Rank 9 archer or wizard?
Note: Not a double post. Intentionally posted in both archer board and wizard board, I want to hear from both sides.
I am thinking about to go for rank 9, only like 6 original classes. But it is hard to decide the class, so seeking some help here. Please let me know which class you think is better to go rank 9, let me know the reason if possible.
I am thinking about to go for rank 9, only like 6 original classes. But it is hard to decide the class, so seeking some help here. Please let me know which class you think is better to go rank 9, let me know the reason if possible.
Post edited by zavias on
from the 6th original classes I would choose Sin.
Jokes aside, Archer is LA which is the absolute worst armor one can wear.
Wizards are good with r9, but even a r8 sin will just roflpwn us in 1v1.
I wouldn't get r9 on a char now if someone would give it to me for free. Wait until after the expansion, we don't know what mystic or seekers ar capable of.____________
I have as much authority as the Pope, I just don't have as many people who believe it.
George Carlin
~I listen to hardcore FIGHT songs when I visit the forum, just to get into the proper mood~
6 original:
wiz, bm, barb, veno, archer, cleric
so the psy is no option, they have high DPH and this nasty refine-based buffs, and r9 is the HP and Def they were always missing
personally i think a r9 wizard might me harder to kill then a r9 archer with all the def lvl adding to super high defenses
wizard skills have the highest +weapon damage% modifer in skills
upgrading one to a extreme weapon makes it hurt even more
kinda have a feeling that wizard benefits more of R9 as its all more DPH based
archers loose the r8 int bonus and tt99 set int bonuses (If they use them anyway) if they go for full rank9
they gain DPH (esp. the final full set bonus of -20 attack lvl) and defense
i always thought the worst thing on archers wasnt that the single hit is high
but that there are 3 hits of 2/3 my hp hitting me as fast as a single gush would
trust the archer forums, they solve your problem with mathi like potato0 -
I agree totally with you HexOmega. Those are the reason I most likely going to make R9 wizard instead archer. R9 wizard will have much more defense then archer, wizard do have lower attach rate, but 3 ults we have should be much more useful in TW or group PVP then archer. I am not making a R9 character for 1v1, the best 1v1 R9 should be Sin like Ursa said. Actually the best R9 should be Psy, but I am not going to level up another character, enough is enough.
I love my archer, but I think a R8 archer should be better; A R8 archer is not totally weak, and the interval from R8 top and HH99 give her ability to reach 5 APS with claw. A good every day character. b:victory
Does not seems I can get any input from archers, and I am tried to read any more post, so I am done with picking. Thanks HexOmega and Ursa.0 -
Note: Not a double post. Intentionally posted in both archer board and wizard board, I want to hear from both sides.
I am thinking about to go for rank 9, only like 6 original classes. But it is hard to decide the class, so seeking some help here. Please let me know which class you think is better to go rank 9, let me know the reason if possible.
You have not defined "best".
But if I were not attached to my archer, I would favor wizard.
Archer rank 9 purge can be nice, but I expect that it will not purge buffs introduced in the Genesis expansion. Meanwhile, wizards have better magic defenses than a rank 9 archer (and they have better physical defenses, when they have not been purged).
A wizard is not going to be able to be 5aps like an archer can be, but I believe rank 9 is one of the mechanisms being introduced to marginalize 5aps. And archers are immune to the bloodpaint buff (which is not a good thing).0 -
Fleuri - Sanctuary wrote: »You have not defined "best".
But if I were not attached to my archer, I would favor wizard.
Archer rank 9 purge can be nice, but I expect that it will not purge buffs introduced in the Genesis expansion. Meanwhile, wizards have better magic defenses than a rank 9 archer (and they have better physical defenses, when they have not been purged).
A wizard is not going to be able to be 5aps like an archer can be, but I believe rank 9 is one of the mechanisms being introduced to marginalize 5aps. And archers are immune to the bloodpaint buff (which is not a good thing).
