beastboyisbeast's Ultimate Seeker Guide

beastboyisbeast Posts: 95 Arc User
edited November 2011 in Seeker
The seeker is a mix between a BM and WZ. This being because they're a heavy armor melee class that have certain magic attack skills based off of physical attack, have medium range skills, and have several buffs that can greatly benefit the party.

This is the class for people who want to play a melee- class like a BM except with some Wizard like skills.

If you want to deal lots of damage and play more offensively I suggest BM.

In this guide I use a lot of acronyms that new players might not know
PvE- Player vs Environment (monsters)
PvP- Player vs Player
BM- Blade master
WZ- Wizard
DoT- Damage over time
AoE- Area of effect

Pros & Cons:

Pros: Medium damage that can take down monsters quick enough. Good survivability because of medium- high health and heavy armor giving good physical defense. Good party buffs and debuffs against tough monsters, like p def lowering debuffs. The buffs can also prove interesting in one on one PvP and territory wars.

Cons: Hard to be viable as a DPS build. Because of this this class may not be able to tank as well as a BM or Barb would.

Seekers need at least 5 STR and 3 DEX to be able to wield swords
Also contrary to what to a myth that has been spreading around, Seekers do NOT put any points into MAG.

Higher Survivability Build/ New player build:
Even levels: 3 STR 2 DEX
Odd levels: 2 STR 1 DEX 2 VIT

This build will make it easier for new players who are just getting used to PW to survive with the extra 30HP every 2 levels, because 1 point into VIT gives 15HP to a Seeker.

Higher Damage build:
Even levels: 3 STR 2 DEX
Odd levels: 4 STR 1 DEX

This build will deal significantly higher damage at a cost of lower health meaning lower survivability. This build is still viable for new players but you will go through pots and charms faster meaning less cash. Refinements and health gems also recommended.


The larger part of this guide, this is where you will find the uses of the skill and if the skill is necessary to get right away.

The info in this section was found at:
In total the Seeker has 25 skills.

* First Priority, good for both PvE and PvP
* Second Priority, just as good but not important to level up right away
* If you have extra spirit
* Not necessary for PvE, but usefull in PvP and in later levels TW

Attacks Skills:

This is the list of all the attack skills that Seeker's currently have.

* Rock Splitting Cleave:

This skill is the basic extra damage swing. Your start with it. Something you usually use when looking for a little more damage to take down the opponent quicker.

* Staggering Strike:

Another base damage plus extra damage skill. Even more useful when the Eye of the Northern Sky debuff is on the enemy to deal extra damage depending on the level of the skill.

* Battousai:

The Seeker's first physical + magical attack melee attack. This skill deals base damage + extra metal damage. Good in PvP for hitting players with high p. def and low magical resistance.

* Ion Spike:

One of two of the first AoE skills the Seeker gets at level 29. This skill attacks enemies within a certain range between your target and deals basic damage + a % of your weapon damage + extra damage. This skill packs a lot of damage in an AoE and also has a chance to proc a debuff that reduces metal resistance by a certain %. The one draw back is it costs 1 spark.

* Stalagstrike:

The second of two of the first AoE skills the Seeker gets at level 29. This skill also attacks enemies within a certain range between your target and deals base physical damage + extra damage. This is a nice basic AoE that can be used once every 8 seconds. Also when this skills is used on an enemy with the buff, Parchedblade Dance it deals another bit of extra damage and stuns the target for 3 seconds.

* Heartseeker:

This attack deals base damage + a % of your weapon damage + extra damage. It also has a % chance to immobilize your enemy proving useful for PvP to hold players that are fond of kiting.

* Darkcloud Bolt:

This is the third AoE skill of the Seeker that deals base damage + extra damage to enemies within the range of the skill. This and Stalagstrike will be your bread and butter low cooldown AoEs. With both skills having a cooldown of 8 seconds.

