Poll: Changes/Modifications/NewSkills for Old Classes as part of GENESIS Expansion

Posts: 574 Arc User
edited February 2011 in Suggestion Box
Hi, i know this topic was discussed several times before but i think it would be nice to see
how the majority of the players feel about this. If the result of this poll turns out the way i expect it can be seen as a reminder for the Developers to not forget to put their focus on class/game balance too. So please participate in the poll and post an explain briefly why you have made that choice.

greetz harm0wnie
Post edited by HarmOwnie - Dreamweaver on


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  • Posts: 391 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    the developers are in china, and do not read this forum. Plus the 2012 expansion is now live in china, so it is a bit late to make any changes eh?

    oh and you didnt put a poll on the thread that I can see. ijs.
  • Posts: 574 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    the developers are in china, and do not read this forum. Plus the 2012 expansion is now live in china, so it is a bit late to make any changes eh?

    oh and you didnt put a poll on the thread that I can see. ijs.
    sry the poll didnt work the first time and the topic was already created so that's why you dont saw the poll. Well in the Chinese Version i heared that there are updates for the old classes too but that's the Chinese P2P Version of PWI so i dont think it's too late to discuss this because PWI might be able to buy the other updates as well and release them together with the expansion here.

    In my opinion it's ridiculous to just implement the new races with their relatively strong skills if you dont upgrade the old races at the same time. Personally i find it is a pretty dumb business concept to include new race over new race with the hope to make people reroll because the new class will be stronger. I rather would people also give the chance to specialize in the class they like without having the disadvantage that if it's an older class it wont be able to compete

    greetz harm0wnie
  • Posts: 144 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I was one who voted for an improvement in the skills that exist, because there are some classes who lost the skills of what their class is all about. Like barbarians, I loved playing with barbarians and always have preferred the kitty to tank, but being replaced by 5 APS and new classes with stronger skills is just unfair, and they're removing the fact that it was the barbarians (and clerics) who kept our squads alive, and who helped everyone make through the difficult bosses while we were low levels.

    I was also hoping for the glitches, at least the major ones like rubber band and magic shell buffs from clerics being fixed in addition to the expansion but I doubt they would have addressed to them. (who knows?)
    I quit PW and all its games it had to cater to me. I'm off playing a better pay-to-play game where I experience no glitches, no spamming LF squads, lose stuff in PK mode, lose exp on death or anything for cheaper price than what I paid for here. However, I'll still be lurking around pwi forums from time to time. Quit Date: March 4, 2011 RIP my beloved characters. b:bye
  • Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    dont u think that pwe thought about character balance in game b4 they made the new classes? this is going to be just like the tideborn's, that everyone is going to be complaining about how the new classes are overpowered, without thinking that all classes have strengths and weaknesses, all the new classes do is make the old ones have more more to worry about, but more they can beat 2. for example people keep mentioning that sins are overpowered, when they only stronge vs magic classes really. because my entire time playing a sin and they can never beat a barb, and sometimes beat BM's, while fight on = terms to archer's. you need to think about what old classes are stronge against them, and which classes are weak against them, to develop a stratagy to counter them.
  • Posts: 574 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    dont u think that pwe thought about character balance in game b4 they made the new classes? this is going to be just like the tideborn's, that everyone is going to be complaining about how the new classes are overpowered, without thinking that all classes have strengths and weaknesses, all the new classes do is make the old ones have more more to worry about, but more they can beat 2. for example people keep mentioning that sins are overpowered, when they only stronge vs magic classes really. because my entire time playing a sin and they can never beat a barb, and sometimes beat BM's, while fight on = terms to archer's. you need to think about what old classes are stronge against them, and which classes are weak against them, to develop a stratagy to counter them.
    Well i think that PWE thought more about giving the new classes new abilities to be different from the old ones and to make them attractive to play which is a good idea because personally i like the idea of giving every class strengths and weaknesses and to distribute a certain role in PVE and PVP to every class. But in my opinion PWE came up with some nice ideas for their classes when they made tideborn and also when they made eathbound now but in their enthusiasm they underestimated the impact of giving such powerful skills out to their new classes. I mean if you compare chi generation for instance on a sin you get 200chi from a normal skill while other classes have to go sage to get a 50chi instant boost even if they have slower attack speed than sin. Moreover in a balanced game i expect every class to have a fair chance against another in terms of PVP even if some classes can have advantages over another. But personally it sucks if a character 20-30 lvls below your lvl can simply kill you just because of its skills and you can do nothing against it. So YES i think TB are relatively strong compared to the other classes and require further nurfs to fit in a balanced game + i think giving people the chance to specialize in their favourite class should be an option instead of forcing them to reroll for stronger new classes. So i think some new class specific endgame skills to the existing classes could help here.

    greetz harm0wnie
  • Posts: 574 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Yeah i was thinking about a veno skill called ''Summer smell''
    Effect: Smell all stealthed sins within 35m radius, no cooldown.

