Necro My Eggo

Posts: 108 Arc User
edited February 2011 in General Discussion
I don't understand why when someone reopens an old thread and someone else responds with a solution someone else has to come along and yell necro, then close the thread.

explain this necro. and then explain why your shutting down something that is actually helping?

and to answer this question:

Samaela - Dreamweaver
Perfect World User
Join Date: Feb 2010
Posts: 155
#36 01-01-2011, 04:32 PM
How do people find these threads to necro? I mean, do they pick the most bizzare threads they can find on purpose?

because this forum has a lousy search option.

I looked up auctioneer today and came up with the first five thread had nothing to do with auctioneer other than the word was in the thread.
the first thing should have been auctioneer in the title, then auctioneer in the first sentence of the first post. instead you have to read through three or four pages of some other topic to realize, "thats not what I was looking for". but you're already there and it seems interesting enough to reply.
or ask another question.

but you guys expect us to search through 100 + threads to find one, up to date and up to par with your rules.

I'll tell you what why not give a true mod a job and let him/her go through the forums just closing the threads that should be closed and adding tags to ones that are of a certain topic.

try searching for best way to level a cleric, or schedule of quests for cleric 1-20, you'll get at least 50 threads that just mention cleric somewhere in it.

I tell you the less cleric is mentioned the further down the list it should be. but no its at the top off the list.
Post edited by Ubnext - Sanctuary on


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  • Posts: 1,657 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Their reason is by saying all answers have been discussed and posted. So no need for further discussion.

    Sometimes though, something new happens to contradict the old thread. Still, it'd still be closed on principle.
    Some people risk to employ me

    Some people live to destroy me

    Either way they die
  • Posts: 7,881 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    This forum hosts lively discussions about current events. If something needs to be discussed you do that by addressing the current people on the forum not try to talk to people from a year ago.

    Think of the forums as a newspaper. Would you write a letter to the editor about a story they caried 2 years ago? They won't publish it.

    The exception to necros are guides and stickies as those are actually meant to be authoritative sources of knowledge.
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  • Posts: 3,852 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    The exception to necros are guides and stickies as those are actually meant to be authoritative sources of knowledge.
    There was a nifty Rank guide that was closed due to someone bumping it, which made no sense whatsoever.
  • Posts: 279 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Honestly, it's just common sense. If the thread reaches that point of being dead, it was because either the question was answered, or the person asking it found the answer through other means. There is no need to answer it. And I know there is a thread where one of the GM's said that if you want an answer to that question in that thread, don't necro it, make a new one.

    Edit: Janus, I think that it only really applies to guides which are considered to be good by GM standards. After all, I remember Morty constantly bumping his guide in the Assassin forums, and honestly it was pretty bad. It had a few good notes in it, but was otherwise pretty useless. Guess the best thing to do though would be to just PM the GM who closed it and ask why they did.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I don't understand why when someone reopens an old thread and someone else responds with a solution someone else has to come along and yell necro, then close the thread.

    explain this necro. and then explain why your shutting down something that is actually helping?
    Because necroing is against the forum rules. Please read the "PWI Community Forums: Rules of Conduct v1.0 - read meh!" thread, where it says:
    Necromancy: Any thread over one month (30 days) old is considered to be a dead thread. Posting in a dead (necro) thread will cause it to be locked. Repeated posting of dead threads can result in a ban from forums/game.

    Seriously, it's not that hard to start a new thread if you can't find the answer through searching. If you want to refer to an old thread or post, just include a link to it in your new thread.

    Also, necroed threads often contain out of date information, or questions/complaints that the author wrote years ago, so brining it up now is just a bad idea.

    As for the whole complaint about the search, just use the advanced search options! You have the option to search just by thread title or by certain date ranges. I also recommend checking the PWI wiki, since many answers are there as well.

    Hope that helps!
    Visit the PWI wiki for the useful information. Stay at the PWI wiki for the pie. ;-)
  • Posts: 4,187 Community Moderator
    edited January 2011
    There was a nifty Rank guide that was closed due to someone bumping it, which made no sense whatsoever.