* Gemini Slash:

The Seeker's 4th AoE that deals base damage + a % of your weapon damage + extra damage. This skill is a HUGE damaging AoE and when used with the Soulsever Minuet buff can deal even more MASSIVE damage, by that meaning an extra amount of metal damage to take out high p. def enemies and lowering the targets attack and defense levels by X amount for 3 minutes.

* Edged Blur:

Will edit this when I get info.

* Yataghan Vortex:

This is a constant channeling skill that drains X mana every 1.5 seconds and deals base damage+ a % of your weapon damage + extra damage constantly (interval not specified). Nice skill for taking out masses quickly because of its HUGE constant damage. Costs 2 sparks though.


This is the list of most of the buffs (except the special defense buff) that Seeker's currently have.

* Northern Sky Waltz:

Buff that lasts for 10 minutes that gives you a % chance to add the Eye of the Northern Sky status on the enemy which lowers their defense and increases damage done by Staggering Strike. Nice skill for boosting your killing speed.

* Bladed Fervor:

An active blessing (buff basically) which increases your critical %, attack level and defense level. An overall nice buff/ blessing.

* Parchedblade Dance:

Buff that lasts for 10 minutes that gives you a % chance to add the Bloodlet status on the enemy which deals DoT. When used stalagstrike deals extra damage and stuns the enemy for 3 seconds.

* Saber Rattle:

An active blessing (buff basically) which increases the fighting ability of party members within 15 meters of you that increases their attack level by X levels. Good for instances to get through quicker and finish the boss faster. The one important and unfortunate downside is that it costs 1 Mirage Celestone.

* Soulsever Minuet:

Buff that lasts for 10 minutes that gives a you a % chance to add the Spirit bore status on the enemy. Gemini Slash deals extra metal damage and lowers enemies attack and defense levels by X levels for 3 minutes. Good for dealing bursts of damage possibly being useful for PvP.

* Krav Maga:

An active blessing (buff basically) which increases the defensive capability of you and your party within 15 meters of you that increases their defense level by X levels. Like Saber Rattle this skill also unfortunately uses a Mirage Celestone. Good if your party has squishy characters that need some extra damage reduction.

* Blade and Sword Mastery:

The Seeker's mastery skill (passive) which increases damage done by blades and swords. This basically equates to more damage, get it.

Special Debuffs:

This is a list of the special debuff skills that Seeker's get, but are only useable on monsters. The debuffs that don't need a special extra status on the enemy to start with.

* Heart Shatter:

Casts a debuff that lowers the monsters metal and physical resistances and increases the critical % against that monster. This skill is useful for helping for making physical attack classes dish out extra damage against bosses to make things faster.

* Mind Shatter:

Casts a debuff that lowers the monsters wood and water resistances and increases the critical % against that monster. This skill is useful for helping casters dish out extra damage with their wood and water spells against bosses to make things faster.

* Soul Shatter:

Casts a debuff that lowers the monsters fire and earth resistances, increases the critical % against that monster and also increases damage done by a %. This only lasts 20 seconds so this should be used when all of the players in your party plan to use their high damage skills.

Special Skills:

* Unfetter:

This is a nice skill that can be used to run away from enemies or after enemies. When maxed increases your run speed by 90% for 15 seconds. Very useful for PvP.

* Blade Affinity:

Decreases the time it takes to channel skills by 80% when maxed. This skill is useful for when an enemy is stunned and you need to take them out as fast as you can by spamming you high damage skills quickly. This only lasts for 6 seconds though so its used had to be play thoughtfully and it has a 1 minute cooldown.

* Adrenal Numbness:

Increases you defense level by X levels for 30 minutes. This skill is just useful all around for helping absorb damage in boss fights or in PvP battles.

* Voidstep:

This skill warps yourself yo your target and stuns then for 3 seconds. This is a very useful skill for runners and can be the beginning of a stun lock. It costs 1 spark though and has a 3 minute cooldown.

* Quid Pro Quo:

This skill silences and transfers up to 10 of your debuffs to your target. This skill is useful because it can interrupt your opponent like a wizard casting their Black Ice Dragon from killing you and taking away those pesky DoTs.
He's charging his lazer.

