Brutal Honesty



  • _Kazamir_ - Archosaur
    _Kazamir_ - Archosaur Posts: 131 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    I think everybody's got it all a bit wrong...

    @ Kaz: I remember when Elusive was first made. You hated it. I was on your friends list and after Elusive happened, you disliked me, and began ignoring me, killing me on sight, where before, we could hang out at west and talk while both of us were white named. You, later on, apologized for acting that way. You said the rivalry got to your head.
    Rivalry isn't about hatred, but I do agree that it's not about being as friendly as possible, making deals, planning out when to attack eachother, and holding eachother's hands.

    we had fun though didnt we? honestly that was the last bit of real FUN i can say i had on this server. Its because there was that competition...that reason to say "hey im better than you".

    and maybe its because i come from HT where you try to beat the other factions on PRINCIPLE because they are the enemy and will do the same to you. I miss that mentality on a server.

    and Pro...your right i might have misworded that a small bit. I dont mean you have to hate them ALL the time...but when it comes to TW...and there is that word WAR in it...there has to be that im gunna kill you attitude...otherwise it is as you said...all smoke and mirrors.
  • Proski - Archosaur
    Proski - Archosaur Posts: 936 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Pro, your jokes dont have to be funny to everyone. But the jokes that you feel are funny are often at the expense of someone else, and that someone else and his/her friends interpret it as butthurt on your end, which in turn makes them think less of you, which can sometimes become verbal, which in turn makes you see them as stuck up and uptight, which only makes you even more eager to make jokes at their expense.

    not to their discredit, but nobodys good enough to make that many people 'butt-hurt'. i say that because im not the only one who makes jokes or finds the stuff hilarious so the butt hurt isnt felt unilaterally... i would just contend that there is none, that it is instead just really....freaking funny. to people who talk to me over vent or skype, they understand that because i dont say it spitefully, and I make fun of myself all the time. if people without a personality think less of me for that, good for them lolz

    -to your point about nemesis. remember my one post about how people only considered you guys narla not because you merely existed or the same players moved into that faction, but for a different reason? at first i actually did everything to make people believe the contrary, but fluffy and others said that as starting as a joke. but yes, there was a lot more to that beyond the players just being who they were and enjoying what they did. there was that element of manipulation, the fake out bids definitely didnt help. that was just unfortunate. thats why people just started saying oh look here comes narla all over again taking over the map when theres not even TW pay to make that worth it, just power.

    -to your point about mango. no, i love him for who he is i wouldnt want him to change because then theres nothing funny. similarly, he wouldnt want me to change because i know they get a kick out of me sometimes too. everybody should appreciate each other for who they are, and it wouldnt seem offensive that way. yesterday, for the first time he even made fun of himself because of the conjecture troll. and after that, i had nothing to say, how could I? good for him. now... to the people who do it in a really bad way, thats just life, honestly.. he doesnt have to 'change' for them, why would he? people tried to get me to change, potato, but I realized some of the people who REALLY hate me just always will, and those that would wish id at least be a little more considerate I can at least please because thats not me changing who i am. like with mango just being a little more funny about it all
  • BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur
    BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur Posts: 1,842 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Ps. You were calling Rescind Elusive when the leader is completely different. On other hand, calling you narla when you got same leader & director is some sort of crime against mankind.

    Quoted for truth. Darn it, I wish I had thought of this first.

    Old man mystic losing a step every day.
    "And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."
  • WnbTank - Archosaur
    WnbTank - Archosaur Posts: 1,472 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Quoted for truth. Darn it, I wish I had thought of this first.

    Old man mystic losing a step every day.

