PK addict! Sin or Psy?

upsides Posts: 0 Arc User
edited January 2011 in Twilight Temple (West)
I'm a pk addict and will be rolling on LC soon b:victory

So I came here to ask the LC community, whether I should roll sin or psy?

from what I've read rank 9 +12 sets have huge pk potential and enormous offense. According to some posters in another inquiry thread I've made; in a fight between rank 9's the person with the first hit/crit usually wins.

I'm also aware that generally sins get the first hit in pk, but also that psy can turn the sins aps against him/her.

So with the many people saying sin for 1vs1 psy for group pk; and others saying psy would beat sin at rank 9 full set most of the time, I've come to hear your opinions, and listen to your personal observation/experiences.

The issue is, this is a one shot deal. I'm only dumping this much amount of money once, so I can't afford to go wrong, get rank 9 for a certain class, and get killed by other rank 9's easy; like I'm some kind of free kill. b:surrender

So, I would like your opinions on which class I should roll(and please don't tell me to roll both classes and try them out, I believe I can't adapt and learn any classes' play style.)

Also, if anyone has seen full rank 9 set sin vs full rank 9 set psy and tell me to whose favor. that fight usually goes, it would be great.

Any videos of rank 9 would be great too

PS: I know gear is not everything, I don't wanna become a "cash-shop noob"

PS 2: I've heard there are two sins on LC who can kill anyone, is that true?

Thanks in advance for the replies.
Post edited by upsides on


  • SaiIorMoon - Lost City
    SaiIorMoon - Lost City Posts: 158 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I vote you wait a couple of weeks to see what happens with the expansion...

    For all we know seekers could 1 shot the map with one skill...
  • riidah123
    riidah123 Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    cheeseeeee and rinc

    those 2
  • upsides
    upsides Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Tbh, I've considered waiting for the expansion; although psychics with 120 attack levels and rank 9 sins with their God of frenzy sound rather formidable, and would be hard to top.

    riidah123 wrote: »
    cheeseeeee and rinc

    those 2

    So its not just a rumor? They really can kill anyone?

    Wow, I'd like to know what their gears are please.
  • riidah123
    riidah123 Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    upsides wrote: »
    Tbh, I've considered waiting for the expansion; although psychics with 120 attack levels and rank 9 sins with their God of frenzy sound rather formidable, and would be hard to top.

    So its not just a rumor? They really can kill anyone?

    Wow, I'd like to know what their gears are please.

    from the tope of my head

    chezeeeeeeee= lvl 103?
    rank9 daggers +10 or +12
    full DoT sharded
    5aps lowest refine is +7

    Rinc= lvl 104 Full R9 lowest refine +10 weapon is +12
    full DoT sharded

    they r scary but they can nvr kill me fail *** sins
  • Regenbogen - Lost City
    Regenbogen - Lost City Posts: 1,559 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    pk = sin

    7 of 8 classes QQ about sins being OP in pk...
    the remaining class QQs about having a too low stealth lv...b:pleased

    i am waiting for you my little flagcarriers b:kiss
  • HealingBliss - Lost City
    HealingBliss - Lost City Posts: 136 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Rinc and kitumara are still going to kill you b:chuckle
    Shhh don't troll, it's yulk bait.
  • riidah123
    riidah123 Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Rinc and kitumara are still going to kill you b:chuckle

    kita cant kill meeee

    he had the chance soo many times

  • upsides
    upsides Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Rinc and kitumara are still going to kill you b:chuckle

    Kitumara is the lvl 105 sin if I'm not mistaken...he's rank 9 too?

    From these posts so far, looks like sin is the class which is generally chosen for pk.

    Do people really just die easy against those three sins? Aren't there any rank 9s who could counter them?
  • xposed1
    xposed1 Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Rinc and kitumara are still going to kill you b:chuckle

    You act like Kitamura actually pks and isn't pveing 100% of the time.
  • HealingBliss - Lost City
    HealingBliss - Lost City Posts: 136 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    xposed1 wrote: »
    You act like Kitamura actually pks and isn't pveing 100% of the time.

    I've seen him at pk spots, I've been killed by him at pk spots. Not often though :p
    upsides wrote: »
    Kitumara is the lvl 105 sin if I'm not mistaken...he's rank 9 too?

