Goodbye Outlaw

Fleuri - Sanctuary
Fleuri - Sanctuary Posts: 1,763 Arc User
edited January 2011 in Twilight Temple (West)

This was not how it was supposed to end.

And I never liked when people left.

I know you all can go on and be great.

But it will have to be without me.

Good luck.
Post edited by Fleuri - Sanctuary on


  • Torsay - Sanctuary
    Torsay - Sanctuary Posts: 210 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Outlaw? Sounds like they are all gone to me.
  • Fleuri - Sanctuary
    Fleuri - Sanctuary Posts: 1,763 Arc User
    edited December 2010

    In absolute numbers, they lost maybe 23% of their members (including myself). These were not their highest level members, and while I like to think we were useful I am convinced that outlaw can come back stronger than ever.

    Keep in mind, also that the people leaving were not the people that had TW as their highest priority. And the people remaining are not idiots by any means.
  • Olee - Raging Tide
    Olee - Raging Tide Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Outlaw died when Pockey left -.- that was hmm 2 years ago ? lol
  • Roly - Sanctuary
    Roly - Sanctuary Posts: 131 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    outlaw never died..their still alive, i guess you havent been online much havent you?
  • Olee - Raging Tide
    Olee - Raging Tide Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I know, after Pockey left he gave lead to Greyfangs, Grey to Scridon...... it was just a way of speak, the REAL Outlaw died when Pockey left.
  • Xech - Sanctuary
    Xech - Sanctuary Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Hi Olee, are you still playing? ^^
    It was 2 years ago when Pockey left :) Outlaw went through lots of changes, but still one of the most active faction in Sanctuary. I think lots of old players left the game, that happens in any faction, so can't say Outlaw died I guess.
    I left Outlaw for more than a year already, but from what I know, the faction still tries to grow stronger. They are having a bit of difficulties now, but hope things will get better :D
    Anyway, goodluck to Outlaw and members who already left.
    Fleuri <3
  • TrangTrang - Sanctuary
    TrangTrang - Sanctuary Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Lol, I feel so happy to see old face here <3 Xech, Fleuri, Olee. Outlaw has been going through many changes for the past 2 years but it will never die and we will fight till the end. Besides, all of members who left will stay inside my heart , GL all. b:victory
  • Roly - Sanctuary
    Roly - Sanctuary Posts: 131 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    wh..what about me T.T i gone through a hell lot of stuff too and im serious well i never seen you in forums before trangtrang <3
  • DeadRaven - Sanctuary
    DeadRaven - Sanctuary Posts: 407 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Are you leaving the game or just leaving Outlaw Fleuri? Either way, best of luck to you with your future endeavours.

    I remember back in the day when Outlaw was one of the main powers on the map. You guys helped to make TW exciting for the rest of us to follow with the wax and wan of the superpowers... until Leg and Nef took over everything.

    Come on Outlaw, lets see you guys back on the map b:victory
  • TrangTrang - Sanctuary
    TrangTrang - Sanctuary Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Yeah, first time on forum , u can see my number of post :P
  • Fleuri - Sanctuary
    Fleuri - Sanctuary Posts: 1,763 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Are you leaving the game or just leaving Outlaw Fleuri?

    I have only left outlaw.

    I have no plans to leave the game. My plans do not always work out like I want them to, but I was able to play, today.
  • Roly - Sanctuary
    Roly - Sanctuary Posts: 131 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    flueri get me nirvana axes! :D b:laughb:pleased
  • Xaratul - Sanctuary
    Xaratul - Sanctuary Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Roly, get your nirvana axes b:pleased
  • Chrisssss - Sanctuary
    Chrisssss - Sanctuary Posts: 531 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Not sure why you posted your goodbye on the pwi forums instead of the forums in your guild or if you did both. Yeah I don't think Outlaw is dead just not at it's highest point. In time I'm sure Outlaw will be back to it's glory days. Hope it does, just because more guilds who is good at TW will allow more people to experience a part pwi that is really fun. So Kudos to Outlaw if and when they become a very good TW faction again. Really don't want to See another Nef domination again. Hopefully the past will be a good lesson for Regicide.
  • Fleuri - Sanctuary
    Fleuri - Sanctuary Posts: 1,763 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Not sure why you posted your goodbye on the pwi forums instead of the forums in your guild or if you did both.

