PWI.. seriously...

Zanryu - Dreamweaver
Zanryu - Dreamweaver Posts: 7,261 Arc User
edited March 2011 in Chronicles
PWE needs to get their **** together and stop messing up their own damn game with each update. There's more glitches than you could count on two hands that have been around for YEARS, literally! The **** is that? How do you run a game for years and not fix glitches that have been around for about as long as the game's been out? Hmm.. probably the same way you run a game that introduces even more bugs with each major update... let's see... horrible rubberbanding, ****ed up skill tabs, certain buffs not refreshing, and let's not forget pking in room 1 of the Cube! Oh, did I mention rubberbanding?

Seriously... this is total bull****, oh, that reminds me.. your censors can go **** themselves.

Now.. what was I talking about? Oh, right, thanks for the new dances and all... and thanks for the super cool new fashion... but would you mind taking the time to.. oh, I don't know, at least fix the ****ing auction house? We can't even search anymore... the **** is that? You can't even keep the auction house running correctly with an update? I may not know how to code but Jesus ****ing Christ guys, what kind of incompetent morons are you hiring that manage to royally **** things up with each patch?

Now if you'll excuse me.. I have some rubberbanding to do while I get blasted by R8 BIDS... oh, and I'll probably die since I'll try to click my Domain and it won't work right, so see ya in townb:cute
Post edited by Zanryu - Dreamweaver on


  • MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear
    MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,377 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    You must have a bad day to blow up now . . (b:surrender)
    Sorry i speak engrish b:chuckle
    Nickname doesn't have anything to do with sailor but related to a folklore
    Use search, it was your best friends to avoid many suffering in internet...
  • Zanryu - Dreamweaver
    Zanryu - Dreamweaver Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    You must have a bad day to blow up now . . (b:surrender)

    Actually.. this is a test to see how long it takes for trolls to come or for mods to lock/delete/move this, though even with the censors I do make at least a tidbit of sense :P Seriously... they need to fix their **** >.>
  • CaenisSnow - Dreamweaver
    CaenisSnow - Dreamweaver Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Yeah - The rubberbanding is pretty horrible. Should have been fixed long long ago.
  • BlaZinBoy - Heavens Tear
    BlaZinBoy - Heavens Tear Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Nerd ragggeeeee
  • Dralighte - Harshlands
    Dralighte - Harshlands Posts: 1,540 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Put your genie skills on your skill bar, it will work
    Kylin: thrashtalk everyone, win TWs, serious faction -Dralighte
  • SinfuINature - Harshlands
    SinfuINature - Harshlands Posts: 533 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    PWE needs to get their **** together and stop messing up their own damn game with each updtate. There's more glitches than you could count on two hands that have been around for YEARS, literally! The **** is that? How do you run a game for years and not fix glitches that have been around for about as long as the game's been out? Hmm.. probably the same way you run a game that introduces even more bugs with each major update... let's see... horrible rubberbanding, ****ed up skill tabs, certain buffs not refreshing, and let's not forget pking in room 1 of the Cube! Oh, did I mention rubberbanding?

    Seriously... this is total bull****, oh, that reminds me.. your censors can go **** themselves.

    Now.. what was I talking about? Oh, right, thanks for the new dances and all... and thanks for the super cool new fashion... but would you mind taking the time to.. oh, I don't know, at least fix the ****ing auction house? We can't even search anymore... the **** is that? You can't even keep the auction house running correctly with an update? I may not know how to code but Jesus ****ing Christ guys, what kind of incompetent morons are you hiring that manage to royally **** things up with each patch?

    Now if you'll excuse me.. I have some rubberbanding to do while I get blasted by R8 BIDS... oh, and I'll probably die since I'll try to click my Domain and it won't work right, so see ya in townb:cute

    if you dont like it leave and go to a different game... you might be good at sims3... im sure a player of your LEETNESS could have figured out to put the genie skills on your task bar... and i doubt you can do any better then the devs do... b:bye

    but it would be nice it they did fix the rubberbanding... b:shutup
  • Zanryu - Dreamweaver
    Zanryu - Dreamweaver Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Put your genie skills on your skill bar, it will work

    I'm aware, I've had my genie skills on my skillbar since before the Genesis expansion since I had nothing else to put in the spots I had open.
    if you dont like it leave and go to a different game... you might be good at sims3... im sure a player of your LEETNESS could have figured out to put the genie skills on your task bar... and i doubt you can do any better then the devs do... b:bye

    but it would be nice it they did fix the rubberbanding... b:shutup

    Oh look, it's the guy that can't kill people his level without stealth sparking :D I never said I could, I don't know how to program but honestly... if you're gonna get a job you should at least be able to do it well, that way things like.. oh I don't know.. glitches running rampant in the game you code... don't happen.