    From these posts so far, looks like sin is the class which is generally chosen for pk.

    Do people really just die easy against those three sins? Aren't there any rank 9s who could counter them?
    And yes +12 sins will kill any TT90-Nirvana characters before they tick =/ (Last time i saw kita he was +12 nirvana so i'm not sure what he is now)
    Shhh don't troll, it's yulk bait.
  • riidah123
    riidah123 Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    +11 nv helm
    rank 8 chest+10
    the rest of the interval gears all +10
    full DoT sharded
    and his got 1s cast nv daggers +12

    not 100% sure if his rank 9 coz he doesnt really waste money unless its needed

    the only reason why these 3 sins are good at pking due to the fact that kita is 105 rinc is 104 and chhhheeeeeesssseeee is 103? so onli a handful can see them in stelth.

    +12 anything easts through hp too fast so most people just die in seconds.
  • Regenbogen - Lost City
    Regenbogen - Lost City Posts: 1,559 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    riidah123 wrote: »
    +11 nv helm
    rank 8 chest+10
    the rest of the interval gears all +10
    full DoT sharded
    and his got 1s cast nv daggers +12

    not 100% sure if his rank 9 coz he doesnt really waste money unless its needed

    the only reason why these 3 sins are good at pking due to the fact that kita is 105 rinc is 104 and chhhheeeeeesssseeee is 103? so onli a handful can see them in stelth.

    +12 anything easts through hp too fast so most people just die in seconds.

    kitamuras sig:
    Overclocked 100% F2P Rank9 Assassin
    Setting up Benchmarks for common mortals
    -Lv105 Demon Rank8/9 Assassin
    -Lv102 Sage Rank9 Assassin (on standby)
    -Lv102 Demon Veno -Lv101 Sage Cleric (Full Light of Nirvana)
    -Lv101 Sage Barbarian (Soon full Shadow of Nirvana)
    -Lv9x Sage Psychic (why not) -Lv9x Demon Assassin (why only 2 when you can have 3)

    if you need a nv squad ask kitamura...b:lipcurl
    i am waiting for you my little flagcarriers b:kiss
  • reebokedge
    reebokedge Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    rinc And Kitumara Are Still Going To Kill You B:chuckle

    Roll A Black Man, Those Things Are Crazy Killers
  • Regenbogen - Lost City
    Regenbogen - Lost City Posts: 1,559 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    reebokedge wrote: »
    Roll A Black Man, Those Things Are Crazy Killers

    like this?
    i am waiting for you my little flagcarriers b:kiss
  • reebokedge
    reebokedge Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    like this?

  • Lingzi - Lost City
    Lingzi - Lost City Posts: 877 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Rinc cant kill everyone on LC, hes sage n eventho he has +12 rank 9, all he does is trying to one hit other sins (me) from stealth. if u ask him to kill other rank 9 barbs with gears as good as his, i dont think he will be able to. n he is always white, he dont have the experience to know how to kill barbs.

    neither does dirtnaps, always trying to kill ppl with 1 hit, n always use atk charms. tats so wasteful.

    n neither does Cheze, he mindlessly fights ppl n not even making any strategy to successfully kill anyone. the reason y he can last long in a battle is kuz he has charms n has good gears. but if u tell him to kill uber geared ppl, he cant.

    so who r the sins that i think is good PVPers????

    iP, SolidSnake, SlashSin, Millikan, maybe QuickClaw too.

    y? kuz they have skills, i see them PVP more than any others. n they know wht skills to use n what to do at what situations.

    n dont forget me lingzi, i used to pk n had killed some uber geared ppl that most sins cannot. n look at my k/d ranking, im on no.4, tat prooves tat im better n if im ubergeared too, i can kill anyone.
  • Jenthera - Lost City
    Jenthera - Lost City Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    riidah123 wrote: »
    kita cant kill meeee

    he had the chance soo many times


    no one is unbetable
  • Amour - Lost City
    Amour - Lost City Posts: 1,825 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Rinc cant kill everyone on LC, hes sage n eventho he has +12 rank 9, all he does is trying to one hit other sins (me) from stealth. if u ask him to kill other rank 9 barbs with gears as good as his, i dont think he will be able to. n he is always white, he dont have the experience to know how to kill barbs.