Post edited by beastboyisbeast on


  • beastboyisbeast
    beastboyisbeast Posts: 95 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    This is an analysis by VinnieZ. Credits to VinnieZ for this part.

    Looks like some personal analysis could be added her so this is some of my own experiences with the seeker

    What skill to lvl?
    Prioritize your stances. it increases the chance of debuff and the effectiveness of debuff which is core to a seeker... then your self buffs... 32 def lvl is very nice, blade fervor is good too...I then lvled up the range attacks to deal more damage and increase range. early game, max out staggering strike and battousai cos although they dont do much damage, they are spammable skill... Heartseeker is nice opener and good one to lvl when u are killing quest mobs at lvl 39+ due to the immobilize effects.. hit them with your ranged attacks first then engage melee... once higher lvl, you can look at maxing out the aoe moves such as gemini slash/staggering strike/darkcloud bolt... they do cost significant amt of money n spirit but gemini slash helps kill mob faster in combination with the soulsever minouet

    Stepping into instances, such as FC, vortex becomes a nice skill in big pulls... it takes quite a hefty amt of mana for a HA class so id suggest to not be too hasty to lvl it.. at heads, use staggering strike n batousai for quick combo... darkcloud bolt/staggering strike for clustered mobs near you... blade affinity+geminislash combo for head cluster far from you

    At higher lvl you become more party oriented and then u can start lvlin party buffs/ pve debuff eg. heart shatter

    if you pvp a lot, quidproquo and the teleport stun is good skill to have.. quidproquo i kept at lvl 2-3 cos i dont think youd ever find 10 debuff to transfer..if you do youd probably alredy be dead xD

    demon or sage?
    skills are not out yet but based on translation( if translation= true) i think sage gives better effect...(inc chance of debuff...immunity of unfetter, tele stun duration increase...etc.... also, seekers have a lack of chi build skills so goin sage would help with that

    the current lack of anti disable and seekers own disable skill put seeker at a disadvantage 1 v 1 with another class... so far your +32 def lvl buff would have to cover the lack of cc skills... :(

    ive tried out duels with a few classes b4 but noted there is more to pvp than just duels..

    vs bms/barbs : try to kite them first using heartseeker and a few other range skills...this is seekers advantage over bm..we have ranged skills to cast... remember that you have skills that deals metal damage too..which works great against HA classes

    vs archers: tele stun skill /heartseeker immobilize and get close... use your ranged attacks when these skills are in cd and the archer is kiting you.. they use thundershock to metal debuff you? transfer it to them using quidproquo then use your own metal dmg skills..

    vs clerics: could be tough as theyve got heal+plume shell and sleep... and they deal magic damage...basically have to get as much damage to break the shell and use parcheblade stance to get lucky on a debuff to stun with stagger strike

    vs sins: although edged blur can potentially knock sin out of stealth, a good sin would not stand by you when you cast that and engage once its out... id suggest casting it if you can... in the thick of the fight with the sin so as when hes constantly disabling you, youre still dealing damage to them... you have to deal with the constant disabling skills they have but thank god you are HA class to better tank those damage

    have yet to try out against other classes... and have yet to test in mass pvp like TWs

    Just my personal analysis and simple walkthrough..thought id share but there is much more content to be explored and added about the seeker class
    He's charging his lazer.

  • beastboyisbeast
    beastboyisbeast Posts: 95 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    He's charging his lazer.

  • pokelok
    pokelok Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    so we would not put in any mag.? because wizzy's use mag. and i've been pretty confused, i'm lvl 9 right now and i've been saving all my points waiting for a good guide, so would we use the mag. or no? and please explain why
  • AuroraLucia - Archosaur
    AuroraLucia - Archosaur Posts: 279 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    No, you do not put Mag in. I shouldn't have to explain it, but basically it's because Mag will only increase your magic resistance and MP. The skills that apply magic damage work with your physical attack, not your magical. It is similar to how the Archer's metal skills work with it's physical attack, or how Plume Shot deals physical damage but is based on the magical damage the Cleric has.

