Mystics are OP

Daggeras - Harshlands
Daggeras - Harshlands Posts: 9 Arc User
edited March 2011 in Mystic
Hello, i made a seeker and a friend made a mystic, when we were lvl 2x we dueled, i could never won, another seeker dueled him (the seeker was higher lvl than me) my friend soloed the first boss at lvl 19, when i almost got 3 shots, and on duels the combination of pet self heal and those little flower things is unbeatable,the pet stuns, and then destroys you, while the mystic heals itself, its worthless to kill the summon, cuz then the mystic can get free shots on you, and its worthless to attack the mystic cuz he/she heals itself while the summon stuns you and kills you, i personally think the mystic is OP, pls tell me your opinion
Post edited by Daggeras - Harshlands on


  • MrSnipe - Raging Tide
    MrSnipe - Raging Tide Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Their Cleric Psy Wiz Venos b:shutup

    a sniping CAT! b:shocked
    Run for your lives!
  • Eliaera - Sanctuary
    Eliaera - Sanctuary Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    yeah mystic > 5aps

  • Tsubakey - Heavens Tear
    Tsubakey - Heavens Tear Posts: 473 Arc User
    edited March 2011

    this sounds familiar. for some strange reason the thought of "veno is OP cuz there pets do to much dmg where as venos get free shots while player atks pets. nyx and herc also OP" keeps running through my mind. hmmmm, i wonder why....b:puzzledb:question

    protip: ur a sin, s t f u and stealth.
  • Daggeras - Harshlands
    Daggeras - Harshlands Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    i dont want to get off thread but, i only stealth on sticky situations and i never do it on duels, only when im allowed to by the other player, and sins are not invinsible,they are just hard to kill, the mystic combo is unbeatable
  • shadesofgraey
    shadesofgraey Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    OMG does this thread really exist already?
    Dude it's been a day gtfo you epic qq'er
    How could you possibly know if they are good at pvp in a day lol.
    Veno's can solo dungeons and now mystics can too. Because they have pets, doesn't make them op.
    As with veno's, I expect that they will excell at low lvl pve and pvp whilst levelling off as they get higher. Pets don't develop as powerfully as players do. By he time a mystics 100+ and r8/r9 their pets will be insignificant in terms of damage just like a venos. Rememer when everyone qq'd about nix venos being op before sins were around? Back when everyone was 8 or 9x and nix bleed could one shot all lol. Well people lvld and geared up and now we one shot the nixes. Will be same for mystics. Once you realise thata pet is pretty much worthless in pvp for a class that focus's mainly on its pet to fight... it's not really too op is it?
    Mystics don't have any decent dd skills by the looks of it/ Absorb soul is so heavily nurfed for pvp that its not even close to worth casting with that 5 second channeling time and the fact that it only hits had when its used after a dif skill.
    There staple attack is the weakest magic attack in the game. Doing a pathetic 100% wpn dmg + 700 and something compared to every other class which does 100% + about 1300 with their basic maic skills. (veno does less than the others but still more than mystic)

    Mystics are clearly not a pvp orientated class. They are for pve. They will excell in a supporting role and in solitary pve, whist being good at support in group pvp aswell, due to status effects from plants and usefull buffs and heals. But I predict them to be about as good at end game pvp as clerics or venos. This means that they can still be competative and good at 1v1 pvp and very usefull in tw, but you won't get people qqing about how op they are like you do with sins... unless some nab loses one or two duels to a low lvl mystic and come on the forums qqing about it... oh, wait... b:chuckle

  • ugysekell
    ugysekell Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    lol who cares about noob lvl 2x duels? Any magic class beats a melee at that lvl. Mystic will suck endgame, they have no potential PVP skills. b:bye
  • Derressh - Dreamweaver
    Derressh - Dreamweaver Posts: 806 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I'm going to laugh my *** off if when a lot of mystics hit endgame, they become beasts in PvP second only to sins. b:chuckle

