Love your Perfect Character? Share/Show them here^^



  • Cocobelle - Sanctuary
    Cocobelle - Sanctuary Posts: 960 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Heehee. Here I am spamming these threads again...b:chuckle

  • Iraeala - Harshlands
    Iraeala - Harshlands Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited February 2011

    My permanently angry assassin. :)
  • Nymphi - Lost City
    Nymphi - Lost City Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    she looks soo cute..the mouth fits rly good on her:)

    on the next 2 pics i cant see too much..but their outfits are pretty:D

    your char is rly pretty and cute! I love the Hairstyle on her:)

    aand Iraeala
    she looks so special! Her eyes are stunning. And shes one of the chars that look good with that mouth:D and not ugly:p.

    well..Nymphi again..u can see her a bit better now:D
    sorry about the mouth[fangs o.o]. I hope u dont think shes ugly:'D b:shocked
    i finally dyed her clothes ._.'


  • Iraeala - Harshlands
    Iraeala - Harshlands Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    I love her eyes Nymph. :) I've never been able to make a character that actually was able to use that makeup without looking derpy or constipated. b:surrender I wouldn't wanna pick a fight with her.

    My sin got pretty washed out since I took the picture in arch at night under moonlight. Shes completely pink. b:cute
  • XCHiBBYx - Sanctuary
    XCHiBBYx - Sanctuary Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    my veno (:
  • Ahszia - Heavens Tear
    Ahszia - Heavens Tear Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    @ Susylu: Love your character, her coloring is great. Hate the bikini top/s. XD I dislike em all, they make the **** look weird and the crotch look like she is packin'!! Great char though. : ))))

    @ Belle & Boxxy: I cannot see their faces very well and therefore cannot give a good rating! D: I would love to see their faces : )

    @ cocobelle: Lovely features but her chin looks incredibly large and round. Very likely due to the camera angle.

    @Iraelea: I love love love your sin! : ) I am a bit biased when it comes to unique looking tideborns haha. But I love what you have done with her skin and expression. I think she is really awesome and you did a great job. The only thing i could say is her nostrils seem a wee bit wide, but once again that could be camera angle. XP

    @Nymphi: She is beautiful, very well done. Though I personally would have not chosen that makeup, she looks great.

    @ Chibby: could you get in closer to her face? X3 I <3 your fashion though : )
  • Templar_Giga - Heavens Tear
    Templar_Giga - Heavens Tear Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Since I've decided to return her to activity, I've also decided to post pictures of my Psychic, Lily Astral. b:cool (Screenshots resized to 640 x 480)



    The one and only.

    [☆☆☆Allie's Cuddle Machine]
  • Lady_Carnage - Lost City
    Lady_Carnage - Lost City Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Here are my chars

    1 Over maked up wizzy xD
    Old Look


    New look


    and my archy :o


    idk xD anyone got any sugjestions for my wizzys new look xD? b:kiss
  • Kiehl - Raging Tide
    Kiehl - Raging Tide Posts: 262 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Here are my chars

    New look


    idk xD anyone got any sugjestions for my wizzys new look xD? b:kiss

    She is beautiful. xD
    Idk... I think a darker color for the eyebrows (darker blond) and eyes (just a darker blue).
    M A D N E S S IS A P L A C E M A D N E S S IS A P L A C E M A D N E S S
    I wonder what their faces will look like... As they lose all hope.
    I can't wait. Call for me when that happens,
    I'll come to watch, with some of the best black tea and dried plums.
  • Susylu - Heavens Tear
    Susylu - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,786 Arc User
    edited February 2011
  • Romanokun - Raging Tide
    Romanokun - Raging Tide Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    @Susylu - Gorgeous pic's they turned out very nice.


    This is a pic of my new barb, and yes I have been told he looks skinny. I like him this way, I wanted him to look more human sized. Thought the pic turned out neat. b:victory
  • naeiris
    naeiris Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2011

    My assassin! b:heart
  • Amourie - Heavens Tear
    Amourie - Heavens Tear Posts: 222 Arc User
    edited February 2011

    Big booooooooobs

    Yeah.. changed her again..


  • Kerona - Sanctuary
    Kerona - Sanctuary Posts: 1,771 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    I was told to upload my toons a long time ago but I wanted to do it all cute and special like. So here they are! Late! b:surrender

    My psyfishy, archer, and cleric.