    The "nifty Rank guide" wouldn't happen to be the Rank IX guide from before the rank sales, would it? I believe that I closed the thread because it was outdated, and I invited anyone who wished to make a newer, updated thread about it.
  • Posts: 4,661 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Voicing my opinion... As someone who has run a rather large forum again, 'necro rules' tend to be counter productive. It makes the 'search' function pointless most of the time. The search feature on most forums tends not to work very well anyway.

    Take it or leave it, is my experience and opinion.
    101 Sage Sin*/Archer
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    And a handful of other alts, all 79 and under.
    *Pre RB level
  • Posts: 2,843 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Go to Google. Enter the following as the first term in your search:

    It works a lot better, gives you a lot more options, is a lot quicker, and is easier to flip through the results than the forum's built-in search.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    hey solandri can we swap brains for the day i got tons of tests im gonna fail todayb:cry
    Collector of pet eggs, armor, weapons, fashion, and mountsb:chuckle
  • Posts: 210 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    If rules are rules and there is no exception to the rule, then we have a solution to implement it: software
    Just automatically close every thread that is inactive for more then a certain time, say 1 month or so. That would fix the problem. Don't make guides to guides to a game that has none in-game. It's already weird that you have to check forum to see what the intentions of the game are to make sure you don't make use of possibilities the game offers. If there is a rule and you want to implement it, make it so. Don't make vague comments on what you think things should be like and then ask people to make up "tha rulez"as they go along. If you can make use of a certain application in a legitimate way there is no reason why you shouldn't. If you think the forum should be used differently, design it so people can't make the mistake to use it differently unles their intentions were malevolent.

    Everytime a thread is necroed and closed with the comment that it is closed because it's a necro I wonder why. Just split the thread off at the point where it was necroed into a new thread and close the old one. Better yet, prevent it from happening.
    I'm not there to make you survive in PWI, that's your job
    ** expected fail squad: express rule of thumb "you die by stupidity, you go to town" **
  • Posts: 356 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Sangodoc wrote: »
    Because necroing is against the forum rules. Please read the "PWI Community Forums: Rules of Conduct v1.0 - read meh!" thread, where it says:

    Seriously, it's not that hard to start a new thread if you can't find the answer through searching. If you want to refer to an old thread or post, just include a link to it in your new thread.

    Also, necroed threads often contain out of date information, or questions/complaints that the author wrote years ago, so brining it up now is just a bad idea.

    As for the whole complaint about the search, just use the advanced search options! You have the option to search just by thread title or by certain date ranges. I also recommend checking the PWI wiki, since many answers are there as well.

    Hope that helps!

    Why do you tote around the wiki as if its useful and remotely complete when it isnt and its far from even 10% complete?

    Seriously, aside a few general class pages its horrible and doesnt contain info such as TT drops like you would expect >_>
  • Posts: 448 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Sangodoc wrote: »
    Seriously, it's not that hard to start a new thread if you can't find the answer through searching. If you want to refer to an old thread or post, just include a link to it in your new thread.
    I sometimes wish the moderators would come down on those saying "Fail thread use search function you noob" when people can't find the answer through searching because the search function, even with advanced options, simply is not that good. It seems that the frequent calls of "Necro, you loser--use search" or "Posted a million times already, you loser--use search," just reflect players that don't care to help others and would salivate over moderator powers... let's hope such people never enter the law enforcement profession >.<

    Since it is against the rules to necro a thread, help out your fellow players by PMing them instead of posting in that same necro thread (which you are now contributing to as a necro), and give them the answer. If you don't have the answer and you just want to shout out "Necro! Fail!" well... you're not a moderator and assuming their authority makes you look like a pathetic wannabe cop.
  • Posts: 264 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Sangodoc wrote: »
    Because necroing is against the forum rules. Please read the "PWI Community Forums: Rules of Conduct v1.0 - read meh!" thread, where it says:

    Seriously, it's not that hard to start a new thread if you can't find the answer through searching. If you want to refer to an old thread or post, just include a link to it in your new thread.

