2 New Ppl Making Barb Dont Make Them Pwi Hate Barbs

_Ghoul_ - Lost City
_Ghoul_ - Lost City Posts: 973 Arc User
edited February 2011 in Barbarian
2 the new ppl making new barb plz DONT.
waste of time and pwi dont love barbs.
pwi love auto attack aps int ppl not barb so u wana we tank look for ather classes and le tbarb die out.
Post edited by _Ghoul_ - Lost City on


  • Freizer - Lost City
    Freizer - Lost City Posts: 210 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    What Ghoul in his very...very.. um..interesting way is trying to say. (IE please use words that can be understood for those of us not typing like we would on a phone)

    PWI is currently in a state of flux, barbs more and more are not "needed" for certain squads IE APS squads. However this does NOT effect your game play at lower levels since most squads below 99 are not 5.0 APS.

    Barbs are still just as needed in game as they ever were, and will continue to be forever more. So Roll what you like, and play how you want.

    But, as a barb be prepared for :

    -High repairs
    -Low damage (if you roll full tank)
    -and being needed by normal squads :3
    Lost City Sage barb and Retired Coven Marshal.
  • fuzzywuzz
    fuzzywuzz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    While yes, it may be the age of interval in PWI, Fuzzy is sick of hearing how barbs are not needed. It just isn't true.

    Look at the world chat on any server. Not five minutes will go by without someone asking for a barb, and not just for FC. Every bh squad from 29 to 100 can use a barb. Delta? Lets see a 5aps character lure that instance better than a barbarian. World Boss? For a true barb, not a problem to hold agro while the entire faction beats on em. Warsong City? A whole lot easier and faster to run with a barb to pull, rather than with a bunch of aps to beat each mob to death one by one.

    The panda also reads many posts and hears much talk of his barb brethren having no use at end-game beyond a few buffs. Makes Fuzzy angry to hear other barbs buying into this.

    Is your barb in a faction that actually works together? If this is the case, unless the entire rest of the faction is 3.33+aps there must be members crying to get their quests finished, or bh's completed, or armour built etc. Fuzzy's faction is 180 members strong, and while we have our share of the 5aps, there simply isn't enough hours in the day to tank every request me get.

    A barbarian needs to be a selfless character who works for the benefit of the whole instead of their individual self. Sin's and other interval players can run around and solo what they want (for the most part) but this should not be the mentality of a lion or tiger or wolf or panda. We are meant to look after the others, draw the damage and enable them to survive and grow. How many wizards in your guild could use a barb to tank for them? Help a wizard grow to endgame and they will have unearthly abilities to wield at your side. What about the veno's who get left behind as well since a herc seems to be "un-needed" these days as well? Tank for them on their way to end-game and they will be one of the best assets a team can have in TW. Lets also not forget clerics. Ask them who they would prefer to heal. A squishy aps character who takes constant attention and focus to keep alive, or a barb, who has the survivability to allow the cleric to not only catch their breath, but also deal a little damage for themselves. Look to the other classes, and if you can establish yourself as a trustworthy tank, they will likewise look to you to do it for them. Ask around in your faction and you will find many other classes feeling excluded since they cannot achieve the sought after aps for themselves. Make these people your best friends and go out of your way to tank for them. Upon reaching endgame, only then will you see the investment pay off.

    The barbarian will always have a place and will never having a problem finding a squad that needs a tank. A TRUE tank. If a barb can't find such a squad, they simply are not looking hard enough, or not wanting to put forth the effort. Fuzzy sees many barbs these days who ride on the coat-tails of aps characters and couldn't tank their way out of wet paper bag because they have never needed to learn. However, that is a whole different rant the panda will save for a different day.

    Barbs are needed to tank, Barbs are needed to buff, Barbs are needed to pull catapults. Barbs kick *** in pvp, Barbs are loyal, and Barbs are the best class in the game.