    neither does dirtnaps, always trying to kill ppl with 1 hit, n always use atk charms. tats so wasteful.

    n neither does Cheze, he mindlessly fights ppl n not even making any strategy to successfully kill anyone. the reason y he can last long in a battle is kuz he has charms n has good gears. but if u tell him to kill uber geared ppl, he cant.

    so who r the sins that i think is good PVPers????

    iP, SolidSnake, SlashSin, Millikan, maybe QuickClaw too.

    y? kuz they have skills, i see them PVP more than any others. n they know wht skills to use n what to do at what situations.

    n dont forget me lingzi, i used to pk n had killed some uber geared ppl that most sins cannot. n look at my k/d ranking, im on no.4, tat prooves tat im better n if im ubergeared too, i can kill anyone.

    Lol. Rinc can zerk-crit robes for 30k+, meaning he could zerk crit barbs full buffed in tiger for 15k+ easy with 3spark, at a rate of 3.33 a second. Anyone can die.

    I think Seekers MAY spell the end of all the random crapsins (thank god if it does) so I'd roll Psy. Honestly, they're OP as **** too, no one knows how to fight them, they have so many immunes/stuns/useful skills. I'd get r9 for a psy over any other class (well... maybe veno ;))
    "Amour is better suited to rainbow text, because he is a classy lady." - Nakhimov
  • Adroit - Lost City
    Adroit - Lost City Posts: 4,628 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Rinc cant kill everyone on LC, hes sage n eventho he has +12 rank 9, all he does is trying to one hit other sins (me) from stealth. if u ask him to kill other rank 9 barbs with gears as good as his, i dont think he will be able to. n he is always white, he dont have the experience to know how to kill barbs.

    neither does dirtnaps, always trying to kill ppl with 1 hit, n always use atk charms. tats so wasteful.

    n neither does Cheze, he mindlessly fights ppl n not even making any strategy to successfully kill anyone. the reason y he can last long in a battle is kuz he has charms n has good gears. but if u tell him to kill uber geared ppl, he cant.

    so who r the sins that i think is good PVPers????

    iP, SolidSnake, SlashSin, Millikan, maybe QuickClaw too.

    y? kuz they have skills, i see them PVP more than any others. n they know wht skills to use n what to do at what situations.

    n dont forget me lingzi, i used to pk n had killed some uber geared ppl that most sins cannot. n look at my k/d ranking, im on no.4, tat prooves tat im better n if im ubergeared too, i can kill anyone.

    today opposite day? Rinc and Cheze are some of the best sins on server (gear and mainly skill wise). iP and solid have good gear but both suck at the class. I'd put you in the same category as iP.. lmao
    Youtube Channel:
    Current gear:
  • Lingzi - Lost City
    Lingzi - Lost City Posts: 877 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    today opposite day? Rinc and Cheze are some of the best sins on server (gear and mainly skill wise). iP and solid have good gear but both suck at the class. I'd put you in the same category as iP.. lmao

    rinc n cheze r good but gear wise only, not skill wise. i dont see them successfully kill any uber geared players.

    solid n ip r both gear wise n skill wise, i see em fight n kill alot.

    u aint a melee char player, u wont know.
  • MageFizban - Lost City
    MageFizban - Lost City Posts: 1,158 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    rinc n cheze r good but gear wise only, not skill wise. i dont see them successfully kill any uber geared players.

    solid n ip r both gear wise n skill wise, i see em fight n kill alot.

    u aint a melee char player, u wont know.

    lol adroit, Lingzi is trolling you. iP has a 0.8 k/d ratio. he can't kill me in pvp 1v1 90% of the time. Rinc is always red named whereas Lingzi is perpetually white named now and the only time I see her is in cube afk.

    Answering an earlier claim, I know for a fact that neither Rinc nor cheze are sharded full DoTs.
  • upsides
    upsides Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Thanks for all the comments and replies; helped clear up some things.

    I'm considering rolling an alt in LC, and observing the pk occurring, in order to get a better grasp at how things are.