    Also, you wouldn't want to put in Mag anyways because it is not required for Seeker weapons. Seekers can only use swords, blades, and dual versions of both. Because of that, they only have two stat points left over per two levels, which you cannot use for arcane armor. So, you are a HA/LA class that puts into Vit, Dex, and Str. The minimum stats you need to keep up with sword/blade reqs (with the exception of the supply stash weapons) is 5 Str, 3 Dex every two levels, with 2 points left over (recommend Vit).

    As for this guide, so far it has shown absolutely nothing to prove it will be worthwhile. Even my Assassin guide, though only a decent guide, was better than this.
  • _Nicely_ - Archosaur
    _Nicely_ - Archosaur Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Some info are wrong here..

    Gemini slash doesnt cost you any spark and its one of the skill youd want to prioritize... it deals massive massive damage+ its an aoe+ it doesnt cost any spark+ its ranged

    Edged blur is another one of my favorite skill too... basically it damages opponents around you and with this skill you can run around and damage enemies!
  • Haden - Dreamweaver
    Haden - Dreamweaver Posts: 376 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Should probably be noted in your guide that seekers fight primarily at medium range, and with debuffs. Also that they're able to debuff at greater efficency than Bms as their debuffs last longer and stack easier.

    As for being "less aggressive" than a bm, its also kind of a broad statement, and one that you're going to get people disagreeing with.

    you also may want to include the ranges of certain attacks.
    Good intentions are like peeing yourself in dark leather pants, you get warm feelings inside, but it doesn't show.
  • fred12121
    fred12121 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    this guide is not worth reading
    there cant be any decent guide after 2 days of release
  • beastboyisbeast
    beastboyisbeast Posts: 95 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Some info are wrong here..

    Gemini slash doesnt cost you any spark and its one of the skill youd want to prioritize... it deals massive massive damage+ its an aoe+ it doesnt cost any spark+ its ranged

    Edged blur is another one of my favorite skill too... basically it damages opponents around you and with this skill you can run around and damage enemies!

    Thanks I fixed this.
    He's charging his lazer.

  • beastboyisbeast
    beastboyisbeast Posts: 95 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    No, you do not put Mag in. I shouldn't have to explain it, but basically it's because Mag will only increase your magic resistance and MP. The skills that apply magic damage work with your physical attack, not your magical. It is similar to how the Archer's metal skills work with it's physical attack, or how Plume Shot deals physical damage but is based on the magical damage the Cleric has.

    Also, you wouldn't want to put in Mag anyways because it is not required for Seeker weapons. Seekers can only use swords, blades, and dual versions of both. Because of that, they only have two stat points left over per two levels, which you cannot use for arcane armor. So, you are a HA/LA class that puts into Vit, Dex, and Str. The minimum stats you need to keep up with sword/blade reqs (with the exception of the supply stash weapons) is 5 Str, 3 Dex every two levels, with 2 points left over (recommend Vit).

    As for this guide, so far it has shown absolutely nothing to prove it will be worthwhile. Even my Assassin guide, though only a decent guide, was better than this.

    Thankyou for answering his question, but you could just make your own guide instead of going around and critizing other peoples guides, not that I can't take critisizm or anything.
    He's charging his lazer.

  • AuroraLucia - Archosaur
    AuroraLucia - Archosaur Posts: 279 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Thankyou for answering his question, but you could just make your own guide instead of going around and critizing other peoples guides, not that I can't take critisizm or anything.

    Some of the information has been wrong, you have posted nothing to show you even know anything aside from the skill descriptions and basic knowledge already established on these forums, and at that your skill descriptions are not even that great. You have not shown any in-depth knowledge of the Seeker, which I do not blame you for as no one has any yet. However, to create a guide so quickly when you cannot even complete it yet seems pretty arrogant to me (no offense intended). Only two kinds of Seekers exist right now, the ones who are learning their class, and the ones who power leveled and don't know **** about the the class.