    Also, necroed threads often contain out of date information, or questions/complaints that the author wrote years ago, so brining it up now is just a bad idea.

    As for the whole complaint about the search, just use the advanced search options! You have the option to search just by thread title or by certain date ranges. I also recommend checking the PWI wiki, since many answers are there as well.

    Hope that helps!

    Advanced search isnt...that advanced. At all. Just a few days ago I went searching for stuff on Lunar Trophy mode and what did I get? nothing but stuff about general trophy mode rules and 10 threads covering Wraithgate/Eden/Brim. Not what I was looking for. And that is a refined ADVANCED search.

    And PWI wiki? erm this post and what Im about to say is all I have to say to that-
    Why do you tote around the wiki as if its useful and remotely complete when it isnt and its far from even 10% complete?

    Seriously, aside a few general class pages its horrible and doesnt contain info such as TT drops like you would expect >_>

    My comment-Went looking for the same thing in Wiki and what did I find? Upon searching Lunar Trophy Mode I found a nice pretty picture of Lunar =.= and then a page for quests 80-90. Yeah that was super helpful...

    I know wiki is partially a contribution thing on the players side as well but when I have to try funky search functions for other topics that have much more relevance (like stuff about TT, OHT etc) and when I sometimes have to go though links from 3 different other pages to get what i function needs to be tweaked on the wiki or there needs to be some actual work done on it.

    methinks the search function on there needs teaking too.
    The Dealer at your service b:cute
  • Posts: 511 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I agree with what was said above wiki is sometimes way off, I went in looking for pigments a few days ago and the names were completely different then what they are ingame. I have no idea where they came from but some sounded really random.
    The search also doesnt alwys come up with what you need .-.
    My theory is the search is secretly possessed and when you use it the evil spirit likes to see you rage when you get completely ridiculous results =D
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Well, much like any other wiki, the quality of the wiki is completely dependent on you, the users and players of the game, to add to/correct/improve its content!

    I'm just a moderator. It is not my job to make it "complete" (as if such a thing were possible), it's primarily to fix problems, help with technical details, and prevent vandalism. I've contributed a number of articles to the wiki, but there are still many areas I know nothing about (my highest level character just hit 80), so I'd be the wrong person to write those articles. (Not to mention that between work, illness, and moving, I haven't had much free time lately.)

    As far as "tweaking the wiki's search function" goes, that's not going to happen. It uses the standard wiki search engine for that version, and they're not going to change that. I can't even get them to fix the wiki so that links are visible, despite begging them to fix that and some other things in it for over a year now, let alone something complex like modifying the search engine. If the search results there don't help you, try a Google search with "" in the search line.

    Anyways, the point is, if you think something is missing from the wiki, don't complain about it, get off your duff and add it! If you think something is wrong, fix it yourself! The content there is created by users who want to help others and pass on the knowledge they've accumulated. Content won't magically appear there unless people like you contribute to the wiki and make it better.

    At the very least, if the article you're looking for doesn't appear to exist, create a stub article and add the stub tag so that people are aware that this is an article that needs to be filled in. If you're looking for an article to work on, try the "Category:Articles that need improvement", "Category:Articles to be merged", or the "Category:Stubs" for lists of articles that need help.

    Thank you. b:thanks
    Visit the PWI wiki for the useful information. Stay at the PWI wiki for the pie. ;-)
  • Posts: 356 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Sangodoc wrote: »
    Well, much like any other wiki, the quality of the wiki is completely dependent on you, the users and players of the game, to add to/correct/improve its content!

    I'm just a moderator. It is not my job to make it "complete" (as if such a thing were possible), it's primarily to fix problems, help with technical details, and prevent vandalism. I've contributed a number of articles to the wiki, but there are still many areas I know nothing about (my highest level character just hit 80), so I'd be the wrong person to write those articles. (Not to mention that between work, illness, and moving, I haven't had much free time lately.)

    As far as "tweaking the wiki's search function" goes, that's not going to happen. It uses the standard wiki search engine for that version, and they're not going to change that. I can't even get them to fix the wiki so that links are visible, despite begging them to fix that and some other things in it for over a year now, let alone something complex like modifying the search engine. If the search results there don't help you, try a Google search with "" in the search line.