    I are tired, thinking of bed, I ARE IN THE ZONE, ijs. No, you should try it sometimes, like do something when you are like tired, you`ll do surprisingly well, I got no reason for it. Like taking math test, you have been trolling forums all night, you`ll get A when you usually get Bs. Meh, not really example suitable for me, I`d get A would I not show up on classes, gotta love being giftedb:chuckle.
    Trolling Sid since So Hot :o
  • _Kazamir_ - Archosaur
    _Kazamir_ - Archosaur Posts: 131 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Ps. You were calling Rescind Elusive when the leader is completely different. On other hand, calling you narla when you got same leader & director is some sort of crime against mankind.


    its because Nem has all this apparent 'integrity' or somesuch i suppose...puts them above all the masses...kinda like politicians. now if we can just get a sex scandal out of their officers...
  • AgentPotato - Archosaur
    AgentPotato - Archosaur Posts: 324 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    not to their discredit, but nobodys good enough to make that many people 'butt-hurt'. i say that because im not the only one who makes jokes or finds the stuff hilarious so the butt hurt isnt felt unilaterally... i would just contend that there is none, that it is instead just really....freaking funny. to people who talk to me over vent or skype, they understand that because i dont say it spitefully, and I make fun of myself all the time. if people without a personality think less of me for that, good for them lolz

    -to your point about nemesis. remember my one post about how people only considered you guys narla not because you merely existed or the same players moved into that faction, but for a different reason? at first i actually did everything to make people believe the contrary, but fluffy and others said that as starting as a joke. but yes, there was a lot more to that beyond the players just being who they were and enjoying what they did. there was that element of manipulation, the fake out bids definitely didnt help. that was just unfortunate. thats why people just started saying oh look here comes narla all over again taking over the map when theres not even TW pay to make that worth it, just power.

    -to your point about mango. no, i love him for who he is i wouldnt want him to change because then theres nothing funny. similarly, he wouldnt want me to change because i know they get a kick out of me sometimes too. everybody should appreciate each other for who they are, and it wouldnt seem offensive that way. yesterday, for the first time he even made fun of himself because of the conjecture troll. and after that, i had nothing to say, how could I? good for him. now... to the people who do it in a really bad way, thats just life, honestly.. he doesnt have to 'change' for them, why would he? people tried to get me to change, potato, but I realized some of the people who REALLY hate me just always will, and those that would wish id at least be a little more considerate I can at least please because thats not me changing who i am. like with mango just being a little more funny about it all

    b:laugh I couldnt get past the first paragraph where you mentioned being butt hurt unilaterally....
  • Proski - Archosaur
    Proski - Archosaur Posts: 936 Arc User
    edited February 2011

    dane cook said it best. "theyre just words.. they don't control me!"
  • Zhadi - Archosaur
    Zhadi - Archosaur Posts: 695 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    lol, when you troll someone, you involve them whether they return it or not, so it makes it rather impossible to remove yourself from trolling if you just dont like it. You specifically said you trolled Narla. I know many many people, including myself, that dont enjoy trolling. If you trolled Narla, then you trolled people that didnt like it, and there was nothing they could do about it. You may as well **** someone, and then tell them if they didnt like it, they shouldnt have joined in. Extreme example, but it conveys the point.

    I've been trolled/trashed/taunted before.
    I do reply to a lot of them because, as I've said time and again, I enjoy it. Whether I'm on the giving or receiving end.
    But, on occasions, I do not reply, because I simply decided I didn't want to.
    That was my choice. Nobody can take that from me or anybody else.... except maybe GMs if they IP ban you from the forums or some shiit.
  • WnbTank - Archosaur
    WnbTank - Archosaur Posts: 1,472 Arc User
    edited February 2011

    dane cook said it best. "theyre just words.. they don't control me!"

    I`m coook you mother****ers!

    Though kitty believe we may be talking bout different cooks. Kitty also believes mine is lot tougher guy.
    Trolling Sid since So Hot :o
  • Proski - Archosaur
    Proski - Archosaur Posts: 936 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    its quotes like these from some of those who pioneered our game in its early goings are what gave people a reason to strive for more, whether to prove them wrong or to just achieve something. ANYTHING is better than nothing. excellence breeds better competition, not holding hands and settling for subpar results.

    "DISCLAIMER: If you are a carebear, a Werefox, one of those **** who cries about honor in an online game, this guide is not for you"

    "There's a distinct lack of playerkillers in this game, and I believe that's one of the reasons for the carebear overpopulation. Like deer, if we don't slaughter them meaninglessly then there will become too many.

