Question for you barbies ^^

Galliteya - Heavens Tear
Galliteya - Heavens Tear Posts: 68 Arc User
edited January 2011 in Barbarian
As said before I'm a little new and I'm reading about different classes and must ask a question or 2 if I may heehee. Are barbs good at soloing and questing? I know you wear heavy armor but does that armor reflect when in your tiger form? Do you solo more as your tiger form or your human form. I think its cute that you can be panda's. And panda that turns into a huge tiger with red eyes and paws that looked as if he just stepped on a pile of hot coals. There jumping animation is so adorable. Its like a kitten. Sorry to be so silly. But I find barbs interesting like I do bm's.

I used to tank in wow. I absolutely love tanking. I mean come on...a girl wearing heavy armor being hit on all day ^^. Ok back to reading. b:cute
Post edited by Galliteya - Heavens Tear on


  • Sir_Puma - Raging Tide
    Sir_Puma - Raging Tide Posts: 780 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    My first "tank" char here was a BM (now lvl 95 as u can see from avatar). The I decided to raise up a barb. Yes they are good at soloing stuff, magic mobs will maybe bother you a bit less then on a BM cause u will have more hp, but they will still hurt. Your strenght in beeing a barb will be your hp and ur physical defense.
    Proud supporter of the new expansion. Sure it has it's share of bugs, like any games. But for a pure farmer/grinder, that's a whole lot of new mobs to go beat up b:chuckle
  • OMarvelous - Sanctuary
    OMarvelous - Sanctuary Posts: 339 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    *slaps you across the head with my tail* Don't call me barbie!
  • Sakubatou - Sanctuary
    Sakubatou - Sanctuary Posts: 4,001 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I would disagree with the Sir_Puma. I don't think we're good at soloing. We can survive mobs, no problem, and we can kill almost anything while soloing, it just takes fricken f-o-r-e-v-e-r. Vit Barbs (most tanks) probably have the lowest damage output of any class and build, with Axe Bms right behind us. Solo questing is very difficult because it takes so long. You never die, and you're not at risk of dieing, but you get very bored very quickly with how long mobs take to kill. I can prolly kill 8-10 mobs on a psychic before an equal level barb can kill one. That's how it is before level 75 ish.

    That's why barbs are rare. People get bored with them and stop playing them at level 15. People don't want to quest with them either, until later. Mostly they just want your buff then want you to leave.

    The irony of people inviting me to squad, letting me buff, then kicking me and ksing my kills while I grind quested levels 20-45, and then seeing them spam WC for a barb....hmmm, love it.
    Seven 100+ characters leveled the hard way. Free to play. Mystic, Psychic, and Wizard left to level. b:victory
  • Baalbak - Dreamweaver
    Baalbak - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,624 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I personally focused my barb raising on the tiger form skills until around level 70ish, since I was planning to be a tank barb just to prove to myself I could do i better than the barbs I had been running with on my veno.

    Sure we kill slow, but yes we can solo all of our mob quests and even some boss quests.

    I have to disagree with the fellow above who said magical mobs will hurt you. 90% of what this game throws at you is melee magical once you get past a certain level. A barb's best friend is to open each kill with "Alacrity of the Beast" to stop them from even casting their magic spell. Then they will just attack with physical attacks only until 10 seconds later. If you wanted to and weren't lazy, you can stand up after alacrity and use humanoid attacks for more damage, to kill faster. Or you can stay in tiger form and just use "Devour" to break their physical defenses, and hit harder (devour 10 makes it so you hit nearly as much as you do while standing up. This isnt an issue with demon barbs since demon true form removes the 50% damage penalty of True form 3).

    our physical defenses increase in tiger form when you learn (and level) your passive skill "shape shift intensity" - which is a prerequisite to have maxed before learning "Invoke the Spirit" at level 59 (which reduces all damage taken by 90% for 20 seconds = invincibarb)

    now that I've got all my skills to level 10 or higher, i grind primarily in humanoid form - just use tiger form mainly for pulling together masses of mobs, because it moves at 8.8 meters per second b:pleased.
  • MrSyko - Raging Tide
    MrSyko - Raging Tide Posts: 515 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Everybody wrote so much, I didn't feel like reading it all. So I can't agree or disagree with anybody.

    1) All I have to say is this:
    It's a 50/50 of being decent for questing and being terrible for it.

    I say this because at lower levels you don't have access to AoE's such as Sunder and Armageddon. At lower levels it is very difficult to kill many mobs in a good amount of time. Questing solo took forever for me. Once you hit lvl 59 and get Sunder and Armageddon, you can kill multiple mobs at once with ease compared to the struggles as a low level.

