Best lvl to make money with herc?

Serrinity - Sanctuary
Serrinity - Sanctuary Posts: 41 Arc User
edited January 2011 in Venomancer
I searched and found some similar threads but none seem to really give the answer I was looking for.

Saturday night I was able to finally get my herc with coin only. My lvl is 83 and my herc is now lvl80. I removed pounce and put lvl5 bash on it.

My question is, at my lvl, what would be the best way to make money with my herc? Aoe grind, solo tt in solo mode or tt in squad mode? Would I even be a high enough lvl to do tt squad mode? Which tt would be best at this level and which later on? Is lunar at 85+ or oht of use? One friend with a herc said she liked soloing in oht for drops.

I know solo mode tt was nerfed but even with my magmite I could do tt1-2 in solo mode easily, quickly, and come out with pretty decent profit. Would I be better off doing a low tt in squad mode or a higher tt in solo mode?

A lot of questions I know, but basically I'm just wanting to know what I should do at this lvl, as well as at higher lvls, to make money with my herc.

Please & thank you :)

EDIT: I am arcane build with a bit of vit
EDIT 2: I have pet heal lvl9, I have 38 vit WITHOUT gear
Leader of EdensStar
Post edited by Serrinity - Sanctuary on


  • lizrau
    lizrau Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    You should be able to solo the TT's squad mode, if you got Herc buffs, and your Pet Heal is Lv. 7-10, also with that bit of Vit you said you have, depending on how much you have; should help you along too if you steal Argo, which you would want to minimize. AoE'ing regular mobs is good too at NightScream Ilse I think? or anything around Thousand Streams you can round up and AoE easily. I congrats you on getting the Herc, I'm sure that took awhile (: hoped some of this helped you, I can answer any other specific questions you have, if this doesn't help.

    Sig credits to Myra :D
  • Vitenka - Dreamweaver
    Vitenka - Dreamweaver Posts: 4,125 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Your main options are:

    Aoe grinding - you may have slightly better luck with the high 7x cats north of lost rather than the mid 8x stuff.

    OHT - most stuff here that's worth killing is a real PITA to kill with a herc 'cause it kites. A ranged pet is usually faster there. Good money though.

    TT - heck yes you can solo in here. All of TT1x, most of TT21 and some of TT22. TT23 would be more of a risk, but you can probably do the first boss at least.

    Whether the time/money is worth it for you is another matter. Frankly, I was spending so long trying to find others to open the doors with me that I gave up. Others have more luck (or more bots)
  • Serrinity - Sanctuary
    Serrinity - Sanctuary Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Ty for the responses.

    I did try aoeing cougarets (lvl82) which I assume is what vitenka was talking about with cats. These did seem very affective and much faster than non aoeing with a magmite.

    What MY lvl what tts can I do? Also as I asked in the first post, is it better for me to do a high tt solo or lower tt in squad mode?

    I am interested in trying OHT but I don't know what's worth killing. I did my quests in there and I did grind the array guards which seemed to have nice dq91 and dq101 drop rates. But other than those what mobs are worth it? And which map are they from? Remember at my lvl I only have access to the first oht map.

    Anyone have any other thoughts?
    Leader of EdensStar
  • Mayfly - Dreamweaver
    Mayfly - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,094 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Single mode TT is rarely worth the effort (Exception: if you want to get some mats that drop in it, and aren't hercable at your level yet in squad, like forshura's stuff.)
    Weekly Japanese/English bilingual webcomic
  • Serrinity - Sanctuary
    Serrinity - Sanctuary Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Yes that's what I had heard before. Single mode nerfs are too dropped. But I've also had several friends/acquaintances that insist it would be better to do tt single mode. Why, I'm not sure. I think one point was that it costs more subs. Though I'm also curious; how high tt can I do in squad mode at my level? Before when I was around 80 and a friend veno was 81 with a herc and we did tt1-2 on squad mode. We were both healing the herc but we made 3 attempts on drum and the herc died. So I would think 1 veno with herc (me) wouldn't be enough. Although I wonder if perhaps she wore light armor and had low mag attack or what. She was attacking a little but I was spam healing.

    I'm really wondering which tts I can do in single and which in squad for this lvl and higher lvls. A sort of guide going off of a veno with average gear and herc and what lvl I need to be for which tts/bosses/oht stuff.
    Leader of EdensStar
  • Mauntille - Heavens Tear
    Mauntille - Heavens Tear Posts: 694 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Probably more detail than you want, but I'm tired of "When can I do X TT with my herc?" threads. -.-

    Which bosses you can do will be a factor mainly dependant on your magic attack and your -channel, although defenses will come into play on a couple bosses.

