PWI's Next Top Model 2011

pwicontest Posts: 0 Arc User
edited February 2011 in The Fanatics Forum

Current Ongoing Challenge:

- Please post any questions, comments, or concerns about the finalists, judge's decision, or contest challenges on this thread. Thank you. -

Post edited by pwicontest on


  • pwicontest
    pwicontest Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2011

    Wanna be on top? (no sexual innuendos intended)

    This isnt your average beauty pageant; it's anything but traditional. Up for the challenge and the title of PWI's Next Top Model? Then step right up and post your application!

    Submit an application (here) and you will be judged and hopefully, shortlisted to the Top 10 (depending on number of submissions)

    Once shortlisted, you'll be asked to complete a series of weekly screenshot challenges and will be judged by a panel of judges which includes myself Crystalynnex,Screenshot pro and fashion Giant Susylu and the blunt as a butter knife critic, Dorset!

    What challenges you ask? >:3

    The judging panel will agree on a weekly theme and you must submit a screenshot that fits the theme. The participant with the weakest picture or does not comply with the theme, will have to leave the competition.

    (Submit applications in the separate thread.)

    As for prizes, I can't guarantee agency representation or a beauty contract, but what I can offer is a contest that will be followed through to the end, come hell or high water, and of course the title of PWI's Next Top Model!

    Lastly, have fun and enjoy yourselves!

    -Crystalynnex (yes I know I could've chosen a better forum handle -_-")

    -Participants must fill in the following details and post it with your submitted screenshots

    IGN (In-Game name):
    Flying mount (Y/N):

    -Submit screenshots (no UI) of the following in this post:

    Head (no hair fashion or wigs)
    Whole body (including head, in starter fashion or armour, no wigs, no weapons)

    -Screenshots must not have any of the following:

    Skills or actions (yes I just want you to stand there, look pretty and take the picture. No skills, no waving, no blowing kisses)

    -Characters must not be "****" designs, i.e. tideborne hair on non-tidebornes, stick thin characters

    -Screenshots must be on the ground with a background of either grass or brick walls, in the highest graphics setting you can manage (at least the texture slider is maxed)

    -No messing about with the gamma slider. I know, I love it too.

    -No photoshopping or editing of any means D:<

    -Submit only one set of screenshots per person. ONE person submit ONE screenshot set of ONE character.

    -No barbs. Sorry. :(

    -Submit all applications by Thursday 27 January 2011
  • pwicontest
    pwicontest Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2011


    Q. Why can't I use hair fash?! *angry face*

    A. Just to keep things fair for everyone. Not everyone has hair fash, and come on, hair fash is definitely nicer than the normal hair.

    Q. Can I ask someone else to pose with me?

    A. Yes, yes you can. So long as you are the focal subject, not the other guy~

    Q. Will the challenges have more rules?

    A. Yup! >:3

    Q. Will there be a poll?

    A. Nopers. Judges decision is final~

    Q. But why?!?!?! *annoyed face*

    A. So there won't be bias!!!!

    Q. Why does it seem like contest run only by 3 people? O_o

    A. Because essentially it is... o_O If you can accept a contest being run by 1 person, why not 3? Besides 2 heads (or in this case 3!) is better than one~!

    Q. Can my genie be in the shot?

    A. Yes, though personally I find them pesky when screenshotting >_>

    Q. Is this contest PWE affiliated?

    A. Nope, this is 100% run by forum users/players

    Q. Is there a level requirement to join?

    A. No there isn't. You may enter a lv1 character if you wish but then you won't have much access to things like fashion, and the flight ability among others, so that might work to your disadvantage.

    Please feel free to raise up any more question, doubts or concerns!
  • Dorset - Heavens Tear
    Dorset - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,690 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] <sig by me

    yup guys imma back!

    I LOVE making sigs. go to Fanatics section "Dorset's Thread of Interesting Things". u request ill create!
    b:shyI LOVE MY HUBBY my best friend HeartandSoulb:heart
  • Seirura - Heavens Tear
    Seirura - Heavens Tear Posts: 123 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I wanna be "Americans Next Top Model" I'm going to Enter!! b:pleased
  • Tearle - Dreamweaver
    Tearle - Dreamweaver Posts: 511 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Here's to hoping this one doesn't fall out. While I don't plan on entering, I wish luck to everyone who does.
    >_> I hope no one saw that fail on my pre-edit reply.
  • Dorset - Heavens Tear
    Dorset - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,690 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Well theres three of us and we all active forum members so feel free to hassle us if we dont reply xd and you should. this isnt gonna be just a beaty competition theres gonan be challenges WOOP
    and i DEFINATLY am not gonna let this one fail

    and ROFL i didnt see the pre edit fail
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] <sig by me

    yup guys imma back!