    2) Before I got Demon True Form, I quested in tiger form mostly because of the HP and defense bonus. Sure, it took a while to kill mobs, but I didn't need to use any kind of hp or mp pot for a while.
  • YamiSaito - Raging Tide
    YamiSaito - Raging Tide Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Well, I have to say I disagree with some of the barbs and BM's that are posting in here. Yes, barbs can solo almost every sort of quest. When stat'd right, you don't even need to use tiger form if you just carry some pots on you. Currently, I'm level 71 and I have 6774 HP in normal form with Beast Kings Inspiration(10) activated. As far as things taking a long time to kill, that's true with any class at a low level but honestly, it's easy as long as you just keep up with your gear and use your de-buff and buff skills properly.

    I hated the barb at first, as someone stated, I wanted to quit at a low level. A couple of faction members encouraged me to keep on going and now I'm level 71, full TT70 gear and looking forward to pushing my way to the high 70's and 80's so I can start learning how to tank FC. Barb's are definitely a fun class but don't expect anything spectacular from the tanking side of it. It's nothing like any classes on WoW. Maybe the druid bear but only slightly. I would say a barb is definitely a fun choice, especially if you enjoy tanking. If you end up on Raging Tide, hope to see you around and if not, enjoy whatever server you're on.

    PS: Best of luck on deciding if you want a barb or not.
  • Galliteya - Heavens Tear
    Galliteya - Heavens Tear Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I think I'm going to make a barb. I started tanking in wow when tanks were horrible as they are again lol. I'm a girl who likes a challenge and I do love tanking. Alot! heehee. Why once I started as a tank on wow I never looked back. Used my hunter for farming and that was about it ^^. I like tanking because the group is depending on me to do my best to keep the mob attention long enough for them to burnem down. And sorry I called you barbies ^^. Someone in my server shouted that out in wc. And to let you know...your tail didn't hurt that much :P.

    One thing I don't understand about barbs stat building is there are so many post with so many diff builds. This is what kind of tank I'd like to be. I don't care about damage...I don't care how long it takes me to kill a mob/mobs. I just want to be tough as nails. You know the quote "Take a licking and keep on ticking". I have a good friend who plays on raging tide. He name is Echoed and 80 Assassin. She also has a cleric named Heliah on Raging. ^^ Well off to make my panda. A panda wiff pink eyes ^^.

    So what is the best barb build out there? b:cute
  • gelnd
    gelnd Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Given your desire to make your cuddly critter the meatiest meat shield possible, you might consider vit build. Vit buid puts just enough str and dex to use dual axes and hammers, and the rest goes into vit for HP. I've found this guide handy for my own barb:
  • Baalbak - Dreamweaver
    Baalbak - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,624 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Well, I have to say I disagree with some of the barbs and BM's that are posting in here. Yes, barbs can solo almost every sort of quest. When stat'd right, you don't even need to use tiger form if you just carry some pots on you. Currently, I'm level 71 and I have 6774 HP in normal form with Beast Kings Inspiration(10) activated. As far as things taking a long time to kill, that's true with any class at a low level but honestly, it's easy as long as you just keep up with your gear and use your de-buff and buff skills properly.