    By the way it's not about being able to simply move the skills to your skill bar, the skills should work properly when you click them from your genie. End of story, nice attempt at trolling though Sin :)
  • SinfuINature - Harshlands
    SinfuINature - Harshlands Posts: 533 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    i never said i couldnt kill ppl my lvl in a 1v1 w/o stealth... and things should work correctly but they dont and might not ever b/c ppl keep playing even when they mess stuff up... you be the 1st one ot make a statement and go play sims3... b:victory
  • Ankiel - Raging Tide
    Ankiel - Raging Tide Posts: 260 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    not sure i would have put it quite like you did, but you are right in everything you said
  • Crystyl - Dreamweaver
    Crystyl - Dreamweaver Posts: 112 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Have you ever noticed the more offensive your post is the less likely you are to get an intelligent response? No matter if you have valid points or not!
    Actually the Mayans predicted the end of Twinkies!
  • Zanryu - Dreamweaver
    Zanryu - Dreamweaver Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    i never said i couldnt kill ppl my lvl in a 1v1 w/o stealth... and things should work correctly but they dont and might not ever b/c ppl keep playing even when they mess stuff up... you be the 1st one ot make a statement and go play sims3... b:victory

    People play because they still get some form of enjoyment out of the game or they feel the need to help their friends or faction even though they've achieved all of their goals... regardless of whether or not the game works as it should. Even someone like you has to admit it'd be nice if they fixed things and made the game work right :P
    Have you ever noticed the more offensive your post is the less likely you are to get an intelligent response? No matter if you have valid points or not!

    It's not offensive.. all the naughty words are censored b:cute
  • Futurelord - Dreamweaver
    Futurelord - Dreamweaver Posts: 450 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Oh hey look its Zanryu ("HEADBUTT!!!!")
    b:scorn...We are one, We are many, We are watching you...b:scorn
  • SeaCrit_Sin - Harshlands
    SeaCrit_Sin - Harshlands Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    These bugs/gitches/etc exist becuase PWI's player base accepts it. Ranting and raving on forums shows that you aren't happy about it, but logging in and continuing to charge zen proves that it is accepted.

    People want fixes? Stop charging zen and stop playing. Go find another game to play and encourage your PWI friends to join you. The best feature this game has anymore is its community. That's why ppl remain here. So take their greatest asset away from them and see if the company takes measures to make PWI better. The only thing you have to lose is a broken game (one with GMs that have proven they have very little knowledge of content and aren't considerate enough to respond to the players to inform/educate them of anything).

  • SinfuINature - Harshlands
    SinfuINature - Harshlands Posts: 533 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Have you ever noticed the more offensive your post is the less likely you are to get an intelligent response? No matter if you have valid points or not!

    no he makes good points and they should take time to fix the bugs starting with rubberbanding but they dont... i really agree with most of what he said... but i give him a hard time b/c he is easy to mess with and he gets all worked up... he makes me LOL b:chuckle but he is still a jerk
  • Zanryu - Dreamweaver
    Zanryu - Dreamweaver Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Oh hey look its Zanryu ("HEADBUTT!!!!")

    The wild Zanryu is unaffected!
    These bugs/gitches/etc exist becuase PWI's player base accepts it. Ranting and raving on forums shows that you aren't happy about it, but logging in and continuing to charge zen proves that it is accepted.

    People want fixes? Stop charging zen and stop playing. Go find another game to play and encourage your PWI friends to join you. The best feature this game has anymore is its community. That's why ppl remain here. So take their greatest asset away from them and see if the company takes measures to make PWI better. The only thing you have to lose is a broken game (one with GMs that have proven they have very little knowledge of content and aren't considerate enough to respond to the players to inform/educate them of anything).


    But then how would the cash shoppers stroke their epeen?! A lot of people like PWI because you can pay to win, it's not like it used to be where you worked hard and the no talent idiots that couldn't play their class got weeded out before level 50, now you just charge some cash, get end game gear, go +10 on it and one shot the poor people/low levels/people just as unskilled as you but can't cash shop. If they moved to another game they'd have to actually *GASP* compete and rely on actual skill! :O
  • mylittleseeker
    mylittleseeker Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    funny story.. but in the hours i spent levelling my mystic to 30, I never rubberbanded once, despite often dropping right onto npc heads , jumping up and down hills etc. Roll on to levelling my Seeker and boom rubberband on hills, npc, picking his nose...

    Same PC hardware, Same(ish) time of day, different characters...