    I LOVE making sigs. go to Fanatics section "Dorset's Thread of Interesting Things". u request ill create!
    b:shyI LOVE MY HUBBY my best friend HeartandSoulb:heart
  • Llux - Sanctuary
    Llux - Sanctuary Posts: 798 Arc User
    edited January 2011

    *coughahem* I mean, yay another contest! With the people running it I have higher hopes you all will see it through to the end! :3 *works on application*

    ~My Screenshot Tumblr~
  • Dorset - Heavens Tear
    Dorset - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,690 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Thanks Llux xd and all of us three practically live in this forum its not as if we can just dissapear and drop out.

    We are just as bored of failing contests as you.

    Cant wait untill the contest gets underway.

    First Applications dont have to be anything special just fill in the three questions and stick a boring screenshot of your char in starter fash
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] <sig by me

    yup guys imma back!

    I LOVE making sigs. go to Fanatics section "Dorset's Thread of Interesting Things". u request ill create!
    b:shyI LOVE MY HUBBY my best friend HeartandSoulb:heart
  • Llux - Sanctuary
    Llux - Sanctuary Posts: 798 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Oh uh, one question that I couldn't find the answer for. (Which may be right in front of me but I'm blind sometimes.) Only one character or can we submit multiples?

    ~My Screenshot Tumblr~
  • Dorset - Heavens Tear
    Dorset - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,690 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Only one i am afraid but dw there will be screenshot challenges etc to keep you entertained. The char you use doesnt have to be your main...btu only one char entered per person.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] <sig by me

    yup guys imma back!

    I LOVE making sigs. go to Fanatics section "Dorset's Thread of Interesting Things". u request ill create!
    b:shyI LOVE MY HUBBY my best friend HeartandSoulb:heart
  • Llux - Sanctuary
    Llux - Sanctuary Posts: 798 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Okay! I thought it would be just one. It's just hard to choose between characters really. b:chuckle

    ~My Screenshot Tumblr~
  • Dorset - Heavens Tear
    Dorset - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,690 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    i know right ! i was the same for the (failed) beauty contest.
    and Now cause im helping run this one i cant even enter a char (which is right and fair enough) but i do love contests :p
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] <sig by me

    yup guys imma back!

    I LOVE making sigs. go to Fanatics section "Dorset's Thread of Interesting Things". u request ill create!
    b:shyI LOVE MY HUBBY my best friend HeartandSoulb:heart
  • ruffian7
    ruffian7 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    ok, got another question!

    Say I create a completely new char, lvl 1!
    Will it stand a chance later on? If anything? I mean how demanding will the tasks be? Would I need to be 30+ to fly, or enter places that require wings or me being a high lvl?

    You know where I'm coming from? Just curious... because 1 char is a serious decision.

    Oh! and is it more of a beauty contest or a customized one? Just wanna be 100% sure

    Ty in advance.b:thanks
  • Dorset - Heavens Tear
    Dorset - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,690 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Hey xd

    Ok to answer your question you are welcome to Enter a new char. however if i was making the choice for myself i would say that not having any wings would give me a disadvantage compared to others regarding the variety of places i could get to to take screenshots, unless of course its a winged elf or a female char you can get some guy to carry you to places on b:thanks

    Regarding whether its a beauty contest or a customisation one? well im not sure exactly what you mean...but imma answer teh question how i think it should be and say its a bit of both. if you consider the people judging the contest ...especially me and prolly Susylu, we prefer a little originality in our chars. No presets people! you prolly wont get very far. but you could always enter and give it a go.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] <sig by me

    yup guys imma back!

    I LOVE making sigs. go to Fanatics section "Dorset's Thread of Interesting Things". u request ill create!
    b:shyI LOVE MY HUBBY my best friend HeartandSoulb:heart
  • Susylu - Heavens Tear
    Susylu - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,786 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Hey xd

    Ok to answer your question you are welcome to Enter a new char. however if i was making the choice for myself i would say that not having any wings would give me a disadvantage compared to others regarding the variety of places i could get to to take screenshots, unless of course its a winged elf or a female char you can get some guy to carry you to places on b:thanks

    Regarding whether its a beauty contest or a customisation one? well im not sure exactly what you mean...but imma answer teh question how i think it should be and say its a bit of both. if you consider the people judging the contest ...especially me and prolly Susylu, we prefer a little originality in our chars. No presets people! you prolly wont get very far. but you could always enter and give it a go.

    Adding on to this, new characters wouldn't have fashion, mounts, etc, that COULD work to your favor in some cases during the screenshot phases. However, all screenshot challenges would be made so that everyone who participates would be able to accomplish them.

    For example, if there is even one level one character in the final rounds, we will not make the challenge to go take a screenshot in heaven. If one participant can't fly, we won't make a flying requirement challenge.

