[FanFic] The History of One Untamed...

lauracf12 Posts: 6 Arc User
edited March 2011 in The Fanatics Forum
The History of One Untamed
Chapter 1 - The Beginning of Everything
Legends and Myths, say that the great God Pan Gu, broke the reality, originating the sky and the land, and from fear that the sky fell on the Land it supported it with the proper body, that formed everything what it also exists and all the beings livings creature, beyond the three bigger races of the world of Pan Gu, the Winged Elves, as they were its angels, on it and fidiciary offices the same, living in forests and magic forests to the south, with its capital Plume City. The Human beings, in bigger number, both powerful wizards and blademasters who live to the north in the Etherblade, the intermediary between Angels and Mules, as he can say itself...
Still has, people unknown, that is only mentioned in the hidden private manuscripts in the Sand Sea, at least was what the Pilgrim who passed for the City of the Lost he spoke me, one of that had fought more bravely against the threat of the without-soul, a submarine people known as Tideborns…
And the Untamed's, Crossbows that had opposed Pan Gu and had been punished for animal form, livinf hidden in mountains and deserts, them had perfected them to be able in the communication with the Nature and Transformation, say that the untamed's keep to a hatred and grudge, what she makes them powerful, and many times (to say well always) take them for the side of the evil, of the war and destruction, not only the Barbarians, but also the Venomancer's...
Therefore, nor all are bad, now all known to all and mainly to the dangers that the without-soul present...

Chapter 2 - Dawn in the Desert of th Echoes
The sun was born in the barren desert, thing that is not newness in the outskirts of the City os the Lost, if you it walked for the road, that takes until the Broken Bridge Village would see heroes in its proper day until the fame and recognition, or perdition...
However if to follow for the opposing side, close to the Lunar Ticket would even go to see a wilderness in the desert, but an almost empty wilderness, perhaps therefore I would be to walk for there? It is perhaps therefore, an inhabitable and little solitary place is the ideal to think, or to perhaps imagine...
There he was I, seated in the roof an abandoned small house, looking at for the Islands of the Lake os the Hearts, with this history of that Untamed they are crossbows of the evil, always confuses the people, "but type, we thus do not choose to be, and after all, who said that really we are thus? All good that some of us are half bad, but our destination is not traced! Are we who make it, and, we can choose the good or the evil, because we are not different that we are bad, the others are prejudiced, and who said that the Winged ones are really Angels of Pan Gu? Of the one not to be certain you are welcome...
Hello, my name is Felny, this exactly, is a Untamed Venomancer, together with my beloved pet Chessur, one Tabby Plumdrop, plans a trip! Type, to surpass everything what in it was said them, to find Tideborns, to change the world, perhaps to find the Tree of Life, that in the truth would be a mistic place, of the God Pan Gu, to explore the magics forests of the Winged ones! To cross the Land Frozen of the North and to find the culture biggest, the vestibule for the Paradise and the Hell, in the Universal City, to go beyond the endo of the World anf to unmask mysteries of the seas of the outskirts of the Dreamweaver Port...
But for everything this I would need to initiate the day in the Archosaur, what he remembers anothers thing to me, because Archosaur? How that the elder of has something there to count on this, but I can catch a shortcut and to visit the forests Winged, the Sun just finished to be born, this is a good hour to travel beyond the Valley of the Wolves...
It came back for the consumed road and almost invisible, as, people always fighting for all side, Chessur an I went arriving in the Broken Bridge, who nowadays are restored, I crossed the bridge, Chessur followed me with an expression of fear in the small face striped and full of for the whites...
The other side the bridge, who gave for the Valley of the Wolves was covered of mist, beyond ravines of each one the sides, that the Valley became a great and shady running, followed in front, courageous, until the end, seemed that great full roots of thorns jumped of the soil and forms a tunnel. To my delight the fog had strong and the Sun was shining in the sky blue, now only have to decide whether it would go to the left toward Archosaur or to the right, toward Plume City...
Finally decided to go first to the cities Gets...
Increaingly the ground shifted from desert to the Green, just forward of Felny and Chessur existed a port that looked more like Giants stacked sheets, she approached the place, was already in verdant grassland. She came pretty close to the port... But what happened? Was on the ground, and had a Wolf arc-long the distance eith an arrow pointing to it:
-Chessur! Go Chessur! Paralyse it!
Got the staff that had fallen from his or her hand, leaving the Backpack on the floor, ran toward the without-soul, then launched in Glacial Swarn without-soul, which dropped dead, Felny grapped the backpack and ran until Chessur, healed him, and saw his left a river, the only solution was to cross it, and was she did, placing Chessur in Backpack...

