vital issue..

No_limits_ - Heavens Tear
No_limits_ - Heavens Tear Posts: 23 Arc User
edited January 2011 in Assassin
i have an assassin lvl 41 and i have an issue with vitality...
my stasts are vit=12, dext=158 , mag=5 , str=45(no adds,pure built)
With adds vit=21 , dext 175 , mag=5 , str=45
Should i put some in vit too?if yes how much(ill get a reset point note if needs)
Also i would really appreciate if u tell me ur kind of built!!
Post edited by No_limits_ - Heavens Tear on


  • Thinkalot - Dreamweaver
    Thinkalot - Dreamweaver Posts: 133 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    In my own opinion, NEVER add vit to your build.

    1. adding vit only gives you a bit more hp /vit point.

    2. any point you put into vit only decreases your DEX. more dex = more damage = higher hp recovery from bloodpaint. (which you always should have on)

    3. If you want more HP : shard your gear with citrines.

    A full dex build : base 3 vit , should, with proper citrine sharding, reach around 4K+ or more at lvl 80+. More then enough to withstand the bosses you need for that lvl.

    imo the best build you can go for is 3(or 5) vit , enough str for your gear, rest dex. no mag oc. but some put more into str to be able to use fists...or wear a certain piece of headgear.

    But for now, at your lvl, don't add vit at all. pointless really.

    p.s. : you added a bit of vit (12 now) but thats no big deal, leave it at that and just put into dex from now on. You can always do a reset later on if you need/want it.
  • Empu - Sanctuary
    Empu - Sanctuary Posts: 1,154 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    having problems with hp is a common issue for sins at the start. Bp doesn't do miracles in 30s/40s/50s. But it will get way better at lvl59 when you can spark to get 10% hp back. With the chi skills you can spark a lot even if no -int gear. At 89, you will laugh at the trouble you had before. So basicly, just try to get to 59, do your culti and it will be better.

    Till then you can shard with garnets or citrines, use some of the mirage stones of the tideborn chain to refine armor to +1, try to get 3* or mold armors. I don't think adding vit is such a bad thing, but you might regret it later on. I would only recommand adding vit to casual players that will never go for great armor with decent shards and refines. If you do get good armor, you'll regret having that much ("useless") vit.
  • Firefeng - Dreamweaver
    Firefeng - Dreamweaver Posts: 421 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    3 base vit. 6156 HP at level 94. The only gear I have equipped that will stay on me at endgame is my LG cape, and that has def shards in it. All my gear is +4-+5, with my Warsoul helm at +6 because of sheer dumb luck.

    Don't stat for HP. Refine/shard for it.
  • No_limits_ - Heavens Tear
    No_limits_ - Heavens Tear Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    that was very helpful guys but....that gems u talking about are very expensive and the miolds for legnd.armors are totaly rear as far as i know....when i reach higher lvls would be easier to buy that stuff cause now its impossible?and what about quest rewards...any molds for armors or orraments?
  • Thinkalot - Dreamweaver
    Thinkalot - Dreamweaver Posts: 133 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    When you're lower level and haven't got the cash (yet) some good npc gear is more then enough. Make sure when you buy it from a catshop or AH (auction house) that it has at least 2 sockets or more when you want to shard it.

    Keep every single DQ item drop and either sell it to an npc or in a catshop to make more cash for now.

    Sharding doesn't need to be very expensive. Below lvl 6o or even 70 common citrines will do, it's not absolutely nessecary to shard with flawless or higher....

    Once you get past 60, you can do TT runs to farm for mats for your first TT weapon, only at lvl 70 the TT armor becomes available. Depending on your class, rank armor is also an option if you have the rep for it by doing quests/buying rep.

    Rewards : you only get molds from drops, or giving the npc in 1K streams mysterious chips (which you can get from trading in DQ items) , or you do the DQ quests , but that costs both time AND cash (lots).

    Armors do drop from mobs, however running BH's you get more 3 star drops from those bosses, and most people do them anyway.

    As long as you catshop wisely, don't throw away cash on teleporting everywhere, and keep a look out for good deals, you will be able to buy all you need. If you want to compete against others however, be prepared to spend a lot of RL cash on the game.(usually).

    In order of importance : weapon comes first, then armor, then ornaments. Meaning make sure you have a decent weapon first before buying ornaments.

    One last tip : FARM. meaning wherever you grind, farm the herbs & mats that are spread around, they can bring in a good deal of cash after a while.

    Hope this helps.