    I think of this more as a real 'model' competition - it shows off not only your character but your ability to show them in various ways creatively and beautifully. Even if your character's look does not necessarily appeal to the judges, your ability to show them naturally with their unique attitude and personality in any given situation would get you far in this contest I think.

    But like Dorset said, characters that we think haven't been thoroughly customized will most likely not make the cut to enter the second half of the contest.
  • Trueazaril - Lost City
    Trueazaril - Lost City Posts: 179 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    well contests are always fun to enter and cant hurt to enter right. ty judges for makin a contest
  • pwicontest
    pwicontest Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Hey xd

    Ok to answer your question you are welcome to Enter a new char. however if i was making the choice for myself i would say that not having any wings would give me a disadvantage compared to others regarding the variety of places i could get to to take screenshots, unless of course its a winged elf or a female char you can get some guy to carry you to places on b:thanks

    Regarding whether its a beauty contest or a customisation one? well im not sure exactly what you mean...but imma answer teh question how i think it should be and say its a bit of both. if you consider the people judging the contest ...especially me and prolly Susylu, we prefer a little originality in our chars. No presets people! you prolly wont get very far. but you could always enter and give it a go.
    Adding on to this, new characters wouldn't have fashion, mounts, etc, that COULD work to your favor in some cases during the screenshot phases. However, all screenshot challenges would be made so that everyone who participates would be able to accomplish them.

    For example, if there is even one level one character in the final rounds, we will not make the challenge to go take a screenshot in heaven. If one participant can't fly, we won't make a flying requirement challenge.

    I think of this more as a real 'model' competition - it shows off not only your character but your ability to show them in various ways creatively and beautifully. Even if your character's look does not necessarily appeal to the judges, your ability to show them naturally with their unique attitude and personality in any given situation would get you far in this contest I think.

    But like Dorset said, characters that we think haven't been thoroughly customized will most likely not make the cut to enter the second half of the contest.

    +1 to both of you! Took the words right out of my mouth b:pleased

    Like Susy mentioned, we will mold the tasks around the finalists. If one person is under lv30, there won't be a flying challenge, etc. Will the tasks be demanding? If it wasn't it wouldn't be much of a competition b:chuckle Also, entering a lv1 character wouldn't probably work to your advantage, but if you want to give it a shot why not?

    As for whether it's a beauty or customization contest, it's what Dors said; a bit of both. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder so we'd like to see what you find beautiful and put it into a character. Presets definitely will not get you very far.

    Thanks for asking!
  • ruffian7
    ruffian7 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I appreciate your answers. Thanks for such detailed ones!

    One more:
    Will there be two categories (guys & girls), or just one?
  • crystalynnex
    crystalynnex Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    ruffian7 wrote: »
    I appreciate your answers. Thanks for such detailed ones!

    One more:
    Will there be two categories (guys & girls), or just one?

    Your welcome and there will only be one category. Not gonna be split into guys and girls.

    To everyone else; the deadline's been extended to Thursday, 27th January 2011 because I can't be present at judging this weekend b:surrender


    The show will go on so keep those entries coming guys and girls! b:victory

    ♥ siggy by Susylu - HT

    "you can compare alcohol to a woman; she can make you feel so high, or she can make you miserable that it's far beyond everything." -AL
  • grimreaperhc
    grimreaperhc Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Ohaigais, me ish in teh kontest 2 :O b:shy
  • pwicontest
    pwicontest Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    A Huge Thanks to all the Applicants!

    After much debate and consideration, the top 10 who will partcipate in the next round of Challenges have been chosen!



    In order of Application:


    Which of these 10 Contestants will pull through to become PWI's Next Top Model? Stay tuned for the
    First Challenge Update!

    - Please post any questions, comments, or concerns about the finalists, judge's decision, or contest challenges on this thread. Thank you. -

    *Updates on remaining contestants will be constantly updated on the first post of this thread
  • Tearle - Dreamweaver
    Tearle - Dreamweaver Posts: 511 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Almost wish I would have entered. It seems like it'll be really fun. I am curious though, how did you decide who to keep and who to let go?
  • Felizia - Lost City
    Felizia - Lost City Posts: 487 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    lol looks like all guys got denied xD
  • pwicontest
    pwicontest Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Almost wish I would have entered. It seems like it'll be really fun. I am curious though, how did you decide who to keep and who to let go?

    We really hope this will be fun for the contestants as well as the viewers. Any suggestions of possible challenges -from non-participants- would be welcomed (though not guaranteed it will be considered for contest purposes!).

    All three of us live in completely different time zones, so we all had more than one occasion where we would stay up past 2 or 4 am to discuss contest matters. Here's some reasons I remember without going into exact details of our conversation:

    - Male Entries - All male entries, after a talk, were dropped from the contest after only one was nominated for shortlist.

