Human Quests Levels 1-19 (Beginner)



  • Ence - Lost City
    Ence - Lost City Posts: 454 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    sarkastian wrote: »
    I have no trouble getting into the skyway. Run along the right edge of the roof at a slight angle so that you will drop off the edge at some point. As soon as you drop, hold space and A, you should jump and move left, through the arcading and onto the skyway. At least that's how it works for me.

    But I'm having another problem. I posted this in the Untamed quest guide and got no response. The problem is with the human version of the quest.

    I get into the skyway and the chest is not clickable. From the Elf and Untamed versions, I expect the cursor to change into a "chopping pickaxe" and then I should be able to click the chest.

    Doesn't happen. Tried it 11 times. If I let the quest timeout or trash it, I can get it again from the Elder but the same thing happens. Can't click chest, can't get token, can't complete quest.

    Is this a bug? Is there a level cap beyond which you can't complete the quest even if you've not done it yet? Do I need to submit a ticket?

    Nope, that's because you're at the wrong chest. The one you need for this level is on top of the south GATE. The Gate you first enter into Ether through when you're coming from the Beginner's Village.
  • Worfix - Harshlands
    Worfix - Harshlands Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    hello, ok Im level 19 blademaster and i've done that call of duty quest... there's another quest which is very similar to this one... Gate to the dark lands I think? well...the problem I have is this: im on 60% and I only need about 8000 exp. for new level...Im doing quest which gives you 14000 I have to do that Gate to the dark lands quest or I can simply skip it? I mean...I dont need that weapon since Im using Axes... Do I have to complete it in order to continue the story?
  • Oromane - Lost City
    Oromane - Lost City Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I cant fight the withered dryads because you said there at a place with lvl 50s and I am lvl 18
  • __Saika__ - Heavens Tear
    __Saika__ - Heavens Tear Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Amazing faq...what happens after level 19? lvl 17 atm and this guide has been INVALUABLE:)...many thanks:)
  • beanthebeanerman
    beanthebeanerman Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    great guide thx alotb:laugh
  • PoisonDragon - Dreamweaver
    PoisonDragon - Dreamweaver Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Oooh. Yeah ok. So, you can jump on the roof of the house behind the drunken warrior, then up onto the actual hill behind him, hop along till you get the the Sky Bridge, then onto it's roof. The tricky part after that is, you need to jump (once) off, then let yourself fall, then jump again into the bridge.

    Actually that is the harder way to do the second jump, the easiest for the second leap quest is to jump from the roof of the house to the POLE like thing right next to it, then from the end of that right up straight onto the bridge :)

    Cakewalk vs the 1st leaping quest.
  • Xelerioq - Harshlands
    Xelerioq - Harshlands Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Thankyou so much for taking the time to do this, I'm forever switching between windows to check up on this guide and I'm very grateful that it's here. Thanks again.
  • Thestalos - Lost City
    Thestalos - Lost City Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Ty for creating this it helped alot!
    When life hands you lemons make orange juice,
    and then sit back and let everyone else wonder how you did it. b:victory
  • Bai_Qi - Heavens Tear
    Bai_Qi - Heavens Tear Posts: 115 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Wow, Didnt know some of these things. I have been carring around the Heirographs thinking it was just supposed to be in my inv. to work. Hahaha, Now I know, Thank You. If u need anything at all on Pw, holler at me. I am on Heaven's Tear alot at night. Thx again
  • Mossberg - Harshlands
    Mossberg - Harshlands Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    This has been really very helpful. Thank you! b:victory
    I rock!

  • Fizzban - Dreamweaver
    Fizzban - Dreamweaver Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    This thread helped me out a few times. Thanks b:pleased
  • Adalor - Heavens Tear
    Adalor - Heavens Tear Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Thanks! That's going to help a lot.

    I've been looking for that rotting corpse, for millenium promise for days now. When I find him, I'm going to kill him.b:laugh
  • overlordsagaris
    overlordsagaris Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Im totaly new in this game b:cry, lvl 20/21 blademaster
    where I can ''find'' squad for challinge quest lvl 19?
    anyone have same quest?b:bye
  • Riaee - Raging Tide
    Riaee - Raging Tide Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Im totaly new in this game b:cry, lvl 20/21 blademaster
    where I can ''find'' squad for challinge quest lvl 19?
    anyone have same quest?b:bye

    Im sure by now youve done that quest. Or maybe not? Im still stuck on that one. I had a good squad when I did it but one guy screwed us all up and we all died. They all had a feeling he was bad Ive done the 1st part of that quest but I havent gotten to the boss...>.< if you havent done that quest add my in game and ill try to get my squad up again.
  • CrimsonCrime - Sanctuary
    CrimsonCrime - Sanctuary Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    extremely helpful guide thx !
  • Ence - Lost City
    Ence - Lost City Posts: 454 Arc User
    edited March 2010