I am actually attached my archer also, because of high phy damage and 50 with claw. have not play my wizard for a long time. based on my study, wizard is better then archer to be a R9, and I really does not want to lose the ability to use claw with archer, but in order to do that, I will have to keep 2 sets of armors and can not make the archer a pure dex archer. so all in all it make more sence to upgrade wizard to R9. But I have been playing my archer exculsivly for too long, do not want to left my archer behind without making sure that I am making the right decision. so far all 3 of you think wizard is a better choice with vaild reason, which actually confirmed my own study. so I am sure wizard is the one to go. thanks for the input.0 -
if i can choose to start all over again i will get full set rank 9 for an archer now . Sam gears archer is much more scarier than wizzy in 1v1 which i am more into now , archer is still helpful with their barrage in TW for killiing group. Purge add-on is really OP on the bow and with all the -int gears you can get archer with full r9 and +!2 weap is truly hax.
wIZZY on the other hand is stron in takeing out group with strong ultimate like we all know but wen it comes to pk it is a pain in the asre against sin , archer. It is very hard to go against BM or Barb with full r9 too because of their high survivalbility . However, playing wizzy is not boring as playing an archer where all you do is stun shoot shoot. I consider wizard is the most difficult class to play in pwi , if you are really good at it and truly luv the class then go for it. However if you wanna get the most kills in pk or be scary to both mag or phy class go for archer. Also, i prefer elf wings over human flying sword. lol0 -
This is my thought.
In case of 1v1, it is really hard if not impossible for archer/wizard to win sin/psy with same gears and skills, wizard is better then archer against bm and barb, archer is better then wizard against cleric and veno. when a wizard fight a archer, due to the faster stun,better defense wizard has and low magic defense archer has, wizard has a better chance. there is no clear winner in case of 1v1.
when it comes to TW or group PVP, wizard can survival much better then archer, I personally believe the survivability is the most important in TW. I also believe wizard can kill faster then archer. only time archer can survival better then wizard is when you need to open AOE on the crystal. archer does not need to stand under crystal to open AOE, in this case archer can survival better then wizard. so I think wizard is the winner here.
The issue with R9 wizard is the channeling. R9 gear does not give the channeling we can get from R8 and HH99 (Nirvana), and the channeling is much more important for a wizard then interval for a bow archer.0 -
This is my thought.
In case of 1v1, it is really hard if not impossible for archer/wizard to win sin/psy with same gears and skills, wizard is better then archer against bm and barb, archer is better then wizard against cleric and veno. when a wizard fight a archer, due to the faster stun,better defense wizard has and low magic defense archer has, wizard has a better chance. there is no clear winner in case of 1v1.
when it comes to TW or group PVP, wizard can survival much better then archer, I personally believe the survivability is the most important in TW. I also believe wizard can kill faster then archer. only time archer can survival better then wizard is when you need to open AOE on the crystal. archer does not need to stand under crystal to open AOE, in this case archer can survival better then wizard. so I think wizard is the winner here.
The issue with R9 wizard is the channeling. R9 gear does not give the channeling we can get from R8 and HH99 (Nirvana), and the channeling is much more important for a wizard then interval for a bow archer.
IN my opinion, archer was created to hunt down mages including wizzy in our game. r9 wizzy vs archer r9 is pain in the **** i have 12k hp buffed 14k5 phydef buffed and 58 def lvl , archer with full r9 +12 bow can still hit me 1k5-2k reg hit and 3k-4k wen crit , and becoz of -int items they can shoot wizzy 3 times while wizzy only manage to lanuch a gush which does around 5k on the r9 archer but that not nearly to 1shot, wen u try to cast SS u will die be4 the spell dont casting, good archer will keep u outside of spell range and shoot u to death .