    I am going to treat your comment like a question to be answered:

    I did do both, but outlaw had someone with administrator rights on their forums deleting goodbye posts within hours of when they were posted. So, I saved copies of those posts for myself (I had administrator rights myself, and could read the deleted posts), and I posted my main good bye here.

    I had entertained thoughts of reposting the other good byes here, but decided I would not -- the people that had been posting them were perfectly entitled to post here, also, if they wanted to.
  • cadaveria
    cadaveria Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I'm not quite sure either... And that was unnecessary...
  • Turook - Sanctuary
    Turook - Sanctuary Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Hello all, My name is turook. I'm the current leader of Outlaw. I assure you Outlaw is not dead. It's funny fleuri You claim that u made a good bye post on our guild forums -_-. This what i like about mmoguildsites, saves up all the post that were deleted. I looked all over I didnt se any good bye message from you there.
    Btw the ppl who did write their goodbyes to the faction, their threads were still up days after they left.
    So basically you just made this thread to start some drama. Outlaw didnt die with pockey. It's still here trying to become a stronger faction. Fleuri this post u made here was wrong and know it. After a member leaves our faction we auto delete their access to the forums -_- like all other factions do. So dont come on the pwi forums spreading lies plz. Yea you left, sorry to se you go. You made your choice.
    Infact all you old Outlaw members made your choices to leave. i respect it, but dont sit here trashing the current Outlaw bc pockey isnt here. I was there when pockey left too..... I was there when mcp took all the best players at the time and left for ravenous then nef -_-. i was there defending the southern lands till we lost every single 1! Outlaw is still alive and though you left fleuri, again sorry to se u go, Were doing just fine without you or meliah. So again plz stop lying to the ppl on here. Tell it like it is. You didnt write a good bye post on our forums. You made it here so you can make a big seen.
  • Roly - Sanctuary
    Roly - Sanctuary Posts: 131 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Hello all, My name is turook. I'm the current leader of Outlaw. I assure you Outlaw is not dead. It's funny fleuri You claim that u made a good bye post on our guild forums -_-. This what i like about mmoguildsites, saves up all the post that were deleted. I looked all over I didnt se any good bye message from you there.
    Btw the ppl who did write their goodbyes to the faction, their threads were still up days after they left.
    So basically you just made this thread to start some drama. Outlaw didnt die with pockey. It's still here trying to become a stronger faction. Fleuri this post u made here was wrong and know it. After a member leaves our faction we auto delete their access to the forums -_- like all other factions do. So dont come on the pwi forums spreading lies plz. Yea you left, sorry to se you go. You made your choice.
    Infact all you old Outlaw members made your choices to leave. i respect it, but dont sit here trashing the current Outlaw bc pockey isnt here. I was there when pockey left too..... I was there when mcp took all the best players at the time and left for ravenous then nef -_-. i was there defending the southern lands till we lost every single 1! Outlaw is still alive and though you left fleuri, again sorry to se u go, Were doing just fine without you or meliah. So again plz stop lying to the ppl on here. Tell it like it is. You didnt write a good bye post on our forums. You made it here so you can make a big seen.

    -.- rook seriously i really cant ignore this what u wrote is basically drama ur starting up ur self rook think for a sec WHY THE HELL WOULD FLUERI START DRAMA? EPICALLY ABOUT F***ing OUTLAW! god man read things twice this thread was for her good bye's. She isnt making up lies rook at all and u know it. Posting this wasnt bad either, fyi i can't believe how blind u really are that u just had to post this...dont u ever like have second thoughts? flueri loves outlaw and so do i but dam u cant get that through ur mind? just because some one leaves doesnt mean they stop loving the faction i mean HOW DARE YOU say flueri is starting drama HOW DARE YOU say the she's full of lies and the F*** DO YOU DARE insult her like that. Dam man u make it look like we didnt do anything for Outlaw like...we're just some other people leaving...we made a impact in outlaw and we fought for outlaw and yet u come up with this ****. Another FYI she never said she made a good bye post on Outlaw Forums,so that's why she posted it here. Just..rook shut up...when u have something cool and nice to say; say it but just shut up when ur mouth is full of ****.
  • cadaveria
    cadaveria Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    No roly, she did say she posted on Outlaw forums. And posting goodbyes here yeah that was ok I guess, but the last post was totally unnecessary, but hey that's just my opinion, maybe you wanna trash what I'm saying too? You should learn to respect others kiddo, especially when you are the one saying "when u have something cool and nice to say; say it but just shut up when ur mouth is full of ****."
    Tsk tsk
  • PinkyMe - Sanctuary
    PinkyMe - Sanctuary Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    i am sorry roly, but u claim u love us so much so why even make this post, u only made things worse.