    Has anyone got any videos, or link to videos with a rank 9 sin or psy? I'd like to see a first-hand view. b:laugh
  • Tutty - Lost City
    Tutty - Lost City Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    iP is the best sin on server, you guys are just too stupid to realize. The only reason he has .8 k/d is because everyone hates him cause he **** 1v1 so they just gank him. But being the pro he is he still goes out and kills people as he dies. You should L2P. Sins are severely underpowered compared to all other classes. Especially mages, rigged 30 metre range.
  • Must - Lost City
    Must - Lost City Posts: 555 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    iP is the best sin on server, you guys are just too stupid to realize. The only reason he has .8 k/d is because everyone hates him cause he **** 1v1 so they just gank him. But being the pro he is he still goes out and kills people as he dies. You should L2P. Sins are severely underpowered compared to all other classes. Especially mages, rigged 30 metre range.

    Actually ip sucks pretty hard on my vision, he just waits for his aps to solve all the pk problems he has..

    Anyway for the thread at state i think if you are very rich u should go psychic....

    Why well rank 9 psy are crazy and at least u not you not gonna do stun- aps dead.... really i too have a lvl 101 sin and it gets pretty boring pking on sin...

    PS: iP is the best sin on server. (Rink is way, way way better, more skilled and more powerfull )
  • Lingzi - Lost City
    Lingzi - Lost City Posts: 877 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Actually ip sucks pretty hard on my vision, he just waits for his aps to solve all the pk problems he has..

    Anyway for the thread at state i think if you are very rich u should go psychic....

    Why well rank 9 psy are crazy and at least u not you not gonna do stun- aps dead.... really i too have a lvl 101 sin and it gets pretty boring pking on sin...

    PS: iP is the best sin on server. (Rink is way, way way better, more skilled and more powerfull )

    y is rinc way better? all he does is +12 his rank 9 weap, then chill of the deep to boost 35 atk lvl, then maybe he use atk charms as well, and spark in stealth, then tries to 1 hit u. everyone can do tat when they r rich. skills comes from how u atk many times like gattling gun, n how u react when your target retaliates. for rinc, his never had the chance to retaliate, kuz he +12 his fking gears n have so many atk lvls. its not skill, its money.
  • Must - Lost City
    Must - Lost City Posts: 555 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    y is rinc way better? all he does is +12 his rank 9 weap, then chill of the deep to boost 35 atk lvl, then maybe he use atk charms as well, and spark in stealth, then tries to 1 hit u. everyone can do tat when they r rich. skills comes from how u atk many times like gattling gun, n how u react when your target retaliates. for rinc, his never had the chance to retaliate, kuz he +12 his fking gears n have so many atk lvls. its not skill, its money.

    I know but hes still better than ip......

    And whos the factor on pvp thas has bad gears?????b:surrender
  • Lingzi - Lost City
    Lingzi - Lost City Posts: 877 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I know but hes still better than ip......

    And whos the factor on pvp thas has bad gears?????b:surrender

    rinc aint as experienced as iP or SolidSnake. the two latter ones r better.
  • BoatFoot - Lost City
    BoatFoot - Lost City Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    rinc aint as experienced as iP or SolidSnake. the two latter ones r better.

    Please just stop posting.

    Best sins on the server = Rinc and cheze
    Worst sins on the server = iP, SolidSnake and Lingzi

    You are delusional.
  • Regenbogen - Lost City
    Regenbogen - Lost City Posts: 1,559 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    rules to become the best pvper ever!

    1. get highest level
    2. get the best gear(highest dps/dph, hp, atklv, deflv, pdef, mdef)
    3. always strike first with a stun or a skill that 1shots the target
    4. always start with full chi
    5. always have a full stock of apo pots
    6. always be charmed
    7. focus on easy targets
    8. never fight when outnumbered(try ganking others instead)
    i am waiting for you my little flagcarriers b:kiss
  • upsides
    upsides Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    rules to become the best pvper ever!

    1. get highest level
    2. get the best gear(highest dps/dph, hp, atklv, deflv, pdef, mdef)
    3. always strike first with a stun or a skill that 1shots the target
    4. always start with full chi
    5. always have a full stock of apo pots
    6. always be charmed
    7. focus on easy targets
    8. never fight when outnumbered(try ganking others instead)

    I won't target easy targets when I'm pk-ing, but thanks for the tips