    Fuzzy for one is proud to be a barbarian.
    [SIGPIC]Need to talk to Fuzzy?[/SIGPIC]
    Sig by NowItsAwn
  • Rawrgh - Raging Tide
    Rawrgh - Raging Tide Posts: 6,790 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    If it bothers you so much go clawbarian.
    "My understanding of women only goes as far as the pleasure. When it comes to the pain, I'm like any other bloke - I don't want to know."
  • Freizer - Lost City
    Freizer - Lost City Posts: 210 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    If it bothers you so much go clawbarian.

    QQ or join them is not always the right answer b:thanks

    also much love for you fuzzy and your wisdom :3 of enjoying the game and what ? TEAMWORK
    Lost City Sage barb and Retired Coven Marshal.
  • _Ghoul_ - Lost City
    _Ghoul_ - Lost City Posts: 973 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    keep ur claw 2 urself tvm.
    just wanted 2 tell my true even if fuzzy make sence we have few options as he says.
    A. we can keep 2 our tank job why more or less look for non aps ppl in all we things we do.
    like blacklist aps wish is the harsest hating things for barbs nowdays meaning sin/bm and aps archer and claw barb just ignore these players and somehow we keep our jobbs.

    B.we go aps ourself and go in this int hipe.

    C.we delete barb cos it fails 2 tank and make a bm or sin 2 tank i mean why keep barb when they lost there job.
  • _Ghoul_ - Lost City
    _Ghoul_ - Lost City Posts: 973 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    fuzzi this isnt un attack againt u but the devs on how they making up things.
  • fuzzywuzz
    fuzzywuzz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    C.we delete barb cos it fails 2 tank and make a bm or sin 2 tank i mean why keep barb when they lost there job.

    You missed the entire point of Fuzzy's post didn't you? b:lipcurl
    [SIGPIC]Need to talk to Fuzzy?[/SIGPIC]
    Sig by NowItsAwn
  • _Ghoul_ - Lost City
    _Ghoul_ - Lost City Posts: 973 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    no but sometimes u do wish u listen 2 what u wana say 2.
    I mean the fact barb do exist was ALWAYS 2 we main tank class.
    that is how it says when u read the class description and fact we hade a special agro skill wish we spamm 2 keep agro.
    now i dont wana talk bad about ur bosses in pwi but i somehow need 2 cos i feel the need 2 tell the true now that u are listning 2 me.
    i knew pwi need 2 make money but the aps is the problem and as long as aps exist why should i tell any new player i meet in game 2 make a barb when i knew that they will feel as all we do when they see end game.dont tell me 2 but the **** about u r need for tw cos nobady does it in lost city one land hold all land when they want and all u get is mirrages.
    delta is one of the few bosses but me wow so u tell me 2 keep my barb or 2 tell ppl 2 make a barb for delta like U man u can tank delta aint u great. wow i mean wow.

    and barb who got claw stop telling me 2 go aps cos its stupid seriusly u like i keep it but stup about it cos i didnt make a barb 2 go aps.

    now i knew devs wont respond cos they dont CARE but i for one tell ppl i meet the true b:angry
  • Axelire - Heavens Tear
    Axelire - Heavens Tear Posts: 286 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    You're welcome to give your opinion on the state of the game as pertaining to this class; but you have no place to tell people whether they should or shouldn't play a Barbarian, especially when there are people who disagree with you.

    If you feel your Barbarian "fails 2 tank", take your own advice to "delete barb".
  • Freizer - Lost City
    Freizer - Lost City Posts: 210 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    why should i tell any new player i meet in game 2 make a barb when i knew that they will feel as all we do when they see end game.

    I think the point here was that Fuzzy (And I) don't feel this way. that's two barbs (and many more) who do not share your ill formatted idea. Just depends who you're playing with and most barbs at 9-10x have guilds, or friends who they run with.

    dont tell me 2 but the **** about u r need for tw cos nobady does it in lost city one land hold all land when they want and all u get is mirrages.
    Before essence it was CQ and after Essence it will be another guild

    delta is one of the few bosses but me wow so u tell me 2 keep my barb or 2 tell ppl 2 make a barb for delta like U man u can tank delta aint u great. wow i mean wow.
    Any (and i mean any) barb can tank delta with half a brain, it reminds me of back when we used to have Zhen parties, and on a similar level it's the same as pulling large groups in frost. NOT that hard if you know what you're doing just most people don't want to take the time.

