit 1% (30 minutes)
- level 3: crit 1% + atk lvl 1 (15 minutes)
- level 4: crit 1% + atk lvl 1 (30 minutes)
- level 5: crit 1% + atk lvl 2 (15 minutes)
- level 6: crit 1% + atk lvl 2 (30 minutes)
- level 7: crit 1% + atk lvl 3 (15 minutes)
- level 8: crit 1% + atk lvl 3 (30 minutes)
- level 9: crit 1% + atk lvl 3 + def lvl 1 (15 minutes)
- level 10: crit 1% + atk lvl 3 + def lvl 1 (30 minutes)
0 -
Some people might find that extra ATK and DEF useful.He's charging his lazer.
Edited some info.He's charging his lazer.
Can I get some Admin criticism on this? Thanks.He's charging his lazer.
Bump b:cryHe's charging his lazer.
b:cry bumpHe's charging his lazer.
stop bumping this you have no right to say anything about seekers when you dont even play the class. and yes i can tell you dont play the class due to the fact you dont have most the skills even right.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
ty Nowitsawn
Everything has its beginnings, but it doesn't start at one. It starts long before that... The world is born From zero. The moment zero becomes one is the moment the world springs to life. One becomes 2. 2 becomes 10. 10 becomes 100. taking it all back to one solves nothing. so long as zero remains... One.. Will eventually grow to 100 again.0 -
Bladed Ferver.
Its supposed to increase attk levels and defesive levels,but I don't notice it doing anything at all and I've had my character stats screen open to check if anything goes up when casting?
Bladed fervor does not appear in character stats, once cast open up your inventory and check your sword its stats automaticly get added to the sword[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Sure I don't play a seeker but it doesn't matter...He's charging his lazer.
You don't play a Seeker, yet you think you can create a guide that Seekers will find useful?
Stop bumping this thread. All of the Seekers will tell you it is a horrible guide, and you will only cause confusion among the ones coming here looking for helpful information. All you are looking for is some kind of fame for something you do not deserve it for.0 -
what do i need to re spec my build i unfortunatly didnt find this guide untill lvl 25 when trying to take down a lvl 18 wolf thingy in the beating heart quest0
beastboyisbeast wrote: »Sure I don't play a seeker but it doesn't matter...
>.> if you cant even get skill descriptions right then how in the hell are you gonna give someone advice on how to build a char / level skills up. b:bye[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
ty Nowitsawn
Everything has its beginnings, but it doesn't start at one. It starts long before that... The world is born From zero. The moment zero becomes one is the moment the world springs to life. One becomes 2. 2 becomes 10. 10 becomes 100. taking it all back to one solves nothing. so long as zero remains... One.. Will eventually grow to 100 again.0 -
Lol this turned into a flame war.He's charging his lazer.
beastboyisbeast wrote: »reserved...
i have a question..
it says to master northern sky waltz cuz it's red?
Why do we need to master it if Parchedblade Dance and Northern Sky Waltz dont stack together?0 -
beastboyisbeast wrote: »Sure I don't play a seeker but it doesn't matter...
How in the world can you create a guide if you have never played one? O.o0 -
As a experienced seeker, i can say that this guide is poor and give bad information. First thing you should change are the cons. Seeker are not made to go DPS, period. That just shooting your own feet. We are made to deal a lot of DPH. Gemini slash is one fine example for DPH. The base damage is really high for a lvl 49 skills and if you paint with soulsever minuet, you can easily hit 7k with the skill. Skills like battousai, stalagstike or darkcloud bolt become powerful at high lvl and do more damage (if spammed) then normal attack with aps boost.
For tanking, i find myself tanking better than most bm and barb out there when i do bh. Adrenal numbness give a really good bonus of def. 30 lvl of def when its lvl 10. Thats useful and make tanking easy. The third stance, soulsever minuet, is made to tank. The attack lvl debuff of the stance is really nice wth a nice -10 attack lvl when the stance lvl is maxed.
Seeker are also pretty good debuffer and are the best friend of magic user against boss. Heart shatter, mind shatter and soul shatter raise the damage dealt by a magic user. Just heart shatter raise the damage of physical and metal skill by 30%. That a lot. Mind shatter raise crit% rate of wood and water skils. Add the debuff from northern sky waltz (which end at -20 def lvl when the stance is maxed) and you just raise the damage of a good part of the squad by almost 50%.
There is 3 skills that are useful to lvl up but this guide do explain them like they should. Blade affinity should be at least lvl 5 so you can cast the slow channel skill (gemini slash and ion spike) a lot faster without being interupted. Battousai, our only real threat (aggro) caller, keep it pretty lvled.
Last one, heartseeker, max that skill if you can. The snare effect can save magic user easily and it can save a seeker from taking damage while killing a mobs. I can easily kill magic users mobs without getting attacked by spamming heartseeker + battousai + gemini slash kill the mobs before the snare ends.
Edged blur is not worth the spirit and coins unless you pvp. Vortex does a hell lot more damage then edged blur. In pvp, this thing is killer. Metal damage every 3 seconds during 12 seconds, thats 4 hits but there is something quite useful with it. The skill cannot be interupted. You can qualify it as a bless for 12 seconds, something like blade affinity or unfetter. You activate it and you use another skill. Edged blur do damage even if you are stunned, useful in pvp where stun is killer.
Lastly, yataghan vortex. One hell of an aoe. Massive damage that can easily do criticals at high lvl b:dirty . The prob with this aoe, you need a good way to keep it up. Under lvl 75, spirit charm or sesame yuanxiao (if you can get those). Dont lvl it if you dont have any of those. Normal mp pots cant keep up vortex. After lvl 75, use herb yuanxiao, period. Vortex is easy to keep up with those.
Last tips, switch stance often according to situation.
Hope this helps make this guide more useful to any seeker. I did not describe lvl 79 and lvl 100 skills because i do not have themAnd good spinning around with vortex fellow seeker.
Ebrithalia -Sage Seeker0 -
Okay, I know I'm contradicting myself with this comment, but will you people just let this "guide" (said with the loosest use of the term) die? I know it's horrible, but I doubt the OP even keeps it updated, let alone looks at it. I'm sure what he did is make this in hopes that it would stay on the first page, like it has, and just give him recognition.0
I was just wondering what build i should use after I cap my vit at 20. Should I go high str or dex if i was to alter this into a PvP/TW class?0
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