    oh nvmb:sad
    I don't need a Squad
    Level a Venomancer to 90.
    Aug 12, 2009
  • Posts: 1,559 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Yeah i was thinking about a veno skill called ''Summer smell''
    Effect: Smell all stealthed sins within 35m radius, no cooldown.

    oh nvmb:sad

    i'd call that skill "something smells fishy" cat like venomancer get increased range fot that...b:chuckle
    i am waiting for you my little flagcarriers b:kiss
  • Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    i say they just creat a pot, or new stones to imbued on weapons and such that increase awareness lvl. and i do agree with the fact that sins can spark alot easeir with the inner harmony skill
  • Posts: 574 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    i say they just creat a pot, or new stones to imbued on weapons and such that increase awareness lvl. and i do agree with the fact that sins can spark alot easeir with the inner harmony skill
    well i dont think that idea would be a wise decision since everyone would get the awareness stones on the weapon and stealth itself would become totally useless. I rather would change stealth mode in a way that a sin cant go back to stealth when the sin attacked out of stealth before that would be enough to fix the stealth issue. A sin should wisely choose the moment to pop out of stealth to assasinate the target. I guess it would be a thrill for the player to know if the attack combination fails he will be vulnerable to enemies attacks.
  • Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    well i dont think that idea would be a wise decision since everyone would get the awareness stones on the weapon and stealth itself would become totally useless. I rather would change stealth mode in a way that a sin cant go back to stealth when the sin attacked out of stealth before that would be enough to fix the stealth issue. A sin should wisely choose the moment to pop out of stealth to assasinate the target. I guess it would be a thrill for the player to know if the attack combination fails he will be vulnerable to enemies attacks.

    mehh its just and ideab:laugh and aparently thier is already a pot that raises awarenessb:surrender
  • Posts: 574 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    mehh its just and ideab:laugh and aparently thier is already a pot that raises awarenessb:surrender
    the problem with the pot is that it wont work on a high lvl sin when the sin has maxed out their stealth skills.
  • Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Can eny 1 help me i cant get call to duty quest im lvl 37 and didnt get eny quests... plz help me..
  • Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    But remeber it is a game to have fun in thats wat we all strive to enjoy and to help another out is wat i think.
  • Posts: 574 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    But remeber it is a game to have fun in thats wat we all strive to enjoy and to help another out is wat i think.
    you are right it's about having fun in the game especially on a PVE Server. Nevertheless having the game unbalanced partly takes away the fun because people normally are inviting others to their squads because they want the abilities of their classes to get things done. I wont blame people for prefering some classes because the run is easier and faster to finish with compared to choosing another class because nobody likes bosses to take a long time to kill. I just dont like the fact that old classes are falling behind when it comes to their abilities PvE and PVP wise. So i would say all we need is every class to be best in something and applications for this class advantages in the Game

    greetz harm0wnie
  • Posts: 406 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    if you ask me, the orginal classes needed a revamp of their skill beofre the tideborn evn poped up. now that the tide born and APS are here, i find myself running for my life in squads due to barb not keepig arrgo and the ones doing APS having **** armor and getting 3 shoted. altho i'll admit getting squad wiped isn't so bad for me anymore since i now keep GAs with me at all times lol.

    all the same, sometimes i miss the old days where it was rare to see an entire squad get wiped.
  • Posts: 574 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Well some time has passed and when i look at the result of the poll it's obvious that the majority of the people prefer to have a balanced game and think that something needs to be done to improve the performance of the old classes. I'd l ike to thank everyone for voting and let us hope the devs or at least the mods took a short look at the poll and will start to think about class balancing.

    i agreee that slight changes would haven been necessary after TB expansion allready but i think since the DEVs are working on another expansion its a good moment to readjust things alltogether with the new classes instead of introducing them and start fixing things afterwards

    greetz harm0wnie
  • Posts: 1,540 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    +Over 9000!

    The fishie class does not need any update (maybe a nerf, but not much). The old class like the wiz, the barb and the cleric become to be more and more rare. Everyone want an APS class to get money or a sin for PvP... Maybe if we balance the old class we can get some new fun...

    Also, when we are at RT and at Ether/Plume/Lost, there's high different graphics...
    Kylin: thrashtalk everyone, win TWs, serious faction -Dralighte
  • Posts: 574 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    +Over 9000!

    The fishie class does not need any update (maybe a nerf, but not much). The old class like the wiz, the barb and the cleric become to be more and more rare. Everyone want an APS class to get money or a sin for PvP... Maybe if we balance the old class we can get some new fun...

    Also, when we are at RT and at Ether/Plume/Lost, there's high different graphics...

    Well a facelift in terms of graphics for old ares would be nice too to some extent ( was already suggested in other topic) but the main reason why PWI is such a good mmorpg is not its graphics but the game system. If classes will continue to stay unbalanced the game will lose a lot and even those players who still think everything is fine since they are playing one of the OP classes will get bored if they only see the same classes all the time or they will get pissed when the next new even more OP classes will be added.

    greetz harm0wnie


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