Hyper lvling from 70-80?

Skull - Raging Tide
Skull - Raging Tide Posts: 4 Arc User
edited February 2011 in Assassin
Where do you guys think the best place to hyper from 70-80? b:pleased

The only reason im willing to do so is because hypers are super cheap now, but i honestly have no clue where to go D:

Thanks for your help in advance
Post edited by Skull - Raging Tide on


  • ZeaKuro - Raging Tide
    ZeaKuro - Raging Tide Posts: 631 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Don't hyper until ll 75 at FC. You can quest/BH your way from 70 to 75. Hypering before FC is a waste of time and money.
    1. One who murders by surprise attack, especially one who carries out a plot to kill a prominent person.
    synonyms: murderer, killer, gunman, executioner, informalhitman, hired gun.
    Latin assassnus; Greek δολοφόνος
  • _Leif - Lost City
    _Leif - Lost City Posts: 369 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Hyper the PQ boss. And hypers are at a 50% mark up atm on LC QQ
  • Crypsis - Lost City
    Crypsis - Lost City Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Don't hyper until ll 75 at FC. You can quest/BH your way from 70 to 75. Hypering before FC is a waste of time and money.

    Like you can get Frost Parties at 75 b:chuckle No one gets invited to Frost at 7X unless they pay a 100+ to power level them or have really nice friends. Hearing 7X cry about lack of Frost its the most annoying thing ever, after all its a 85+ instance.

    But yeah you get loads of exp from just doing your BHs anyway. If someone really wanna hyper while grinding id suggest Night scream Island since mobs are mele and nicely tucked up in huge groups. Can even aoe there if you have enough def and hp. Fly/water mobs sucks for sins tho.

    If you do PQ you can always hyper the boss, he gives some nice exp.
  • ZeaKuro - Raging Tide
    ZeaKuro - Raging Tide Posts: 631 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Like you can get Frost Parties at 75 b:chuckle No one gets invited to Frost at 7X unless they pay a 100+ to power level them or have really nice friends. Hearing 7X cry about lack of Frost its the most annoying thing ever, after all its a 85+ instance.

    But yeah you get loads of exp from just doing your BHs anyway. If someone really wanna hyper while grinding id suggest Night scream Island since mobs are mele and nicely tucked up in huge groups. Can even aoe there if you have enough def and hp. Fly/water mobs sucks for sins tho.

    If you do PQ you can always hyper the boss, he gives some nice exp.

    I did pay for my 75-85 FCs. It wasn't that much for the amount of exp I gained. It wasn't 100+ toons I paid though, just barbs/BMs within lvl range so no nerf.

    Edit: And even with the power lvling after 75 I still learned how to play my toon. In April this toon will be one year old, I have just spent more time helping faction members than lvling.
    1. One who murders by surprise attack, especially one who carries out a plot to kill a prominent person.
    synonyms: murderer, killer, gunman, executioner, informalhitman, hired gun.
    Latin assassnus; Greek δολοφόνος
  • Sakubatou - Sanctuary
    Sakubatou - Sanctuary Posts: 4,001 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    I keep seeing FCCs go lower and lower. Not sure how they open things and activate bosses, but it's getting ridiculous.

    On Sanctuary seeing squads around 75-85 are pretty popular. I even see some 65-75 squads form. A couple bad experiences has arrived from this.

    I was on my lvl 88 barb, answered a "FCC LF a barb 85+" I joined the squad, and it had 2 players level 73 and a level 71. Remaining 2 were around 80 something. I said that would ruin the experience, and they should let people know they are taking level 71s before they join the squad, then left. I had 2 players send me hate pm's for about 5 minutes on how selfish I was being to not help them.. *sigh, how selfish is it to demand help from people who have worked for their level?*

    I also had a run that was organized as 80-90. When we all joined we were all 80-84. We had no opener and no one wanted to give up their place. I was the barb, the hardest class to find, so I had a place. Anyways, I agreed to open on my main and switch back. I did, rebuilt chi, and we started. Then we needed my main for second boss. Since I wouldn't have chi to tank with I ended up switching to my main, opening and tanking. Then they complained about me switching back because without me tanking and DDing on my 100 fist bm it would be too slow... When we got to the heads I set my barb up with a bow right where I'd need him, left, activated, and popped back in. It took them forever to invite me back in so I started killing heads on my own and then they finally invited me. I missed a bit of exp.

    Anyways, my point is these under 85 FCC squads are taxing on someone, and its usually the higher levels, the tank, and the cleric that have to pay for it. Sins and psys tend to be the worst culprits as the most popular DDs being raised right now. The longer an FCC takes the higher the repair bill for the barb. Just like its a barbs job to control aggro, its a DDs job to kill things quick, and players under 85 don't do that job very well. Except if a barb loses aggro people die and then complain about the barb, no one complains about a DD if something doesn't die quickly. There's no accountability for DDs which is why almost every squad under 80 ish is 4 DDs looking for a Barb and a cleric, and the barb and cleric have to be 85+ to activate bosses. They have it easy when it comes to leveling, and it ends in the barb having high repair bills and long bouts of aggro control, the cleric burning pots through long battles and keeping extra squishy people alive, or higher levels doing most the work and carrying the DD load.

