Need Advice

Posts: 23 Arc User
edited February 2011 in Venomancer
Hi, I'm a casual player, not by choice, family and work obligations, so I've mostly just quested and played alts for the variety and it keeps the game interesting to me. As this is my "main" by level I'm reaching a point where I really need TT mats.

1) I am arcane/vit ok gear and decent weapon, sharded ok, mostly a couple flawless each piece not a lot of refines.

2) I have herc my level, his Bash has been leveled appropriately.

3) I know nothing about TT, only been in there a couple times to do a couple quests.

4) I play my veno well (imo) good at aggro control etc. with herc

That said, how do I "farm" TT?
Do I need a squad?
Can I solo part of it?
Will it be worth it at my level?

Thanks in advance for any help!
Werewolf barb 63
Pimp_Hand bm 69
Malekith sin 75
Luna_Glade cleric 61
Mr_Spock wiz 66
Dark_Lord archer 80
Post edited by Zorsha - Harshlands on


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  • Posts: 6,094 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    You need a squad to open TT squad mode (at least 4 people); you don't need a squad to open single mode, but that's generally not worth the time if you have a herc. All bosses in single modes you can open are soloable; the following is for squad mode.

    At 74, you can solo 1-1 Chintien; you may have trouble surviving 1-1 Lord of Percussion's AOE, but you can duo with a cleric and your herc can tank no problem. (You can also solo 1-1 high's Soubanisher and Vipenalt, but they don't drop mats. Vipenalt is needed for a level 70 quest string to open Old Heaven's Tear.)

    1-2: Chintien, Vipenalt and Dimentora are all soloable. (You'll need to lure Dimentora off the center near the edge. Recommended method is to halt herc near edge, cast bramble hood, go fox, hit him once and run into the portal that takes you to the rim by the ramp up. Tell your herc to attack as soon as you're out of the pit, run to one side a bit and drop back into the pit and start healing. Vipenalt is also usually pulled out of his room to avoid the hands that spawn at 50%; in this case, use the herc to pull.) Drummer is tankable, but you may need healing help (second veno or RBing cleric) during the pre-AOE stage. Don't even try Soulbanisher at this level.

    2-1: Fataliqua, Soulripper and General Feng are soloable (you'll need to pot to survive Feng's AOE, but it isn't that strong); Cosmoforce you'll probably need healing help. Don't even try General Wurlord.
    Weekly Japanese/English bilingual webcomic
  • Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Thanks a bunch for the tips, that was precisely the type of answer I was looking for with the tactics etc.

    If I have HP charm is the cleric really needed? I think I'm around 2500 hp's give or take. Phys resist ornmts and some garnet sharding mixed in with citrine.
    Werewolf barb 63
    Pimp_Hand bm 69
    Malekith sin 75
    Luna_Glade cleric 61
    Mr_Spock wiz 66
    Dark_Lord archer 80
  • Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited February 2011

    At 74, you can solo 1-1 Chintien; you may have trouble surviving 1-1 Lord of Percussion's AOE, but you can duo with a cleric and your herc can tank no problem. (You can also solo 1-1 high's Soubanisher and Vipenalt, but they don't drop mats. Vipenalt is needed for a level 70 quest string to open Old Heaven's Tear.)

    1-2: Chintien, Vipenalt and Dimentora are all soloable. (You'll need to lure Dimentora off the center near the edge. Recommended method is to halt herc near edge, cast bramble hood, go fox, hit him once and run into the portal that takes you to the rim by the ramp up. Tell your herc to attack as soon as you're out of the pit, run to one side a bit and drop back into the pit and start healing. Vipenalt is also usually pulled out of his room to avoid the hands that spawn at 50%; in this case, use the herc to pull.) Drummer is tankable, but you may need healing help (second veno or RBing cleric) during the pre-AOE stage. Don't even try Soulbanisher at this level.

    Soubanisher. Vipenalt and Dimentora are only avaible in Squadmode.

    And you dont need a Cleric if you are running the single mode, you don't even need h
    Guardian Charm. just keep on the max range for Pet heal, venomous or Ironrock
  • Posts: 6,094 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Soubanisher. Vipenalt and Dimentora are only avaible in Squadmode.

    And you dont need a Cleric if you are running the single mode, you don't even need h
    Guardian Charm. just keep on the max range for Pet heal, venomous or Ironrock

    You didn't quote the part where I said:
    All bosses in single modes you can open are soloable; the following is for squad mode.
    Weekly Japanese/English bilingual webcomic


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