    and barb who got claw stop telling me 2 go aps cos its stupid seriusly u like i keep it but stup about it cos i didnt make a barb 2 go aps.
    You have a point here, but so do they. Barbs arn't a dead class by any means, and the point of claw is if YOU FEEL LIKE IT you can STILL be a "top" dps barb LIKE demon used to be considered before the claw days.

    now i knew devs wont respond cos they dont CARE but i for one tell ppl i meet the true b:angry
    Devs aren't the only people who's voice matter here b:surrender as more players (Tanks who play on the lost city server) have ideas and opinions to share. A dev's word is not law, just as barbs are not dead in game. (no offense to fuzzy b:cute)
    Lost City Sage barb and Retired Coven Marshal.
  • Freizer - Lost City
    Freizer - Lost City Posts: 210 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    FuzzyWuzz wrote: »
    While yes, it may be the age of interval in PWI, Fuzzy is sick of hearing how barbs are not needed. It just isn't true.

    Look at the world chat on any server. Not five minutes will go by without someone asking for a barb, and not just for FC. Every bh squad from 29 to 100 can use a barb.

    Is your barb in a faction that actually works together? If this is the case, unless the entire rest of the faction is 3.33+aps there must be members crying to get their quests finished, or bh's completed, or armour built etc. Fuzzy's faction is 180 members strong, and while we have our share of the 5aps, there simply isn't enough hours in the day to tank every request me get.

    A barbarian needs to be a selfless character who works for the benefit of the whole instead of their individual self. Sin's and other interval players can run around and solo what they want (for the most part) but this should not be the mentality of a lion or tiger or wolf or panda. We are meant to look after the others, draw the damage and enable them to survive and grow. How many wizards in your guild could use a barb to tank for them? Help a wizard grow to endgame and they will have unearthly abilities to wield at your side. What about the veno's who get left behind as well since a herc seems to be "un-needed" these days as well? Tank for them on their way to end-game and they will be one of the best assets a team can have in TW. Lets also not forget clerics. Ask them who they would prefer to heal. A squishy aps character who takes constant attention and focus to keep alive, or a barb, who has the survivability to allow the cleric to not only catch their breath, but also deal a little damage for themselves. Look to the other classes, and if you can establish yourself as a trustworthy tank, they will likewise look to you to do it for them. Ask around in your faction and you will find many other classes feeling excluded since they cannot achieve the sought after aps for themselves. Make these people your best friends and go out of your way to tank for them. Upon reaching endgame, only then will you see the investment pay off.

    The barbarian will always have a place and will never having a problem finding a squad that needs a tank. A TRUE tank. If a barb can't find such a squad, they simply are not looking hard enough, or not wanting to put forth the effort. Fuzzy sees many barbs these days who ride on the coat-tails of aps characters and couldn't tank their way out of wet paper bag because they have never needed to learn. However, that is a whole different rant the panda will save for a different day.

    Barbs are needed to tank, Barbs are needed to buff, Barbs are needed to pull catapults. Barbs kick *** in pvp, Barbs are loyal, and Barbs are the best class in the game.

    Fuzzy for one is proud to be a barbarian.

    also + this ^ incase you don't want to read through his text block with a dwindled attention span.
    Lost City Sage barb and Retired Coven Marshal.
  • Redmenace - Heavens Tear
    Redmenace - Heavens Tear Posts: 908 Arc User
    edited January 2011

    Problem here Fuzz is that the helping, selfless character that Barbs are now required to be needs an adult to run 'em - and many barbs are/were rolled by kids who want a bulletproof killer. The game has evolved around them to develop other classes that do more damage, and faster - and have left barbs behind. BM's and Sin's are much more independent and interesting - and cheaper to run, and faster to lvl, and "popular" in squads.

    Before "Who needs a barb, we have a Sin to tank" it was "Who needs a barb, we have a BM to tank" and "who needs a barb, we have a herc veno to tank".

    Nearly every advance of this game has left the barbs behind. I agree with you about Frost/Warsong/RBO needing a barb still, but it's grudgingly, and we are forgotten after that 3-3 boss or BH69 is done.


