What are good pets to have?

Jeshi - Dreamweaver
Jeshi - Dreamweaver Posts: 9 Arc User
edited January 2011 in Venomancer
I just started a venomancer and I wanted to know what were some of the pets that everyone uses.
Post edited by Jeshi - Dreamweaver on


  • gelnd
    gelnd Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Tank pet: Glacial Walker is best free tank in terms of hitpoints, phys def, and damage. The Shaodu Cub is an acceptable alternative, and my personal choice - it has higher mag def and run speed than the GW, but deals less damage.

    Damage dealers: Varicose Scorpion or Dark Wanderer (Shadow Ranger before it's tamed). I've heard the Scorp does more damage if you're constantly firing its attack skills, and the DW wins if they're just autoattacking. IIRC, DW is also a bit more durable than the Scorp. The Seamonster Guardian (Ebony Hellduke? before tamed) also does nice damage, if you like the looks or want to go with something a little different.

    Air pets: Petite Sawfly and Cloude Skatefish are the best free DD air pets. I have a friend who uses the Windwalking Piggy 'cuz it's super cute and super tanky, but its damage output is rather low.

    Luring: so far, I've not found a need to have a specific pet to lure, but some common luring pets would be the Eldergoth Marksman, Eldergoth Sharpshooter, Guardian Wolf, Tabby Plumdrop, Cuddly Pup, and Kowlin. The first two are ranged pets, the common consensus being that ranged luring has possibilities that speed luring/fast pets (the last four I mentioned) can't do. The last four are among the fastest pets in game, the Guardian being the most durable iirc.

    Water: not worth it keeping a water pet leveled up. Just tame them when you need them, or lure the water mobs to the surface of the water and kill 'em with your flying pet. Most venos seem to go with a Celestial Plumpfish at 80 as their final water pet.
  • Jeshi - Dreamweaver
    Jeshi - Dreamweaver Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    gelnd wrote: »
    Tank pet: Glacial Walker is best free tank in terms of hitpoints, phys def, and damage. The Shaodu Cub is an acceptable alternative, and my personal choice - it has higher mag def and run speed than the GW, but deals less damage.

    Damage dealers: Varicose Scorpion or Dark Wanderer (Shadow Ranger before it's tamed). I've heard the Scorp does more damage if you're constantly firing its attack skills, and the DW wins if they're just autoattacking. IIRC, DW is also a bit more durable than the Scorp. The Seamonster Guardian (Ebony Hellduke? before tamed) also does nice damage, if you like the looks or want to go with something a little different.

    Air pets: Petite Sawfly and Cloude Skatefish are the best free DD air pets. I have a friend who uses the Windwalking Piggy 'cuz it's super cute and super tanky, but its damage output is rather low.

    Luring: so far, I've not found a need to have a specific pet to lure, but some common luring pets would be the Eldergoth Marksman, Eldergoth Sharpshooter, Guardian Wolf, Tabby Plumdrop, Cuddly Pup, and Kowlin. The first two are ranged pets, the common consensus being that ranged luring has possibilities that speed luring/fast pets (the last four I mentioned) can't do. The last four are among the fastest pets in game, the Guardian being the most durable iirc.

    Water: not worth it keeping a water pet leveled up. Just tame them when you need them, or lure the water mobs to the surface of the water and kill 'em with your flying pet. Most venos seem to go with a Celestial Plumpfish at 80 as their final water pet.

    Where can I find most of those at?
  • SinfulGuise - Sanctuary
    SinfulGuise - Sanctuary Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Where can I find most of those at?

    type in pet you're looking for and it'll give you all the stats as well as spawn spots.

    Keep in mind, Shadou Cub, Kowlin, Tabby Pulmdrop, Cuddly Pup, and Windwalking Piggy are all rare so they only spawn at certain times and multiple people are usually waiting for them.
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