    Sorry, that ended in a rant but it kind of needs to be said to some people.

    BHs (stack them and they'll go really quick). CS is cheap until level 80. Hyper killing Foxwing Supremes (hmm, not sure on their level but its close.) Or pay people to carry you through FCC. Going rate on sanctuary is 40k a boss for each person with 6 bosses before the exp room. Hyper a few bosses right before they die and pause right after (take 5 seconds of time). Hyper the exp room pull, then ask them to leave squad for heads and solo them with hypers on.
    Seven 100+ characters leveled the hard way. Free to play. Mystic, Psychic, and Wizard left to level. b:victory
  • guyfromlastnight
    guyfromlastnight Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    ^^I wholeheartedly agree about the "lack of accountability" of DD classes. Though I haven't started running FC yet, my experience till now in terms of fellow sins is that many aren't good teammates because:

    a) they're lazy and just auto-attack without at the very least permasparking, let alone using support skills like rib/subsea/interrupting

    b) they're undergeared, which is no excuse for sins since we don't have as many skills that we have to max in order to be efficient DDs compared to mages, or

    c) lack of knowledge on how to make use of our skills to be effective squad members (ie: for crowd-control, pulling/dragging, helping squishies that aggro)

    d) kamikazeing due to not investing in hp coupled with having a tank mentality and expecting the cleric to keep them alive <--- particularly irksome

    But having said that, it was a pro sin named Mishie that inspired me to roll my current main and I haven't looked back since. Pro sins = sexiness.
  • Waterscyth - Harshlands
    Waterscyth - Harshlands Posts: 149 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    I myself have done one FC in which Bourn and IKazuchiKage b:bye and a 100 BM just dominated everything (with some nice cleric) and i racked the EXP at lvl 50. I see how much of a pointless waste of 600k on hypers that was now and now, as I prepare to begin REALLY FCing I see how much I hurt those Sins and BM, but they showed me there still are some nice people out there in-game. I see all these posts about how low levels are so anoying in FC, but seriously, it's a game, why not have fun and help people? It doesn't matter the repair bill, just have fun! b:thanksb:thanks
    Once there was an Assassin... He killed everyone. The End...
  • Typhyse - Sanctuary
    Typhyse - Sanctuary Posts: 3,469 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Don't hyper until ll 75 at FC. You can quest/BH your way from 70 to 75. Hypering before FC is a waste of time and money.

    I actually started FCCing at 73 or 74 >>
    Edit: And even with the power lvling after 75 I still learned how to play my toon. In April this toon will be one year old, I have just spent more time helping faction members than lvling.

    As you can see, this toon is only a month older than you and a level lower. (although I've taken a total of 4 months in breaks by now <<) I also find that helping people and just hanging out to be much more enjoyable than leveling.
    Like you can get Frost Parties at 75 b:chuckle No one gets invited to Frost at 7X unless they pay a 100+ to power level them or have really nice friends. Hearing 7X cry about lack of Frost its the most annoying thing ever, after all its a 85+ instance.
    Have you ever heard of faction members? My faction leader will actually drop out of squad at the heads to let the lower level members in to power level.
    Demon_Troll: "takes on the appearance of an innocent archer but turns into a mindless idiot once you hear him speak"
  • _Skai_ - Raging Tide
    _Skai_ - Raging Tide Posts: 3,407 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    It was all thanks to my faction that I started FC. I learned what to do from them, and everything about pulls and boss tactics.

    I started at 75, gained a level to almost 77, did a few bh's/cube/cs/wq, and got to 78. Did another run with them, this time doing the sin's job alone (first run was a learning run for me), and pulled it off nicely. The second run had a couple mistakes, but none too drastic ^^;

    That run leveled me to almost 80, and I went ahead and got 80. Now I have a better weapon and equipment for now, so I'll be more efficient at FC nowadays.

    Both runs were nerfed (had a 94/95 in it), yet the nerf wasn't bad at all! I gained quite a lot of experience.
    [SIGPIC]Octavia is best pony[/SIGPIC]
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  • Typhyse - Sanctuary
    Typhyse - Sanctuary Posts: 3,469 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    That run leveled me to almost 80, and I went ahead and got 80. Now I have a better weapon and equipment for now, so I'll be more efficient at FC nowadays.
    Once you're 90 and have your triple spark, it'll be too easy and LOADS of fun :D
    Demon_Troll: "takes on the appearance of an innocent archer but turns into a mindless idiot once you hear him speak"