    i personally wasn't implying that you can't solo in humanoid form (because you can of course). its more a matter of since tiger form = best pdef and canceling skills, you come away with grinding in tiger form actually cheaper considering the fact that it takes a lot of spirit and coins to max all skills. Your humanoid form kills don't become significantly faster until said skills are maxed. therefore you're spending more coins on hp pots and mana pots just to get it done a bit faster. hence why i grinded in tiger form mostly.
  • Dagnatic - Sanctuary
    Dagnatic - Sanctuary Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    b:angry not, A, BARBIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *pants* b:angry b:angry Barb, not doll barb! b:angry
  • Galliteya - Heavens Tear
    Galliteya - Heavens Tear Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I said I was sorry b:sad. I was just using what I read in wc. I'll call you barbs from now on. b:surrender
  • Axelire - Heavens Tear
    Axelire - Heavens Tear Posts: 286 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Barbie.
  • TankedBeast - Lost City
    TankedBeast - Lost City Posts: 136 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Spamming is not cool... Barbs are fun, easy to play.. tho, high repairs.. If you like tanking, you should be fine... and the only ppl who don't like being called a barbie are the guyz who are insecure with their sexuality... ijs
    Leader of Sangnati (Latin for Blood Born/Nation)
    We can be your best friend... Or your worst enemy...
    Which would you prefer?
    100 Sage/Vit/Tank Barb
    101 Demon/Fist/5.0 BM
    Yes, 5.0 really is OP. Yet, I still got it... b:chuckle
  • Dagnatic - Sanctuary
    Dagnatic - Sanctuary Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Well yeah, barbs are extreamly fun to play, and if you like a challenge, then a Barb is for you, Questing is slow, but the Extra HP makes it rock, Up until some extent You wont have any trouble finding a squad, Th Dmg you do isnt the best but that can be easily fixed with an adjustment to your build 6str 2vit 2 dex every lvl until dex is 60-80 ish and then 3str 2 vit from then on in, Should work fine, Axes are great wepons, slow but great, There is never a lack of them because Bm's which there seems to be a large number of them, use them as well as fists (i think) i hope you Enjoy Playing a barb, their is nothing grater than Saveing a whole squad, When a squad wipes and your the only one standing, well, lets just say, it rocks. Only tough thing about being a barb is that you cant be a Chick, so, expect to get some weird Responses when people find out.
    Good luck Have fun
    and have an awesome time being the meat sheild of PWI
  • Sir_Puma - Raging Tide
    Sir_Puma - Raging Tide Posts: 780 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Sure we kill slow, but yes we can solo all of our mob quests and even some boss quests.

    I have to disagree with the fellow above who said magical mobs will hurt you. 90% of what this game throws at you is melee magical once you get past a certain level. A barb's best friend is to open each kill with "Alacrity of the Beast" to stop them from even casting their magic spell. Then they will just attack with physical attacks only until 10 seconds later. .

    I totally agree with that. I do use alacrity a lot and even laugh at some poison mobs when my wife (cleric) says "let me tank those for u babe, they are magic" True emptyness on genie is also a very nice skill in case of emergencies (low level not really cause % of chance to shield well, scuse the word, sucks)..but when it's lvl 8+ does help. I didn't want to elaborate really, was tired when posted.. Just really wanted to say "yes we "can" solo most of whats out there". And yeah, in Tiger, if u are alone, some mobs will seem like a eternity to finally die, but I will still stand my point on one thing.. I you plan on soloing in human and not trying to cancel enemies magics, yes our magic resists is low, so "IF" it passes, yeah we will feel it as a magic user would feel a hit from say...a Tauroc commander if doesnt use plume shell (first thing that came in mind since roomate is at those quests on hers) :P

    As for the "Barbie" nickname we does make me laugh... reminds me of my cousins and nieces when they were playing "Dress up the barbie" (of course i was into Star Wars and Gi Joe, wanting to shoot those into oblivion, but anyway) cause well let's face it...even if we do have fashion , we are "naked" in tiger form, lol
    Proud supporter of the new expansion. Sure it has it's share of bugs, like any games. But for a pure farmer/grinder, that's a whole lot of new mobs to go beat up b:chuckle
  • Galliteya - Heavens Tear
    Galliteya - Heavens Tear Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Well I think the name is cute ^^. I am a barbie heehee. And I'm level 13 and loving it. Right now I'm questing in human form as the only spell for my tiger right now is flesh ream. For my genie which I was lucky and got a zeal with earth flame. I'm going to take second wind soon. Any others that are good. I don't want my afinity points all over the place. I'm also might take tree of protection as well. If my genie gets enough luck points I'll get meh a another skill. Any suggestions as what my fourth skill should be?

    And yes I'm having a blast ^^.b:laughb:cute
  • Liebe - Heavens Tear
    Liebe - Heavens Tear Posts: 123 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Well I think the name is cute ^^. I am a barbie heehee. And I'm level 13 and loving it. Right now I'm questing in human form as the only spell for my tiger right now is flesh ream. For my genie which I was lucky and got a zeal with earth flame. I'm going to take second wind soon. Any others that are good. I don't want my afinity points all over the place. I'm also might take tree of protection as well. If my genie gets enough luck points I'll get meh a another skill. Any suggestions as what my fourth skill should be?

    And yes I'm having a blast ^^.b:laughb:cute

    Alpha male is good for BH's and to get aggro back.
    Of course Roar works, but alpha male is pretty much instant. :P
    I use it frequently.
    9x Veno - Liebe
    9x Cleric - /\ngellus
    8x Archer - Xaixu
    6x Barb - \/ladamir
    Heaven's Tear b:dirty
  • WayOfTheFist - Dreamweaver
    WayOfTheFist - Dreamweaver Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    (Baalbak on alt here) on genies and in response to above.