    So what's a carebear hunter, or PKer as they shall be henceforth known, to do?"

    all im saying is our drama or trolls or "*******s" dont hold a candle to other servers, so theres really no reason for anybody to ever get upset around here.
  • BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur
    BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur Posts: 1,842 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    b:laugh I couldnt get past the first paragraph where you mentioned being butt hurt unilaterally....

    One time, long long ago, in college, this guy on my floor had a video tape (they were VHS tapes back then, encased in stone) his older brother had given him of some bilateral butt hurt.

    All I can say is, if you choose butt hurt at all, I would highly recommend avoiding the bilateral variety. Stick with unilateral butt hurt, for the love of all that is decent and holy.
    "And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."
  • _Mizandry - Archosaur
    _Mizandry - Archosaur Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Kitty has never kicked anybody out of squad do their faction, kitty hasnt declined joining squad due faction of the squad members and kitty has never stopped talking to friends just cause they are in different faction. Rivalry and hating are different things, yet the whole flower world aint rivalry.

    The only faction, that I know of, that has not squaded with somebody cause of faction to this day is Nemesis. It was Narla that kicked Impulse members out of FC squads, not the other way around. And more often that not, it`s been Narla/Nemesis members cutting the connections than the other way around. To me, it`s not you who should be worried of rivalry but your friends, stricly forgetting the invidual personalities.

    Ps. For readers convience, Narla = Nemesis, and being honest, that statement isn`t too far from the truth.

    But kitty did decline buffs because of the faction we were in.... ijs
    Too cold for you to keep her, Too hot for you to leave her <3
  • WnbTank - Archosaur
    WnbTank - Archosaur Posts: 1,472 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    But kitty did decline buffs because of the faction we were in.... ijs

    Kitty did decline them cause of he wouldn`t have gotten sage ones again had he done it, ijs.
    Trolling Sid since So Hot :o
  • _Mizandry - Archosaur
    _Mizandry - Archosaur Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Kitty did decline them cause of he wouldn`t have gotten sage ones again had he done it, ijs.

    But you said it was because Proski said not to.... Hmmm
    Too cold for you to keep her, Too hot for you to leave her <3
  • Zhadi - Archosaur
    Zhadi - Archosaur Posts: 695 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    just wanted to post something to say "ijs" like everybody does because it makes them cool... ijs.
  • _Mizandry - Archosaur
    _Mizandry - Archosaur Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    just wanted to post something to say "ijs" like everybody does because it makes them cool... ijs.

    I thought using "bro" made you cool....
    Too cold for you to keep her, Too hot for you to leave her <3
  • WnbTank - Archosaur
    WnbTank - Archosaur Posts: 1,472 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    But you said it was because Proski said not to.... Hmmm

    Hence not getting sage buffs again, capiche?
    Trolling Sid since So Hot :o
  • Zhadi - Archosaur
    Zhadi - Archosaur Posts: 695 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    "bro" is an inside joke used by a few of us to troll somebody (:

    "Ijs" is just something people think makes them cool, so they use it after everything, even when it makes no sense to use it.
  • Proski - Archosaur
    Proski - Archosaur Posts: 936 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    scholar john here ready to clarify *pushes his everslipping glasses back up the bridge of his nose*

    hrm.... uh hrm... UHG HRHGRMGRGMRG. throat cleared.

    NOW....those so passionate about giving someone something to be butt hurt over can in turn make their own butt hurt from tightening their butt so hard when thrusting in an attempt to place the butt hurt unto others. joining the matter at hand between both parties (albeit out of haphazard inadvertence), in this case the butt hurt becomes buttlateral, i mean bilateral. those who do their deed butt are careful about it escape any sort of affiliation. in this case the butt hurt would be felt unilaterally by the victim, butt that is very rarely the case. he who thinks he is giving someone something to be butt hurt over isn't always sitting as so... no no no, sometimes, hes just missing and he or she who would've otherwise been the recepient of the butt hurt is just laughing. therefore the entire situation is regarded floccinaucinihilipilification.

    in THIS CASE
    proski wrote:
    the butt hurt is not felt unilaterally, instead... it just doesnt exist

    /closes book

    i dont know
  • Zhadi - Archosaur
    Zhadi - Archosaur Posts: 695 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    scholar john here ready to clarify *pushes his everslipping glasses back up the bridge of his nose*

    hrm.... uh hrm... UHG HRHGRMGRGMRG. throat cleared.