    and for the record... she did say she posted on both forums, u cant read? b:chuckle

    >.> u made me post on pwi forum ffs!
  • Turook - Sanctuary
    Turook - Sanctuary Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    cadaveria wrote: »
    I'm not quite sure either... And that was unnecessary...
    Hi Olee, are you still playing? ^^
    It was 2 years ago when Pockey left :) Outlaw went through lots of changes, but still one of the most active faction in Sanctuary. I think lots of old players left the game, that happens in any faction, so can't say Outlaw died I guess.
    I left Outlaw for more than a year already, but from what I know, the faction still tries to grow stronger. They are having a bit of difficulties now, but hope things will get better :D
    Anyway, goodluck to Outlaw and members who already left.
    Fleuri <3

    In absolute numbers, they lost maybe 23% of their members (including myself). These were not their highest level members, and while I like to think we were useful I am convinced that outlaw can come back stronger than ever.

    Keep in mind, also that the people leaving were not the people that had TW as their highest priority. And the people remaining are not idiots by any means.[/QUOTE

    Roly...... I think its u who is blind. If this was a good bye post why show off this info about how many ppl left Outlaw? as far as i se it she said her good bye. But why show off the core info about how many ppl left Outlaw. I think u need to take ur own advice and read things over a 2nd time b:pleasedb:pleasedb:chuckle
  • Roly - Sanctuary
    Roly - Sanctuary Posts: 131 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    i am sorry roly, but u claim u love us so much so why even make this post, u only made things worse.

    and for the record... she did say she posted on both forums, u cant read? b:chuckle

    >.> u made me post on pwi forum ffs!

    lol pinky i posted this not referring to Outlaw but to rook
  • Roly - Sanctuary
    Roly - Sanctuary Posts: 131 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Roly...... I think its u who is blind. If this was a good bye post why show off this info about how many ppl left Outlaw? as far as i se it she said her good bye. But why show off the core info about how many ppl left Outlaw. I think u need to take ur own advice and read things over a 2nd time b:pleasedb:pleasedb:chuckle

    I'm not going to right anymore i will let u think what u want to think and life moves on so w/e -.-
  • Quilue - Sanctuary
    Quilue - Sanctuary Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    In response to someone claiming that Outlaw is dead, she wrote that post to assert the contrary. She was trying to defend Outlaw's reputation even when she has left, how can you possibly find fault with that?
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • Fleuri - Sanctuary
    Fleuri - Sanctuary Posts: 1,763 Arc User
    edited January 2011

    First off, I do not think I wrote anything here to trash outlaw. But you have told me before you go all tl;dr when I write stuff, so this discussion will probably not go anywhere good.

    That said, you may be having problems with your search function in the logs. Can you find the last post I wrote? Can you find any posts I wrote, there? Or do you have the time limit set too short so that my posts are now invisible? It should be titled "core changes" and I posted it in the non-outlaws forum.

    Also, for the deleted posts. You might be thinking of some different posts. But I did save copies of them, and of the logs showing when they were deleted. If you like, we can probably go to mmoguildsite administration and get confirmation of those details.

    In addition, core information about factions is publicly available. I do not think that acknowledging that people left outlaw was wrong, nor do I think that pointing out that outlaw was still a viable faction was wrong. I was posting to defend you, and I am sorry that you interpreted my post differently.

    Finally, I am sorry that you are upset, but I feel that that is in part a consequence of your lack of ability to understand me, and its definitely not anything I have control over.
  • Aubster - Sanctuary
    Aubster - Sanctuary Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    This is why I love Fleuri.

    Sighhhh, the turn of this thread has made me go *facepalm* then *facedesk* It was only a goodbye, shoot, I myself was thinking about posting mine here after my outlaw forum goodbye disappeared, but as you can see by my forum post total to the left, I'm too lazy for that. it took a lot of effort and about 8 hours of thought to bring myself here in this very moment. Now compare my number of total pwi official forum posts with Fleuri's... she's a regular here, so if she wanted to post her goodbye here I think she has that right. After all, that IS the purpose of a forum isnt it? To inform?