    Its my experience in RB Delta that Alpha Male 10, while the effect is essentially the same as Demon Roar, is not as strong of aggro as Demon Roar. I've had times where i used alpha male after the archer got aggro in Delta, and the mobs didn't even budge. OTOH, if I used alpha as intial aoe aggro skill and saved roar for aggro reset later - it worked better. Food for thought.

    For a barb, second wind kinda sucks IMO but you can use it if you like in lower levels since ToP's heals don't get to be that great till later on anyhow.

    My genie uses ToP, Solid Shield, Tangling Mire, Absolute Domain, and Alpha Male. Thats pretty much a tank genie setup there with some pdef debuffs, damage reduction aids, a heal, and an aggro skill. Works wonders for me on a level 95 genie with 56/90 LP. Statted high in STR with 85 points, enough Vit to use the whichever skill costs the most Vit, and I've added a bit of mag for quicker regen.

    side note, youll notice as a barb that during lower levels unless you stat for more dex or have a lot of + accuracy gear, your accuracy will just suck with skills other than Mighty Swing and Flesh Ream. It wouldn't hurt to get some levels of Blood Bath to use while questing/grinding (Honestly the high hp you get naturally from a vit build will be a nice buffer for the "loss" you experience from using blood bath).
  • X_trigger_X - Heavens Tear
    X_trigger_X - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,301 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I prefer Fluffy, or Panda Bear.
  • IBaMBii - Heavens Tear
    IBaMBii - Heavens Tear Posts: 464 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I love my barb and im a lady so.
    I enjoy the massive hp and always need for tank in bh100. It was a long road ahead, but the new thing in HT server is demon claw barbs which can solo alot of stuff if they have high hp which you can get from decent refining and even immac citrine shards.
    I plan to go claws soon, easier to solo stuff, but not tank ;)
  • kreslin
    kreslin Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    As for me barb with fists/claws, it's nonsense. Every class exept bms, with claws are nonsense. Don't you agre with me? Yeah, it's good for making money, farming solo and do Nirvana runs with 5aps bms, BUT!
    Why don't sins, barbs, archers, play without this fists/claws... lol.
    But i know, it's verry good for making money, solo TT, or just squad TT but with 4+ aps, Nirvana runs... it's fuster yes, but! Everybody wears the only one weapon on 100 lvl, you are the same. Clones, who can't use skills, exept bms, who just deals outo attack. And don't tell me that this is ok, because this is not ok, this is redicilous, nonsense. =\
  • gelnd
    gelnd Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    @kreslin: There are some very intelligent, knowledgeable players who don't like claw barbs, etc... but judging by your post, you are obviously not one of them. You never gave any logical reasoning, just kept repeating over and over "it's nonsense." Learn to formulate a proper argument before giving advice.
  • Cerviviza - Heavens Tear
    Cerviviza - Heavens Tear Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I have a lvl 68 barb and enjoy playing it a lot. I am hardly ever in tiger form and will always get the question of why don't you use tiger form more. My answer is 1) I enjoy the skills and animations of the human form better 2) I have my copper commando outfit and want everyone to see it 3) my genie skills compliment my playing style while in humanoid form and 4) It's the form I prefer to play so my tiger skills are "weaker than they should be."

    I don't play my barb as much because this veno is better at farming and it helps to support my barb in getting the TT gears and weapon for it.
  • Werewolf - Harshlands
    Werewolf - Harshlands Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I love the barb and i'm a guy so.
    I really like how powerful looking barbs are hehe. I also like to keep reiterating that I'm a guy hehe. I like the attention I get from others by being cute when I post b:kiss hehe.
  • Fist_Mama - Harshlands
    Fist_Mama - Harshlands Posts: 237 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    i have a barb and yes they can solo grind but it sucks because its toooo slow.
  • IBaMBii - Heavens Tear
    IBaMBii - Heavens Tear Posts: 464 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    People have mixed views on claw barbs, because we are not bms. BMs can use stuns and skills with claws but barbs therefore cannot. But have demon ream and roar, and alpha male against 2 3.33+ aps or even 1 5aps is a pain enough to tank, with only 2 aggroing skills. Barbs need their set of int gear to keep up, but with only 3 main skill its a pain, pwi should consider more aggro skills but since aps can usually tank, barbs are not needed "aka going extinct" which is the invention of claw barbs.
    aps = wanted = nirv = money.
    think about it.