    NOW....those so passionate about giving someone something to be butt hurt over can in turn make their own butt hurt from tightening their butt so hard when thrusting in an attempt to place the butt hurt unto others. joining the matter at hand between both parties (albeit out of haphazard inadvertence), in this case the butt hurt becomes buttlateral, i mean bilateral. those who do their deed butt are careful about it escape any sort of affiliation. in this case the butt hurt would be felt unilaterally by the victim, butt that is very rarely the case. he who thinks he is giving someone something to be butt hurt over isn't always sitting as so... no no no, sometimes, hes just missing and he or she who would've otherwise been the recepient of the butt hurt is just laughing. therefore the entire situation is regarded floccinaucinihilipilification.

    in THIS CASE

    /closes book

    i dont know

    I don't think I've ever been more confused in my life
  • _Kazamir_ - Archosaur
    _Kazamir_ - Archosaur Posts: 131 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    ehh...i wasnt aware that being butthurt could be so complicated...good thing im never butthurt
  • _Geogaddi - Archosaur
    _Geogaddi - Archosaur Posts: 175 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    as i sit here, naked in my chair at 5:30 in the morning because i cant sleep and proski put the idea in my head, i find im prolly not gunna sleep till i get this down in a nice lengthy post about how ***** disgusted i am with this server.

    This server...started with a that allowed many from the other burned out servers to start anew, for them to shine once more. This server showed much promise in its early PK battles, constant trolling, Roloson, and the biggest of all, the PROMISE of a good TW, a long TW where the factions on both sides would rather kill each other than hold hands and sing of honor, respect, and integrity.

    While this lasted, id like to say i had a hella fun time here. Met some great people. Had a few laughs. I got all of Narla to show up to Proski's PK Phestival (the p purely for alliteration purposes) at sandsong, i was there when it took 3 people working in VERY organized teamwork to take down ULMOS, i was there to see Narla become all it could be in the defeat of Impulse. Back in the day where it was clear whose side who was on.

    But alas...all good things must come to an end. Impulse disbanded. Narla became complacent with no competition. 3 MONTHS of pure boredom resulted.

    Thanks to the efforts of Proski and his thrown together Elusive...this server saw a glimpse of fun again. I see that now, and had circumstances been different, i would have followed him all the way. Narla fell, Elusive disbanded...seemed to be a server reset yes?

    Sadly while the beast of Narla had been banished...the Carebear attitude that followed it around like a lost puppy remained. Apperently...somewhere along the line...War became a social gathering. War became something not worth going to. War became...well what you see today.

    Maybe its just the way i was brought Texans are known for being blunt...but i was taught it was wrong to shake a mans hand with one hand but hold a knife behind your back in the other. If your going to attack someone, you punch them in the mouth, tell them to get their *** back up then punch them harder. You dont make deals with the enemy. You dont make these so called 'alliances' as _BroMango likes to put it. If you want a fight then go get a fight. If you want land then go take land...dont leave the little factions around because you "have an agreement with them". Real factions dont make deals so they dont get ganked. Real factions take that 6 war weekend with a smile not a OMG NOOOOOO. Real factions dont do that. Real factions say "WE are the best, come prove us wrong".

    Rion, im sorry to say, but Immunity should have been off the map quite a few times. You were spared by _Apple and Rob. you should be thankful that you got those mirages from ur 3 lands for as many months as you never did anything to get out of that have no one to blame but urself. as for now...dont try to tell me that your "refined community" is a real factor. If you wanted to be a factor you would have put up a fight against Rescind. And dont tell me you couldnt...from what ive heard, you have 150-170 in that faction. unless Math changed since i last looked, have more than enough to mount a defense, even if you lose. Next, dont sit here and try to tell me that you thought you ACTUALLY had a chance against a tier 1 offense...i mean...come on, you couldnt put up a 2 hour in a 4v4 cata, and dont tell me you could...i know who you have, i know who Nem has. If you were out for fun you would have fought a straight fight with Rescind, dont try to bs the server.