    And on the comment of their pet being insignificant like a veno's endgame, the summon's stats are based off of the mystic's stats. They gain attack from the mystic's magic attack, HP from the mystic's HP, and defense from the mystic's defense.
    I'd imagine a +10 r8/r9 mystic's summon would be a nasty little bugger.
    I main a 97 Psy named /\bra. The forums don't like his name.
    So I post on my Barb.
    [On possibly-permanent hiatus]
  • BloodFastx - Harshlands
    BloodFastx - Harshlands Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I hate mystic and seeker
  • Derressh - Dreamweaver
    Derressh - Dreamweaver Posts: 806 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I hate mystic and seeker


    Don't play them, then.
    I main a 97 Psy named /\bra. The forums don't like his name.
    So I post on my Barb.
    [On possibly-permanent hiatus]
  • TrueHarmony - Archosaur
    TrueHarmony - Archosaur Posts: 332 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Lol why does this thread exist all ready, its been a day.... ANY class that has the ability to heal itself or summon pets will have the clear advantage over classes that cant early on. My veno can pwn my boyfriends wizard and were bother fifity, does that mean that veno is op? No, wizards just dont really have access to their best skills at 50. My cleric could OWN my boyfriend until we were both about 70, then i started losing or hardly winning with like 100 hp left when it was over. Theres not even a max level mystic yet and there wont be for a while. Give it some more time before you cry OP

    It could be possible that you just phail at duels :P
    Yeah my sig doesn't match my name...i would say im being all clever and trying to confuse people...but im really just too lazy to make a new one
  • Tsubakey - Heavens Tear
    Tsubakey - Heavens Tear Posts: 473 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I'm going to laugh my *** off if when a lot of mystics hit endgame, they become beasts in PvP second only to sins. b:chuckle

    And on the comment of their pet being insignificant like a veno's endgame, the summon's stats are based off of the mystic's stats. They gain attack from the mystic's magic attack, HP from the mystic's HP, and defense from the mystic's defense.
    I'd imagine a +10 r8/r9 mystic's summon would be a nasty little bugger.

    unless mystics get a pet that is equal to or greater then a phoenix then they will never be all that great in pvp. they will be right behind venos in terms of pvp capabilities.
  • Trawne - Lost City
    Trawne - Lost City Posts: 966 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    unless mystics get a pet that is equal to or greater then a phoenix then they will never be all that great in pvp. they will be right behind venos in terms of pvp capabilities.

    from what i can tell with my mystic so far..... their first pet is as good as a herc. and there's still more pets to come. plus what he wrote in the 2nd part is true, the char's stats add to the summon. so a high refine mystic's pet will be deadly itself.
    I hope that I shall always possess firmness and virtue enough to maintain what I consider the most enviable of title, the character of an honest man. -George Washington
  • Mooy - Heavens Tear
    Mooy - Heavens Tear Posts: 404 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    They are only "op" at low lvl.

    And yes, mystic summon is base on caster's stats, which also affect by caster's gear. But this is true as long as there is no bug....
    visit to read the translated chapters of Zhu Xian.
    Forum Translator of Jade Dynasty, pm me if you need to translate anything. Can be any PWE game.
    Mystic's skill list updated. Final version of lvl11 skills and lvl79, 100 skills.
  • EvilSheDemon - Heavens Tear
    EvilSheDemon - Heavens Tear Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    from what i can tell with my mystic so far..... their first pet is as good as a herc. and there's still more pets to come. plus what he wrote in the 2nd part is true, the char's stats add to the summon. so a high refine mystic's pet will be deadly itself.