    And this doesn't apply to just your guide. It also applies to the guide ChaoticShelly decided to sticky. Why you would sticky a guide which cannot be completed for a while just because it looks like it might be good is beyond me, but, it is her choice, and I will not hate on her for it. Either it will be a good guide, or it will be a bad one that will have to be unstickied. I'm just saying, the only classes that could have had an immediate guide up right on their arrival to PWI are the original six, and that is because many of us played them before PWI came out, and they had already had guides back then.

    So, no, I will not just go create my own guide, because I do not know enough about the Seeker class yet. I do know enough to say that this guide has done nothing but shown the basics. If you want to improve it, give a better description of the skills, include all possible builds, give the certain situations where each stance is better (because that much can be concluded just from the descriptions themselves), and any PvP experience you have gained by playing this class. There are so many ways to improve this guide that because they all are absent from it, it is not showing any promise.

    I had lacked things in my Assassin's guide, but I gave more than just descriptions and such. I gave my personal feelings on each move, what was worth leveling and prioritizing, when I felt it would be most useful, how I thought it could be used best, combinations, etc., and some of my advice in other guides was even added into the current stickied one (though the person who credited me misspelled the name, but I won't hold that against him, he gave credit and that is what counts).

    For your guide, I'll even give you some of my opinions if you wish, so long as they are cited if you were to decide to use them. So, don't take it as an attack when I criticize, I often sound much meaner than I am, and I mostly only am ever saying something mean when I just can't find a better way to say it. Does your guide show any promise? No, not right now. Could it? Sure, but it doesn't mean it is a guide until it is actually shown to be useful. As a newbie, I could just look in these forums and find out all the information you have given so far and more. If you are going to add a guide so soon, you had better be reading these forums and most every thread that comes up, because it will all be relevant to what you will need in a guide.

    So, make your guide better and improve on it where it needs it, I'll consider it a work in progress then. If I think it shows promise, I'll even help to bump it every so often. Until then though, I just see it as a thread that offers nothing to the community.
  • Shadane - Heavens Tear
    Shadane - Heavens Tear Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    No offence to anyone who thinks otherwise, but I think its fine; I don't expect a work of art guide to appear this soon from release. I appreciate anyone out there who's willing to give info on these new classes, and part of the usefulness of putting one in forum is that others can contribute to the general fund of knowlege and the guide can be updated. I don't find it arrogant that someone is willing to offer advice, because even though these classes are new and not many know much about them, you will have people looking at the forums and QQing if they can't find information (cause you know, there are QQers about anything...). At least this way, we have a baseline to start from. Details can emerge as more info comes in.
    Besides, TOO much info makes a guide cluttered. I want to find out where points go, what skills do and maybe reccomendations on the two; I don't want a Seeker's life story lol. If I just do what I'm told instead of experimenting on my own, I don't learn my class as well (but that's just me, again no offence for those who want/like detailed outlines).

    So decent start, but yeah it IS just a start, and we'll keep that in mind reading it. Basics are good to get straight off the bat, and you can add details later. Its like drawing; you start with the guestures then slowly fill in the figure. Keep updating as you and everyone learns and fix errors if/when they appear, and you're golden.
  • beastboyisbeast
    beastboyisbeast Posts: 95 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    This guide wasn't really do go in depth right away, but to give new players a stat build and give them an idea of what skills to level up. It is true not any guide at this point can be very in- depth.
    He's charging his lazer.

  • AuroraLucia - Archosaur
    AuroraLucia - Archosaur Posts: 279 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    If a guide was considered good for just that, every guide that was ever made would be stickied, but that is not the case. Guides are not meant to be just that, they are meant to give a person an idea of how to develop their character the most efficient way without **** its stats up or without leveling what we would consider the worthless skills, such as Rock Splitting Cleave.