    I shall now take a moment to laugh at PHOENIX...

    ..kay done...waste of breath...

    Mexy...ur a factor...ur faction isnt...if you want to TW and REALLY have fun go somewhere with a future, k?

    Basically what im saying to everyone is: Please, for the good of the server and your own god damn entertainment, aspire to be the BEST. dont settle for average, mediocrity, oh-that-good-enough bull****. if you want a server thats not boring we have to have war. and we only get good war when there are 2 sides and they want the other gone. Mango get some balls and BE that dominating faction, dont sit behind ur Respect, Honor one buys it at this point, and just go take what you think is yours. Rion get some ambition to be the BEST and not just a quote on quote "family faction". Families are nice but they dont win a map.

    thats all i got for now. all i can hope is some of the people get some understanding of what needs to happen.

    peace out. b:bye

    I won't even read any further into this thread on what has been responded to or anything... This is straight for you Kazamir.

    First off never once has there been an "Alliance" and I'd prefer you not put words in my mouth. Just because I am not being rude to another faction or belittling another player make them an ally. Back when Elusive was attacking us and I gave Proski 10,000,000 coins to support his TW efforts... That didn't make him my ally that made him a friend and I respected his cause... at the time.

    Honestly, you would have been better off without the ranting here and to just post "I like drama." That could have summed this all up. Instead, you tried to provoke me (Don't know what I've ever done to you), you've belittle'd RioNHale and his efforts, and you've tried to boast (Indirectly) and say Rescind is some hardcore faction.

    Tell me... how many TWs against Zulusive did you show up for that lasted 3 hours when you were in Nemesis? Half of the time when Elusive existed you were no where to be found then either. On RARE occasion you even showed a desire. To me... as of now... you're a hypocrite. I mean how can you accuse RioNHale of not having EVERY single person online in his faction to fight both TWs, when you can barely remember to come to them yourself! Once again... more rude *** people who think they are better than everyone else.

    You need a reality check before you start throwing ignorant statements like the above at people... F'k man you barely hold up your own standards.

    Honestly I don't care if you complain about this stuff but the second you start putting lies out there... Yeah... You've reached a whole new low man...
    Winning b:pleased
  • Anthemyra - Archosaur
    Anthemyra - Archosaur Posts: 247 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    ok .. i admit i've sayed i love drama ... but still .. six pg while i was sleeping?!? @.@ ...

    ... there are countless threads that ended up discussing the same problem: "Narla, Nemesis, Zulusive, Elusive, now Rescind, ... TW, fun TW, fast TW ... no pvp ... boring ... no1 does a thing .. you dont get it ..." b:surrender ... all i've heard so far is qq about what is wrong ... a few of you offered some solutions wich turned into more qq ... i give up ........

    i give a damn because i like you guys .... w/e faction are u in <.< ... i don't know why ... but i do (jk i know why) ... and i wish all of this to end ... i'm not such a dreamer to think all of this will turn right one day and perfect world will become finely "perfect" ... but i'm the type of person that takes what she has and uses those things to solve the problems ...

    so what we have so far?

    - we have a random no. of very good players on this server (more to come if we are lucky ... the "little" ones will grow some day ... ) ... wich are divided into at least two factions
    - we have two factions (more to come i hope) that are trully rival
    - we have an upcomming tw map reset
    - both of the above factions wants to rule the map and are serious about it, and more then that ... have different ways to acheave that
    - we have friends to work with
    - we have rivals to fight with

    *please help me to complete the list above ... only this comes to my mind at this hour (i did not drink my coffe yet <.<)*

    ... and ... ohh yeah ... and what is the most important ... we DO have diversity ... not to much ... but there is some

    ... so what is the "problem"?