    I wouldn't say that. The Herc is good because it has the reflect damage skill. Any pet taking full damage vs. bosses is going to have trouble. To be as effective as a herc they would need much higher defense than the Herc has ... wonders when the "Heavy Mystic" build is coming out lol ....
  • Dyskrasia - Heavens Tear
    Dyskrasia - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,161 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    The first pet is nowhere near as good as a herc. I'm not even sure it's better than a glacial walker. I've got to watch it very closely if it's tanking more than one mob.
    Evict is a sexy chalupa. <3
    retired, etc
  • ticktockoclock
    ticktockoclock Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    ugysekell wrote: »
    Mystic will suck endgame, they have no potential PVP skills. b:bye

    idk about that, our first dd skill gives a debuff that makes absorb soul do x2 dmg, stack those with channeling gear and it could be pretty good vs magic users and some of the plants are pretty sweet
  • Mooy - Heavens Tear
    Mooy - Heavens Tear Posts: 404 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    The absorb soul thingy won't work in PvP if you look at the skill.....
    visit to read the translated chapters of Zhu Xian.
    Forum Translator of Jade Dynasty, pm me if you need to translate anything. Can be any PWE game.
    Mystic's skill list updated. Final version of lvl11 skills and lvl79, 100 skills.
  • Tsubakey - Heavens Tear
    Tsubakey - Heavens Tear Posts: 473 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    The absorb soul thingy won't work in PvP if you look at the skill.....

    it does work in pvp. it just does less dmg. according to the description it does 125% +486 to players and 200% weap dmg +902 dmg to monsters. and thats at lvl 1.

    so basically its just nerfed in pvp. for what reason tho i have no idea since it has such a long channel time and a very noticeable animation that anyone, especially a sin, can cancel it out with knife throw or something...

    looks hella cool tho. almost exactly like vagetas big bang atk in DBZ rofl.
  • Tsubakey - Heavens Tear
    Tsubakey - Heavens Tear Posts: 473 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    from what i can tell with my mystic so far..... their first pet is as good as a herc. and there's still more pets to come. plus what he wrote in the 2nd part is true, the char's stats add to the summon. so a high refine mystic's pet will be deadly itself.

    no it doesnt... i tested this myself. magic nor weapons nor armor has any effect on the overall stats of the pet summon. i tried it with different wands and no diffrence. i tried looking at his stats before and after adding points into magic and no diffrence. tried taking off armor and putting it back on and no difference changed in his stats. so idk where u guys are getting that from unless im missing something.
  • Mooy - Heavens Tear
    Mooy - Heavens Tear Posts: 404 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    It does least in Wanmei. Somebody2 tested it in wanmei a month ago and proof it. People also took screenshot of it as guide in 178 too.
    visit to read the translated chapters of Zhu Xian.
    Forum Translator of Jade Dynasty, pm me if you need to translate anything. Can be any PWE game.
    Mystic's skill list updated. Final version of lvl11 skills and lvl79, 100 skills.
  • Lyogos - Raging Tide
    Lyogos - Raging Tide Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I say all classes have their bennies and their downfalls, are the new classes a breath of fresh air yes, are they gonna be op who knows? I mean really, it would be nice to see someone hand sins their asses everynow and then, but do I expect it to happen, nope. Sins are the bread and butter of the pwi world. Same with barbs and clerics. Just be happy something changed...and pray they get rid of the stupid kites I mean wtf is that????
  • Vetrobor - Raging Tide
    Vetrobor - Raging Tide Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    If it is overpowered it is good. Now everyone can create Mystic and rule.
    Can't wait to finish update and create one.
    It means Mystic can solo lvl up quick? Niceeee!!!
  • violetvalor
    violetvalor Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    no it doesnt... i tested this myself. magic nor weapons nor armor has any effect on the overall stats of the pet summon. i tried it with different wands and no diffrence. i tried looking at his stats before and after adding points into magic and no diffrence. tried taking off armor and putting it back on and no difference changed in his stats. so idk where u guys are getting that from unless im missing something.