    \wishing for aggro and def boosts in update
    \\doesn't expect anything, however
    A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.
    Robert A. Heinlein
  • Baalbak - Dreamweaver
    Baalbak - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,624 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    i honestly cant see myself rolling any other class tbh. any time i play a non- tank character I always find myself in lack of one. too many people get discouraged by the aps craze limiting their ability to tank the "normal" stuff and feel useless - roll fist or another toon all together. I personally chose to stay pure vit axe demon barb and wouldn't have it any other way. even if all im needed for in a squad is buffs - its a foot in the door on a farm run that helps me generate more coin for refines/shards/better gear.
  • Dagnatic - Sanctuary
    Dagnatic - Sanctuary Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Every one who's posted so far is 100+ right, and there saying your wrong, well mate, im only lvl 79 and im saying you are two, Barbs are the most power full class in PWI we can make, or break a squad, some ones giveing you hell in an FCC? well lets see now, woops forgot to Rawr, person dies, Woops, rawr to save the rest of the squad and im sure they wont give you much trouble after that, I learnt early in this game, To be the best, you gota run with the worst, to be able to kick *** no matter the situation you have to be able to run with the players that have no clue what there doing.

    When i see Fuzzy post, no matter how long it is, i stop pause my time and read it, where as others i might skip what they say, i Respect Fuzzy's opinion more than any one elses on this forum. If he says we aint fail, then well were not. you may not be the best, but you can still do your best.

    Have you ever noticed a trend in the animals they chose for barbs? well i have,
    A wolf is a pack animal
    A tiger has its pack as well
    A lion is a Pack animal
    A panda well, im not to sure about them, but their soft and cute looking, n they could rip your head off.
    We're not ment to be able to solo the whole game, this game is supposed to be that you can only get to the end if your a team player, or thats what i was told any way.
  • Freizer - Lost City
    Freizer - Lost City Posts: 210 Arc User
    edited January 2011

    Have you ever noticed a trend in the animals they chose for barbs? well i have,
    A wolf is a pack animal
    A tiger has its pack as well
    A lion is a Pack animal
    A panda well, im not to sure about them, but their soft and cute looking, n they could rip your head off.
    We're not ment to be able to solo the whole game, this game is supposed to be that you can only get to the end if your a team player, or thats what i was told any way.
    your ecology is just a tad off, but you didn't hear it from me xD well said and keep rocking on
    Lost City Sage barb and Retired Coven Marshal.
  • Dagnatic - Sanctuary
    Dagnatic - Sanctuary Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    your ecology is just a tad off, but you didn't hear it from me xD well said and keep rocking on
    Pack, pride, same difference. b:chuckle
  • fuzzywuzz
    fuzzywuzz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    fuzzi this isnt un attack againt u but the devs on how they making up things.

    The panda does not see it as a personal attack. Far from it. However, it is an attack on Fuzzy's class, and this barb just won't stand for it. Not now, not ever, and especially not in our house on the forum.

    Barbs need to stand up for themselves. Show a little pride in our class.

    There have been many threads lately about how we are only needed for our buffs. Fuzzy believes to his core that this is a lie and will do everything he can do dispel the myth. The fact the game has developed in such a way that interval is the most sought after attribute doesn't really mean much.

    How many non aps characters are there on a server vs. aps? How many of the aps truly achieve 5?

    Barbs need to stop being lazy, stop crying, get off their furry *** and go prove to the world we are still here, still strong and very much still relevant.