    Like I said, even at low levels there are some things which you can still know about the class in general. If you don't present all of your knowledge on the class and explain to them what will make it easiest on them while developing their character, all you have done is just left them to figure it out on their own, and that is not what they want out of a guide. They want to be given the advice and knowledge, and then decide for themselves without being ignorant to the reasons.
  • beastboyisbeast
    beastboyisbeast Posts: 95 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Well this is basically the same thing as my Psychic guide, except for a Seeker. Its stickied, check it out.
    He's charging his lazer.

  • AuroraLucia - Archosaur
    AuroraLucia - Archosaur Posts: 279 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Sorry, apples and oranges right now. Given, your psychic guide is good, this guide lacks what it has, information that will help a new player beyond what they can already see. A new player can go in game and look at swords at the Blacksmith and see what they need to do for stat points. A player can look at their skill tree or ectacomb's site, which is mentioned all over in these forums right now, and see the information you give and more.

    You don't provide combos like you did in your Psychic guide.
    You don't mention useful ways to defeat each class, like in your Psychic guide.
    Your suggestions of what skills are important and what aren't are easily debated, since not enough people have tried to class out and the skills to be able to truly tell which are best to level, not to mention some just don't make sense to level after a certain point until you have more than enough spirit to, but that can be debated on both sides.

    I could go on with that, but most importantly, this class had been out two days before you created this. Your Psychic guide, you waited a month before you posted its start, that at least makes me think you tried the class and learned it. This is what makes me think arrogance when I see a guide out in less than a week for a class that just came out. Note that I am not calling you arrogant, but it is what it looks like with acting this quickly, and all of this also applies to the other guide as well.

    I just think the guides should wait a while, until people actually play the class through its levels.
  • brent40
    brent40 Posts: 49
    edited March 2011
    ^^ needs to get laid.
  • AuroraLucia - Archosaur
    AuroraLucia - Archosaur Posts: 279 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    brent40 wrote: »
    ^^ needs to get laid.

    Something only a person who couldn't would say. However, I think it would probably be best for you to leave the sexual lives of other people on these forums out of your post, regardless of how wrong they may be, seeing as the GM's might consider that to be sexual harassment, something we certainly wouldn't want you to get banned for right?

    Then again you probably don't care since I'd bet this is just an alt account. Next time you wish to attempt an insult, at least have the courage to do it from your main.
  • PotatoHeadQR - Dreamweaver
    PotatoHeadQR - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,507 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Well this is basically the same thing as my Psychic guide, except for a Seeker. Its stickied, check it out.

    Yes and the vast majority of psychics that visit the forum (and have a basic knowledge of the class) think that it should be unstickied.

    giving this "guide" the title "ultimate" is pure arrogance
    you only purge once #yopo
  • chaoticshelly
    chaoticshelly Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    @AuroraLucia - I'm sure OP appreciates your output on his guide and you've made your opinion clear more than enough. Thanks.
  • brent40
    brent40 Posts: 49
    edited March 2011
    Something only a person who couldn't would say. However, I think it would probably be best for you to leave the sexual lives of other people on these forums out of your post, regardless of how wrong they may be, seeing as the GM's might consider that to be sexual harassment, something we certainly wouldn't want you to get banned for right?

    Then again you probably don't care since I'd bet this is just an alt account. Next time you wish to attempt an insult, at least have the courage to do it from your main.

    Why? and give you more fuel for your WC idiocy?

    I'll spare my fellow Archo members the burdon of your nutcase rants.
  • AuroraLucia - Archosaur
    AuroraLucia - Archosaur Posts: 279 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    brent40 wrote: »
    Why? and give you more fuel for your WC idiocy?

    I'll spare my fellow Archo members the burdon of your nutcase rants.

    Hmm, I never speak on world chat, except when I happen to be looking for a squad, or for recruiting. I've never actually joined in on, or created any of the drama in world chat, so I can guarantee you that I never bring forum drama to the game, or vice versa. That leads me to only think that either you are just making an excuse for not being willing to post on your main because you do not want to risk someone, such as a GM, seeing it. Or, you are just one of the very few people who I have made an enemy out of in game, attempting to taunt me.