  • Templar_Giga - Heavens Tear
    Templar_Giga - Heavens Tear Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Big booooooooobs
    Those are the only things you saw?

    That ain't good, Orcface...that ain't good. :P
    The one and only.

    [☆☆☆Allie's Cuddle Machine]
  • Nymphi - Lost City
    Nymphi - Lost City Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    her face is pretty..but i dont like the green hair. And the **** are okay:D

    nice chars. They look special..though the **** are massive.xD

    ALL your chars look soo great! Very well doneb:pleased and her clothes look very pretty:]

    Well..its a panda i guess. :D I like pandas:p..but what happend to his eye._.

    Soo pretty! And she looks very human o.o. Her skincolour is great:)

    she looks elegant on the second pic. I like that look^-^.

    All 3 chars are very beautiful! Everything fits good together. Good job on themb:victory

    ...ya. Since no one rated any of the characters..i did it:P
    And by looking at all the pics i just need to say Thanks Pwi again! Every char looks soo diffrent*-* i love it:].
    oki..bye now:D
  • Templar_Giga - Heavens Tear
    Templar_Giga - Heavens Tear Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    her face is pretty..but i dont like the green hair. And the **** are okay:D

    See, Orcbiz? This is a better criticism (even if she doesn't agree with you :P)!

    The hair...well, you're not the only one who doesn't like it. :P I thought it was fine, especially since I couldn't think of any other colors to use for it (to go with that blue skin, that is). Maybe I'll find a new color, when the next Makeover Scroll comes around.

    I'll critique your character, as well: when I took my first look at the top pic, I thought she looked angry. lol But then I got a closer look--she looked more determined than angry, and nice-lookin', too. I liked the hair (forgot the name)--I thought it goes well with the shape of her face.
    The one and only.

    [☆☆☆Allie's Cuddle Machine]
  • Windleaf_ - Dreamweaver
    Windleaf_ - Dreamweaver Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited February 2011
  • Dezirae - Lost City
    Dezirae - Lost City Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Heres mine as of now :x


    and other char

  • Nymphi - Lost City
    Nymphi - Lost City Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    See, Orcbiz? This is a better criticism (even if she doesn't agree with you :P)!

    The hair...well, you're not the only one who doesn't like it. :P I thought it was fine, especially since I couldn't think of any other colors to use for it (to go with that blue skin, that is). Maybe I'll find a new color, when the next Makeover Scroll comes around.

    I'll critique your character, as well: when I took my first look at the top pic, I thought she looked angry. lol But then I got a closer look--she looked more determined than angry, and nice-lookin', too. I liked the hair (forgot the name)--I thought it goes well with the shape of her face.

    Yes i guess its the make up that makes her looks like this. Its funny that ive chosen this one because when i started playing pw i thought "who would ever use that make up??" haha and now i use it:p.. . Thank you for your critism .:]
    and youre right its hard to find a colour that matches the blue skin...i cant help you with that b:surrender.
    But if you like her..just let her how she is right now:o.
  • Lightyy_u - Harshlands
    Lightyy_u - Harshlands Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited February 2011



  • naitoko
    naitoko Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited February 2011
  • Amourie - Heavens Tear
    Amourie - Heavens Tear Posts: 222 Arc User
    edited February 2011

  • Romanokun - Raging Tide
    Romanokun - Raging Tide Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Thought this pic turned out nice. b:victory

  • Trelane - Dreamweaver
    Trelane - Dreamweaver Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2011
  • Cocobelle - Sanctuary
    Cocobelle - Sanctuary Posts: 960 Arc User
    edited February 2011
  • Nekoreirin - Archosaur
    Nekoreirin - Archosaur Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited February 2011

    Cocobelle's character is soooo cute b:cute <333
  • Nelchael - Harshlands
    Nelchael - Harshlands Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Very nice, I wish I could see her face closer though...
    I just created a new character, I don't usually make female character,s but I wanted to make this one just to practice making a character based on a real person, I think it went pretty good, right?
    She's based on the singer Sophie Ellis Bextor.
    This is her in real life:
    I hope you'll like her.
  • oktoeten91
    oktoeten91 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    [IMG][/img]20110224145337.png Uploaded with