    Version 3.0 notes: (3/22/10)
    -Added version notes
    -Overhauled the font colors for consistency with other guides
    -Overhauled the notes scheme
    -Removed "fix" on cultivation bug from last year
    -Minor fixes on certain coordinates
    -Added link to new content: Supply stash
    -Added link to 20-29 quest guide at beginning
    -Added notes on the signs quests
    -Added notes on pet bag expansion
    -Added FAQ section
    -Added city names for locations of NPCs (to be in accordance with later guides)
    -For the rewards, "Gold" is now "Coin" to minimize confusion with Zen Gold (Cash Shop currency).
  • Donlep - Lost City
    Donlep - Lost City Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    i have a question about the lvl 19 call of duty quest
    do i need to use teleaucustics in order to get the group going, or how do i do that?
    also is it posible to solo it?
    im a lvl 21 blademaster
    in decent gear( i thinkb:laugh)
    everything blue at the lvl i can craft
    and i have lots of healing/mana pots and those HP regen alchemy things
  • Hex - Raging Tide
    Hex - Raging Tide Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I can't get that chest at the top of Etherblade gate at all. I can't seem to jump high enough. Even if I go to the highest point and do a double jump, I still can't reach the bridge that the chest is on. It's really frustrating me, can anybody help with this?
  • Aadi - Lost City
    Aadi - Lost City Posts: 4,449 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I can't get that chest at the top of Etherblade gate at all. I can't seem to jump high enough. Even if I go to the highest point and do a double jump, I still can't reach the bridge that the chest is on. It's really frustrating me, can anybody help with this?

    You're a female, the best way to go about this is to have a male embrace you and fly you up to the top.

    If you're really insistent on doing it yourself, I would suggest looking up videos on youtube, there are multiple ways posted there.
    "aadi is a forum ninja, always there, skirting thru the shadows... striking with quick posts while you are distracted by your own" -Alexeno(kin)
    "We talk about you because you're fab. b:cute" -Chillum
    "You live for forums. Like seriously."
  • jainomatic
    jainomatic Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Tarantulax Lair
    1. Speak to the Old Hunter (498, 970)
    2. Investigate the Tarantulax Lair (Around 478, 927)
    Just get near and it will auto-continue the quest
    3. Report to the Old Hunter (498, 970)
    -Celestone of Heaven/Human/Earth or Celestone Fragment: 1(Random)
    -Reward (Gold: 1800 Exp: 3000 SP: 700 Rep: 2)

    HEY this quest.. i couldnt go to the area u indicated..... 478 927. all i can go to is 478 998. so how to i change the last 3 digits?

    u must use the coordinate assistance box can be achieved near the minimap
  • jainomatic
    jainomatic Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    where is the south gate of etherblade city
  • Mohitj - Raging Tide
    Mohitj - Raging Tide Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    how can blademaster aquire pets or they can't acquire it at all.
  • Skilledcuer - Heavens Tear
    Skilledcuer - Heavens Tear Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    On the Quest A Millennium Promise, u got the SP and Exp backwards. Just thought i point that out xD
  • masterfettster
    masterfettster Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    wow this is pissin me off, just did evel 19 culti quest but didnt get to chose weapon at the end. >@ this is pissin me off, anyone know a way to possibly fix this
  • ence
    ence Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Version 3.1 notes: (12/20/10)
    -Added jumping quest guide
  • Tyronic - Archosaur
    Tyronic - Archosaur Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I BookMarked this page. I LOVE YOU!
  • EithneEtain - Dreamweaver
    EithneEtain - Dreamweaver Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    ence wrote: »
    Ence's Detailed Quest Guide: Human Levels 1-19

    This is the Detailed Quest Guide for Levels 1-19 of the Human race.

    As someone who has only been playing for almost 2 weeks now, I would like to thank you for all the hard and very impressive work you have done to make these guides. I believe that I have been doing my quests in such random order that I will probably have to go back to the beginning-LOL- but having this as a resource is priceless. THANK YOU. MUCHAS GRACIAS. DANKE SCHON. MERCI BEAUCOUP!!!b:pleased
  • maxbrandywine454
    maxbrandywine454 Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Hi, lvl13 here

    I'm stuck in immolation camp.

    I got here by accident now I don't have the ability to teleport to any of my available cities.
    What do I do to get back to either one of them or my home city, Etherblade?
    The town is surrounded by high level monsters and that molten river.

  • Sybarine - Sanctuary
    Sybarine - Sanctuary Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Hi, lvl13 here

    I'm stuck in immolation camp.

    I got here by accident now I don't have the ability to teleport to any of my available cities.
    What do I do to get back to either one of them or my home city, Etherblade?
    The town is surrounded by high level monsters and that molten river.


    It looks like your character is female, so you can ask around in Immolation if a male character can fly you out to city of the lost, where you can teleport back to etherblade.
  • Bellatrixie - Heavens Tear
    Bellatrixie - Heavens Tear Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    ence wrote: »
    For the Recluse
    1. Speak to Mo the Recluse (479, 949) Thousand Wood Ridge
    -Collect 10 Centipede Venom (Drops from Ostial Centipex Lord, located on the south and north ends of Thousand Wood Ridge at around either [469, 941] or [463, 1004])
    2. Report to Apothecary Sung (432, 876) Etherblade
    -Celestone of Heaven/Human/Earth or Celestone Fragment: 1(Random)
    -Reward (Coin: 2700 Exp: 4460 SP: 1000 Rep: 2)

    1 small thing, you need 7 Centipede Venom, in stead of 10. b:surrender
    But thanks! This guide has really helped me a lot in the past and now!