1v1 situation u think wizzy has bette chance ? lol archer does magic damage too plz keep taht in mind and even fist BM still gonna miss alot on them becoz archer also has high evasion. Lastly, bow has the strongest stats out of all weapon in the game and it come with a purgeadd on . R9 archer with +12 weaps and +10 gears is much scarier than a wizzy in 1v1 pk.
As for channleing on wizard, you need to look it up to see that many of us experienced wizards players have always suggested that channeling is not important for wizard becoz we focus on hit less and 1shot ppl with crit, so as for a r9 wizard raw magatt and high crit rate is very important i mean reg gush on a BM with mag marrow on for 4k5 , crit 9k , how much will taht be if we launch SS combine with undine and EP. I hit Divine pyrogram combing with undine ep and spark (genie skill) on a +12 ornament BM for 10k + non crit , so i say crit and high magatt is much more important then fast channeling and spamming skills like crazy on a catabarb or +!2 gears BM.
SO crit + high magattk + -25 chan > low crit chance + lower magattk (lik alot if you dont have full set r9 ) + fat chan
Okay tahts my suggestion but u can do wutever u may to ur char and enjoy0 -
well who do you think will win ?
Please Note taht r9 LA gears doesnt work properly on the refine on pwcalc , the hp from refine doesnt show, therefore i added up the amount of hp taht come from +10 r9 gears onto the weap.0 -
Stubbie - Heavens Tear wrote: »well who do you think will win ?
That depends on how you play, I imagine.
For example:
Wizard: distance shrink,essential sutra, force of will, genie spark, divine pyro, pyro, will of the phoenix (if close enough, otherwise crown of flame)
Archer: stun, quickshot, normal attack
Stun takes well over a second to get off, and most archers do not use a lawbreaker genie nor a soul of fire genie, because wizards are so rare.0 -
Stubbie - Heavens Tear wrote: »well who do you think will win ?
with +4k HP on weapon there is no competition. b:chuckleb:laugh____________
I have as much authority as the Pope, I just don't have as many people who believe it.
George Carlin
~I listen to hardcore FIGHT songs when I visit the forum, just to get into the proper mood~
Fow should hit before stun..
it all comes down to skill and laag and the genies, i think thats equal powers
and archer isnt just click stun pew pew, there is way more they can do, like abusing the tiny bit of higher range etc
~thats again countered by distance shrink, but might buy time to get off stun bla bla bla bla bla
- too rank 9 wizard has enough channeling to be able to use the 4 second time frame of sleep
6 ring1 6 ring2 6cape 3headgear 10weapon
optional extra 6% from shards in weapon at the cost of loosing DPH
if you can aquire special rings with 12% chan - do it :Pi like potato0 -
Ursa - Dreamweaver wrote: »with +4k HP on weapon there is no competition. b:chuckleb:laugh
I was wondering why the archer had so much hp ahaha.0 -
Wizard vs. archer depends on if the wizard can kill archer in 3 shots or not. Wizard's sleep does not have channeling, FoW only have 0.5s channeling time, so if wizard and archer start at same time, wizard's FoW will land before archer's stun, then 1 DD, sleep, sutra + 3 more DDs, if did not kill the archer by now, it is time to run if still have time
. But it really is not important for me. I am not trying to compare archer and wizard, every class has advantage and disadvantage. Even I upgrade my wizard to R9, I will still play my archer more for sure. The R9 character I am going to make is just for TW and many to may PVP. My current take is in general a wizard is more helpful compare to archer in TW and M vs.M.
0 -
lets not forget their self buffs. From that char-calc thing, the wizzy had more def, with stone barrier(demon version gives more) its getting to 20k if not more, for 15min. Archers have plume shell but for 30sec?(correct me there). So wizzy kites a bit for the shell to wear off. U get where im going.0
shell absorbs 800 dmg?
not a life saver against a r9____________
I have as much authority as the Pope, I just don't have as many people who believe it.
