What class would you reccomend to me? :)

Saaphirria - Heavens Tear
Saaphirria - Heavens Tear Posts: 1 Arc User
edited March 2011 in General Discussion
I really like the animal class, but i find that they are all... non social =/... clerics get asked for help constantly, so they seem fun. im really social so a social class would be fun. but i really really really like the animal class =)
what to do? and whats your favorite class and why?

also, is there maybe a city or town that everyone from all classes like to go to?
Post edited by Saaphirria - Heavens Tear on


  • Rieco - Raging Tide
    Rieco - Raging Tide Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    A cleric between the 1-74 levels is, basicly, a giant pain in the ***, always running out of MP fairly fast, so there's a lot of meditating for MP, or spamming pots which just costs you a lot of cash, I say 75 as thats when you get access to *event* pots, which are no longer event pots, but permanent pots that recover mass amounts of MP, eitherway, if you plan to use a cleric, i suggest buying an MP charm to make it more enjoyable and a lot less stressful on the MP side.

    Yea a cleric is A *social* class I suppose as there always needed which is why I've enjoyed my cleric, but I also enjoyed my veno (if thats the pet class you ment and not the mystic), though i do have a herc on my veno, which helps quite a lot on getting into squads, especially to kill bosses when you cant find a tank/cleric to help, but really it just depends on you, you can be a veno and be sociable lol, I'd just suggest getting a hercules pet if you did though, make the game a **** ton easyier.
  • Xarathox - Dreamweaver
    Xarathox - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,657 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I'm not anti-social. b:sad
    Some people risk to employ me

    Some people live to destroy me

    Either way they die
  • B_K - Sanctuary
    B_K - Sanctuary Posts: 242 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    if you want to play a animal class and be social do a barb, they are needed for most things until lvl 100

    i like to play a barb because you can take so much damage and not get hurt. its my favorite thing to run and get all the mobs for everyone. you just dont hit very hard so you need others help

    on sanct lots of ppl go to eatherblade to talk or south arch im not sure about your server
  • Eden - Raging Tide
    Eden - Raging Tide Posts: 301 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    the venos who u might be thinking of not being "social" r the ones with hercs likely soloing their own bh and other stuff... u can easily be a social veno no matter ur pet

    dont play a class only cuz of how much its needed... i tried that and got bored of it... play a class only because its fun

    i have an endgame cleric and they r fun to play too.. esp if ur good and can command a squad and for tw ar quick reacting.. i just dont agree with the belief of playing a class solely or even mostly cuz of how much its needed
  • Asura_Shiva - Raging Tide
    Asura_Shiva - Raging Tide Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Barb: One of the two big leaders, other being cleric. A Physical Damage Sponge that takes some pratice and time to master.

    -skips cleric-

    Mystic: Has 4 pets and the ability to heal a lot of HP. It's first move is a heal and you get a AoE along the way. The class also has a 2 type of pet called, Trap Pets. They are plants that give off different effects. The later version use AoE heals. Lvl 19 you gain a move called Absorb Soul and when used in conjuntion with another of your basic abilites, deal two times the normal damage. At lvl 19 you can take out anything with those two moves alone (so long as you have something to hold there attenstion.
    Other IGN:
    Ratsael - RT - 61
    RaveR_mnant - RT - 47
  • Yulk_owns - Lost City
    Yulk_owns - Lost City Posts: 936 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I really like the animal class, but i find that they are all... non social =/... clerics get asked for help constantly, so they seem fun. im really social so a social class would be fun. but i really really really like the animal class =)
    what to do? and whats your favorite class and why?

    also, is there maybe a city or town that everyone from all classes like to go to?

    Well for starters, I recommend venomancer since they are simple, you won't really worry about MP, repairs, worry about being attacked while pet does the work. Or you can start with mystic too but they are more mana dependent.

    If you want to be in squads more often, I suggest you level up to a certain level, does not have to be endgame really, but just for certain squads in instances, that is because others are teaming up in mid to higher level squads.

    You should go for the untamed (animal as you say) class if you really like them. It is easier to learn how to play a class you are comfortable with. I like untamed ones as well (barbarian) does well. You don't have to take my word for it.

    Lastly, each race have their own city and quests pre-19. After that, quests are very common most of the time from LVL20 and above.
    I, II and III spark is the most cheesiest skill in PWI and it should be removed or massively nerfed.

  • Meyki - Sanctuary
    Meyki - Sanctuary Posts: 222 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I recommend cleric. For the squad buffs animation.
  • Aubree - Dreamweaver
    Aubree - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,868 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Play a mystic. Quite frankly I like it way better than my cleric. I dont die nearly as much on it either. You get a tank pet to cover the squishy. It is a mana sucker, but worth it.
  • FrostSwallow - Sanctuary
    FrostSwallow - Sanctuary Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I recommend mystic over veno, if played correctly you have a high damage output and kill monsters before they reach you

    You can replace a cleric in some instances (i.e. fb29 - fb59)

    Mystics don't have a tank summon (except the 20 second one, which is useless in this timeframe), like said above they're damage dealers or supporters

    disadvantage: mana... i burn 500.000 MP per day = 100 event potions
  • Lyritha - Heavens Tear
    Lyritha - Heavens Tear Posts: 447 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I recommend mystic over veno, if played correctly you have a high damage output and kill monsters before they reach you

    You can replace a cleric in some instances (i.e. fb29 - fb59)

    Mystics don't have a tank summon (except the 20 second one, which is useless in this timeframe), like said above they're damage dealers or supporters

    disadvantage: mana... i burn 500.000 MP per day = 100 event potions

    The mana part is the reason I probably won't continue with mystic.... hardly even need them as veno. The only time a veno is mana drained is during bosses if using all debuffs.

    The nice thing about venos is you have a choice of build... unless you want to go rank 9 then there is only one build but hey... who cares about rank 9 anyway....

    now if you'll excuse me I'm waiting on Warsoul weapon sale b:dirty gonna restat to claws then and use the best move in the game : fist to face
  • VeonitaMysti - Dreamweaver
    VeonitaMysti - Dreamweaver Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I'd say make a Veno.
    They are easy to play and they can make money easyly cause they do not need that much potions.

    Also Venos are able to solo most bosses so you can indeed help others out.
    I am:
    VeonitaMage Lvl 001 Mage
    Veonita LvL 23 Seeker
    LadyVeonita Lvl 034 Archer
    $exyAlexis Lvl 090 Cleric
    $exyAIexis Lvl 100 Sin

    Im in your Mind and I will never leave~
  • Ahtiryl - Heavens Tear
    Ahtiryl - Heavens Tear Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    eh lets not give the wrong impression... I wouldn't exactly say easy to play.... most classes are less stress free than barb and cleric. However when it comes to playing a veno manual control of the pet can become a headache for some... that is if you're like me and your objective isn't simply to jam a penny in the keyboard for pet heals and do everything possible to wipe out the obstacle.... although some bosses will require the jam a penny in the keyboard route due to debuffs on the pet.
  • MoonMio - Heavens Tear
    MoonMio - Heavens Tear Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I won't recommend you anything, just play which class you like. >.> and I think every class is social, each class is useful for some specific situations.

    P/S: Q.Q Fish isn't an animal