    - "not enough TW?" - well ... like in RL ... in this game not allways you get what you want ... but there is allways tomorrow so in stead of pointing fingers for a "boring" week-end ... concentrated on the next one and ... hope for the best <.<
    - "not enough pvp?" ... damn ... i know that sucks ... but this is a pve server <.< ... i hate it to, especial when some1 pisses me off and i can't kill him/her because ... guess what ... he/she is blue name b:cute (yes i do have killer instincts sometimes) - there are a few solutions for this matter but .... surprise ... we need to work together :D
    - "the rival faction does everything in the wrong way ... they are fake" - GOOD ... keep that in mind and use the feeling to make more fun tw/pvp ...

    *pls help me to fill the above list to*

    p.s. what is the most important ... by posting all this i'm aware that you might troll me, love me or ignore me ... and i'm fine with each of it .... i will prefer the troll because in my opinion that is the best way to find a solution ... so lets find something we are all agree with even if it is a "wrong thing" and start something from there
  • XPuLsEoFHeLL - Archosaur
    XPuLsEoFHeLL - Archosaur Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    +1 to Kaz
  • Mustang_Roy - Archosaur
    Mustang_Roy - Archosaur Posts: 219 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    >< wall of text....but first sentence has the word "naked" b:victory

    (hope you are not a guy)
  • KaiserNeko - Archosaur
    KaiserNeko - Archosaur Posts: 192 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    I won't even read any further into this thread on what has been responded to or anything... This is straight for you Kazamir.

    First off never once has there been an "Alliance" and I'd prefer you not put words in my mouth. Just because I am not being rude to another faction or belittling another player make them an ally. Back when Elusive was attacking us and I gave Proski 10,000,000 coins to support his TW efforts... That didn't make him my ally that made him a friend and I respected his cause... at the time.

    Honestly, you would have been better off without the ranting here and to just post "I like drama." That could have summed this all up. Instead, you tried to provoke me (Don't know what I've ever done to you), you've belittle'd RioNHale and his efforts, and you've tried to boast (Indirectly) and say Rescind is some hardcore faction.

    Tell me... how many TWs against Zulusive did you show up for that lasted 3 hours when you were in Nemesis? Half of the time when Elusive existed you were no where to be found then either. On RARE occasion you even showed a desire. To me... as of now... you're a hypocrite. I mean how can you accuse RioNHale of not having EVERY single person online in his faction to fight both TWs, when you can barely remember to come to them yourself! Once again... more rude *** people who think they are better than everyone else.

    You need a reality check before you start throwing ignorant statements like the above at people... F'k man you barely hold up your own standards.

    Honestly I don't care if you complain about this stuff but the second you start putting lies out there... Yeah... You've reached a whole new low man...

    ThE PoPe HaS SpOkEn!!!!!!!!!!!! LeT It Be LaW!!!!!!!!!!!

    you flail
  • LostTrust - Archosaur
    LostTrust - Archosaur Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    I won't even read any further into this thread on what has been responded to or anything... This is straight for you Kazamir.

    First off never once has there been an "Alliance" and I'd prefer you not put words in my mouth. Just because I am not being rude to another faction or belittling another player make them an ally. Back when Elusive was attacking us and I gave Proski 10,000,000 coins to support his TW efforts... That didn't make him my ally that made him a friend and I respected his cause... at the time.

    Honestly, you would have been better off without the ranting here and to just post "I like drama." That could have summed this all up. Instead, you tried to provoke me (Don't know what I've ever done to you), you've belittle'd RioNHale and his efforts, and you've tried to boast (Indirectly) and say Rescind is some hardcore faction.

    Tell me... how many TWs against Zulusive did you show up for that lasted 3 hours when you were in Nemesis? Half of the time when Elusive existed you were no where to be found then either. On RARE occasion you even showed a desire. To me... as of now... you're a hypocrite. I mean how can you accuse RioNHale of not having EVERY single person online in his faction to fight both TWs, when you can barely remember to come to them yourself! Once again... more rude *** people who think they are better than everyone else.

    You need a reality check before you start throwing ignorant statements like the above at people... F'k man you barely hold up your own standards.

    Honestly I don't care if you complain about this stuff but the second you start putting lies out there... Yeah... You've reached a whole new low man...