    General tips:
    - Max Pet Heal. Duh.
    - Herc is at your level. Duh.
    - If you're going sage, get Soul Degeneration. I'm demon and I'd kill for it.
    - Bring a friend if you can - soloing is boring as hell. Clerics, other venos, and sins make great farming buddies.
    - Amp if you can. If you're stuck spam healing, at least try to throw out a Myriad Rainbow or two.
    - Toothpicks/Dimes/Rocks/Folded paper are your friends. Same with macros if the boss is weak. Bring a book if you're truely soloing. If you have a friend coming with you, try to use Skype/Vent/Teamspeak/etc. You won't be able to type much.

    Genie Skills:
    - Absolute Domain
    - Extreme Poison/Tangling Mire
    - Tree of Protection/Second Wind
    - Lightning Chaser - ranged interrupt
    - Earthquake - close up interrupt (easier to spam than Lightning Chaser, but you have to be in the boss' face)
    - Weakness - attack debuff
    - Adrennaline Surge - sleep immunity
    - Holy Path ** I don't particularly find this useful for soloing bosses so much as getting between them or the omgwtfrunaway moments. The latter of which shouldn't be happening.

    Numbers used are all unbuffed and the magic attack is the lower bound. Obviously, get buffs and higher values if you can.

    Here's where I remember starting to do some of the TTs (YMMV*):

    1-2: All bosses: level 77+ (because of the AOEs); 3.5k+ hp; 3.8k+ m.attack; -30% channel
    Notes: Fight Drummer and Soul Banisher in fox form for the free p.def. BB helps a lot if done at early levels. Try to position things so that the cleric is out of range of the AoE (tricky, but doable. Basically everyone is at max range. If it's just you and the cleric and you can survive without BB, your cleric can be down the winding hall a bit and won't get hit at all.) Pull Vipenalt out unless you like playing in exploading hands. Pull Dimentora to a corner unless you want to have an AOE party on the herc...which doesn't work too well...

    1-3: All bosses: level 83+; 4.1k+ hp; 4.1k+ m.attack; -30% channel
    Notes: See 2-1, but take extra care with Drummer and especially with Soul Banisher. They hurt. Quite a bit.

    2-1: Fatalique, Cosmo, Feng, Soulripper: level 80+; 3.9k+ hp; 3.9k+ m.attack; -30% channel
    Notes: BB on Feng if you don't have great defense. In 2-1 he's weak and the aoe only really tickles. It gets progressively harder to keep the herc alive tho, because of the hp debuff + attack + aoe.
    - Wurlord: level 85+; 4.3k+ hp; 4.6k+ m.attack; -33% channel
    Note: see 2-2/2-3

    2-2: level 90+; 5.2k hp; 5.9k+ m.attack; -55% channel
    2-3: level 95+; 5.4k hp; 7k+ m.attack; -55% channel
    - Fatalique: Macro afk ftw!
    - Wurlord: RB if you've got some levels and channel on you (sin's rib strike is very helpful) or BB and just range tank him yourself. 2-3 I'd wait awhile to do unless you've got some damn fine gear. It's more worth it to fight him in solo mode since it goes fairly quickly, even if the drops are nerfed. (1 drop in 4 runs is better profit than giving up after trying him for the same amount of time and failing.)
    - Feng: Same as before but BB is more of a necessity. If the fight goes on too long, the herc might go down, but fear not! He can be range tanked! It's slightly painful, but not as bad as Wurlord. Bubble helps.
    - Cosmo: both versions can 1-shot a level 100 normal herc close to the end (blessed hercs can get by tho). Purge is your friend, but even demon purge can't keep up. Bring another veno or friends with purging weapons if you can. Skipping is advisable, but he's doable with some luck and skill. RB, Rib Strike, and Weakness help heaps.
    - Soulripper: Easy to kill. Start the timer and wait. DO NOT hit the invisible "chi mob" or the boss won't spawn. I've been told that you can't duel either, but I ended up dueling an archer while waiting once and the boss still spawned. Not sure if it's always safe or what the deal is there. Pull him to the corner so you don't have to deal with the adds.
    - Astralwalker: Easiest is to put the herc on halt just to the left of the NPC after you cross over. Run up the chain to where the mobs can't hit you. Leave Reflect off for this one. Wait for the boss to come over to the herc before aggroing him. Adds will spawn between where the chains attach to the platform. Keep him in that corner and the first few spawns won't aggro. As soon as one of the adds aggros, all of them will. Sit and heal your herc and ignore the adds. They'll aggro on the herc, hit him, then aggro on to you from the heal. Since they won't be able to hit you, they'll reset. Hold down the heal button and giggle at the ping pong. You can also have a cleric BB on the raised area where the chain attaches. This is the general set up for when you have melees in your squad anyway.
    - Ancient Evil: Skip him unless you can already do the rest of the bosses. I'll leave tactics to you for this one.