George Carlin
~I listen to hardcore FIGHT songs when I visit the forum, just to get into the proper mood~
Wizard vs. archer depends on if the wizard can kill archer in 3 shots or not. Wizard's sleep does not have channeling, FoW only have 0.5s channeling time, so if wizard and archer start at same time, wizard's FoW will land before archer's stun, then 1 DD, sleep, sutra + 3 more DDs, if did not kill the archer by now, it is time to run if still have time
. But it really is not important for me. I am not trying to compare archer and wizard, every class has advantage and disadvantage. Even I upgrade my wizard to R9, I will still play my archer more for sure. The R9 character I am going to make is just for TW and many to may PVP. My current take is in general a wizard is more helpful compare to archer in TW and M vs.M.
and being that the wiz gets the first 2 hits off, if perhaps he had fortify on his genie to resist the archer's stun.. what do you think would happen? b:victoryYoutube Channel: youtube.com/user/D2VeT/videos?flow=grid&view=0
Current gear: pwcalc.com/6ab2893fbfb080a8
[SIGPIC]http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=684hgk&s=5[/SIGPIC]0 -
Ursa - Dreamweaver wrote: »shell absorbs 800 dmg?
not a life saver against a r9
We both know shell really doesn't only absorb 800 dmg.
But I'd have to say r9 archer>r9 wiz probably. But I haven't really faced an r9 wiz whereas r9 archers are out there by the dozen.
The adv purge on the r9 bow makes them even more broken. I already hit them for **** damage on their insane hp pool; now, they can take away all my defenses also?0 -
yup, that advance purge is a ****...
and r9 archer > R9 wiz any day, just because of range advantage and switch to previous gear for 5 aps farming stuff.
You don't see many r9 wizzies cause they are usually poor. Archers had 1.5 years of 4-5 aps reign, they had time to farm the needed coins - hence you see them by the dozen.
I was expecting some kind of proc on the R9 mag sword...I dunno, a stun or something with the same chances as adv purge? yeah, dreams, lol.
If purge procs you're dead no matter what class. It's pretty r.tarded. Not like they didn't hit like a freight train from 35m already, they have advance purge on a +30attk lvl weapon.
I have as much authority as the Pope, I just don't have as many people who believe it.
George Carlin
~I listen to hardcore FIGHT songs when I visit the forum, just to get into the proper mood~
Ursa - Dreamweaver wrote: »with +4k HP on weapon there is no competition. b:chuckleb:laugh
nah the refine doesnt add hp on gears and i looked it up for the amount that add up on +10 r9 LA gears is +1003 hp each piece so that 4k on hp comes from the gears b:thanks
Note it is my own opinion to use vit stones on archer to increase mag and pydef and hp as well since they have low def due to LA taht is why the acher has alot more hp
And for the wizard i use JOSD ( 74 def lvl ) because wizard has high mag/phydef with ornaments and gears already so it will be better investment on JOSD , its just my opinion tho , som wanna go for cit for extra hp but i prefer 74 def lvl over 2k4 +hp from cit gem.
LAstly, i think the archer is much more scarier than the wizzy in 1v1 pvp but wizzy will be better in taking out group in TW. If these two builds gonna clash, i will bet on archer ( consider the two players are both good at playing their class and havethe same amount of luck , no lag and yeah genie usage will be another factor too )
The main reason why i even bother to do this is to have recommended buld for topic poster, i dnt mean to say who is inferior and such ...0 -
Stubbie - Heavens Tear wrote: »nah the refine doesnt add hp on gears and i looked it up for the amount that add up on +10 r9 LA gears is +1003 hp each piece so that 4k on hp comes from the gears b:thanks
We all know this already. We were just laughing that pwcalc had a bug that made the r9 bow refine patk AND hp.0 -
MageFizban - Lost City wrote: »We all know this already. We were just laughing that pwcalc had a bug that made the r9 bow refine patk AND hp.
just making sure taht evry1 else noes ,0
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