    Anyways, the point is, if you think something is missing from the wiki, don't complain about it, get off your duff and add it! If you think something is wrong, fix it yourself! The content there is created by users who want to help others and pass on the knowledge they've accumulated. Content won't magically appear there unless people like you contribute to the wiki and make it better.

    At the very least, if the article you're looking for doesn't appear to exist, create a stub article and add the stub tag so that people are aware that this is an article that needs to be filled in. If you're looking for an article to work on, try the "Category:Articles that need improvement", "Category:Articles to be merged", or the "Category:Stubs" for lists of articles that need help.

    Thank you. b:thanks

    Can I add a "Piece o **** is useless aside hot cleric pics, delete everything but these please" tag?

    There are many external sites that will give you miles better info than that wiki will.

    Etacomb and PWDatabase for starters. Hell even this forum.
  • Posts: 275 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    necro :D
    i just necroed your eggo
    when life gives you lemons
    put them in a sack and beat your wife
    with them b:victory
  • Posts: 124 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    So here is the plan. You implement a 30day = auto necro with an exception for stickies.

    Sounds easy but not sure how much time and money to implement.
    Friends call me, "RaveR." My enemies call me, "..." b:bye

    RaveR_mnant RT
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  • Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    necro :D
    i just necroed your eggo

    except for this spouse abuser I have to say most of your responses were adequate if not more than I needed.
    In some cases a relief to see I am not the only one with search problems, and not so immature because I think a rule, although it is a rule, may need to be amended to satisfy the need of the majority.

    advanced options suck as much as the simple basic option.
    and thanx for the hint to google, word= I have been doing that already and then picking the one title that looks like it describes what i am looking for. but of course that could even have 44 pages thread and still not solve my problem, that of course is the chance I take.
    but I have seen other forums, and have modded one for a simple guild of 12 peeps, and contestant peeps from other guilds.
    maybe offering a few players a special mount or blade or 5 tiger packs a week to mod the forums, with just enough admin priv to fix some of the old threads and maybe even merge them with new one. heck I spend enough time searching the forums now, that it wouldn't hurt to be able to skim through ten threads and determine the right ones to merge, or delete all the old post that are redundantly irrelevant, and delete the necoing parts, merge them into a new thread so peeps find solutions and then deleting the threads that would otherwise be a necro error.
    and bumping I am assuming means you try to keep the thread open buy posting it on a scheduled basis. this is not necessary and should be restricted as well. it just leaves it open for more wasted pages of social jargon and convo.
    **** that, make it a sticky and put tags on it so it shows up at the top of the search list, close it, and if necessary mods can paste it in new threads.

    I am simple but I do think that is not that complicated.

    as for the wiki... here's an Idea, lets close the forums hints and FAQ's and disperse all our energy of informing the public through wiki. then lets do the same for PWDatabase.
    you know, I still don;t know where to find a scroll tome to get items from the PW Bootique (meant to spell it that so sthu). so because of all the danged opinions of yay or nay I am still lost.
    that is what forums are for.
    as far as fixing the databases why not have a few necro yelling mods do that instead of them sitting on top of the auctioneer driving up gold prices so peeps buy more cards?
    did I just say that.
    no its not hate, it just something I threw out there, cause I still wonder why yelling necro is an accepted response? instead of a little cut and paste, and poof there you go proper threading at its finest, is this mod so busy **** peeps in the game that he don't have time to help with the solutions instead of being an A hole about the neccro?
    or is it just like some one mentioned earlier, wanna be cop syndrome?

    any way just wanted to say thanks to all the input before I lost track and I ended up having to necro the neco thread just to say thanx!
  • Posts: 631 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    except for this spouse abuser I have to say most of your responses were adequate if not more than I needed.
    In some cases a relief to see I am not the only one with search problems, and not so immature because I think a rule, although it is a rule, may need to be amended to satisfy the need of the majority.