Son I'll post Chapter 3 -Anyway Plume City later
Comment please ^_^
Post edited by lauracf12 on


  • NueOfThunder - Lost City
    NueOfThunder - Lost City Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    nice story o.o
  • Silvychar - Sanctuary
    Silvychar - Sanctuary Posts: 3,576 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Up until now it's nicely written.

    You should try to avoid copy pasting from Word and other programs - anyway just rewrite all commas, dots and quotation marks, so your post won't be cut off by the forums.
  • Grippieluver - Lost City
    Grippieluver - Lost City Posts: 9,807 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Great introduction. Can't wait to see the rest :)
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Thankiez to Dorset for the sig!

    MagicHamsta will remain in our hearts forever

    P.S. I am a female venomancer ^^ I know it's rare, isn't it?
  • lauracf12
    lauracf12 Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    This is a story of mine, that I posted in the Forum PWBR, classified the only story 5 stars from all over the Forum, My Nickname in the brazilian forum pw is: Magalux...
    Got 10 chapters ready, I hope you enjoy the story...
    And who really liked from the beginning of this story... If you want you can go translating the next chapters of the Brazilian Forum of PW. Link-->http://sites.levelupgames.com.br/Forum/perfectworld/forums/t/417277.aspx

    I also have a history about Rising Tide, called Sea Fury---> Link--> http://sites.levelupgames.com.br/Forum/perfectworld/forums/t/417288.aspxhttp://sites.levelupgames.com.br/Forum/perfectworld/forums/t/417288.aspx

    I will bring the new chapters of History of Untamed every 5 weeks... Comment and hope that pleases!^_^
  • lauracf13
    lauracf13 Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Hello everybody. I'm here again. Only with another account. Yet we continue with the story, okay?

    Chapter 3 - Anyway Plume City
    The river had already turned back a long time, the prairie that once was greener still, she walked a little and came to a small town ...
    "Hello, Young said the guide away.
    "Hello, um, this is the Battlemark Village?
    That's right, you see, continue straight until you find a road of stones through the meadows and forests, take it to the City of the Plume, Goodbye Traveler - continued to guide.
    Just move on, which I did, and found a road of rocks as well, the amazing thing is that already dusk, and the non-soul are more dangerous at night, but on the road of stones were made from lampposts stalks I think giant flowers, follow the road over and over, knew it was not a good idea to camp there, right there, in the woods, at night, but was too tired to continue, too tired ...
    Chessur make meowing noises like crazy since dawn, he was on the floor, and I ... I was lying on a bed of leaves, in a house made of leaves! Surely that was not the woods! I got up quickly and I put on my boots from the bones, was still with my blue dress the same set, I ran to the door with Chessur! The door was made of leaves, too! I opened the door and ran away, but wait, I stopped in front of the air, I was on top of a giant tree on a platform in the branches of it! I did not fall by little, but Chessur, that kitten awkwardly slid over a sheet and slid right into my direction!
    In the fall we could not think of anything, just watched the clouds! And Chessur was falling too ...
    Not far away a priest called Winged Adhara flew near the Tree of Plume, harmoniously ...
    -My God! I fell on someone! Like it! The ground is near Oh My God !!!!!!!!!!!!
    Poft! A wild, a cat and a Striped Flying had fallen on the floor! The old woman rushed to see what a mess that was!
    "But what is happening here! - The old woman asked confused as the dust settled.
    -Oh, sorry whoever - I spoke quickly ...
    "At least it did not hurt that much - told ... Winged
    - Okay, you're a wild, what are you doing here? So far from their land! - Asked the old lady ...
    "I decided to explore the world and change one's destiny, if you please, where do I start? - I asked.
    -Go to the Archosaur City, talk General Summer, it will give you information, take this scroll will take you to the West Gate of Archosaur City - the old woman said quietly.
    -Ok! Archosaur City, get ready ... :P