    Now, since the fun has already been stirred, I'm gonna put my two cents in, since people keep asking me in game about it.
    Btw the ppl who did write their goodbyes to the faction, their threads were still up days after they left.
    yes, this is true, but also a lie, since you're pointing fingers at liars. "still up for days" would indicate it was never removed in the first place, when in fact they were ALL IMMEDIATELY removed, and then after so many people complained about their removal that it made your eyes bleed, you put them back up for a short period of time. you make it seem like they were LEFT THERE for a few days, when in fact they were all deleted within a half hour of each of their posting, and only a day later after the complaints did you add them back.
    Fleuri this post u made here was wrong and know it. After a member leaves our faction we auto delete their access to the forums -_- like all other factions do. So dont come on the pwi forums spreading lies plz.
    - - - *strains eyes REALLY HARD to find the lie she came to the pwi forums with*

    "This was not how it was supposed to end." For some of us, being an Outlaw came to an end, and it was not fun for any of us. truth.
    "And I never liked when people left." truth.
    "I know you all can go on and be great." Outlaw is still fighting strong. truth.
    "But it will have to be without me." Outlaw is continuing to be great. And she is not there. truth.
    "Good luck." Truth.

    Raise your hand if you see the lies shes spreading with her post, cuz I'm missing it.
    If the lie was that she made a post on the outlaw forum, omg srzly, does it really matter whether she did or didnt? if she didn't, it would have been pointless to anyway because it would have been removed by law of common practice. if she did, (which i saw it before it was removed and know that she did) then it was removed, so topic now irrelevant.
    Infact all you old Outlaw members made your choices to leave. i respect it, but dont sit here trashing the current Outlaw bc pockey isnt here.
    - - Again, I peeled my eyes really hard to try to find somewhere in Fleuri's post here where she was trash talking, or where she mentions pockey. o.O maybe its invisible like the logs of all the goodbye post deletions last month. o.O

    im sorry but i see nothing wrong with fleuris original post, fleuris responses to the trash, or with rolys words, rolys young and immature (LOL roly i still love you) and his posts are heinous but his intentions are real and i agree 100% with everything he said. turook you told me that everyone in outlaw is over everything that happened and everyone has moved on... but after reading your complete response to this thread, its evident that thats clearly not the case..
    Is it ever going to really end?
  • DraknessDuir - Sanctuary
    DraknessDuir - Sanctuary Posts: 81 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    -.- rook seriously i really cant ignore this what u wrote is basically drama ur starting up ur self rook think for a sec WHY THE HELL WOULD FLUERI START DRAMA? EPICALLY ABOUT F***ing OUTLAW! god man read things twice this thread was for her good bye's. She isnt making up lies rook at all and u know it. Posting this wasnt bad either, fyi i can't believe how blind u really are that u just had to post this...dont u ever like have second thoughts? flueri loves outlaw and so do i but dam u cant get that through ur mind? just because some one leaves doesnt mean they stop loving the faction i mean HOW DARE YOU say flueri is starting drama HOW DARE YOU say the she's full of lies and the F*** DO YOU DARE insult her like that. Dam man u make it look like we didnt do anything for Outlaw like...we're just some other people leaving...we made a impact in outlaw and we fought for outlaw and yet u come up with this ****. Another FYI she never said she made a good bye post on Outlaw Forums,so that's why she posted it here. Just..rook shut up...when u have something cool and nice to say; say it but just shut up when ur mouth is full of ****.

    Umm, Roly...
    I am going to treat your comment like a question to be answered:

    I did do both, but outlaw had someone with administrator rights on their forums deleting goodbye posts within hours of when they were posted...
  • Fleuri - Sanctuary
    Fleuri - Sanctuary Posts: 1,763 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Umm, Roly...

    Perhaps I should not have posted that?

    I am not sure...
  • krittycat
    krittycat Posts: 4,187 Community Moderator
    edited January 2011
    Perhaps I should not have posted that?

    I am not sure...

    Don't ever second-guess something you did. Look back, reflect on it, maybe even admit you were wrong (not saying you were wrong in this case), but never say "maybe". It will just make you less decisive in the future.

    Just some advice from a rehabbed second-guess-er...take it or leave it.
  • Xaratul - Sanctuary
    Xaratul - Sanctuary Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    This thread has become a case study about misunderstandings and context.

    And good luck Fleuri. Will miss you on the battlefield
This discussion has been closed.