    Has anyone else done any investigation on if rubberbanding affects specific classes more than others. For example I don't remember rubberbanding often on my veno either, but my BM was a bouncer.

    Is it just that melee classes run around more while fighting so rubberbanding is more noticable?
  • Zanryu - Dreamweaver
    Zanryu - Dreamweaver Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    funny story.. but in the hours i spent levelling my mystic to 30, I never rubberbanded once, despite often dropping right onto npc heads , jumping up and down hills etc. Roll on to levelling my Seeker and boom rubberband on hills, npc, picking his nose...

    Same PC hardware, Same(ish) time of day, different characters...

    Has anyone else done any investigation on if rubberbanding affects specific classes more than others. For example I don't remember rubberbanding often on my veno either, but my BM was a bouncer.

    Is it just that melee classes run around more while fighting so rubberbanding is more noticable?

    My bet is that it's just more noticable on melee classes, though back when I PvP'd on my Cleric I'd rubberband while kiting and get wtfpwned because I couldn't do anything to get away or retaliate. Rubberbanding in general sucks, but it sucks a hell of a lot more when it gets in the way of trying to fight whether it be PvP or PvE.
  • Sierron - Dreamweaver
    Sierron - Dreamweaver Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I did noticed that since the updates some pet names aren't translated anymore. Kowlin or something has now some chinese name in romanji.
  • Sanctam - Dreamweaver
    Sanctam - Dreamweaver Posts: 328 Arc User
    edited March 2011

    Seems like people are stopping paying...
    Perfect World Co., Ltd. (PWRD), Monday reported a decline in profit for the fourth quarter, due primarily to lower revenues from a decrease in active paying customers

    Of course, this is China so it doesn't mean that our players are paying any less. It just means that Perfect World doesn't care about making stuff better since they're losing revenue to a dead game b:cute
  • Zanryu - Dreamweaver
    Zanryu - Dreamweaver Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited March 2011

    Seems like people are stopping paying...

    Of course, this is China so it doesn't mean that our players are paying any less. It just means that Perfect World doesn't care about making stuff better since they're losing revenue to a dead game b:cute

    Come to think of it.. I seem to recall a certain thread showing that PW's stocks are going down quite dramatically... surely that's not a sign of anything bad right?

    (I can't be bothered to find it at the moment, maybe I'll dig it up later or someone else posting on this thread will.)
  • SinfuINature - Harshlands
    SinfuINature - Harshlands Posts: 533 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    The wild Zanryu is unaffected!

    But then how would the cash shoppers stroke their epeen?! A lot of people like PWI because you can pay to win, it's not like it used to be where you worked hard and the no talent idiots that couldn't play their class got weeded out before level 50, now you just charge some cash, get end game gear, go +10 on it and one shot the poor people/low levels/people just as unskilled as you but can't cash shop. If they moved to another game they'd have to actually *GASP* compete and rely on actual skill! :O

    like i said to you in a past post... life isnt fair and neither is this game... this game takes no RL skill to play... you have a lot of time to spend good for you... some ppl dont so they spend cash to make up for lack of time... its part of the game... pwi knows this=pwi is rich=nothig we can do about it... build a bridge and get over it
  • Zanryu - Dreamweaver
    Zanryu - Dreamweaver Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    like i said to you in a past post... life isnt fair and neither is this game... this game takes no RL skill to play... you have a lot of time to spend good for you... some ppl dont so they spend cash to make up for lack of time... its part of the game... pwi knows this=pwi is rich=nothig we can do about it... build a bridge and get over it

    Oh I got over it a long time ago, right about the time I built a bridge over the river of dead cash shoppers I've killed :P
  • SinfuINature - Harshlands
    SinfuINature - Harshlands Posts: 533 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Oh I got over it a long time ago, right about the time I built a bridge over the river of dead cash shoppers I've killed :P

    sweet so the point if this thread was to...

    1. blow time and increase post count
    2. point out the obvious to anyone who plays this game that there are a lot of bugs
    3. QQ about something your butt hurt about
    4. QQ about somthing you know they will not fix b/c they dont have to and your over that
    5. QQ b/c you just cant but help to QQ

    #5 ftw plz b:victory
  • Felicitious - Raging Tide
    Felicitious - Raging Tide Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I think a petition thread stating that the player base community of PWI will not put in any USA or other currency into the game until the demands are met ect, ect, people still would be buying zen through trading but maybe making those Bosses in PWE see more dramatic loss in finances will make them light a fire under the devs butts to make them fix bugs/glitches. b:chuckle
    Aghh! My avatar pictures won't show up because my internet loaths me. b:surrender