Time for hibernation



  • Kastus - Raging Tide
    Kastus - Raging Tide Posts: 558 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    FuzzyWuzz wrote: »
    Also, as an after-thought, maybe it would be fun to fraps a quick video of selling a Scroll of Tome and a set of +7 Deicides to an NPC.

    Toy gave Fuzzy the idea. b:laugh

    edit: Too bad its bound, because how many people would it make cry to fraps the npc'ing of the beautiful Cascade Glow? b:laugh

    lol gimme SoT ijs goodluck with ur future endeavors fuzzy wuzzy maybe ill see you on a different server Erydea perhaps lol

    thank you for all that youve done for me, for varden
    wouldnt have made it this far if it wasnt for all the people that helped me including you fuzzy

    see you later b:victory
    youtube.com/kimbachiboy b:victory

    Schooling QQme in The Art of PK since 2012
  • Bellefleurs - Raging Tide
    Bellefleurs - Raging Tide Posts: 733 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Belly gonna miss the Fuzzy. Take care darlin <3
    Retired nonfactor archer.
  • IPwnUNub - Raging Tide
    IPwnUNub - Raging Tide Posts: 65 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Dude, you seriously have no idea how much you are going to be missed around here.

    You alone are proberlly one of the few left standing which honestly is really respectable and honorable. No fraction jumping and stayed on to the very end. Kudos to you and do hope to see you around one day. Will miss ya!
  • WhiteEther - Raging Tide
    WhiteEther - Raging Tide Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Fuzzy leaving....can't believe it....you'll want to come back, at least to check how things are going on...oh, and don't NPC your stuff....b:surrender
  • Aradriella - Raging Tide
    Aradriella - Raging Tide Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Aww... will miss your presence on Raging Tides server Fuzzy. I remember being a little level 5x nublet cleric and having you come along to help with a fb51 run and pwning the hell out of everything, I was ooh-ing and ahh-ing, my first brush with greatness. :) Good luck to you, you'll be missed.
  • Enemy - Raging Tide
    Enemy - Raging Tide Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited March 2011
  • Wizzie - Raging Tide
    Wizzie - Raging Tide Posts: 191 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Very sad to see you leave my friend. I didn't know you from the very begining, but you were the first lvl 100 i've ever seen in this game back then when i joined Varden. You were an example for me and my goal was always to achieve what you achieved.I wish you the best in everything you are gonna do from now.

    For the second part of your post, i have to agree with you... I see no challenge in this game anymore.. I miss the fun part of this game.. I hope the expansion will bring something new with it.

    Enjoy your hibernation, you will be missed.

  • BeingHope - Raging Tide
    BeingHope - Raging Tide Posts: 1,869 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I really gotta step up QQme's vent security at the rate this is going...
    Yuki and Fuzzy I'll have to make vent accounts for you both *facepalm*

    Gosh, just a question fuzzy.
    What are you planning on doing without playing PWI?
    Is it a new job you just absolutely love or is it personal reasons?

    Anyways.... hibernation is in the winter time for bears silly!
    You're supposed to be awake fuzzy!
    Hiatus from April 2011
  • chaoticshelly
    chaoticshelly Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Its already been confirmed, Fuzzy is simply re-rolling (and he better be doing it on my server b:kiss).
  • Noob - Raging Tide
    Noob - Raging Tide Posts: 771 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I still want to hear fuzzy's voice for myself one day...b:cry
  • Fortress - Raging Tide
    Fortress - Raging Tide Posts: 151 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    You will be misses Fuzzy. b:cry

    The mistake in my Sig means no ones perfect...

    I am Fortress, he who eats bunnies.
  • KingJoel - Raging Tide
    KingJoel - Raging Tide Posts: 516 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Your 3rd person talking will be missed Fuzzy
  • cheapazz
    cheapazz Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    do i really need to say it again?

    game is dead yo
  • Ambition - Raging Tide
    Ambition - Raging Tide Posts: 1,152 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Ambition will miss Fuzzy because me thinks that Fuzzy was kind pandabear and very drunk too. This is what me thinks!
  • Some_Idiot - Raging Tide
    Some_Idiot - Raging Tide Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I , for 1, is not suprised...
  • imprisonedbylove
    imprisonedbylove Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited March 2011

    ^this b:cry

    I'm sad... Fuzzy you were def one to look up ^.^ I'm going to miss the 3rd person world chats!!! Like Hope said, you've been there from day one and you were a awesome director back when i was in Varden ^.^ What I loved was that you never gave up on TW and though Varden was knocked off the map a few times you guys chased after it again and agian ^.^ Good luck to you and thank you b:sad
    A little bm spirit and a little sage heart!
  • DeeDania - Raging Tide
    DeeDania - Raging Tide Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    It's too sad to think about - Raging tide without "Fuzzy says" b:shocked

    Good luck to u tho.. U really will be missed. b:bye
    f:grin Awesomeness is a state of mind f:shy
  • Rawrgh - Raging Tide
    Rawrgh - Raging Tide Posts: 6,790 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    What will become of poor helios.
    "My understanding of women only goes as far as the pleasure. When it comes to the pain, I'm like any other bloke - I don't want to know."
  • Boogiepanda - Raging Tide
    Boogiepanda - Raging Tide Posts: 4,682 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    What will become of poor helios.

  • Griffus - Raging Tide
    Griffus - Raging Tide Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Fuzzy i have seen you on >_> wtf is going on? me of alll ppl would like a hello, and an explanation to ur yo yo sign ins and goodbyes. v.v i once called u my great friend and respected you dearly, i would have hoped that I would at least be able to get a response when i message you.
  • Epros - Raging Tide
    Epros - Raging Tide Posts: 1,720 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    goodnight sweet prince
  • DaKillanator - Raging Tide
    DaKillanator - Raging Tide Posts: 2,965 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Only ever got to know you when you were leveling your bm, as we did a number of frosts together, but your presence will be missed...

    Tbh, you always seemed to be the constant. No matter what, I knew that Varden, led by that panda, would always pop up on the map somewhere, no matter how stiff the competition.

    You'll be missed

    And who knows...maybe one day, while playing one of my many alts on different servers, I'll run into someone who talks in third person and has a rhyming name, and I'll know I've found you b:cute
  • Blunnon - Raging Tide
    Blunnon - Raging Tide Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Its Officially done Fuzzy_Wuzzy has completed everything he has to do in PWI, QQme helped him kill Harpy Wraith :D

    Kudos to you!

    I know I will see you around ;)