    - Rules - We were lax on minor violation for one of the contestants, while another was disqualified for disregarding it even with prior notification of violation.

    From now on, all remaining contestants must be aware: RULES will be RULES, and you most likely be disqualified unless circumstances prove otherwise. Please be sure to read each challenge rules carefully, as each will have different requirements.

    - Character's Looks - A large amount of time was spent on deciding which character we believed looked physically appealing. Needless to say our opinions differed for several of the entries. The decisions were made after discussing the nays and yays of each character we found according to our personal opinions.

    - Forum Activity and Experience - All three of us have spent time on the forums and know several of the applicants past screenshot and creativity experience. We tried to incorporate veterans as well as newer faces who we thought would actually be willing to continually participate, as well as match each other for the challenges.

    - Pure Intuition - The judges are all girls. We know what we like and what we don't like, and what will work and what won't on a feeling sometimes.

    A combination of those major points as well as a few minor ones made the list we have now, a list that has changed several times since Thursday until finalization this morning.

    Feel free to ask anymore questions!
  • Llux - Sanctuary
    Llux - Sanctuary Posts: 798 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    WooWoo! Looking forward to the contest getting underway~~!

    ~My Screenshot Tumblr~
  • Dorset - Heavens Tear
    Dorset - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,690 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    SOOOO excited. was fun Selecting the best submissinos and cant wait for challenges to get underway. if anyone has any questions about why any of us made the choices we did then feel free to ask.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] <sig by me

    yup guys imma back!

    I LOVE making sigs. go to Fanatics section "Dorset's Thread of Interesting Things". u request ill create!
    b:shyI LOVE MY HUBBY my best friend HeartandSoulb:heart
  • Xxdistance - Heavens Tear
    Xxdistance - Heavens Tear Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Oh man, I forgot about this and gave my character a makeover. xD
    If that is a problem I can use my DQ rewards for a makeover scroll and change her to what she was when I entered this. Or does it not really matter since I was accepted? It's not a big deal to me, I basically only changed her colours and eye shape, I wouldn't have a problem changing them back.
    " you gave up the fight; you left me behind . "

    credit for the picture goes to Susylu, of course. b:cute
  • Myralis - Sanctuary
    Myralis - Sanctuary Posts: 977 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Haha I was so scared I had no chance but looks like I was wrong :3

    And the majority of people applying were tideborns O_O
    3 Elves, 1 Veno, 1 Human, 5 Tideborn.
    Everyone rolled the latest classes haha

    Also good job :) None of the people who are still in looks like a preset, all very customized characters.
    [ -- Wolves - Alpha | Hurt me, I'll bite back. Hurt my pack, I'll snap your neck. -- ]
  • Dorset - Heavens Tear
    Dorset - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,690 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Oh man, I forgot about this and gave my character a makeover. xD
    If that is a problem I can use my DQ rewards for a makeover scroll and change her to what she was when I entered this. Or does it not really matter since I was accepted? It's not a big deal to me, I basically only changed her colours and eye shape, I wouldn't have a problem changing them back.

    Ill have to have a chat with teh other girlies but i PERSONALY would preffer it if you put her back for the contest just because we chose the peopel who got through for specific reasons and obv most of it was based purely on the look of the chars. It wouldnt matter particularly to me if you had just dont a minor tweek like length of eyebrow or something but when you have changed the colours and actual shape of her eyes it kinda defeats the point of why we chose you (that prolly made no sense sorry lol) Stay posted for the Girlies to have their say though
    Haha I was so scared I had no chance but looks like I was wrong :3

    And the majority of people applying were tideborns O_O
    3 Elves, 1 Veno, 1 Human, 5 Tideborn.
    Everyone rolled the latest classes haha

    Also good job :) None of the people who are still in looks like a preset, all very customized characters.

    Im not sure why people love Tideborns so much cause they are actually quite difficult to personalise but i guess thats why i like seeing original TBs so much. None of us like when a char looks liek a preset i too think we did a good job of choosing people who put a lot of effort into their appearence. obv we had some dissagreements botu who was to be left otu and who got through but i think we are all happy with teh results. well done to everyone who entered and the contestants who got through b:bye
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] <sig by me

    yup guys imma back!

    I LOVE making sigs. go to Fanatics section "Dorset's Thread of Interesting Things". u request ill create!
    b:shyI LOVE MY HUBBY my best friend HeartandSoulb:heart
  • buttercupcruella
    buttercupcruella Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    So disappointed my entry didn't get it. b:sad
    I disagree with some of those that got accepted and a few that got denied.
    BUT... it is not my contest, so, good luck to all. Have fun during it! And thanks to the judges for trying to make it work.