    I am sorry if you already know this, but you have to resummon the pet to let any changes that you applied affect it. Or it might also be that at the low levels, the changes to your character are too small to make a noticeable impact on your summon.
  • bdb95
    bdb95 Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    mystics and seekers are both pve based classes..even the seeker bebuff i ahd high hopes for cant be used in pvp at all...i know mystics have skills liek that as well
  • Thelone - Heavens Tear
    Thelone - Heavens Tear Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Just why is it that pwi has to make a class that is soo dmn unbalanced..
    81 mystic v 100+ the mystic does like 1.5k with a +3 wep the pet does 1k

    Knockback > why is the knockback on a mystic pvp based too and not like all the other skills.. either update it or make it like it's supposed to be.. now that no other class can knockback is annoying like there's no attention to the balanced classes (not saying that sins are balanced)

    self ress is rather bs don't make it 15 mins the rebuff won't be too hard to forget then since it's far too long, the desciption was like a small amount of time thinking max 2 mins orso

    and then the dmg that is far too high, mp drain.. my ***..

    -done btching now- hope you do something with this pwi
  • Haden - Dreamweaver
    Haden - Dreamweaver Posts: 376 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I knew it was gonna be a matter of time, I didnt think it'd be a matter of days though <.<
    Good intentions are like peeing yourself in dark leather pants, you get warm feelings inside, but it doesn't show.
  • Eliaera - Sanctuary
    Eliaera - Sanctuary Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Just why is it that pwi has to make a class that is soo dmn unbalanced..
    81 mystic v 100+ the mystic does like 1.5k with a +3 wep the pet does 1k

    Knockback > why is the knockback on a mystic pvp based too and not like all the other skills.. either update it or make it like it's supposed to be.. now that no other class can knockback is annoying like there's no attention to the balanced classes (not saying that sins are balanced)

    self ress is rather bs don't make it 15 mins the rebuff won't be too hard to forget then since it's far too long, the desciption was like a small amount of time thinking max 2 mins orso

    and then the dmg that is far too high, mp drain.. my ***..

    -done btching now- hope you do something with this pwi

    omg inorite nurf mystics nao 5aps need revamped to keep up raise cap to 6APS!!
    I knew it was gonna be a matter of time, I didnt think it'd be a matter of days though <.<

    Never underestimate the QQ-force of PWI users.
  • Adaran - Harshlands
    Adaran - Harshlands Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I don't think the new classes are as OP as people think they are. Mystics are actually pretty useless fighters if they don't have their summons. Besides if it's their healing skills your worried about, they rely on healing themselves and their summons in order to just stay alive. I think the only way a mystic will only be able to do damage at higher levels is if their opponent is a newbie or if it had an MP charm.

    Really all you have to do is get them to use up all their MP and then they're finished. Even if it means you're stocking on HP pots and charms.

    (wow...I think I just gave away the big secret that mystics want to keep to themselves b:chuckle)
  • Adroit - Lost City
    Adroit - Lost City Posts: 4,628 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I don't think the new classes are as OP as people think they are. Mystics are actually pretty useless fighters if they don't have their summons. Besides if it's their healing skills your worried about, they rely on healing themselves and their summons in order to just stay alive. I think the only way a mystic will only be able to do damage at higher levels is if their opponent is a newbie or if it had an MP charm.

    Really all you have to do is get them to use up all their MP and then they're finished. Even if it means you're stocking on HP pots and charms.

    (wow...I think I just gave away the big secret that mystics want to keep to themselves b:chuckle)

    bringing up mana? This must be a troll.
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  • abyssia
    abyssia Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    So the qq begins the nerf bat squad arrives after games released if you dont like it don't play.If you play still stop finding reasons to nit pick and please enjoy the game. Since boutique alows you to be have advantages but its not req

    Its free you don't pay a sub if you did then perhaps you might get a small prop to go "why!!".

    each class has its pros and cons and so far i see whining over new races or sins or anything.

    Best advice is L2p your class enjoy the percs it gets better you shouldnt go off on how why they get this and i don't b:shocked

    I tend to see this on other mmo's and i think the pitty comity is always sad to do this barely after a new race is created b:chuckle

    Relax dont get excited b:cuteb:cute