    [SIGPIC]Need to talk to Fuzzy?[/SIGPIC]
    Sig by NowItsAwn
  • _UrNightMare - Harshlands
    _UrNightMare - Harshlands Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    they dont hate barbs they are just useless let me explain it
    u can divide pw classes in 3 category
    casters like wiz psy they are good for pvp
    aps like bm sin they are good for pve
    and the last one barbs they are uselessb:bye
  • Freizer - Lost City
    Freizer - Lost City Posts: 210 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    they dont hate barbs they are just useless let me explain it
    u can divide pw classes in 3 category
    casters like wizards they are good for pvp
    DD/tanks like bms and barbs they are good for pve and pvp
    and the last one sin they are useless and poor trolls
    Lost City Sage barb and Retired Coven Marshal.
  • _UrNightMare - Harshlands
    _UrNightMare - Harshlands Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    they dont hate barbs they are just useless let me explain it
    u can divide pw classes in 3 category
    casters like wizards they are good for pvp
    aps/tanks like bms and barbs they are good for pve and pvp
    and the last one sinins they are useless and poor trolls /QUOTE]

    u mad?lol sin are way better trolls than barb

    edit:oh btw next time learn how to quote b4 u do it pr0 barb troll
  • Freizer - Lost City
    Freizer - Lost City Posts: 210 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    u mad?lol sin are way better trolls than barb
    Mad? not at all, just pointing out your error ( I wasn't sure you knew you made one)

    Have a pleasant evening.
    Lost City Sage barb and Retired Coven Marshal.
  • _UrNightMare - Harshlands
    _UrNightMare - Harshlands Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    u mad?lol sin are way better trolls than barb
    Mad? not at all, just pointing out your error ( I wasn't sure you knew you made one)

    Have a pleasant evening.
    i belive last time u tanked something u were 6x and it was bh51 just admit it barb are buff **** or useless
  • Freizer - Lost City
    Freizer - Lost City Posts: 210 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    i belive last time u tanked something u were 6x and it was bh51 just admit it barb are buff **** or useless

    Actually no, I'm happily active when ever I choose to play, I have a guild to help run and players and myself to advance.

    That is in fact the point of this thread, to show that barbs are proud of what they are, what we can do, and that we will continue to do as we have.

    Barbarian is not a dead class by any means.

    I would think that if you talk to all barbs this "rudely" it would be why there seem to be an absence of them in your personal squads (no one wants to run with a rude player, especially people like barbs and clerics who-do-not-have-to-stay-there.

    You can do most things without DD (I don't advise it, it's long and your repairs sky rocket)

    But when push comes to shove when your squad is dead in HH3-x because of the GBA boss, you call a barb

    When your squad is near dead in frost, because your "insert sub tank here" can't pull the halls, you call a barb

    When you need delta because your *insert sub tank here* can't pull you call a barb

    yes, when you need buffs you call a barb because your *insert sub tank here* can't buff you.

    and when you need a barb to Arma the hell out of annoying sins? you call a barb.

    You have yet to prove to me that my class, and my game play is dead, useless, or obsolete.

    Lost City Sage barb and Retired Coven Marshal.
  • _UrNightMare - Harshlands
    _UrNightMare - Harshlands Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Actually no, I'm happily active when ever I choose to play, I have a guild to help run and players and myself to advance.

    That is in fact the point of this thread, to show that barbs are proud of what they are, what we can do, and that we will continue to do as we have.

    Barbarian is not a dead class by any means.

    I would think that if you talk to all barbs this "rudely" it would be why there seem to be an absence of them in your personal squads (no one wants to run with a rude player, especially people like barbs and clerics who-do-not-have-to-stay-there.

    You can do most things without DD (I don't advise it, it's long and your repairs sky rocket)

    But when push comes to shove when your squad is dead in HH3-x because of the GBA boss, you call a barb

    When your squad is near dead in frost, because your "insert sub tank here" can't pull the halls, you call a barb

    When you need delta because your *insert sub tank here* can't pull you call a barb

    yes, when you need buffs you call a barb because your *insert sub tank here* can't buff you.

    and when you need a barb to Arma the hell out of annoying sins? you call a barb.

    You have yet to prove to me that my class, and my game play is dead, useless, or obsolete.

    u dont need barb for bh 3-3 , frost can be tanked by bms blademaster+bp=gg ya gv u r right but i guess u own everyone in pvp cause barb is the best op dd or wait why u need a aps char for nirvana when u can get a barb and make 2h nirvana?about gv just wait for other crazy pwi sale like rep or d orbs and bm will tank them then u will be officialy useless
  • Knownase - Heavens Tear
    Knownase - Heavens Tear Posts: 6,959 Arc User
    edited January 2011

    Yes, I too am a claw Barb, but honestly....I wouldn't want to reroll an APS-based class like sins and BMs.