    Either way, if you don't have the courage to post such attempts from your main, it is best to say nothing at all, especially since what you have said so far could run close to violating forums rules. Luckily, I don't feel the issue is that important considering you are just a random person on the internet whose opinion I frankly could care less about, due simply to your immature and inaccurate statements.
  • brent40
    brent40 Posts: 49
    edited March 2011
    random person on the internet whose opinion I frankly could care less about
    All while attempting to force your Opinion on someone else..

    Also a -mature- person would know when to walk away, yet your wall of text, with each reply proves your inability to show such maturity, that you rant on about...
  • AuroraLucia - Archosaur
    AuroraLucia - Archosaur Posts: 279 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    brent40 wrote: »
    All while attempting to force your Opinion on someone else..

    Also a -mature- person would know when to walk away, yet your wall of text, with each reply proves your inability to show such maturity, that you rant on about...

    I've never forced my opinion on anyone, I have simply stated it, something which these forums are meant for. Wall-of-text though is just something that was drilled into me by teachers, since my high school teachers all required multiple essays for each test (except for Algebra, Geometry, and Calc). However, a long reply is not showing immaturity, nor is simple discussion. The need to "walk away" only exists when you are arguing about something, but unless beastboy was arguing (which I doubt), he and I were simply having a mature and respectful discussion. We never insulted each other, or attempted to do so as you have.

    In case you have not noticed, all I have told him is I don't think there should be guides out this early, and that when a guide comes out there are certain things it should contain as a minimum. Notice though I never said to him "you have to do exactly as I say," or "my way is right, yours is wrong." I have stated my opinion, not forced it on anyone. A person is allowed to have an opinion. You are allowed to have an opinion, but with the way you are currently showing it, you only make yourself look bad due to your attempts at insult.

    So, before you try to lecture someone else on what maturity is, you had best be able to practice it yourself. A good start would be to drop the insults, and if you wish to have a discussion about you feeling I am forcing my opinion on others, I would be glad to. Until then though, instead of walking away, I'll simply turn my back and wait for you to rise to the level of discussion rather than aspersion.
  • brent40
    brent40 Posts: 49
    edited March 2011
    Welcome back!

    Why am I not suprised you would reply, with yet another agressive natured, opinionated imature responce.

  • Venoblaster - Dreamweaver
    Venoblaster - Dreamweaver Posts: 77 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    you had best be able to practice it yourself. A good start would be to drop the insults

    ^ that

    and what is this thread about anyway? b:shutup
  • AuroraLucia - Archosaur
    AuroraLucia - Archosaur Posts: 279 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    It's a guide posted by beastboy. As for the posts after his first three (two reserved slots), it's basically just a discussion about it. Don't worry though, we plan to throw a pizza party here soon.
  • Torsay - Sanctuary
    Torsay - Sanctuary Posts: 210 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Could you please go get your needs to make yourself visible somewhere else than on very first Seeker guide?

  • SmifnWesson - Lost City
    SmifnWesson - Lost City Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I think at most 2 posts in this thread is accurate...u decide
  • wolverizer
    wolverizer Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I haven't played in a long while and decided to come back to check out the new classes, currently lvl 5 seeker using the 3str 2dex, 2str 2vit 1dex, and i noticed by lvl 5 my stats didn't met the requirements for the perfect military sword, the one u obtain from the tag. My lvl did met the lvl requirements for the sword but the stats didn't, does this mean it will happen the same to all swords or is this one an exception to the rule D:?
  • Venoblaster - Dreamweaver
    Venoblaster - Dreamweaver Posts: 77 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I think the level 5 wep is an exception that has been accounted for on my guide. I reviewed the wep requirements from pwdatabase and they closely match the 5/3/2 build (give or take a couple dex points at higher levels as some weapons requirements can be a couple points off weapons of same level).