    3-1: level 80+; 3.9k+ hp; 3.9k+ m.attack; -30% channel
    - Coredash: Easy but has a short range physical AOE so watch when you run in. When he dies, the door behind you shuts, so you either have to pull him out or run through. I like to run through as there are a bunch of little mobs that are easy to kill (great for getting kill count). [Must be killed to unlock the door to other bosses.]
    - Neemen: Lightest hitting of the bosses, excluding Core. Do this one first to see if you can do the others. Nothing special here. You can shoot Djin through the wall for free buffs if you choose (clerics/archers have the best range). He'll reset as long as you aren't on top of the wall, but I've seen him attack people through the wall before. Run towards the middle of the room a little to reset him and you're fine. Like the mq bosses, his magic attack actually does some damage.
    - Djin: Timed boss. Wait until you're higher level or get help. He gets progressively harder to kill as his hp goes down. As you run into the room, he'll fill everyone's chi (as long as their in range) and give you spark buffs. DO NOT SPARK during this time as you'll overwrite the buffs with shorter duration buffs. Once the spark buffs run out, then start your own sparking. He only does 1 damage per hit if melee "tanked", so a herc isn't needed here - just use whatever highest damage dealing pet you have (for most venos, this is still their herc, but w/e). [Opens the door to Deathflow]
    - Deathflow: Hardest hitting of the bosses worth doing. If you had trouble with the Neemen, odds are you'll die on this one. Pull him out of the room because he'll spawn adds that patrol around the room and will run up to you physically headbut you while you're trying to keep the herc alive. He's got a hard hitting magic attack, so watch for that and cancel it if you can.
    - Don't bother with the other bosses. Regardless of it they're possible, the effort put in to doing so generally exceeds the profit margin.

    3-2/3-3: Similar to 3-1, especially now that things have changed. I generally don't go past Neemen in either of them. You're better off going with a squad for these since you'll want to do the hard bosses if you're going in here. Djin becomes less soloable because he has more hp and the time to kill him gets shorter. The rest is about the same.

    * Disclaimer: This is by no means a "you can't do x boss until level y" guide. It's only going off what I remember. Also, much of 2-X I didn't attempt until later since I didn't really have a need to, so it's very likely that some of the bosses are tankable before when I've got listed.

    ** Second disclaimer: This is not a "do x boss for a profit" guide. It's left as an exercise to the reader to determine what bosses/drops are worth the effort to them.

    *** Third disclaimer: There are other tactics that can be applied. What's listed here is just one or two connonly used methods.
  • Vitenka - Dreamweaver
    Vitenka - Dreamweaver Posts: 4,125 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    What MY lvl what tts can I do? Also as I asked in the first post, is it better for me to do a high tt solo or lower tt in squad mode?

    I'll say it again - at your level, with a herc, I could do all of TT11, all of TT12 and 113 (oh, except drummer and soulbanisher in 13, silly me - and 12 drummer was way too expensive in apo heals) TT21 everything except warlurd, TT22 at least the lion, probably the monkey too. Certainly the doggy, definitely not warlurd - probably not the horse, but I'd give it a shot.
    Yes, I mean squad mode.

    Edit: Ah - this does depend on how well geared you are. You'll need enough channel to heal after every attack. Oh, and luring dementora is something you need to know how to do - getting that wrong at your level will kill you, though your pet can easily tank it once you get it right.

    Solo mode, everything you can get into. All of it. But the profit is very low.

    Edit: Solo mode uses more subs, not less!

    And, uh - wow. Previous poster is way better at TT than I am - though 30% channel is more channel than I have even now, and may not be realistic for a main.
    I am interested in trying OHT but I don't know what's worth killing. I did my quests in there and I did grind the array guards which seemed to have nice dq91 and dq101 drop rates. But other than those what mobs are worth it? And which map are they from? Remember at my lvl I only have access to the first oht map.

    Yeah, the array quards, sneaker messengers etc. Anything that is [?] level and not a boss, because as a veno you have an unfair advantage in your pet and can kill them way quicker than other people.

    But a levelled up eldergolth WILL kill more quickly and with less risk, because they have a horrible tendency to kite and try to lure your herc into groups of them, and they hit or about 1k.
  • Aniella - Harshlands
    Aniella - Harshlands Posts: 729 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    b:laugh Yea..XD channling is impornant w u gona heal pet...<.< i know 2 peps w 59-60% chan D:
    Or u can make, faster chan pots^^

    QQ If i did Crazy stone at 3x AND not 6x, i had been lvl 105 now!
    Didnt know about Bh/CrazyStone before lvl 6x LOL