    I just love playing as a Barb too much, plus I feel waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay safer than my experience with a BM. lol

    My perspective is, things change, and learn adapt to them. Sure that sounds like "if you can't beat them, join them" but w/e.

    And you get to be a tiger. b:victory

    My only reason I am lvling a BM to 100, is to just hoard Nirv keys for more farming money....
    b:flowerHave a Techno Rave Flower!b:flower

    -Self-Proclaimed TW commentator of HT-
    -Certified Barbarian Master-
    -You gained +10 coolness points for viewing this signature-
    -Master of Coffee-
  • Furries - Dreamweaver
    Furries - Dreamweaver Posts: 966 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    i would likely have to agree barbs dont have much of a place (as the main tank) past lvl 100.

    but that doesnt mean u cant do other things.

    im lvl 92, ive been playing pwi for over a year, i have 10 chars. i play EVERY class

    and guess what. barb is my fav... followed closely by Cleric.

    and just for the record.

    and this isnt even a issue till u start squading with lvl 99+ people.

    i dont know why everyone is in such a rush to lvl.

    i play the game to be the best i can be at each lvl, before heading to the next.

    and i seem to be double spacing my posts....

    Killing level 80's with a lvl 60 is a lot more fun than killing level 90's with a level 100.
  • gelnd
    gelnd Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    @Freizer: Please don't tarnish barb pride by lowering yourself to the level of those who diss other people's classes. :) I have run with some awesome sins, and some awesome barbs. New classes go in and out of popularity with the trolls - in the end, there are some truly awesome people playing all classes, you just have to dig past the **** to find them. ^^
  • Freizer - Lost City
    Freizer - Lost City Posts: 210 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    gelnd wrote: »
    @Freizer: Please don't tarnish barb pride by lowering yourself to the level of those who diss other people's classes. :) I have run with some awesome sins, and some awesome barbs. New classes go in and out of popularity with the trolls - in the end, there are some truly awesome people playing all classes, you just have to dig past the **** to find them. ^^

    Very true, I do retract my statement about all sins being worthless (they aren't) and you do and can find people from every walk of life and playing style and have a good time.
    Lost City Sage barb and Retired Coven Marshal.
  • WnbTank - Archosaur
    WnbTank - Archosaur Posts: 1,472 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    QQ or join them is not always the right answer b:thanks

    also much love for you fuzzy and your wisdom :3 of enjoying the game and what ? TEAMWORK

    I dislike claws itself, not something I`d want to wield as a barb, yet the way game is atm, claws simply offer too much for me to pass em. So guess I joined the darkside, I dont like it but I prefer it over the alternative.
    Trolling Sid since So Hot :o
  • Sakubatou - Sanctuary
    Sakubatou - Sanctuary Posts: 4,001 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    When every class became able to tank what a 15k barb used to need to tank while only having 6k hp themselves, I decided I could use a little less hp and a little more skill to stay alive. I moved vit to dex and strength and became a damage build (its called adapting).

    Nowadays, barbs are only used 90+ for pulls and mob bosses that do insane dmg like Wb and metal. However, that still is a large amount of activity for a barb. Rest of the time we have to "settle" for being about as useful as a vit/bm, psychic, wizard, or ranged archer once we've buffed.

    But, half the time its our buffs that make tanking possible. I'm not gonna tank metal on my BM with 6.9k hp. I will with 9.2k and the phys dmg bonus. It's not like I wouldn't bring a barb into squad just for those reasons.

    And as for using fists. Standup and use fists you are basically a bm with a bit more hp and no HF. You still have the option of weapon switching to axes and having 12-16k hp along with jacked up kitty form defense. This means you can be the tank if the squad calls for it, doing pulls and such, or be a useful dd if the sin wants to tank (might be more useful in kitty form devouring depending on your squad). Fists eliminates some super high hp options, but means you are useful 99% of the time.
    Seven 100+ characters leveled the hard way. Free to play. Mystic, Psychic, and Wizard left to level. b:victory