    ThE PoPe HaS SpOkEn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LeT It Be LaW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • CyrusNeko - Archosaur
    CyrusNeko - Archosaur Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    I won't even read any further into this thread on what has been responded to or anything... This is straight for you Kazamir.

    First off never once has there been an "Alliance" and I'd prefer you not put words in my mouth. Just because I am not being rude to another faction or belittling another player make them an ally. Back when Elusive was attacking us and I gave Proski 10,000,000 coins to support his TW efforts... That didn't make him my ally that made him a friend and I respected his cause... at the time.

    Honestly, you would have been better off without the ranting here and to just post "I like drama." That could have summed this all up. Instead, you tried to provoke me (Don't know what I've ever done to you), you've belittle'd RioNHale and his efforts, and you've tried to boast (Indirectly) and say Rescind is some hardcore faction.

    Tell me... how many TWs against Zulusive did you show up for that lasted 3 hours when you were in Nemesis? Half of the time when Elusive existed you were no where to be found then either. On RARE occasion you even showed a desire. To me... as of now... you're a hypocrite. I mean how can you accuse RioNHale of not having EVERY single person online in his faction to fight both TWs, when you can barely remember to come to them yourself! Once again... more rude *** people who think they are better than everyone else.

    You need a reality check before you start throwing ignorant statements like the above at people... F'k man you barely hold up your own standards.

    Honestly I don't care if you complain about this stuff but the second you start putting lies out there... Yeah... You've reached a whole new low man...

    ThE PoPe HaS SpOkEn!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LeT It Be LaW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Abstractive - Archosaur
    Abstractive - Archosaur Posts: 1,232 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    If I had to live my life without you near me
    The wars would all be empty
    The nights would seem so long
    With you I see forever oh so clearly
    I might have been a hateful nerd before
    But it never felt this strong

    Our dreams are young
    And we both know they'll take us
    Where we want to go

    (Chorus 1)
    1-shoot me now
    Troll me now
    I don't want to TW without you

    (Chorus 2)
    Nothing's gonna change my hate for you
    You ought know by now how much I despise you
    One thing you can be sure of
    I'll never ask for more than your war
    (Chorus 3)
    Nothing's gonna change my hate for you
    You ought know by now how much I despise you
    The server may change my whole life through
    But nothing's gonna change my hate for you

    If the road ahead is not so easy,
    Our flaming wars will lead the way for us
    Like a guiding star
    I'll be there for you if you should need to troll me
    You don't have to change a thing
    I hate you just the way you are
    So come with me and share the view
    I'll help you see forever too.
    Bodyguard for Secret Passage at your service, now accepting daily installments of just 2.5m for your leisure.
  • XCancer_ - Archosaur
    XCancer_ - Archosaur Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    I won't even read any further into this thread on what has been responded to or anything... This is straight for you Kazamir.

    First off never once has there been an "Alliance" and I'd prefer you not put words in my mouth. Just because I am not being rude to another faction or belittling another player make them an ally. Back when Elusive was attacking us and I gave Proski 10,000,000 coins to support his TW efforts... That didn't make him my ally that made him a friend and I respected his cause... at the time.

    Honestly, you would have been better off without the ranting here and to just post "I like drama." That could have summed this all up. Instead, you tried to provoke me (Don't know what I've ever done to you), you've belittle'd RioNHale and his efforts, and you've tried to boast (Indirectly) and say Rescind is some hardcore faction.

    Tell me... how many TWs against Zulusive did you show up for that lasted 3 hours when you were in Nemesis? Half of the time when Elusive existed you were no where to be found then either. On RARE occasion you even showed a desire. To me... as of now... you're a hypocrite. I mean how can you accuse RioNHale of not having EVERY single person online in his faction to fight both TWs, when you can barely remember to come to them yourself! Once again... more rude *** people who think they are better than everyone else.

    You need a reality check before you start throwing ignorant statements like the above at people... F'k man you barely hold up your own standards.

    Honestly I don't care if you complain about this stuff but the second you start putting lies out there... Yeah... You've reached a whole new low man...

    ThE PoPe HaS SpOkEn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LeT It Be LaW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This discussion has been closed.