    advanced options suck as much as the simple basic option.
    and thanx for the hint to google, word= I have been doing that already and then picking the one title that looks like it describes what i am looking for. but of course that could even have 44 pages thread and still not solve my problem, that of course is the chance I take.
    but I have seen other forums, and have modded one for a simple guild of 12 peeps, and contestant peeps from other guilds.
    maybe offering a few players a special mount or blade or 5 tiger packs a week to mod the forums, with just enough admin priv to fix some of the old threads and maybe even merge them with new one. heck I spend enough time searching the forums now, that it wouldn't hurt to be able to skim through ten threads and determine the right ones to merge, or delete all the old post that are redundantly irrelevant, and delete the necoing parts, merge them into a new thread so peeps find solutions and then deleting the threads that would otherwise be a necro error.
    and bumping I am assuming means you try to keep the thread open buy posting it on a scheduled basis. this is not necessary and should be restricted as well. it just leaves it open for more wasted pages of social jargon and convo.
    **** that, make it a sticky and put tags on it so it shows up at the top of the search list, close it, and if necessary mods can paste it in new threads.

    I am simple but I do think that is not that complicated.

    as for the wiki... here's an Idea, lets close the forums hints and FAQ's and disperse all our energy of informing the public through wiki. then lets do the same for PWDatabase.
    you know, I still don;t know where to find a scroll tome to get items from the PW Bootique (meant to spell it that so sthu). so because of all the danged opinions of yay or nay I am still lost.
    that is what forums are for.
    as far as fixing the databases why not have a few necro yelling mods do that instead of them sitting on top of the auctioneer driving up gold prices so peeps buy more cards?
    did I just say that.
    no its not hate, it just something I threw out there, cause I still wonder why yelling necro is an accepted response? instead of a little cut and paste, and poof there you go proper threading at its finest, is this mod so busy **** peeps in the game that he don't have time to help with the solutions instead of being an A hole about the neccro?
    or is it just like some one mentioned earlier, wanna be cop syndrome?

    any way just wanted to say thanks to all the input before I lost track and I ended up having to necro the neco thread just to say thanx!

    You just necroed a thread about necroing by quoting a previous necro.

    You just won an internets.
    1. One who murders by surprise attack, especially one who carries out a plot to kill a prominent person.
    synonyms: murderer, killer, gunman, executioner, informalhitman, hired gun.
    Latin assassnus; Greek δολοφόνος
  • Posts: 1,874 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    and you just won the stupid award. Have a look at the dates in the posts.... no one NECRO'ED anything..... >.>
  • Posts: 631 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    and you just won the stupid award. Have a look at the dates in the posts.... no one NECRO'ED anything..... >.>

    Not more than 30 days, but still enough that it was buried a few pages back.
    1. One who murders by surprise attack, especially one who carries out a plot to kill a prominent person.
    synonyms: murderer, killer, gunman, executioner, informalhitman, hired gun.
    Latin assassnus; Greek δολοφόνος
  • Posts: 1,874 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    and yet it STILL isn't considered a necro'ed thread... genius.
  • Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Not more than 30 days, but still enough that it was buried a few pages back.

    Necro Status: Failed.
    hemoglobin: idk how the hell you can turn the word burrito into something sexual. perversion at its finest
    Nastassiya - Sanctuary
    A clone of MagicHamsta... wow. He's original but you're not.

    Me are hibernating. *poof*
  • Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Not more than 30 days, but still enough that it was buried a few pages back.

    but it takes me about that long to go through all my posts to find the ones worth responding to.

    and i checked here to make sure I was with in the 30 day range.

    now you are just spamming with an off topic note just to be an @ss instead of putting in two cents that someone would really appreciate... like....explaining how to convert 1000 chip packs into chips in one click instead of 1,000 clicks? in another thread where you might actually be viewed as worthy and genius as you tried to appear here.

    if I bump this in 29.5 days it's still not necro....

    so move on Necroman!

    Psst: does someone have a Mold: Necromania Hat for this guy? he needs something to do, because he has no life and is so bored with the forums he is hunting for something to stir up!


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